How To Handle Your Soulmate Cheating

When a soulmate betrays you, it may feel as if the ground beneath your feet has been torn out from under you. There are two categories of cheating soulmates: those who cheat and regret their acts, and those who cheat with little or no remorse. Because they believe they are destined to be together, some people let their partners get away with cheating. If you anticipate more from your partner and find out they've cheated on you, you'll need to ask yourself the following questions:

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Which Kind of Soulmate Do You Have?

Aristotle identified three categories of soulmates that you are likely to meet in your lifetime. A soulmate of pleasure is someone who shares your passion for all things that make the body feel good, such as sex, power, and ego. A soulmate of usefulness is someone who provides you with the resources (physical or monetary) to achieve particular personal objectives. This could include achieving status, power, luxurious objects, or self-actualization. These people may make you feel good on the surface, but only for a short while.

Can your soul mate cheat on you?

If your spouse has betrayed you, the first thing you should do is determine whether or not they are indeed your soulmate. The truth is that soulmates have an extra special bond that makes cheating even more difficult.

While cheating by soulmates isn't impossible, it's also not likely. The first stage is to determine whether or not this individual is truly your soulmate. This could help you see your relationship in a new light and realize that your soulmate is still out there waiting for you, and it's time to move on from this one.

You no longer have fun together

Almost everyone gets butterflies in their stomach when they start a new relationship.

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This period will never end if this person is your genuine soulmate. That's how it feels to be in the company of your soulmate.

If you no longer feel this way about your spouse and that connection has faded, it's safe to assume they aren't your soulmate.

While this may have been the case in the beginning, it is no longer the case.

Can a relationship work if one person has cheated?

“After an affair, couples may and do stay together, but it takes a lot of work to mend lost trust.” When one partner cheats, most couples don't recover, according to Klow, but “Those who do can emerge stronger as a result of going through the process of getting over the affair.”

What is a false soulmate?

A fake soul mate is someone you encounter along the path who appears to be “the one,” but is really merely there to help you grow spiritually. You may believe you are ready to settle down nine times out of ten, but the Universe has other ideas. This is when you're on the dating merry-go-round. These men's cycles, however exhausting they may be, are placed in your path to help you grow and teach you crucial lessons. These interactions are necessary in order to prepare you for meeting your genuine soul mate, with whom you will form a lasting commitment.

Regrettably, some people fall for the wrong ones, the ones who were supposed to be simply dating-go-round types. These are the guys with whom you are energetically compatible but who will ultimately fail to provide you with the best service possible. In other situations, these partnerships can be harmful and even cause you to fall behind in life. Meeting your false soul mate can be difficult, but there are certain telltale signals that he isn't a lifetime partner.


The fundamental nature of a soul mate relationship is spiritual rather than physical. If your sexual energy is off the charts and you're both obsessed with doing the naked dance 24 hours a day, it's most likely a false soul mate. It's just as nice to have amazing sexual chemistry as it is to have excellent soul chemistry; the only difference is that sexually based connections don't last.

Emotional Trainwreck

Your true soul partner is a valuable asset to you. You feel like two children playing and creating together, raising each other to new heights and being each other's biggest supporters.

Your deficiency is your false soul partner, and you'll feel emotionally drained, disoriented, and fatigued as a result. If you and your lover are constantly fighting, it's most likely because he's a fake soul mate.

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When you're involved with a fake soul mate, you'll feel lonely when the other isn't present. There is an unquenchable want to be with each other at all times, followed with a sense of longing, loneliness, and a lack of self-love and self-worth. Then he or she, or both of you, will develop an obsessive behavioral pattern to compensate for their poor self-esteem.

Obsessing is something we all do, but there's no need to obsess when you're with your actual soul mate because the energetic exchange between the two of you is a match. Social media stalking is no longer necessary, and all outlandish behaviors like iPhone creeping will vanish.

There's Always That One Thing

A counterfeit soul mate will be emotionally impeding the relationship's progress. Sometimes it's you, and other times it's him. Always there's that one thing you can't seem to get over. You or he will subconsciously construct barriers around their inner self so that neither of you can see who you truly are. A true soul mate and lover will share everything with you.

Peace Out, It's Been Real

This should be the most obvious indication that you're dating a fake soul mate. They are no longer around after experiencing the good, the bad, and the ugly. There were no texts, phone calls, or Facebook likes on the typical likable posts. The false soul mate has sucked up all of your energy and is moving on, leaving you in the dust like a sad country western song. Do not be concerned; your true love is just around the corner.


I hope you're not daydreaming about the one who got away or the one you're currently dating who might have checked all of the above boxes. These fake soul mate relationships are crucial because you will never find your genuine love until you make quantifiable spiritual development.

Regardless of whether you find a true or false soul mate, they are soul mates who are there to help you grow. However, it is up to you to detect the warning signs, open your eyes to the truth, and be grateful for how that person has helped you. A false soul mate will only be there for a cause or a season, whereas a true soul mate will be there for the rest of your life.

Can soulmate be toxic?

In certain circumstances, the belief that everyone has a soulmate can lead to people staying in risky, poisonous, and abusive relationships because they believe their soulmate is the person they're with. They're not your soulmate if the connection is unhealthy.

How do I find peace after being cheated on?

However, Peggy Vaughan, the author of The Monogamy Myth from Southern California, claims that those figures are conservative. She claims that 60 percent of married men and women stray at some point, based on research she conducted for her book.

Brown claims that when affairs occur, both partners need to undergo some serious self-evaluation because both partners contribute to the affair. Brown and Vaughan give a variety of solutions for couples healing from infidelity. Their counsel is geared toward married couples because extramarital affairs have received the most attention, but it might equally apply to couples in other sorts of relationships.

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  • Bring the mysteries to the surface. Telling the other partner what the relationship lacked could help explain why the other person strayed. In a survey of 1,083 spouses whose partners had affairs, Vaughan discovered that when the pair properly discussed the problem, trust — which is usually an underlying issue after an affair — was more likely to be rebuilt.
  • Face your feelings and allow yourself to recover. If you've been duped, attempt to accept the hurt and move on. If you cheated, deal with your rage or dissatisfaction and move on. A counselor or therapist may also be beneficial; the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (202) 452-0109 can help you find one.
  • Make important judgments only when absolutely necessary. You may desire to move away or file for divorce at first. At the very least, put it off for a while. Vaughan says, “I've never seen somebody entirely recover from an affair in less than two years.”

These were the steps Jerry Rogers took. “We were able to deal with the grief of the affair once my girlfriend found out and we went through a lot of counseling — collectively and individually,” he says. “It helped me understand what led to my adultery, which had less to do with my partner and more to do with troubles I was having with myself and my career.”

Why do people cheat on people they love?

The desire for romantic love is what causes a person to focus all of their energy on one person.

The urge for safety with a long-term spouse who will raise children with them is known as the attachment drive.

“In short,” Fisher explains, “we're capable of loving more than one person at a time.” It is for this reason, she continues, that people cheat. “You experience intense romantic love toward someone else and, at the same time, feel sexual desire toward another person because it is physiologically feasible to sense a deep bond to a long-term partner at the same time.”

“We are biologically capable of ‘loving' more than one person at a time,” Fisher said, advancing the idea.

There is an incredible amount of evidence that humans are capable of loving multiple people at the same time, which may easily lead to a sexual connection with multiple people.

A monogamous relationship isn't for everyone, as evidenced by the growing popularity of polyamorous dating applications.

While this does not excuse adultery, science suggests that you can still love the person with whom you cheated. All of this isn't going to make the agony go away.

At the very least, you now understand the scientific reasons why cheaters can be completely honest about their feelings for their partner even when they are cheating.

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Does cheating mean the end of a relationship?

Of fact, opportunities by themselves do not always lead to adultery.

“The partnership, and notably sexual satisfaction, was frequently low,” Gilbert says of the people polled at the time.

As the level of satisfaction in a relationship declines, so does the inclination to cheat. The psychologist refers to “relationship risk factors” in this section.

According to her, children frequently enhance this danger. Stephan had an affair with Maria only a few months after her first kid was born. She describes the scenario at the time as follows: “He was at the bottom of my list of priorities.”

Despite this, Maria appears to have fully recovered from an event that may have left other women scarred for the rest of their lives.

Maria and Stephan looked at patterns that had a significant impact on their conduct as a marriage with the help of the therapists.

“The concept of loyalty is a crucial one,” she continues. “The more permissive my view regarding monogamy and commitment is, the more likely it is that I will cheat.”

The desire for independence and autonomy was another key motivator for the cheaters interviewed by the scientists.

This also applies to Stephan, who discovered through treatment that whenever he felt his independence was threatened, he destroyed items that were essential to him — repeatedly.

Of course, the perpetrator is the one who deceives, and the victim is the one who gets tricked. That is, at the very least, the general consensus in society.

This was how Maria felt as well. And she wasn't mistaken. But it's also not the complete truth.

“Infidelity does not guarantee the end of a relationship,” argues psychologist and couples therapist Hans-Georg Lauer.

First and foremost, the cheater becomes the criminal. That much is obvious. Anyone who engages in such activity should not be surprised by their deceived partner's rage and anguish.

However, both couples, according to Lauer, are involved in marital dynamics that serve as a fertile environment for infidelity.