How To Get Rid Of Kundalini Spirit

Kundalini is the energy that gives you life. It is thought that unawakened people's energy remains coiled at the base of their spine. The energy spirals upward for people who have an awakening event and become conscious, activating each chakra and transforming the human into an enlightened guru.

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Many people believe that Kundalini awakening is a path to complete nirvana, which is accurate to some extent. A Kundalini awakening is frequently discussed in spiritual circles because, before experiencing happiness, the energy must first cleanse and purify, and the resulting shifts can be unsettling at best and painful at worst.

A kundalini awakening might be one of life's most horrific and perplexing experiences. What you can't see at first is that you're actually going through a thorough purification process that will leave you stronger and more level-headed than you've ever been.

1. You begin an emotional reckoning process. You find your mind spinning over memories of old experiences that you either miss and regret not having, or that you mourn and regret having to go through in the first place.

2. You're releasing years of stored energy that have kept you from being present. This implies you'll spend a lot of time reflecting on the past, both what happened and what you wish had gone differently. This is the time to accept it and let go of it.

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3. You may have bodily symptoms such as waking up at odd hours of the night, sweating, sobbing, or even a physical rush of energy up your spine.

4. You suddenly feel compelled to make significant changes in your life. This might involve anything from your food to your profession to the individuals with whom you spend your time. You are more than aware of what isn't functioning.

5. You become aware of how your mind has been the primary power keeping you from being present and happy. You begin to see how your ego has kept you stuck in a never-ending cycle of trying to please others “Prepare for the worst,” when it was actually a ruse to distract you from the present moment, where your energy is most powerful.

6. In your life, incredible synchronicities begin to arise. Things have a strange way of turning out and leaving you thinking, “hm, that was perfect.”

7. Your sympathetic abilities are stronger than they've ever been. It's as if you can think and feel exactly what another person is going through at the exact moment they are going through it. This may seem intimidating at first, but it's a sign that your third eye is opening and you're becoming more aware of your true essence, which is connectivity.

8. You have a great desire to spend as much time as possible outside, in nature.

9. You have a strong desire to declutter your life in as many ways as possible: broken relationships, messes in your home, outdated habits that hold you back… everything has to go.

10. You begin to seriously question many of the current systems and structures. You start to look at things like religion, politics, and tradition in new ways, recognizing the core need they serve in human people.

11. You've had an encounter “sporadic” outbursts of emotion In reality, you're dealing with unresolved feelings from the past.

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12. You have an overwhelming desire to help people. You recognize that, because we are all fundamentally one, dedicating your life to helping others is the most honourable and rewarding thing you can do.

13. You become enraged for what you were given and didn't get, for all the anguish you did and didn't have to deal with. Eventually, your rage turns to acceptance as you recognize each aspect of your experience as a companion rather than a foe.

14. You understand that life has never happened to you; it has always been a mirror of you. What you put out into the world was exactly what you received in return.

15. You have a mystical, personal relationship with the divine. You perceive yourself as a god, and you see god in every other living human being.

16. You realize that you can't wait any longer to begin living because life is happening right now and has always been. You start to realize that you've been depriving yourself of happiness by waiting for it to start.

Is Kundalini awakening permanent?

Kundalini awakening can be long-term or short-term. Kundalini awakening is permanent if it is triggered in the right way.

It is caused by an intentional effort to lead oneself into enlightenment, which is what temporary Kundalini awakening is. It is not created by swallowing any medicines or a sudden by-product of practising yoga.

Permanent Kundalini looks to be an endless electric current, and everyone who has experienced it knows it will never stop.

These people's lives are considered to have been irreversibly altered. This is comparable to electricity flowing 24 hours a day.

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The majority of people describe it as “a constant companion,” rather than a rush, a transitory mood, or a long-lasting recollection.

What does Kundalini awakening do?

Kundalini awakening is defined as the process of a person's ultimate unification with higher awareness, also known as spiritual birth. Yoga and profound meditation are the two basic methods for awakening the supreme energy in a peaceful and orderly manner. There are various books and medications on the market that claim to rapidly awaken the Kundalini Shakti, but it's important to understand that these shortcuts can only lead to complete catastrophe. This is why all religions believe that the waking process should be carried out under the supervision and presence of a master or guru.

What happens at the end of a Kundalini awakening?

Kundalini, according to William F. Williams, is a Hindu religious experience in which it is believed to be a form of “cosmic energy” that gathers at the base of the spine.

Kundalini is said to rise up from the muladhara chakra, through the central nadi (called sushumna) inside or alongside the spine, to the top of the head when it is awakened. Kundalini is thought to move through the chakras, achieving various levels of awakening and mystical experiences until it reaches the summit of the head, the Sahasrara or crown chakra, where it produces an incredibly deep shift in consciousness.

Can Kundalini cause brain damage?

So, what's not to enjoy about that? B.K.S. Iyengar Swami Vivekananda, a yogi, compares the nervous system to an electrical system, including wire (nerves), circuits (chakras), and gates (locks) (bandhas). A Kundalini power surge, like any other electrical system, can disrupt the grid, causing serious mental and physical sickness. While the channels Kundalini flows through are broadly correlated with the neurological system, Kundalini is a subtle energy form that cannot be tested like normal nerve circulation.

What is the opposite of kundalini?

Kundalini is a spiritual energy that has been latent for a long time and is commonly depicted as a serpent coiling up at the base of the spine. This serpent protects the entrance to susumna, the core energy channel, preventing prana energy from entering and ascending through the seven chakras in the center of the spine. Kundalini is the individualized form of Shakti, the universal feminine spirit. Shiva, who sits in the head chakra, is Shakti's polar opposite and partner.

How do you release Kundalini energy?

On how to activate kundalini, there are many different perspectives and suggestions. Kundalini can be awoken in a number of different ways. For some, it may take many years of serious effort, while for others, it may occur spontaneously. The process is highly personal and frequently unpredictable.

Kundalini awakening is accomplished through a variety of ancient Hindu practices. In India, yogis would traditionally cleanse and prepare for several years in order to safely experience a kundalini awakening.

Although it is stated that you have no influence over when and whether your kundalini energy wakes, there are some techniques that can aid in your awakening and support you on your path:

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