How Much Colloidal Silver For A 40 Pound Dog?

For example, colloidal silver can be used to treat a dog's eye infection by administering it orally and then squirting it into the diseased area. Unless specifically directed by your holistic veterinarian, a basic oral dosage guideline is 1/2 tsp per every 10 lbs, once a day.

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How do you give a dog colloidal silver?

Put it in your pet's water or wet food, give it to them directly or use a nebulizer to deliver it to their lungs, or even put it straight in their ears and eyes. When an eye or ear infection is severe, you may find it helpful to administer a topical solution and have your pet consume it orally.

How many ppm colloidal silver is safe for dogs?

For pets, colloidal silver is an antibacterial agent. It can also be used to remove contaminants from water. This is an excellent remedy for dog skin irritations and mild wounds, as well as for minor infections in the intestines. If it kills bad bacteria, some individuals believe it must also destroy healthy bacteria. Quite the contrary, in fact. For dogs, colloidal silver is only effective against infections that lack lipid coats. Silver is unable to penetrate the lipid layer of the bacteria that is expected to be present in the digestive tract. Hence, it's completely risk-free.

What distinguishes ours?

Several scientific studies have proven the efficacy of our proprietary Colloidal Silver for dogs and cats. Colloidal silver for dogs has never been better than with this product, which comes as a spray that can be used both externally and internally.

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People at home use small machines to make ionic silver at home. Spark discharge produces real colloidal silver. Clothing, cosmetics, toys, paints, and water filters all use silver nanoparticles as antibacterial and antifungal agents. SNPs are utilized in dentistry, orthopedics, surgery, and the manufacture of pharmaceuticals in the medical profession.

Plasma is formed as a result of a strong electric field with high temperature and the removal of silver atoms from the electrodes during a high-voltage discharge. Water is broken down into oxygen and hydrogen atoms in aqueous solutions. Stable nano particle colloidal silver is formed by silver atoms interacting with oxygen and hydrogen atoms and water particles.

A high voltage applied to two silver electrodes creates colloids, which are silver atoms suspended in a solution of water.

In contrast, those with small units can only make silver ions that mix with negative ions. You can keep your pet's lips and feet germ-free by spraying them with water. Spraying water or food is an option as well. To aid in the healing of abrasions, superficial wounds, allergic responses, and hot spots, spritz your pet's skin with a light mist.” Howard Fisher's

To keep your pet's teeth and gums healthy, squirt some mouthwash on them. After a trip to the dog park or play group, this product is ideal for “disinfecting” your dog's paws, nose, and hind end.

Is colloidal silver good for kennel cough?

Canine parvovirus can be spread through contact with an infected dog, which can happen in boarding facilities and other places where a large number of dogs congregate, such as dog parks and beaches.


Under the advice of a holistic veterinarian, many milder cases of Kennel Cough can be treated at home with herbs and homeopathics. If the problem persists for more than a few weeks, or if the dog loses weight or shows any other signs of pain, a trip to the vet may be necessary.

If you can, try to enhance your dog's immune system before exposing him to a potentially stressful scenario. In the event of kennel cough, it is necessary to maintain the immune system. Vitamin C, Echinacea, Olive Leaf, and Astragalus are just few of the herbal immune-system stimulants. Colloidal silver is a great supplement for boosting the immune system.

How much colloidal silver should I give my dog?

Intake of food and liquids through the mouth For example, colloidal silver can be used to treat a dog's eye infection by administering it orally and then squirting it into the eye. Most holistic veterinarians recommend a daily dosage of 1/2 tsp per 10 pounds of body weight in an oral form.

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Can I give my dog human colloidal silver?

Colloidal silver is not safe or suggested for long-term use in dogs. According to McFaddin, silver is supposed to physically harm cells. According to her, “silver ions can be released by silver particles, which has a bioactive impact.”

How do you dilute colloidal silver?

Using one gallon of pure distilled water, we propose a 3-5 ppm concentration. Most supermarket stores carry distilled water. Colloidal Silver can be added in 16 ounces to the gallon of distilled water. At a CS rate of 3-5 PPM, you won't have enough Colloidal Silver to fill a gallon (use only Distilled Water).

Is chelated silver the same as colloidal silver?

It's a solution of silver ions that is chelated. In contrast, colloidal silver is a sort of silver-based dietary supplement products that is a suspension of silver particles. Colloidal silver is a mixture of finely divided silver particles suspended (or floating) in a liquid.

Chemical bonds between silver and nonmetals ensure that they are evenly diffused throughout the solution in Chelated SilverTM. Chelated Silver's antimicrobial properties are greatly enhanced by this solution-based bonding (killing power over time).

In a variety of ways, silver is extremely advantageous. It has been documented by the Silver Institute in Washington D.C. that silver may be used in a variety of ways to purify water, promote skin growth, treat wounds of severely burned patients, protect the eyes, alleviate allergies, and even combat cancer.

Because it prevents the respiration of germs, Chelated Silver is a highly effective antimicrobial agent. However, research has shown that some of the most unfriendly bacteria in the human body do not require oxygen to survive. Enzymes produced by your body are used to power them. Additional catalysts for the destruction of certain enzymes used by bacteria to sustain themselves may be provided by the use of CHELATED SILVER.

PetSilver has chelated silver as its primary constituent. Tiny silver particles are distributed in an all-natural, skin-healing concoction. Chelated silver is a clear liquid that, as the silver reacts with the air, turns a pale gold tint. Because it does not contain alcohol, chlorine, or iodine-based compounds, it is non-drying. Because of this, it can be used as frequently as needed.

In spite of being a potent microbicide, silver does not pose a threat to the human body, yet it is lethal to more than 650 disease-causing microorganisms. The germicidal capabilities of Chelated Silver have recently been confirmed in laboratory studies, making it one of the most effective skin care products available today. E. coli, staphylococcus (MRSA), pseudomonas, herpes simplex virus, salmonella, and type A influenza have all been shown to be destroyed in clinical and laboratory tests.

Can you put colloidal silver in dogs eyes?

Eyes. Inflammation, infection, and conjunctivitis can all be treated with colloidal silver. Colloidal silver drops can be put directly to your dog's eyes because they don't cause any discomfort.

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What is a hot spot on a dog?

Known as pyotraumatic dermatitis or acute moist dermatitis, canine hot spots are red, inflamed sores on the dog's skin. Skin lesions worsened by scratching that form quickly, ooze, and may contain pus are appropriately described by these labels. A dog's head, legs, and hips are the most usual places to find a hot spot, although any part of the body can be affected. Sores that are uncomfortable and smelly may be visible or covered by matted fur.

What causes a hot spot?

When a dog scratches an itching region so hard that he develops an open wound, he is likely to develop a hot spot. Regardless matter the reason for a dog's scratching, hot spots are a nuisance. As the dog licks the injured spot, he inflames the skin's surface nerves, resulting in increased itching, licking, and biting. Self-inflicted wounds, such as hot spots, are the result of a lick-itch-lick cycle. As time goes on, the size of a hot spot might rapidly rise. While at work, pet owners may notice a small red spot and return home to find a raw, pancake-sized lesion.

How are hot spots treated?

The first step in treating a hot spot is to halt the self-mutilation, which is the first step in preventing a deep skin infection. However, how do you stop a dog from licking, biting, and scratching? Among the possibilities are:

  • hot area by using an Elizabethan collar (also known as an E-collar or cone).
  • Prednisone (brand name Prednisone) and antihistamines (diphenhydramine – brand name Benadryl, cetirizine – brand names Reactine, Zyrtec) are often used to alleviate itching. Before administering any human medications to your dog, check with your veterinarian.
  • If a hot spot is caused by a blocked anal gland, it must be expelled.
  • If flea allergy is the root cause, a flea management program that includes a fast-acting adulticide and a monthly product (Frontline Plus, Advantage or Advantix, Revolution, Nexgard, Simparica, Bravecto) will be necessary.
  • NSAIDs like meloxicam, carprofen, or deracoxib or other pain treatments may be prescribed by your veterinarian if arthritis is to blame (gabapentin is a common choice).
  • Your veterinarian can help you avoid or de-sensitize yourself to inhalant or food allergies and propose a hypoallergenic food.
  • Training and behavior modification, increased exercise and enrichment, and antidepressants (fluoxetine, clomipramine, amitriptyline) may be the answer if the dog is traumatized by boredom or behavioral disorders.
  • If improper grooming is to blame, look for a professional who knows how to use clippers.

The removal of hair from the area around the hot spot is essential to a successful treatment regimen. To expedite the healing of the hot spot, the hair must be removed from the area so that the wound may fully dry. It is possible that the dog will need to be sedated during grooming.