The baptism with the Holy Spirit is said to be a different and distinct event that occurs after regeneration in traditional Pentecostalism. Following the new birth (first act of grace) and entire sanctification (second work of grace), the early Pentecostals saw baptism with the Holy Spirit as the third work of grace, influenced by the Holiness movement (second work of grace). Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a life-changing event that prepares Spirit-filled believers for ministry and witness. The concept that all of the spiritual talents stated in the New Testament should be pursued and used to build up the church follows from this. Spirit baptism, according to Pentecostals, will be followed by the physical evidence of speaking in tongues (glossolalia).
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The Gospel of John 20:22, according to Pentecostal scriptural interpretation, demonstrates that Jesus' disciples were already born again before the Holy Spirit descended at Pentecost. They go on to offer biblical examples from Acts 2, 8, 10, and 19 to illustrate that Spirit baptism after conversion was prevalent in the New Testament. They suggest that, in keeping with the biblical pattern, Christians today should pray for this baptism, which will give them more power in service and testimony.
Donald Gee wrote about the Christians on the Day of Pentecost when it came to Spirit baptism:
It wasn't only intellectual assent to some element in a creed that defined an orthodox concept about the Holy Spirit for them. They were also unsatisfied with a hazy notion that the Holy Spirit had been given to them in some indeterminate way upon conversion. They gratefully acknowledged His merciful work in their regeneration and sanctification, but their own personal reception of the Holy Spirit was a visceral experience. They were aware of when, where, and how He arrived. Nothing illustrates this more clearly than Paul's probing query to a group of disciples whom he suspected were spiritually missing in a crucial aspect of their Christian heritage'Have ye received the Holy Ghost?' Acts 19:2 is a passage from the book of Acts. The test was one of experience rather than theory. What a huge deal! Their weakness was quickly remedied by an Ephesian ‘Pentecost,' and it was an experience as intense as any of the others'They spake with tongues and prophesied.'
Spirit baptism can be rather dramatic in Pentecostal experience, as William Durham's account of his Spirit baptism demonstrates:
The overwhelming fulness of strength overtook me, and I fell victim to it. He worked wonders in me for three hours. My body was broken down into pieces and worked on one at a time. My lower jaw began to quiver in an odd way, and even the flesh of my face was wrenched and rocked. This went on for a while, until my throat enlarged and I felt my voice organs being drawn into a strange form. What a bizarre and lovely experience! What a blessing it was to be in God's hands in this way. Last but not least, I noticed my tongue moving and my lips making weird sounds that had nothing to do with my intellect.
What are the three types of baptism?
Water baptism is a sacrament of introduction into the life of God's children for Roman Catholics (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 121213). It conforms the individual to Christ (CCC 1272), and it obligates the Christian to participate in the Church's apostolic and missionary work (CCC 1270). Sacramental baptism (with water), baptism of desire (explicit or implicit desire to be a part of the Church founded by Jesus Christ), and baptism of blood are the three types of baptism that Catholics believe can save a person (martyrdom). As God the Holy Spirit has taught via the Apostle Paul, baptism and profession of the genuine faith are what make members of the one true Church, which is the body of Jesus Christ himself, as Pope Pius XII stated in his encyclical Mystici corporis Christi of June 29, 1943:
What is the difference between water baptism and Holy Spirit baptism?
“The water does nothing but get you wet,” explains Matt, who is eight years old. “God cleanses us when we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, and he comes into our souls. When you are baptized, you are announcing to the entire world that God has entered your heart.”
J.C. Ryle, a Bible scholar, stated about the Holy Spirit's baptism: “It entails the instillation of grace in the inward man. It's the same with a new born baby. It is a baptism of the heart rather than the body. It is good to be baptized into the visible Church; nevertheless, it is far better to be baptized into the real believers' Church.”
“The difference is that when you're baptized in water, it's a representation of God purifying you,” Caleb, 8, explains. “God has taken you into his kingdom when you are baptized by the Holy Spirit.”
I can attest that being baptized by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ is far superior to being baptized by immersion as a professing Christian attempting to earn his way to paradise. My first water baptism led me to believe that salvation consisted of Christ plus my commitment. I used to believe that redemption was a collaborative effort. I'd do part, and Christ would do part.
A girl sensed my confusion as I stood in the church, soaked from water baptism yet perplexed by the contradictory message. She encouraged me to another gathering, where a pastor demonstrated from the Bible that salvation is a free gift that can only be gained through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).
The Holy Spirit came upon a few Christians in the Old Testament for specific tasks. The prophet Joel predicted that God would pour forth his Spirit on all believers at some point in the future (Joel 2:28-29). “Not many days from now,” Jesus said, his disciples will experience the Holy Spirit's baptism (Acts 1:5).
When the disciples were baptized in the Holy Spirit, they began to thank God in languages they had never heard before. The disciples were understood in their own languages by Jews from other countries who had assembled in Jerusalem for the Pentecost feast.
The Apostle Peter stated in his sermon that this was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel. God's Holy Spirit would be poured out on all Christians at the appointed time. On that day, some 3,000 Jews accepted Christ as their savior and were baptized in water (Acts 2).
The Holy Spirit's baptism was a watershed moment in history, ushering forth a new era. For Jews, it happened on Pentecost Day, but for gentiles, it happened later (non-Jews). The gospel was delivered to Cornelius, a Gentile, by the Apostle Peter. The Holy Spirit descended upon them, just as it did on the Jews at Pentecost. They were baptized in water and spoke in foreign languages (Acts 10-11:18).
Consider this: The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a fact to be believed, not an experience to be sought. Despite the fact that every Christian has been baptized by the Holy Spirit into oneness with Christ, not everyone is experiencing the fellowship that comes from being filled with the Spirit.
“And do not get drunk with wine, which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit,” remember (Ephesians 5:18).
Why baptism is important spiritually?
A new Christian needs a spiritual family, a family who shares his or her trust in Jesus. We are Christ's brothers and sisters, and we rely on one another to grow in our faith. Baptism represents the beginning of a faith journey with the Christian family. The Christian unity of brotherly love in service to God is sealed through baptism. One of the factors that unites a body of Christian believers, according to Paul, is baptism:
One Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all, through all, and in all; one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all, through all, and in all (Ephesians 4:4).
How do you know if you've been baptized in the Holy Spirit?
Speaking in tongues is one of the evidences of being filled with the Holy Spirit. A Christian can be baptized in the Holy Spirit after salvation and speak in languages. “And the Holy Spirit came upon them all, and they began to talk in different tongues as the Spirit gave them voice.”
Who can baptize?
A deacon is not regarded an ordinary minister of baptism in the Eastern Catholic Churches. The parish priest, as in the Latin Church, is the one who administers the sacrament. “In the event of necessity, baptism can be administered by a deacon or, in his absence or if he is obstructed, by another cleric, a member of a consecrated life order, or any other Christian faithful; even by the mother or father, if another person who knows how to baptize is not accessible” (canon 677 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches.)
How many times should you be baptized?
1272. The individual baptized is configured to Christ after being incorporated into Christ by baptism. Baptism imbues the Christian with an indelible spiritual imprint (character) that identifies him as a follower of Christ. Even if sin prevents Baptism from reaping the fruits of salvation, no sin can erase this mark. Baptism is a one-time event that cannot be repeated.
Baptisms conducted using the Trinitarian formula are considered valid for people being welcomed into the Catholic Church from other Christian communities.
As the Catholic Church's Catechism explains:
The bishop and priest, as well as the deacon in the Latin Church, are the ordinary ministers of Baptism. In an emergency, anyone, even a non-baptized person, can baptize using the Trinitarian baptismal formula if they have the required intention. The desire to perform what the Church does when she baptizes is essential. The Church bases this possibility on God's universal saving will and the requirement of Baptism for redemption.
1284. Any person can baptize if necessary, as long as he has the purpose of doing what the Church does and pours water on the candidate's head while saying, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
When the legitimacy of a person's baptism is questioned, the 1983 Code of Canon Law (1983 CIC) addresses the following situations:
If there is a doubt about whether a person has been baptized or whether baptism was bestowed legitimately, and the doubt persists after a thorough examination, baptism is to be conferred conditionally.
2. Those baptized in a non-Catholic ecclesial community must not be baptized conditionally unless there is a serious reason to doubt the validity of the baptism after an examination of the matter and the form of the words used in the conferral of baptism, as well as a consideration of the intention of the baptized adult and the minister of the baptism.
3. If the conferral or validity of the baptism remains in doubt in the cases mentioned in 1 and 2, baptism is not to be conferred until the doctrine of the sacrament of baptism has been explained to the person to be baptized, if an adult, and the reasons for the doubtful validity of the baptism has been explained to the person or, in the case of an infant, to the parents.
When a valid baptism is done after an invalid attempt, it is assumed that just one baptism took place, namely the valid one.
As a result, baptism is never performed again.
Who believes and is baptized will be saved?
Many bogus preachers who teach wrong doctrine like to utilize Mark 16:16 as their starting point “You must be baptized to be saved, according to “evidence.”
16:16 Mark 16:16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be damned.
You are saved if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and are baptized. This assertion is correct. That remark is consistent with everything else in the Bible.
3:15 (John) That whomever believes in Christ will not perish but will live forever.
3:16 (John) Because God so loved the world, he gave his only born Son, that whomever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
3:36 John 3:36 He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but God's wrath will befall him.
6:47 (NIV) I say unto you, truly, truly, I say unto you, whomever believes in me has everlasting life.
When you know the Bible from beginning to end, you'll see that BELIEVING IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is the only way to be saved. This is what faith is all about. You put your faith in Jesus to save you.
That verse's believing component is what saves you. Yes, you will be saved if you believe and are baptized. The part about being baptized in water doesn't help you at all (assuming that means water baptism).
You will be saved if you believe and have blue eyes. You will be saved if you believe and perform 30 jumping jacks. You will be rescued if you believe it and add whatever you want to it.
And the rest of that Scripture proves this interpretation is valid, plus the rest of the Bible bears witness to it.
“But he who does not believe will be doomed.” It does not say that whomever does not believe and is not baptized will be doomed. There is nothing else in the Bible that can condemn you. It's as simple as never believing in Jesus Christ.
The Bible makes this quite clear. The Bible repeatedly states that FAITH ALONE is sufficient to rescue you.
3:28 (Romans) As a result, we infer that a person is justified by faith apart from the law's deeds.
Baptism in the water is a legal act. The act of water baptism is meaningless unless it is preceded by faith. ANYTHING not done with faith, according to the Bible, is a sin. It is a sin to get baptized without totally trusting in Jesus alone to save you.
You lack faith if you believe that whatever action you take will save you. Faith is putting your whole trust in Jesus' sacrifice to redeem you. His atonement on the cross is sufficient to redeem you. You don't need to add baptism or efforts to your salvation in any manner.
2:8-9 (Ephesians) You are saved by grace through faith, and not of yourselves: it is a gift from God: 9 No, not of works, lest anyone boast.
Baptism is an excellent thing to perform when you've been rescued. Also, YES!!! As soon as you are saved, you should be baptized.
However, keep in mind that baptism will not save you in any manner. Jesus is the only one who can save you. He is the TRUTH, the LIFE, and the WAY.