What Is Kundalini Mantra

  • ong: the Divine's expressed vibration; the sound current from whence all Creation emerges
  • nm: identity; the Name of God that vibrates through all beings and is what produces us; the creative vibration that is within; I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am
  • whegur: The Gur, the One who leads us from darkness to light, has an ecstatic experience.

A number of Mantras containing eight tones are used in Kundalini Yoga. Each Chakra is stimulated and nourished by this beat. From the base of the spine to the top of the skull, this first Mantra vibrates. It helps us to initiate, experience, and rejoice the Divine resonance of Kundalini energy inside us by practicing it. As a teenager, I first encountered this Mantra during a yoga camp in the beautiful Arizona mountains. The chief of the camp would get up every morning before daybreak, climb to the top of our cabin's roof, and chant this Mantra at the top of his lungs for two and a half hours. Soon, the sun would gleam golden and silver through his greying beard, each note punctuated by impassioned strokes of his navel. Everyone could sense how deeply he was connected to God through this practice. He never sought to persuade or ask any of us to join him, but we eagerly did so, like bees drawn to the aroma of a sacred blossom. We joined him in chanting, entering an inner space of love that I will never forget. I recall feeling bountiful, full, and utterly content in my heart as the sun rose higher into the sky, possessing everything my soul ever desired in those delicious moments of unity with the Divine.

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How to Chant the Mantra

A two-and-a-half breath cycle is used to perform the Long Ek Ong Kr Mantra. You take a big breath and chant for a long time “ek ong kr,” exhale and chant “sat nm, sir,” then half-breathe and say “whegur.” Although what happens inside the body is a tremendous orchestral celebration when this Mantra vibrates through the spine, stimulates the Chakra system, and awakens the Kundalini, we don't use musical accompaniment here.

Apply the Root Lock (or Mlbandh) throughout the recitation, drawing the rectum, genitals, and navel center up and in toward the spine. With your chin slightly tucked in, you can also engage Neck Lock (Jalandhar Bandh), which creates a straight line from the base of the spine to the top of the head.

the crown of one's head As you chant now, “Pull up on the navel center, ek.” While chanting “Allow the sound to reverberate throughout your brain and the base of your nose as you say “ong.” Using “kr,” the sound reverberates from the navel and heart core, creating a feeling of openness. Deeply inhale, then pull in the navel on “sat” and expand on “nm,” taking up the most of the breath. Chant at the conclusion of each breath “sir” and engage the Uddiyana Bandh, also known as the Diaphragm Lock. Using “Sir,” you pause as you draw in your diaphragm. Inhale deeply and pull in your navel to make the short, forceful sound of “wh,” which will be followed by “he-gur.” Every time you pull on the navel, “ek,” “sat,” and “wh,” as well as pulling in on the rectum, genitals, and navel, make this a moment to strengthen your Mlbandh. Following the chanting, “gur,” at the very end, actively pull in the Mlbandh to concentrate the energy and prepare to begin the Mantra cycle again.

What does the Kundalini chant mean?

ONG NAMO, GURU DEV NAMO: The Adi Mantra that precedes Kundalini Yoga practice and transforms one into the higher self is ONG NAMO, GURU DEV NAMO. Ong is the name of the character “Namo means “reverent Greetings,” which implies humility; Guru means “teacher or wisdom”; Dev means “Divine or of God,” and Namo underlines humility and veneration. Overall, it denotes “I invoke Divine Wisdom.” The Adi Mantra is said “For 11 minutes, “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” connects you with Yogi Bhajan's legacy of wisdom.

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SIRI GURU DEVAY NAMEH, AD GURAY NAMEH, JUGAD GUREY NAMEH, SAT GURAY NAMEH, AD GURAY NAMEH: The Mangala Charn Mantra is a protective mantra that is sung. It protects the magnetic field by enveloping it in a protective light field “I bow to the primeval Guru (guide consciousness that leads us to God-Realization), wisdom throughout the ages, True Wisdom, and the great unseen wisdom.”

ADI SHAKTI, ADI SHAKTI, NAMO, NAMO, SARASHAKTI, SARAB SHAKTI, SARAB SHAKTI, NAMO NAMO, PRITHUM BHAGAWATI, PRITHUM BHAGAWATI, NAMO NAMO, KUNDALINI, MATA SHAKTI, MATA SHAKTI, NAMO NAMO, KUNDALINI, MATA SHAKTI, NAMO NAMO, The first Shakti Mantra generates energy by tuning into the frequency of the divine mother and primal protection. It removes worries and satisfies aspirations when chanted. Adi Shakti is a Sanskrit word that meaning “divine power.” “Prithum Bhagawati means “which generates via God,” and Sarab Shakti means “all power.”

MAHA KAL, AKAL: This means “The Undying, the Great Death.” It's a strong life-giving chant that calms the mind and removes fear.

SACHE DA SACHE DHOA, HAR, HAR, HAR: AP SAHAE HOA SACHE DA SACHE DHOA, HAR, HAR, HAR: This might be translated as “The Lord Himself has become our protector, the Truest of Trues has taken care of us, God, God, God” or “The Lord Himself is my refuge, truthful is the True Lord's support.” This mantra is said to bring good fortune.

RAM DAS GURU, RAM DAS GURU, SUCHE SAHE: ARDAS BAYE, AMAR DAS GURU, ARDAS BAYE, RAM DAS GURU, RAM DAS GURU, RAM DAS GURU, RAM DAS GURU, RAM DAS GURU, RAM DAS GURU, RAM DAS GURU, By the grace of Guru Amar Das, who gives hope to the hopeless, and Guru Ram Das, who is the King of Yogis and Bestower of Blessings in the past, present, and future, this mantra promises that the request will be answered and that all of one's needs will be met, signed, sealed, and delivered!

GURU RAM DAS HAI, DHARTI HAI, AKASH HAI: Dharti is a Sanskrit word that meaning “to “Guru Ram Das is the revered fourth Sikh Guru, and Akash is Ether. The first Sodhung Mantra is this.

EK ONG KAR, SAT GUR PRASAD: This is the ancient and powerful mantra known as EK ONG KAR. It's frequently chanted backwards (Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar). The meaning of this mantra is explained in detail on several pages, and we are advised to say it with reverence. It entails “There is only one creator, and truth has been revealed by Guru's grace.”

NIRBHAO, NIRVAIR, AKAL MOORT, AJUNI SAI BHANG, GUR PRASAD, JAP. EK ONG KAR, SAT NAM, KARTA PURKH, NIRBHAO, NIRVAIR, AKAL MOORT, AJUNI SAI BHANG, GUR PRASAD, JAP. JUGAD SUCHIHE SUCH, NANAK HOSI BHEE SUCH: AD SUCH, JUGAD SUCHIHE SUCH, NANAK HOSI BHEE SUCH: The Mul Mantra is the foundation of all mantras. It entails “There is only one creator. His name means “truth.” He accomplishes everything fearlessly, without resentment, undying, unborn, self-realized, realized by Guru's grace. Consider this: He was true from the beginning, throughout the ages, and even now. Nanak will always be true.”

SIRI WHA (HE) GURU: EK ONK KAR, SAT NAM, SIRI WHA (HE) GURU: This is the Adi Shakti Mantra, which is extremely effective at awakening the Kundalini and putting the mind in a state of bliss. Ek is the fundamental vibration from which all creativity flows, Ong is the primal vibration from which all creativity flows, Kar is “Creation,” Sat “truth,” Nam “name,” Siri “great,” Wha “ecstasy,” and Guru is the primal vibration from which all creativity flows “Knowledge.” When taken as a whole, it signifies “Truth is the name of one of the creators. That Supreme Wisdom's joy is immense!”

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GOBINDE, MUKUNDE, UDARE, APARE, HARING, KARING, NIRNAME, AKAME: The Guru Gaitri Mantra is composed of the words GOBINDE, MUKUNDE, UDARE, APARE, HARING, KARING, NIRNAME, AKAME “Supporter, liberator, enlightener, infinite, destroyer, creator, nameless, want less.” It unites one with the infinite by bringing balance to the hemispheres of the brain and working on the Heart Center to build compassion, patience, and tolerance.

GURU GURU WAHE GURU, GURU RAM DAS GURU: GURU GURU WAHE GURU, GURU RAM DAS GURU: In gratitude of Guru Ram Das' spiritual guiding light and protective grace, this mantra is chanted. Chanting is a form of meditation “Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru” exposes one's heart to Guru Ram Das' miracle and provides peace into one's life.

HAR: This is the name of God, Creative Infinity. Another type is HARA. The active form of creation is HARI.


HUM DUM HAR HAR: HUM DUM HAR HAR is a mantra that opens the Heart Chakra “God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God

ONG SO HUNG: I'm ONG SO HUNG “I am Thou, Creator!” It's an uplifting and heart-opening mantra.

PRANA, APANA, SUSHUMNA, and HARI are some of the names for the plants PRANA, APANA, SUSHUMNA, and H HARI HAR, HARI HAR, HARI HAR, HARI HAR, HARI HAR, HARI HAR, HARI HAR, HARI HAR, HARI Sushumna is the central route for Prana, which is the life force. This chant promotes healing by drawing energy up the spine. God's names are Hari and Har.

PRITVI HAI, AKASH HAI, GURU RAM DAS HAI: (See PRITVI HAI, AKASH HAI, GURU RAM DAS HAI.) “Dharti Hai” is a Hindi film. Pritvi is a Sanskrit word that refers to the revered Guru Ram Das. This is a really effective chant.

The Siri Gaitri Mantra is sung for healing. RA MA DA SA, SA SAY SO HUNG: This is the Siri Gaitri Mantra. The sun is Ra, the moon is Ma, the earth is Da, and Infinity is Sa. So Hung is the totality of Infinity, and Say is the totality of Infinity “I am You.” “The Earth Mantra is “Ra Ma Da Sa.” Furthermore, “The Ether Mantra is “Sa Say So Hung.” Chanting is a form of meditation “Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So Hung” activates healing energy inside you and throughout the globe.

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SA TA NA MA: This is the Panj Shabad, which expresses the Universe's five fundamental noises. Infinity is represented by the letter “S,” whereas life is represented by the letter “T,” death is represented by the letter “N,” and rebirth is represented by the letter “M.” The fifth note is “A.” In Kundalini Yoga, this is one of the most commonly utilized mantras.

SAT NAM: This is the Seed Mantra, also known as the Bij Mantra, and it is the most commonly utilized mantra in Kundalini Yoga.

Sat signifies truth, and Nam denotes identity or calling on the truth, which expresses the reality of life. The soul is awakened by chanting this mantra.

HARI NARAYAN, SAT NARAYAN, WHA HE GURU SAT NAM: Narayan is the component of Infinity that has to do with water, and Hari Narayan represents creative sustenance, thus whomever chants it will be healed. Sat Nam is True Identity, Sat Narayan is True Sustainer, Wahe Guru is unfathomable Wisdom, and Sat Narayan is True Sustainer. This is the Chotay Pad Mantra, which dates back thousands of years.

WAHE GURU: This is the ecstasy mantra, the Guru Mantra. It cannot be translated, but repeating it raises one's spirits.


The Tratakum Meditation tunes you into Yogi Bhajan's subtle body by staring directly into the eyes of the famous Yogi Bhajan image for 11 minutes per day.

Does Kundalini use mantra?

Sat Nam Fest brings music and yoga together in a beautiful way. At the Sat Nam Fest yoga lessons, you may expect to hear a few chants. Chants and songs are used in Kundalini Yoga to set the energetic vibration for the class. The mantras are written in Gurmukhi, the language of the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh sacred book. Kundalini Yoga incorporates Sikh religious traditions and technology, such as mantras and the wearing of a turban, to name a few. Sound is used as a type of energy in the science and technology of mantras. Sound may be used to project energy and meaning.

Who is God of Kundalini?

According to the Yogis, the spinal column has two nerve currents, Pingalâ and Idâ, as well as a hollow canal called Sushumnâ that runs through the spinal cord. The “Lotus of the Kundalini,” as the Yogis name it, is located at the bottom end of the hollow canal. They describe it as triangular in shape, with a coiled-up power known as the Kundalini, according to Yogis' symbolical terminology. When Kundalini awakens, it tries to force its way through this hollow channel, and as it rises step by step, layer after layer of the mind opens up, allowing the Yogi to experience all of the diverse sights and marvelous powers. The Yogi is totally divorced from the body and intellect when it reaches the brain, and the soul finds itself free. We know that the spinal cord is made up in an unusual way. When we look at the figure eight horizontally (), we can see that there are two portions in the centre that are connected. The spinal cord will be represented by adding eight following eight, heaped one on top of the other. The Ida is on the left, the Pingala is on the right, and the Sushumna is the hollow canal that passes through the center of the spinal cord. A fine fiber arises downwards where the spinal cord ends in some of the lumbar vertebrae, and the canal runs up even within that fiber, only much finer. The canal is closed at the lower end, near the sacral plexus, which is triangular in shape according to current physiology. The various plexuses with their centers in the spinal canal can very well represent the Yogi's various “lotuses.”

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When Kundalini Shakti is conceived as a goddess, it connects with the Supreme Being of the Universe when it rises to the head (Lord Shiva). As a result, the aspirant is immersed in deep concentration and endless happiness. In his book God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita, Paramahansa Yogananda writes:

This creative power turns inward and flows back to its source in the thousand-petaled lotus at the command of the yogi in profound meditation, revealing the glorious inner world of the divine forces and consciousness of the soul and spirit. The awakened kundalini is the term used by yoga to describe the strength that flows from the coccyx to the spirit.

The yogi directs the searchlights of intelligence, mind, and life force inward through a secret astral passage, the coiled way of the kundalini in the coccygeal plexus, and upward through the sacral, lumbar, and higher dorsal, cervical, and medullary plexuses, as well as the spiritual eye between the brows, to reveal the soul's presence in the highest center (Sahasrara) in

What language is Kundalini mantra?

Snatnam Kaur asks you to make mantra a part of your daily practice, allowing positive energy to set the tone for your day, in this excerpt from her new book Original Light: The Morning Practice of Kundalini Yoga. Begin here, with the help of her audio recording.

The pleasure of the Aquarian Sdhan—Kundalini Yoga's daily practice—lies in the chanting experience. I'll admit to being biased as a musician. My mother claims that as a youngster, I would sleep through the entire Sdhan (spiritual exercise), but that once the chanting began, I would get up and join in. As an adult, I adore every component of this practice, but I've immersed myself in chanting the most.

You can prepare for a wonderful chanting experience by taking a cold shower and doing yoga. I believe your Kundalini energy will almost certainly surge! If you've made it this far and chant these words, the energy of your Chakra system, as well as all ten of your bodies, will be present and engaged. Simply enjoy, enjoy, enjoy for the time being! The music and force of the chants will transport you to another world – this is the union of the Lover and the Beloved. It's your turn to spend time with God. Each chant's energetics, sequence, and timing combine to create a therapeutic sonic recipe. From the beginning to the completion of the chants, one goes on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Music is such a wonderful gift. You could notice, as I do, that supporting music has a mesmerizing element to it when you meditate. Music helps me lose my thoughts and merge into a realm of loving meditation with the One when the chanting begins. To help you with your practice, I included the Light of the Naam with Long Ek Ong Kar CD in my new book, Original Light: The Morning Practice of Kundalini Yoga. I advise you to continue to use it as long as it serves you well. I also encourage you to look for other musicians in this community who have released beautiful Sdhan CDs, or even to make your own music!

Set yourself up comfortably.

Prepare to sit for the duration of the chants, hydrating and emptying your bladder if necessary. Make sure you're warm and comfortable, and that you're sitting on something that supports your hips. Sit in Easy Pose, a cross-legged seated position that promotes a straight spine and allows for meditative ease and calm. To create a straight line from the base of the spine to the top of the head, gently extend the back of the neck and slightly tuck the chin in using Neck Lock. In Gin Mudra, bring the tip of your Jupiter, or index finger, to the tip of your thumb; this opens the door to Jupiter's energy, which represents expansion and travel beyond the known into the unknown. Closing your eyes will assist you in turning your energy within once you have learned the Mantras. To calm the mind even further, focus your gaze on the Third Eye Point. Covering your spine and head is extremely crucial for this practice because it promotes the Kundalini energy to rise and creates internal stability. This is the stance that was assigned to us for the morning's first chant, “Long Ek Ong Kr.”

Chant with the breath.

Yogic chanting is a type of prnayam (aware breathing) that is practiced by yogis. We feel energized after chanting because we literally raise our energy. To experience this, however, a number of variables must align: the Divine's Grace, the Gur's Grace, the Beloved's Mercy, and Perhaps most importantly, the degree to which we commit ourselves to the breath and our chanting. We must fully engage our breath and align with the divine sounds in order to properly experience the uplifting energy of the Mantra. When I'm writing music for chanting, I strive to keep my attention on the breath. We fill our lungs between recitations, which immerses us entirely in our existence. We live through inhaling and exhaling! So, to get the most out of your chanting experience, I recommend taking full, deep breaths as you chant. Then you'll be able to hear and love your own voice. When the words of inspiration, the words of the Divine, are embodied in your own voice, it becomes the agent that unveils and transforms you into the beautiful being that you are.

Don't worry about the thoughts that arise.

It's natural for thoughts to arise when you chant; don't worry about it. Chanting purifies and clears our mind, and the Mantra generates a vortex that draws out the subconscious's no longer usable energy. Grief, sadness, and fury are all dragged out by it. You'll be aware of part of this process in your conscious mind, but the most of it will go unnoticed – the only sign will be a barrage of thoughts, all aimed at preventing the profound work of cleansing the subconcious from taking place. Why? Because we become accustomed to our old energy patterns; without them, we must put in the effort to shift.

Take time to reflect on the effects and meaning of the chant.

The lyrics in this chant are from Gurmukh (a sacred language formed in India in the 16th century), and they are supposed to bring healing and consciousness to the listener. Whether or not we understand the meaning of each word, it contributes to the whole experience. These chants are poems, religious tunes that express themselves. They have a lot of meaning, vivid descriptions, and exciting life metaphors. Let's look at the meaning of each term to better grasp the art form and experience its impact, as my mother, Prabhu Nam Kaur, taught me. I owe her a debt of gratitude for guiding me through this process and clarifying the definitions of many of these terms. I recommend that you think about each word in a calm environment and gradually learn the meanings; even a basic knowledge will help you meditate.

What does the Adi mantra mean?

Namo guru dev namo, ong namo guru dev namo, ong namo guru de (Sanskrit: ) is a powerful mantra used frequently in Kundalini yoga. “I bow, or salutations to the heavenly instructor,” this mantra says. It could also be interpreted as “bend to the teacher within.” The Adi mantra is another name for it.

At the start of a Kundalini yoga practice or class, this mantra is frequently recited three times. Ong namo guru dev namo is a high-vibration, protective mantra that is said to assist the yogi in connecting with the collective wisdom and power of Kundalini yoga students and teachers. The Kundalini group refers to this connection with more strength as the “golden chain.”

What does Ra Ma Da Sa mean?

One of the most important mantras in Kundalini yoga is Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung. “Sun, Moon, Earth, Infinity: All that is in infinity, I am Thee,” says Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So Hang. This is a relatively new phrase, having been heard for the first time in the summer of 1973. The Siri Gaitri mantra is another name for it.

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung is a healing prayer that invokes all of the world's components for self-healing or to send healing energies to someone else. Its practitioners believe that the usage of earthly materials allows the healing energy to travel to others, making it incredibly effective.

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung is a favorite among yoga and spiritual practitioners. It's frequently linked to Kundalini Yoga and current tantric activities. This mantra can also be spelled Ra Ma Daa Saa Saa-Se So Hang, while the more prevalent phonetic spelling is Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung.

What happens after Kundalini has risen?

Kundalini awakening is the movement of powerful emotional and mental patterns in the subtle body, rather than a physical force that may be started and stopped as needed. As a result, awakening is impossible without taking the proper steps to purify the subtle body's pathways. Beware! Unpreparation could have disastrous consequences, such as a nervous breakdown during Kundalini awakening.

No human being can deny the reality of the Divine Mother Kundalini. It's simply a matter of reawakening the Holy Spirit and allowing the power to spread throughout the body. As she ascends to the crown, passing through various nadis and chakras, the divine power purifies both the body and the spirit. She ascends from Muladhar chakra by spreading her rings and passing every chakra in her way to the sahasrara, or crown chakra. She will begin by regenerating the chakras and repairing any harm produced by your poor lifestyle. She will use this to awaken the deities, bringing you closer to the stage of spiritual awareness.