Where Do I Put My Computer In Feng Shui?

The monitor's distance from your eyes should be 30 inches or less. It should be between horizontal and 60 degrees below eye level in terms of its height. – Feng Shui says that the space directly in front of you where you are looking at the monitor indicates your relationship to others. In front of the monitor, put down the keyboard.

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Where should feng shui computer be placed?

Your workstation, according to feng shui, is one of the most significant places in your office because of its significance in terms of your career. A home office, a workplace office, or a cubicle can all benefit from this. It's especially critical to have a permanent desk if you use a co-working facility. Because your career route is intertwined with your life journey, it's critical that you pay attention to the feng shui of your desk. The bottom line is that no matter what, you have a purpose to exist, or as the French would say, votre raison d'etre, even if you don't. Your desk serves as a visual representation of your life's mission.

Here are a few hints and ideas to help you set up your workspace for success and happiness through the practice of feng shui.

What direction should your desk face?

Vastu Shastra recommends that business owners sit with their backs to the north, east, or north-east of their office, because these directions are considered fortunate. It's easier to grow your money when the sun comes up in the east.

Professionals in marketing and sales should be seated in a north-west direction, with the seat facing north-east, in order to encourage them to be more active at work.

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The wealthiest accountants should sit at the south-east corner of the office and face north-east.

The western part of the office should be reserved for business leaders. To boost their leadership abilities, they should face north-east.

North and northeast are the most auspicious Vastu directions for financial success. Lord Kubera, the deity of wealth, rules over the north. According to Vastu Shastra, water governs the north-east direction, which is a sign of a person's financial standing. Place a mirror or a Kuber Yantra on the northern wall in the northern area of your office to improve your financial prospects, advises Ddhannak.

How should I arrange my desk feng shui?

Feng Shui design dictates that the desk should be located diagonally opposite the front door, preferably in a well lit area of the workplace. ” Those who have a commanding desk position are able to see the opportunities that are coming their way in their professional lives.

As a last resort, if you don't have the choice of placing a desk near to the window, you can secure your workstation by placing a tall plant or a hefty piece of furniture in its stead.

Where should I place my computer table in the house?

A personal computer should be placed in the South-East corner of the room. Putting computers in a child's bedroom can have a negative impact on their overall development. Computers and laptops should be placed in the south-east area of the home or home office, which represents the fire element.

The computer table must be free of any unnecessary papers or equipment at all times. Students should be encouraged to use crystal sets on their computer tables in order to improve their concentration and learning abilities. Printers, fax machines, and modems must be arranged in a line either below the computer table in their cabinet parts or against the south-east corner of the desk.

Any house or home office workstation with a computer should never be placed next to a toilet. Due to the fact that computers are powered by electromagnetic energy, any association with the power of water is detrimental. It is essential that the shape of the computer table be rectangular, with a sturdy outside surface. A glass top table is not recommended as per Vastu Shastra's recommendations. If the table has rounded or sharp corners, it is not acceptable. It is important to use a chair with a sturdy back and no screeching noises while working on a computer.

Should your desk be in front of a window?

While working from home, you may find it easier to concentrate if you have a great view to look out of. As a general rule, a desk should face the front entrance, but some like to look out a window on the other side of the room for a more pleasant vista. With a view like this, it's much easy to take a mental break and take in the sights around you. In addition to boosting your mood, exposure to natural light can also improve the quality of your workplace.

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Is it good to put a desk in front of a window?

Make sure your workstation is facing the wall but with the window on one side of it if you are concerned about more distractions. Putting a workstation in front of or next to a window is a popular choice for most individuals.

Should my desk face North or south?

Yes, you read that correctly. The firing patterns of neurons (brain cells) in the thalamus (which regulates sensory input and levels of awareness, among other things) are dramatically different depending on which direction a person is facing, according to the principles of Maharishi Sthpatya Veda (MSV).

Nervous system cells are able to detect and react to shifts in the body's posture. Neurons are activated when a person looks in a given direction. When you look in a new direction, a separate collection of memories is activated.


Right you are. Findings from the research strongly suggest that facing east is the best position.

Peak performance and mind-body integration can be achieved by facing in the right direction.

North is the next best option. People should avoid the South and West as much as possible.


Change the direction of your home or work station/desks to face true east if you are experiencing difficulties with attention, focus, decision-making, or any other mental activities.

If you can't get to the east, try to get to the north.

If you can't get exactly north or east, try to obtain north of east or east of north..

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The direction you face isn't just crucial when you're sitting at your work. When you're in a business meeting, turn to face east (or north) to boost your thinking, decision-making, and clarity.

You must, of course, take into consideration the other parties involved. Orienting your audience toward the east can help them “clearly see” the benefits of what you're trying to offer.

Is it more critical that you convey your message clearly during a meeting or that the audience retains your message more readily? Face in whatever direction you like.

* Research has shown that people are more creative in the east. For ‘clear thinking,' the north is preferable.

* Important Note:

So that everyone in the audience can see the jokes I'm telling, if you ever invite me to address your group, I'll gladly face west so that everyone in the audience can look east. They frequently require as much assistance as possible.

Have a Laugh: Speaking of Facing Certain Directions: Know any Technicians?

The guillotine beheaded three people during the French Revolution: A priest, a lawyer, and a technician.

His Holiness replied “Heaven is up, therefore I'll gaze up to see where I'm headed.”

In the guillotine, the Priest was positioned with his head facing up and the blade was lowered. If it hadn't been for a miracle, they'd have let the priest leave, believing he'd been spared.

The attorney pondered, “In the guillotine, they placed him gazing up, saying, “Well, if it worked for the priest, it might work for me.” After releasing the blade, the lawyer said he couldn't be executed twice for the same crime, therefore the execution was halted just inches away.

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The technician wondered aloud “What's to stop us?” To which the technician replied, “It's time for him to be executed,” as they placed him on the blade of the guillotine “What's going on? It's possible that swapping the red and blue wires will make this thing operate.

What should you keep on your desk for good luck?

Is feng shui something you'd like to give a try? You'll have better luck and a more pleasant workday if you add these items to your workstation.

  • It's a plant, of course. In general, plants indicate and symbolize growth, yet their connotations vary from plant to plant.

Where should a desk be placed in a home office?

Place your desk as close as possible to a source of natural light. If facing the window isn't an option because it's too distracting, try setting up the workstation perpendicular to the window instead. Add window curtains to reduce glare if your most productive workstation is located with a window directly behind you.

The placement of a desk is made even more difficult by the use of video conferencing. You should avoid having individuals or objects in the backdrop that you don't want everyone to see, adds Hayman, if you plan to perform a lot of video conferencing.

Can we keep computer in south direction?

If a computer is provided for the student's usage, it must be restricted to the study room. If the student is working on a computer, the screen should be positioned such that he or she faces East or North.

Just like with any other electrical appliance, a computer should be kept in the Southeast. You should not place it too close to a child's bed because of the risk of dangerous radiation being emitted from it. For the same reason, it is against the law to use a mobile phone while lying in bed. Putting the computer near the wall of a bathroom is not recommended.