The apparition of the Ten Heralds foretold the coming of a Desolation. Midnight Essence's emergence was also a sign of impending Desolation. When the Fused returned to Roshar, known as the Return, a Desolation began. Each Return, Fused needed to recruit singers who were willing to donate their bodies to the Fused. It took eleven years for one of the Desolations to end. There were just about fifteen Desolations in total. The Heralds left Roshar and returned to Braize at the end of A Desolation. The Heralds were only allowed to stay on Roshar for a certain amount of time. A new Desolation would begin if they exceeded it.
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Why is spiritual consolation and desolation important?
Christian spirituality is a way of being, relating, and living that is guided by a strong inner feeling. It's more than just a list of pre-programmed goals or the proper technique to interact with others. It has to do with your spiritual senses being permeated with the Lord Jesus' living presence. This experienced vision colors the way you perceive things, allowing you to touch God in everyday life and want and seek to do His will.
Important judgments, of course, necessitate more developed spiritual discernment, as well as a keen awareness of the lived process. Spiritual consolations and desolations, in this way, serve as valuable guiding tools for those of us seeking guidance in life from the Lord.
Our hearts are drawn to God by spiritual consolation. It shifts our attention away from ourselves, allowing us to see other people's joys and sufferings. It's about more than just feeling good or getting other people's praise.
More openness to new concepts and creativity, as well as the restoration of our interior vitality, are further benefits of spiritual consolation. We tend to have better balance in our lives deep down.
As a result, spiritual consolation rekindles our dormant optimism, our lofty goals, and our inner visions of life. It reveals how God works in our life and where He is taking us.
Spiritual desolation, on the other hand, draws us within and tends to be egotistical and pessimistic. When we are most in need of others' assistance, we prefer to remain alone, even if we are confused and hesitant.
Negative emotions pave the way, urging us to abandon things that were once essential to us, such as religious rituals. Spiritual desolation separates us from our society and family, and dims our distant vision and ambitions in Christ. It depletes our inner vitality.
It is critical for those who believe in Christ and want to pursue his mission to be aware of and know what to do whether they are experiencing spiritual consolation or despair. As a result, it has a significant impact on the quality of our apostolic activities and obligations, in addition to avoiding self-perception errors and disrupting our spiritual growth.
Tell the Lord how you're feeling and praise Him during the experience and time of spiritual comfort. It's critical to remember that this is a gift from God, not the result of our efforts. Keep a record of this experience in your faith journal and refer to it when you're having trouble or going through a difficult time.
The inner energy you sense validates your deepest wishes. It appropriately prepares you to confront things you don't like and to endure tenaciously on the path of your profound calling. This spiritual atmosphere is centered on Thanksgiving.
In times of spiritual desolation, a different response is required. Be conscious of the Lord and engage in conversation with Him. Tell Him how you're feeling and ask for His aid over and over. If you find yourself in a state of desolation on a regular basis, find someone to talk to and spend time with. It has to be the proper person, someone with spiritual experience, because this isn't just about feeling down.
Return to memories and seasons of spiritual solace by recalling them and using your imagination. It's reassuring to know that paying attention or assisting someone in need can be really beneficial when one feels spiritually despondent. This is supported by your personal experience. Pray with the Lord as he carries the Cross and approaches the Paschal Mystery.
Adult Christians discern their goals, attitudes, deep emotions, and decision-making alternatives, and utilize their daily consciousness examination as a filter for God's will in daily life. In everyday employment, in the family, and in all apostolic duties within the Church, an adult Christian experiences ups and downs, consolations and desolations.
Knowing what spiritual consolation and desolation are and how to handle them ensures not just mental and emotional calm, but also the quality of our dedicated life in support of Christ's mission in the world.
What is a spiritual consolation?
In general, consolation refers to the joy or satisfaction felt when one's sorrow or suffering is lessened or when one receives good support and encouragement. Not only at a specific moment, but throughout a soul's journey from conception to perfection, the spiritual existence alternates between periods of ecstasy and pain. As a result, it is permissible to speak of spiritual consolation in the sense of release from pain, comfort in the face of adversity, or endurance strength. Spiritual consolation is the polar opposite of spiritual despair in this sense.
Spiritual consolations, on the other hand, may be considered in and of themselves, either as the joy that comes with specific spiritual exercises and activities, or as gifts and favors from God that are unrelated to relief from suffering. Consolations are psychologically felt in the appetitive faculties of emotions or will, however they can also be strong enough to overflow into the body, as in the case of the gift of tears or intense joy. Knowledge or awareness is required as a necessary disposition, and knowledge can occasionally provide a sense of delight, such as in contemplation, albeit this is not defined as spiritual comfort.
Spiritual comfort is always about God or anything related to God, yet it does not necessarily follow any of man's efforts or services in relation to God; rather, God's love and service may be accompanied by difficulty, pain, and challenges. As a result, it's critical to distinguish between spiritual consolation and devotion, which is defined as the promptness of the will in regard to things that pertain to God (i.e., worship, obedience to His laws, performance of state duties, etc.) and does not always imply delight or sensible consolation. Furthermore, spiritual comfort is not a matter of choice in the sense that one can infallibly experience it via one's own efforts, but it tends to flow naturally from spiritual deeds until something stands in the way. Temperament (e.g., melancholic or phlegmatic), negative mental attitudes (e.g., depression, pessimism, scrupulosity, worry), internal distractions, persistent sins of intemperance, physical disease or tiredness, and excessive attachments to earthly goods are some of the most typical difficulties.
Spiritual consolation is associated with activities of the ascetic state (effects of the operations of grace and the infused virtues) or the mystical state (effects of the working of the Holy Spirit's gifts), or it can be charismatic (extraordinary gifts from God) or preternatural, according to spiritual theology (due to the influence of the devil). (1) the consolation produced by God's love, known as the fervor or joy of charity; (2) the consolation that accompanies the work of virtue, which requires a relative perfection or facility; (3) the consolation of submission to God's will, which is usually experienced as a peace and quiet of soul; (4) the consolation that accompanies certain types of prayer, especially affective prayer and the prayer of simplicism. Temperament (sanguine and choleric), positive mental attitudes (optimism, cheerfulness, empathy, generosity), bodily health, and detachment from self and worldly things are all physical and psychical characteristics that promote spiritual consolation.
Spiritual consolations are frequently experienced as concomitant phenomena of particular phases of mystical contemplation in the mystical state, though they are occasionally plunged in darkness and alternate with desolations, and in the activities of the virtues refined by the Holy Spirit's gifts. In this state, one also receives any charismatic consolation that God desires to bestow, however this is not always limited to people who are in a mystical state. Normally, the devil produces misery and aridity rather than consolation, but if he does, it is to deceive.
Spiritual consolation can be genuinely desired because it is a gift from God and is tied to the spiritual life. However, because there is such a risk of being hooked to the consolation or finding selfish joy in them, spiritual writers advise souls to exercise caution and meek resignation.
What does consolation and desolation mean?
According to commentator Margaret Silf, the two terms assist us determine which direction our lives are bringing us: toward hope, toward light, or away from hope or light. Both of these events are familiar to us, but the outcomes are completely different.
How do you get spiritual discernment?
Because every decision must be made in line with God's will, Christian spiritual discernment can be distinguished from other types of discernment. Christian discernment is defined as a decision-making process in which an individual discovers something that can lead to future action. God leads the individual through the process of Christian spiritual discernment to help them make the greatest decision possible. In Christian spiritual discernment, the greatest approach to arrive at the best option is to look for internal and outward indicators of God's action and then apply them to the situation at hand. Christian discernment also places a strong emphasis on Jesus and making decisions that are consistent with Jesus' teachings in the New Testament. Christian discernment differs from secular discernment in that it focuses on God and Jesus while making decisions. Ignatius of Loyola is widely regarded as a master of spirit discernment. Ignatian discernment is named after Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), who developed his own distinct method of Catholic discernment. Ignatian discernment focuses on perceiving God in all aspects of life and uses a series of Spiritual Exercises to help people make better life decisions. The Spiritual Exercises are intended to assist those who are confronted with a significant life decision. Identifying the issue, spending time to pray about the choice, making a wholehearted decision, discussing the choice with a mentor, and lastly trusting the decision made are the seven steps of discernment to be followed.
What are the five fruits of the Spirit?
“Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are the fruits of the Spirit…”
Unbelievers are distinguished from Christians because they have been given the Holy Spirit, which enables them to bring fruit. In other words, their works reflect the sanctification process that is taking place in their hearts. What are these fruits, how are they defined in the Bible, and how do they manifest themselves in our Christian lives? This is the first of a series of posts concentrating on the fruit of the Spirit, with love, joy, and peace as the focus.
Love is defined in the Bible in a totally different way than it is defined in our world and culture today. While many people associate love with romance or a nice emotion, the Bible's meaning is much more active, depending on what we do rather than what we feel. Following Jesus' example and humbling ourselves as servants, love is self-sacrifice, putting others' needs before of our own. As stated in the well-known passage:
“Love is patient and compassionate. It is not envious, pretentious, bloated, or harsh; it does not pursue its own interests; it is not irritable; it does not stew over damage; it does not exult in wrongdoing, but rejoices in truth. It bears everything, believes everything, hopes everything, and endures everything.” 13:47 1 Corinthians 13:47 1 Corinthians 13:47
However, we are unable to love properly without of God. We can only put our sins and selfishness aside via the power of the Holy Spirit. We are able to show mercy to others because God has shown us mercy; we are able to exhibit love to others because God has shown us love:
“We love because he loved us first. Anyone who claims to love God but hates his brother is lying, for whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. He gave us this commandment: “Whoever loves God must also love his brother.” 4:19-21 1 John 4:19-21 1 John 4:19-21 1
Joy is more than a fleeting feeling; it is a long-term state of enjoyment based on more than just an emotional reaction to our circumstances: it is a conscious choice of attitude. We rejoice as followers of Christ because we have redemption in him.
When the trials of this world come our way, we can take refuge in the solace that only God can provide, and find joy regardless of our circumstances.
This world is riven with strife and division, and sin and wickedness have exacerbated the problem. As Christians, we are not immune to the effects of sin on the world, but we can express our concerns to God via prayer.
“Have no anxiety, but make your requests known to God in all you do through prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. Then, in Christ Jesus, the peace of God that transcends all understanding will protect your hearts and minds.” Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)
We can also take comfort in the truth that Christ has defeated sin and death. We have peace in Him because we know He is in charge, and no matter what trials we encounter in this life, we shall be promised ultimate eternal peace in Him.
“I've told you this in order for you to feel at ease with me. You will face difficulties in the world, but have courage; I have conquered the world.” Matthew 16:33
The second episode of our Fruit of the Spirit series, which focuses on patience, kindness, and giving, is now available.
What is God's consolation?
The first chapter of 2 Corinthians has suddenly touched me. Paul is writing to a community that he adores but from which he is physically isolated. Paul and his pals, like the rest of the town, are suffering in various ways. They're all trying to make sense of their situation. Paul, on the other hand, takes a different method to explaining their suffering and guiding them out of their difficult predicament. He reminds them of God's identity:
“Blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ's God and Father, the Father of mercies and the God of all consolation…” (See 2 Corinthians 1:3)
All-comfort-giving God. Paul uses the term “consolation” ten times in verses 3-7! He says that this God of all consolation is the God who, through Jesus, has personally experienced suffering and consequently brings comfort to those who are suffering and empowers them to console others.
This passage, in my opinion, gives insight into our current position as the Whitworth community weathers the storm. We are all affected by COVID-19 in different ways, and we are all part of communities and a world that is in desperate need of comfort. I'm wondering whether we could follow Paul's example by turning our gaze, and the gaze of others, away from ourselves and onto the God of comfort who stands beside us in our suffering and perplexity.
The Holy Spirit, the “Comforter,” abides in us, teaches us, guides us into truth, gives us peace, and empowers us to join God in his work in the world. The same root word that is translated as “consolation” in 2 Corinthians 1 is used in the Gospel of John to describe the Holy Spirit, the “Comforter,” who abides in us, teaches us, guides us into truth, gives us peace, and empowers us to join God in his work in the world. “It is for your interest that I go away,” Jesus says, “for if I do not go away, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you” (John 16:7). Regardless of the terrible circumstances that may arise, Jesus gives us comfort, consolation, and purpose through the Holy Spirit while he completes his work on earth.
We had not anticipated being in this predicament. None of us expected to be so concerned about our own health and the health of those in our midst who are vulnerable. No one could have predicted such a severe economic downturn in the near future. No Whitworth senior imagined spending their final semester away from their favorite instructors and friends. No spring athlete trains for nine months only to have their season canceled. No one expected their college visits to morph into virtual visits while they were in high school.
None of us knows why these difficulties, as well as many others, are occurring in our current scenario. We all know the “God of all consolation who consoles us in all our pain so that we may be able to console those who are in any affliction” as people of faith (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
My prayer for you and the rest of the Whitworth family today is that no matter what life throws at us, we will feel God's comfort as revealed in Jesus Christ and confirmed by the Holy Spirit, and therefore be vessels of God's consolation to a hurting world.