What Is Kundalini Tantra

Kundalini Tantra is a concise and accurate exposition of human consciousness and meditative practices that lead to self-inquiry and more self-awareness, and eventually to profound realizations of the nature of the mind and the production of conscious thinking.

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Is kundalini and Tantra the same?

Q:I have the sense that the purpose of tantra is to awaken kundalini after reading your book and several other tantra books. That is also the purpose of kundalini yoga, therefore I'm not sure where the line between tantra yoga and kundalini yoga is drawn. True, tantra and kundalini yoga both attempt to awaken the kundalini shakti. They also have a few things in common. Both sects, for example, are founded on the same philosophical foundation: shaktism, which claims that the Divine Mother is the highest reality. Furthermore, both schools believe that the human body is a living shrine, containing an infinite amount of energy, the majority of which is dormant. Kundalini shakti is the name given to this dormant energy, while prana is the name given to the comparatively little amount of active energy. Yogis from both disciplines aim to awaken their dormant energy by using their active energy. Yogis of both schools have a positive outlook on life, seeing it as a manifestation of the divine. As a result, everything that exists is divine, beautiful, and joyful. Ignorance is the incapacity to feel the presence of the Divine within or without, and it is the basis of bondage. Liberation is the process of overcoming ignorance and experiencing the beautiful and blissful Divine in all aspects of life. The difference between the two routes is how they bring you to liberation.

Those on the path of kundalini yoga rely largely on hatha yoga techniques, which in this case refers to the disciplines of asana, pranayama, bandhas, and mudras. Kundalini yoga practitioners believe that the body is the best tool for awakening the dormant energy of kundalini shakti. Kundalini is described as a sleeping serpent. Snakes are cold-blooded species, so as the temperature decreases, they stiffen and become immobile. Kundalini shakti has suffered as a result of this. The serpent is said to be hidden within us in the muladhara chakra, but the fire is almost out—all that's left are layers of ash covering a still-glowing coal, according to those on the kundalini yoga path. They tell us that in order to awaken this serpent, we must blast away the layers of ash and allow the heat to radiate until the serpent warms up and begins to move. It becomes aware of itself and its surroundings as it awakens from slumber. And it's hungry since it's just awoken from a long rest. As a result, it consumes laziness, indifference, hopelessness, and all other forms of darkness and heaviness. As a result, spiritual enlightenment occurs.

In kundalini yoga, the layers of ash are blown away by performing intense pranayama, and mastering asanas, particularly the sitting poses, is a precondition for practicing pranayama. Bandhas and mudras, advanced practices established in the tradition of hatha yoga, are used to strengthen and purify the nerve system. This is a totally physical way of kundalini awakening that necessitates technical precision. If you're successful, you'll feel a burst of energy running down your spine. If your body (heart, lungs, kidneys, endocrine glands, and nervous system) are in good shape, you will find this energy movement to be delightful. If your neurological system is obstructed and your emotions are unstable, this energy movement can harm your nervous system or produce hallucinations. Even if you are physically and emotionally well and have no adverse effects from kundalini awakening, you still have a big task ahead of you because this awakening makes you energized. Your stamina and endurance will improve, and if you don't have a good grasp of life's greater dimensions, this energy will just make you productive on a physical level. As a result, the difficulty in kundalini yoga is to learn how to channel that energy so that it can serve as a spiritual awakening instrument.

Tantric yogis consider the body to be a living shrine as well. Tantra recognizes that individual bodies have their own limitations, despite the fact that the body's potential is boundless. Only a few people in the world are completely free of exhaustion, disease, and procrastination. The majority of us face challenges in some way or another. Tantrics seek to make the best use of all available tools and resources—both internal and external—to remove these barriers and restore health, strength, and happiness to the body and mind. Tantric yogis incorporate meditation, visualization, rituals, mantra recitation, and prayer into their practice in addition to hatha yoga practices.

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There is a sense of victory in hatha-based kundalini yoga, and a sense of submission in tantra yoga.

Tantrics do not regard kundalini as merely energy; they regard it as the Divine Mother herself, and they nurture an attitude of love and devotion toward kundalini shakti from the start of their journey. They may engage in intensive practice, but it is always accompanied by a sense of surrender. Tantrics, unlike kundalini yoga practitioners, are gentle. They try to reawaken kundalini shakti in the same way as a hungry newborn tries to reawaken its mother. The difference between kundalini yoga and tantric yoga is that the former is more muscular, robust, gross, and technical, with no element of love and devotion, whereas the latter is more spiritual, gentle, and subtle, with love and devotion constantly present. There is a sense of victory in hatha-based kundalini yoga, and a sense of submission in tantra yoga.

Q:I've seen the chakras illustrated in a few books. They might be ornate, or they can be fairly basic. Colors differ as well. How do I know which of these representations is correct? Are the chakras two-dimensional or three-dimensional, as shown in books? Are they genuine? Only by understanding what the chakras are made of can we determine whether they are real, what color they are, and whether they are two- or three-dimensional. Chakras are not a part of the physical body; no surgeon has ever discovered even a trace of one. The physical body is overlaid atop a subtle body, and the chakras are placed in this subtle body, according to the scriptures. They are energy centers, the connecting hubs where the subtle body's major energy pathways meet. The word “chakra” means “wheel,” and each chakra is a life-force wheel. Both the physical body and the psyche are nourished by the energy focused at these chakras.

Because there is nothing in our physical world that depicts the features and activities of the chakras, yogis have to resort to some form of understandable picture to express their knowledge and experience. As a result, each chakra is represented in the scriptures as a concentrated field of energy that emerges as sound and light. Sound is considered sacred in all cultures, and the sacred word, or mantra, is derived from this concept. The sacred is also related with light. We identify light with color whenever we think of it, and the full spectrum of light that illuminates the physical environment may be split into seven color bands. Yoga practitioners may have had a different experience with the chakras, but in order to transmit that experience, they needed to give it shape and color, which is how the chakras came to be depicted in their current form. In actuality, though, nothing beats a predetermined shape or hue.

Because there is nothing in our physical world that depicts the features and activities of the chakras, yogis have to resort to some form of understandable picture to express their knowledge and experience.

The chakras, according to the scriptures, are radiant energy fields. This radiant energy is also clever. These energy fields are self-guided and self-illuminating, and they have the power of will, knowledge, and action built into them. The energies of healing and sustenance flow from these fields of energy to both body and mind, which is why the scriptures refer to the energy at these centers as deities or goddesses. As a result, the simple answer to your query is that none of these representations are completely correct. Because dimension corresponds to the physical world and our sense perception, the chakras are neither two-dimensional nor three-dimensional. They are real in one sense, because they are founded on the experiences of the sages who saw them through the eyes of intuition. In another sense, they are merely symbolic representations of a pure energy field, rather than being real.

What does kundalini do to the body?

Are you ready to unlock your true potential and uncover your life's purpose? Kundalini Yoga is an ancient technique that can help you alter your life by allowing you to harness strong energy. Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that means “life force.” “Divine energy is said to have been produced at the base of the spine, which is known as the “coiled snake.” Kundalini is a type of energy that we are born with, and it strives to balance it “uncoil the snake” and reintroduce us to our divine essence

Kundalini originated as a study of energy science and spiritual philosophy. Royalty used to sit with Kundalini Masters to learn about the ancient scientific teachings of kundalini and spiritual visions. Kundalini was brought to our western civilization by Yogi Bhajan, who transformed it into the magnificent practice it is today, with ancient knowledge and modern pragmatism, making it accessible to all.

The ultimate life-force energy is Kundalini. It's where our creative energy, spiritual gifts, and divine feminine energies come from. Kundalini Yoga is a technique for expanding awareness and achieving a state of lightness, joy, and limitless love. Kundalini awakens the energy that has been dormant at the base of our spine, bringing it to the crown of our heads and balancing our chakras and energetic bodies.

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Kundalini allows for a free flow of energy up through the chakras, resulting in a condition of expanded consciousness—but is it safe?

Is kundalini part of tantra?

Swami Nigamananda (d. 1935) taught a kind of laya yoga that he believed was not part of Hatha yoga, despite the fact that kundalini emerged as a part of tantra side-by-side with hatha yoga through a process of syncretism. With his book on the subject published in 1935, Swami Sivananda introduced many readers to “Kundalini Yoga.” This book contains extensive information on Kundalini Yoga and incorporates laya teachings from ancient sources such as the Hathapradipika and Sat Cakra Nirupana.

Kundalini Yoga became popular in western counterculture during the 1960s and 1980s, along with other currents of Hindu revivalism and Neo-Hinduism.

What happens after kundalini awakening?

Kundalini awakening is the movement of powerful emotional and mental patterns in the subtle body, rather than a physical force that may be started and stopped as needed. As a result, awakening is impossible without taking the proper steps to purify the subtle body's pathways. Beware! Unpreparation could have disastrous consequences, such as a nervous breakdown during Kundalini awakening.

No human being can deny the reality of the Divine Mother Kundalini. It's simply a matter of reawakening the Holy Spirit and allowing the power to spread throughout the body. As she ascends to the crown, passing through various nadis and chakras, the divine power purifies both the body and the spirit. She ascends from Muladhar chakra by spreading her rings and passing every chakra in her way to the sahasrara, or crown chakra. She will begin by regenerating the chakras and repairing any harm produced by your poor lifestyle. She will use this to awaken the deities, bringing you closer to the stage of spiritual awareness.

Are chakras part of Tantra?

Tantra works with the chakras, which are subtle energy centers that run through our body along a primary path. From the base of the spine to the crown of the head, there are seven major chakras to consider. Each is linked to a particular aspect of our personality. The second chakra, for example, is linked to sexuality and is placed around two inches below the navel. The fourth chakra, also known as the heart chakra, is engaged in our ability to love, while the seventh chakra, also known as the crown chakra, is the portal to spiritual realization.

If all of this seems a little bizarre, consider the chakras as sites where the mind-body link manifests. Fear, for example, can induce a tightness in the abdominal area, as we've all experienced. And if we indulge in sexual fantasies, it's no surprise that the energy would manifest itself somewhere in the body.

How do I know if my kundalini is awakened?

  • You are able to see that we consciously build our reality by transcending the dual nature of the mind.
  • You are filled with love and compassion for everything around you, and you recognize yourself as an integral part of it all.
  • Your mind is notably calmer, and you've developed a new ability to concentrate on one topic at a time.
  • Your mind has the ability to watch, discern, and witness (thanks to an open crown chakra).
  • Problems from the past, including past trauma, no longer have the same impact on you. You remember them, but they don't bother you any longer.
  • You may have wonderful physical sensations, similar to a full-body orgasm, but more sensuous than sexual.
  • You've gained new strength and clarity, and you're no longer afraid to make beneficial changes in your life.
  • It's possible that your body will quake. (This can happen if your Kundalini is rising but your chakras are blocked, preventing the energy from flowing.)
  • The back of your neck is hot. (This, too, is an example of rising Kundalini energy not flowing properly, according to Rebelle.)
  • You're having difficulty sleeping. (This is yet another example of what might occur when Kundalini rises in a body with clogged chakras.)

What is difference between chakra and kundalini?

The human body is made up of energy encased in matter. Chakras are etheric body centers that receive prana, or life-energy, from the cosmos through the medulla oblongata and distribute it to the physical body's numerous organs. Muladhara, root chakra, svadhishthana, sacral chakra, manipura, solar plexus chakra, anahata, heart chakra, vishuddha, throat chakra, ajna, brow chakra, and sahasrara, crown chakra are the seven major chakras in tantric yoga. Along the spinal cord are the first five chakras. The pineal gland and the skull at the top of the head, respectively, are related with the final two.

Each chakra is associated with a bodily organ, a nerve plexus, or an endocrine gland. In terms of its particular configuration and qualities, each is associated to a fundamental element, a deva and a devi – masculine and female parts of divinity, a color, a planet, a zodiacal sign, a gemstone, and an animal.

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Chakras are allegorically shown as lotuses, each with a varied number of petals inscribed with Sanskrit characters. These letters represent sound vibrations that emitted from Shiva's damru when he performed the cosmic dance. Each chakra has the mysterious force of a bija mantra, or seedsound, which can be increased through external chanting. They come to life when they hear the distinct notes of a raga, a musical song. Shri Raga awakens Muladhara, Vasanta awakens Svadhishthana, Bhairavi awakens Manipura, Panchama awakens Anahata, and Megha awakens Vishuddha. The primeval sound, Aum, charges the remaining two chakras.

The coiled-up energy that lays dormant at the base of the spinal column is known as Kundalini shakti. Chakras are psychic intersections of innumerable nadis or astral tubes (72,000, according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika, III.116) via which energy flows from muladhara, the lowest center of awareness symbolizing Shakti, to sahasrara, the highest center of consciousness symbolizing Shiva. Antahkarana shuddhi, purification of cognition's instruments, asana, physical postures, pranayama, breath control, bandhas, physical locks, hasta-mudras, hand motions, mantras, and meditation are all utilized to awaken Kundalini.

The mind is stuck in the lower three chakras as long as it is preoccupied with matters of survival and enjoyment, and it is unconscious of the higher levels of life. When one's consciousness rises to the anahata chakra, it imbues them with feelings of love, which can take any form – animal, human, or divine — depending on one's sanskaras, mental impressions, temperament, circumstances, daily company, and inner wisdom. Feelings are expressed spontaneously at the level of the throat chakra, which is related with space or ether.

When consciousness ascends to the ajna chakra, which marks the confluence of three main psychic pathways – ida, pingala, and sushumna – the dynamics of spirituality unfold in a mysterious way, endowing one with the divine potential to go beyond conventional states of mind. One loses worldly consciousness when they behold divine light and listen to the unstruck sound. The Ajna chakra serves as a portal to higher spiritual realms. With increased concentration, one can regulate prana, which operates in all six chakras below, and reachshunya-mandala, the circle of the eternal nothingness, also known as sahasrara-dala-padma, or ‘thousand petal-lotus.' The indissoluble oneness of Shiva and Shakti is realized here, and amrita, the heavenly nectar, is savored.

According to Agamic writings, kundalini shakti proceeds through three phases during its ascension: agni or fire kundalini from muladhara to anahata; surya or sun-kundalini from anahata to ajna; and chandra or moon-kundalini from ajna to sahasrara.

Turiya-kundalini is the highest form, in which one is raised to the fourth dimension of being, which is characterized by spiritual purity, calm, and bliss.

How does it feel when your kundalini rises?

Kundalini awakening is characterized by the following characteristics. Sensations of ‘energy' moving or imprisoned in specific regions of the body, most commonly the chakra points. This process may become ‘visible' to the experiencer in some way. The energy is too strong or uncomfortable to tolerate, and it is frequently accompanied by shaking, jerking, or spasms.

Can Kundalini cause psychosis?

Some authors claim that kundalini awakening, or its improper management, is a common cause of psychosis, while others claim that mental illness only happens in people who are predisposed to it or who already have borderline or narcissistic pathology prior to a kundalini awakening.