What Is Kundalini Energy Used For

Its goal is to awaken your Kundalini energy, also known as shakti. This is a spiritual energy supposed to reside at the base of your spine. Kundalini yoga is believed to expand your consciousness and help you transcend past your ego by awakening this energy. The practice is sometimes referred to as “yoga of awareness.”

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What does kundalini energy do?

Are you ready to unlock your true potential and uncover your life's purpose? Kundalini Yoga is an ancient technique that can help you alter your life by allowing you to harness strong energy. Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that means “life force.” “Divine energy is said to have been produced at the base of the spine, which is known as the “coiled snake.” Kundalini is a type of energy that we are born with, and it strives to balance it “uncoil the snake” and reintroduce us to our divine essence

Kundalini originated as a study of energy science and spiritual philosophy. Royalty used to sit with Kundalini Masters to learn about the ancient scientific teachings of kundalini and spiritual visions. Kundalini was brought to our western civilization by Yogi Bhajan, who transformed it into the magnificent practice it is today, with ancient knowledge and modern pragmatism, making it accessible to all.

The ultimate life-force energy is Kundalini. It's where our creative energy, spiritual gifts, and divine feminine energies come from. Kundalini Yoga is a technique for expanding awareness and achieving a state of lightness, joy, and limitless love. Kundalini awakens the energy that has been dormant at the base of our spine, bringing it to the crown of our heads and balancing our chakras and energetic bodies.

Kundalini allows for a free flow of energy up through the chakras, resulting in a condition of expanded consciousness—but is it safe?

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What does kundalini energy feel like?

Kundalini awakening is characterized by the following characteristics. Sensations of ‘energy' moving or imprisoned in specific regions of the body, most commonly the chakra points. This process may become ‘visible' to the experiencer in some way. The energy is too strong or uncomfortable to tolerate, and it is frequently accompanied by shaking, jerking, or spasms.

What happens if kundalini is awakened?

People are sometimes unprepared, or the process begins spontaneously without their knowledge. People who endure inner instability, total breakdown, or spiritual distress, resulting in a catastrophic life crisis, are examples of this. Disgraceful fitness and lifestyle behaviors, such as hard workouts, drug usage, abusive or traumatic situations, and so on, cause Kundalini energy to spontaneously emerge.

The immense strength of Kundalini Shakti energy, once awakened, radically transforms a person's life. He or she can go through a lot of social and emotional changes. Some people may even have a terrible prior experience or have personality swings on a regular basis. They would be able to transcend this inner trauma if properly directed by certain well-experienced masters and gurus, but if not, the outcome would be beyond terrible devastation in an otherwise easy-going life.

What is the difference between spiritual awakening and Kundalini awakening?

Spiritual awakening (also known as “spiritual ascension”) is usually an emotional and psychological experience. Kundalini awakening, on the other hand, is an energetic surge that can be mild and progressive or rapid and strong.

While kundalini awakening normally occurs after a spiritual awakening, it is not always the case. Kundalini can erupt quickly in response to psychedelic drug experiences, sexual encounters, or even tragic ones, as previously indicated.

Another difference is that kundalini energy is felt extremely physically, whereas spiritual awakening is typically more focused on the mind and emotions. While powerful vibrations and heat may be felt in the body during kundalini rising, there is a soulful element of deep questioning, understanding, and transfiguration during spiritual awakening (some refer to this as spiritual alchemy).

Is it possible to have both spiritual and kundalini awakenings at the same time? Without a doubt. And it's for this reason that both can lead to the Dark Night of the Soul (or the inevitable after-effect of feeling as if you've lost touch with the Divine). In the end, they're just two sides of the same coin.

What color is Kundalini energy?

The seven chakras correspond to different energy centers throughout the body. Here's a basic rundown of the seven chakra colors, what they represent, and what they mean. By clicking on a chakra below, you can jump to a description of that chakra:

Muladhara, the Root Chakra: Red Color

Muladhara, which means “support” or “pillar” in Sanskrit, is the Sanskrit name for the first chakra. Because it's positioned at the base of your spine, on your coccyx, it's also known as your root or sacral chakra. Muladhara serves as the foundation or root of your entire chakra system, supplying prana to the rest of your body, mind, and spirit. Half of the root chakra is supposed to be outside of the body, grounding you to the earth. The Kundalini energy starts here and penetrates the body.

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Red is the predominant color. Red is the most exciting color because it possesses the densest vibration of all the colors. Consider how you feel when you see a stop sign or blood on the ground. The root chakra sends out quick warnings and dangers, and we respond accordingly. It is vitality, courage, and life power.

Survival is one of the main topics. Fight or flight, instinct, stability, material safety, trust, and security are all concepts that come to mind while thinking about fight or flight. Our sexuality, physical strength, and desire are all influenced by the root chakra.

Muladhara chakra is balanced when you feel a strong sense of willpower, perseverance, and endurance. There is a sense of self-preservation as well as a connection to the soil and nature. Everything is in order, and you have a sense of financial, mental, physical, and spiritual security.

Muladhara chakra imbalance causes sloth, selfishness, and existential dread. Negative energy builds, as does over-worrying, wrath, and resentment. You could feel compelled to cling to folks who exude a sense of security. Colon discomfort, constipation, sciatica, lower back pain, hemorrhoids, prostate problems, or menstruation cramps are all examples of physical problems.

Agate, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Tigers Eye, Hematite, and Smoky Quartz are all associated crystals.

Svadisthana, the Sacral Chakra: Orange Color

The sacral chakra is the hub of your creative and pleasurable experiences, located immediately above the sexual organs and beneath the navel, and above the root chakra. The root chakra provides the foundation for exploration, while the sacral chakra provides the joy and passion that motivates you to do so. The svadisthana chakra converts the earth energy of the root chakra and channels it into creativity and pleasure. It's a feminine, adaptable, energetic energy linked to your blissful feelings — but not simply hedonism! Too much of a good thing may be annoying and even harmful. The sacral chakra is also associated with inner wisdom, calm, and personal growth.

Orange is the primary color. Orange is a vibrant, happy color that exudes life and strength. It is both red and yellow in color (rooted and powerful). It has a sensual quality to it and is linked to Tantra, the technique of sending kundalini energy up the spinal column in order to achieve enlightened states.

Water, procreation, sensuality, creative expression, compassion, enjoyment, gut sensations, and wisdom are among the major themes. The sacral chakra is a chakra of compassion and healing.

Svadisthana chakra is balanced, and creativity is at its peak. You have a positive attitude toward sexuality and your body, and you are accepting of people' shortcomings while also being empathetic. There is a sense of wonder and yearning, as well as a sense of freedom in searching for these things. You're vivacious, upbeat, and a lot of fun.

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Svadisthana chakra imbalance: Poor boundaries, especially sexual boundaries, are a significant red flag of a sacral chakra imbalance. You may feel out of control when it comes to your sexual desires, or you may be incredibly repressed when it comes to sex and your body. A blocked sacral chakra can cause feelings of jealousy, fear, sexual dysfunction, obsessive or intense emotions and attachments, or a sense of being disconnected from one's soul or self.

Fish, sea creatures, moving water, moonlight, the warmth of the sun, and procreation are examples of natural phenomena.

ManiPura, the Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow Color

The ManiPura chakra is the wellspring of your personal and professional achievement, as well as the seat of your strength as you go through the world. It's all about your determination and self-control, as well as your respect for yourself and others. This chakra is also linked to your ability to understand yourself — your personality — and walk confidently in the world. The solar plexus chakra is placed immediately below the heart in the abdomen.

Yellow is the predominant color. Yellow's strength shines brightly like the sun when it's not shining, illuminating the “I” – your feeling of self.

Self-esteem is a major theme. Willpower is both a motivator and a driving factor. As if it were a humming engine. Making an impression on the world. Optimism, youth, intelligence, and loving sympathy.

ManiPura chakra is balanced, which means you're honing your skills and exerting yourself with grace and harmony. You have a good understanding of yourself and have faith in yourself. You are self-assured and have a strong sense of self-worth. You eat well and exercise frequently, and you feel strong, independent, and free.

ManiPura chakra imbalance: You feel terrified, and that fear transforms into pent-up hostility, a thirst for the last word, and unbalanced competition with others. You have trouble sleeping, and you are frequently agitated and have nightmares. You're stubborn, domineering, and manipulative, and you blame others for your shortcomings or bad luck. You will slide into excessive worry and wrath as a result of criticism.

You might also be interested in learning more about Kundalini Yoga and how it differs from Hatha/Vinyasa yoga.

My YouTube Chakra Challenge With Yoga Flows And Meditation For Each Chakra is now available to watch.

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How do you know if you had a Kundalini awakening?

Kundalini is the energy that gives you life. It is thought that unawakened people's energy remains coiled at the base of their spine. The energy spirals upward for people who have an awakening event and become conscious, activating each chakra and transforming the human into an enlightened guru.

Many people believe that Kundalini awakening is a path to complete nirvana, which is accurate to some extent. A Kundalini awakening is frequently discussed in spiritual circles because, before experiencing happiness, the energy must first cleanse and purify, and the resulting shifts can be unsettling at best and painful at worst.

A kundalini awakening might be one of life's most horrific and perplexing experiences. What you can't see at first is that you're actually going through a thorough purification process that will leave you stronger and more level-headed than you've ever been.

1. You begin an emotional reckoning process. You find your mind spinning over memories of old experiences that you either miss and regret not having, or that you mourn and regret having to go through in the first place.

2. You're releasing years of stored energy that have kept you from being present. This implies you'll spend a lot of time reflecting on the past, both what happened and what you wish had gone differently. This is the time to accept it and let go of it.

3. You may have bodily symptoms such as waking up at odd hours of the night, sweating, sobbing, or even a physical rush of energy up your spine.

4. You suddenly feel compelled to make significant changes in your life. This might involve anything from your food to your profession to the individuals with whom you spend your time. You are more than aware of what isn't functioning.

5. You become aware of how your mind has been the primary power keeping you from being present and happy. You begin to see how your ego has kept you stuck in a never-ending cycle of trying to please others “Prepare for the worst,” when it was actually a ruse to distract you from the present moment, where your energy is most powerful.

6. In your life, incredible synchronicities begin to arise. Things have a strange way of turning out and leaving you thinking, “hm, that was perfect.”

7. Your sympathetic abilities are stronger than they've ever been. It's as if you can think and feel exactly what another person is going through at the exact moment they are going through it. This may seem intimidating at first, but it's a sign that your third eye is opening and you're becoming more aware of your true essence, which is connectivity.

8. You have a great desire to spend as much time as possible outside, in nature.

9. You have a strong desire to declutter your life in as many ways as possible: broken relationships, messes in your home, outdated habits that hold you back… everything has to go.

10. You begin to seriously question many of the current systems and structures. You start to look at things like religion, politics, and tradition in new ways, recognizing the core need they serve in human people.

11. You've had an encounter “sporadic” outbursts of emotion In reality, you're dealing with unresolved feelings from the past.

12. You have an overwhelming desire to help people. You recognize that, because we are all fundamentally one, dedicating your life to helping others is the most honourable and rewarding thing you can do.

13. You become enraged for what you were given and didn't get, for all the anguish you did and didn't have to deal with. Eventually, your rage turns to acceptance as you recognize each aspect of your experience as a companion rather than a foe.

14. You understand that life has never happened to you; it has always been a mirror of you. What you put out into the world was exactly what you received in return.

15. You have a mystical, personal relationship with the divine. You perceive yourself as a god, and you see god in every other living human being.

16. You realize that you can't wait any longer to begin living because life is happening right now and has always been. You start to realize that you've been depriving yourself of happiness by waiting for it to start.

Where is Kundalini located in our body?

The Kundalini energy is said to be coiled at the base of the spine. The position can be described in a variety of ways, ranging from the rectum to the navel. Kundalini is thought to be housed in three and a half coils in the triangular sacrum bone.

Is Kundalini awakening rare?

You've found the correct spot if you've had a Kundalini Awakening, are wondering about the Kundalini Awakening process, think you could have some of the symptoms of a Kundalini Awakening, or are looking for Kundalini Awakening support.

I've spent the last decade researching Kundalini Awakenings from all angles, including hearing from people who have experienced spontaneous awakenings and gone on to live healthy and productive lives. I've also totally integrated my Kundalini Awakening experience, and I now work with a number of students to help them integrate their awakenings, as well as teaching this (cheap) online Integrate Your Kundalin Awakening course.

Although a spontaneous waking can be frightening, Kundalini Awakening is our collective developmental destiny.

What is a Kundalini Awakening?

A complete Kundalini Awakening is an energetic event in which all of the psyche's knots and difficulties are healed. It's extremely uncommon and leads to enlightenment. The vast majority of people who have an energetic experience — 99.999999 percent – are only experiencing the beginnings of Kundalini movement in the body, not a full awakening.

This is nothing out of the ordinary, and the bells, lights, and whistles that might accompany any wakeup can become a source of distraction and impediment.

People can experience an energy shift that wakes layers of perception and temporarily activates the chakras. They have the ability to engage in certain unusual behaviors. A surge of energy rising from Muladhara, up the back of the spine, over the top of the head, and terminating in the forehead is the true Kundalini Awakening experience. The entire system has sprung to life.

Regardless, Kundalini Waking is the awakening of Kundalini energy, which lies at the base of the spine, whether it is a full experience or the beginnings of movement. In some manner, shape, or form, the energy begins to flow up the spine.

This burst of energy is unrelated to a person's culture, religion, or country of origin. While yogic scriptures often describe the experience, it is also known and referenced in other spiritual traditions. It is the human being's natural growth to come to consciousness as the truth of who they are.

What causes a Kundalini Awakening?

Kundalini was traditionally awakened through rigorous yoga practice. However, it's becoming increasingly frequent for people to have awakenings without any prior yoga experience or knowledge.

Intense energy work, drug usage, sexual experiences, abuse or trauma, yoga practice, or life events can all cause an awakening.

It's the first of many stages of awakening, not the final one! The true task of awakening and liberation begins now.

What are the symptoms of a Kundalini Awakening?

The indications and symptoms of Kundalini Awakening vary from person to person, and they are mostly determined by the energy blocks in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. The signs and symptoms are usually related to the blocks, and the symptoms fade as the blocks are worked through and released.

Signs & Symptoms can include:

  • Electricity in the body or internal lightening bolts are examples of energetic feelings.
  • Shaking and jerking of the body, frequently completely out of the person's control
  • Cold sensations in the body, as well as extreme heat sensations in the spine or certain chakras
  • Kriyas (yoga practices), mudras (hand gestures), Bandas (body locks), asana, or pranayama that appear out of nowhere. Typically, the individual has never studied or learned any of these emergent habits.
  • Buzzing, musical instruments, or thunder are examples of strange internal sounds that no one else can hear.

What is the process of a Kundalini Awakening?

While an awakening may appear to be a bizarre and out-of-control event, Kundalini is an intelligent and organic process with a purpose and a method for achieving that purpose.

The goal is to go through all of the psyche's illusions and tangles in order to re-orient the awakened person's life toward truth. This can be a difficult process because it implies the termination of relationships, work conditions, and previous ways of life. People who are unable to let go of the known and familiar sometimes try to hold on to people and situations. Suffering is caused by clinging to the past.

The smoother the process is, the more hard work a person has done before Kundalini Awakens. If the person has experienced a spontaneous awakening with minimal effort on their part, they are in for a difficult journey. Kundalini changes people on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level over time.

The most crucial part of effectively working with a Kundalini Awakening is a person's perspective on Reality. This is why having a good teacher who can impart the tradition's viewpoint is so important. The majority of people's problems with Kundalini arise from maintaining incorrect viewpoints, and the awakening can be skillfully integrated with a shift in viewpoint and the right practice. Integrate Your Kundalin Awakening, a four-week online course, covers all of this and more.

What are the benefits of a Kundalini Awakening?

When Kundalini emerges, a person may have a greater sense of empathy for others, almost telepathic empathy. Greater sensitivity, higher energy levels, sometimes psychic skills or deep understanding, aging can appear to slow down, creativity and charisma can rise, as can interior calm and wisdom, and aging can appear to slow down. It's as though you're a part of All That Is. Life's deeper secrets are no longer a mystery.

Where can I find help or support for my Kundalini Awakening?

There are several support groups on the internet, as well as literature about Kundalini Awakening. The finest type of assistance you can get is from an educated, skilled, and experienced yoga instructor who has gone through some form of awakening. They're uncommon, although not as uncommon as you may imagine. See who you can locate by asking around, using Google, and using your imagination. However, exercise caution and confidence in your own feelings and intuition.

And, yes, I do work one-on-one with clients who have had Kundalini Awakenings and want to integrate them. If this describes you, you can schedule a session with me by clicking here. Alternatively, you can enroll in the four-week course below for only $37US.

How do I know if I have a spiritual gift?

Accepting that intuition is a part of your personality is the first step in realizing it. The more you trust that you have this fundamental capacity, the more powerful your intuition gets. The stronger the messages get, and the easier your life will ebb and flow, the more you enjoy the fact that you are already receiving direction.

Consider whether you've experienced any of the following experiences and what you can do to help your life journey by encouraging them in a more powerful, positive, and meaningful way.

Have you ever heard the saying that everything happens in threes? It's critical to pay notice when there are trends in your life.

Six months after arriving in Los Angeles, I received a call from a friend who said he would be in town in three weeks and wanted to hook up with me. When I was thinking about him two weeks later in preparation for our plans, I didn't reach out since I assumed he would contact me like he had the previous time. I had several thoughts about him and even had a dream about him. After the dream, I awoke with the realization that I needed to call him that day. Instead, when I got on social media that morning and saw countless posts in response to his death, I was taken aback.

I've learnt my lesson; now, if I think of someone three times (or even fewer), I pay attention and pick up the phone to call them. The individual on the other end of the line is usually happy to hear from me.

Because sleep is our most creative and vulnerable condition, dreams and visions are most easily manifested.

My mother once had a dream that my father was about to die, and she awoke at 2 a.m. She instantly said a few prayers and attempted to sleep again after this nightmare. As it turns out, my father was climbing Mt. Hood in Oregon at the time, and he stepped into a crevice, causing an avalanche that nearly killed him. We don't always understand why we have dreams, but if you have them frequently, it's crucial to pay attention to them.

This might be a vision you see when talking to someone, a foreshadowing like the ones stated above in dreams, or just a random image that comes to mind.

Let's assume you're pulling out of the driveway and suddenly feel uneasy, and you have a mental vision of an accident in your head. You can then decide whether to wait till you feel comfortable or take a different route to work. Premonitions are frequently a type of communication intended to safeguard you from harm.

You thought you were getting up at 5 a.m. every morning to go pee, but it could be something else. Waking awake between the hours of 3 and 4 a.m. on a regular basis is a strong indication that spirits are trying to speak with you. This period is known as the “spiritual” or “connecting hour.” Sit up and allow yourself to receive messages if you consistently wake up at the same time every morning. They are warmly welcomed.

Children are the most conscious of the spirit realm, and they frequently refer to imaginary pals or villains in their nightmares. We reach a state of rest while we sleep “Delta and Theta” states are comparable to those we experienced as children. If there are spirits out there attempting to reach you, they may try to gently wake you up at first, but if that doesn't work, they may resort to nightmares.

I used to have nightmares every night when I initially came to Venice Beach. Worse, the lights were flickering and I was hearing strange noises. To say the least, I felt exceedingly uneasy. I ended up completing a spirit clearing with one of my paintings and, to my surprise, discovered who the spirit was in the process. My neighbor's mother, it turned out, had died when she was just 17 years old, looked exactly like me, and was also an artist. EEEEEk! I was terrified by everything. Looking back on this time in my intuitive journey, I would have most likely attempted to connect with her to figure out why she was in my area. But I was too uncomfortable at the time and wanted her to leave.

This is a highly frequent tendency among many people who are generally unaware of it. Frequently, we are experiencing experiences that are not ours, but rather those of someone we know. It could even be unrelated aches and pains or illnesses.

That used to happen to me on a regular basis. I was just driving from Los Angeles to Portland and began to feel tremendously afraid every time I passed a semi truck, as if they were trying to shoot me as I went past. I kept questioning it since it was the most unsettling experience I'd ever had. Isn't it true that I wasn't supposed to go to Portland? Later that evening, I learned that my girlfriend's parents had been kidnapped in Brazil and that gangs had erupted over the city. I had apparently been experiencing her family's concerns and emotions, and as soon as I realized what was going on, I felt at ease. When this happens, though, take a deep breath and exhale, clearing your mind of all unwanted emotions.

When I'm talking to someone and asking them a question, I frequently have an answer in my head before I even hear their response.

Voices are heard by certain persons. Some people get a thought in their head, while others get a response in their heart. It makes no difference how the signals reach you; what matters is that you are aware of them. When you identify this gift, it can be extremely beneficial in all aspects of your life.

Recognize when you're in a good mood and when you're in a bad mood. Let's assume you envision yourself laughing hysterically with your friends… What sensations do you have in your body as you recall this event? Then imagine yourself having the worst day of your life, whatever that means to you, and pay attention to what your body is telling you. The good and bad feelings will become more obvious as you ask your being questions on a regular basis. Then you'll be able to be yourself “Oracle” and stay in touch at all times. Instead of feeling nice and comforting, it could feel like pressure or even frigid. It's up to you to make sense of the situation.

I get a tingling sense a lot when somebody share something fantastic. When working with clients, I may have the similar sensation when releasing imprisoned emotions, beliefs, and other issues. Tingling and tickling sensations usually cause your body to move, even if it's just a momentary dance. The jumping sensation is usually automatic, and you react to it. Even when I'm writing something good, I'll occasionally be tingling the entire time. Tingling is magical to me; it's when everything is on point and spectacular. The sensation is the body's way of expressing itself “Yes!” says the universe.

You may start to feel a pressure between your brows before you realize you have an intuitive skill. This is your 3rd Eye, and it's a place where you can get messages and instruction. This experience will be strongest in those who are clairvoyant and can hear messages. Then it's a matter of checking in and sharing or “Consider how you're preparing to receive the visions. Some people can see the colors of other people's chakras through their third eye.

If you want to improve your intuition, consciously invite in the experiences listed above. You can express thanks for the experience as you grow more aware of the varied scenarios. It's almost as though you're becoming aware of your subconscious. It's a delicate line, to be sure, but it grows stronger with practice, just like any other muscle. You may also enhance the rate at which guidance and messages arrive to you.

Because it demonstrates your faith and believe in the guidance process, acknowledgment and thankfulness are the quickest ways to improve your intuitive talents.

Finally, it's critical to understand where the advice is coming from. It's critical to make requests that only the highest beings and light provide you messages and guidance. Another choice is to seek the highest level of insight and truth. You'll be better protected this way, especially against nightmares and voices. You don't want advice from those who don't have your best interests at heart.