Why We Need Spiritual Discernment Charles Stanley

Because every decision must be made in line with God's will, Christian spiritual discernment can be distinguished from other types of discernment. Christian discernment is defined as a decision-making process in which an individual discovers something that can lead to future action. God leads the individual through the process of Christian spiritual discernment to help them make the greatest decision possible. In Christian spiritual discernment, the greatest approach to arrive at the best option is to look for internal and outward indicators of God's action and then apply them to the situation at hand. Christian discernment also places a strong emphasis on Jesus and making decisions that are consistent with Jesus' teachings in the New Testament. Christian discernment differs from secular discernment in that it focuses on God and Jesus while making decisions. Ignatius of Loyola is widely regarded as a master of spirit discernment. Ignatian discernment is named after Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), who developed his own distinct method of Catholic discernment. Ignatian discernment focuses on perceiving God in all aspects of life and uses a series of Spiritual Exercises to help people make better life decisions. The Spiritual Exercises are intended to assist those who are confronted with a significant life decision. Identifying the issue, spending time to pray about the choice, making a wholehearted decision, discussing the choice with a mentor, and lastly trusting the decision made are the seven steps of discernment to be followed.

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Why is it important to have discernment?

Should I relocate across the country to the place where I've always wanted to live?

I'm sure you've faced a major personal decision similar to one of these. It can be terrifying, thrilling, draining, and exhilarating all at once. We can attempt to avoid it, but making decisions is one of those basic human experiences that we all have to go through from time to time.

When faced with a decision like this in the past, I've always gone with my instincts. I'd mull over the notion in my head for a few days before deciding on the best alternative for me. Most of the time, looking back, I'd think my decision was a good one, but there were occasions when I didn't.

Even when I felt certain in my decision, I would frequently question it. I'd inquire about topics like, “What if I have a change of heart? What am I missing out on as a result of my decision? What if I'm not really interested in what I thought I was? What if I'm not sure what I'm looking for? What if what I really desire isn't the most important thing? What if what I want isn't good for me in the end, or vice versa?” etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.,

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This began to change for me in college, when I was fortunate enough to form a friendship with one of my professors, who was also a Franciscan friar and Catholic priest. We were talking about important life matters one day (one of my favorite pastimes), and he stated to me, “Always follow your heart, but first and foremost, ensure that your heart is clean.”

The remark struck me as accurate right away, but I had no idea what he meant. I was curious to learn more. Over the course of our subsequent conversations, he gradually unpacked for me an old approach of decision-making known as discernment.

Discernment is founded on the thoughts of various great mystic minds in Christianity, including St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Teresa of vila, St. Paul, and St. John, to mention a few. It's based on the belief that God speaks to each of us through our hearts' and brains' good and holy desires. Despite our deep brokenness, God created us to be basically good, and He desires for us to mature into our complete selves: to become the most fully actualized, finest versions of ourselves. This is our divine mission, and it is what He created us to do.

We also have deep brokenness: anxieties, selfishness, insecurities, and wounds, in addition to this God-given loveliness. This is how the Bible refers to it “It is a sin.” These, too, speak loudly in our deepest thoughts and feelings, preventing us from becoming the person we were born to be.

As a result, we have a conflict inside ourselves between our genuine selves and our fake selves. The fight is described by St. Ignatius as a battle between a “good spirit” and a “evil spirit” attempting to seduce us, similar to the angel and devil on a cartoon character's shoulder. These voices compete for our attention and influence.

The brave part of you may be urging you to relocate across the nation, but the terrified half of you is screaming that you'll make no friends if you do, so you'd better stay there. Your wisdom may be telling you to break up with your significant other, but your libido is reminding you of what you'd be losing out on if you did. Maybe your perseverance is asking you to stick it out in a difficult job, while your recklessness just wants to hit your boss in the face with a three-hole puncher.

I believe this is what my professor meant when he said “Make certain that your heart is pure.” We must ensure that we make decisions based on the good desires in our hearts, that we make decisions based on the goodness within us (such as our strength, hope, generosity, and compassion), and that we disregard the evil (fear, greed, or pride).

To be sure, this is not an easy process. Trying to distinguish between our selfish and altruistic wants can be difficult, but it is feasible to do so over time. We gain self-awareness as a result, and we may be confident that we are responding to God's call in our lives: that we are becoming our genuine selves.

Discernment aids us in making the best decision possible for the best reasons. More than that, it gives us the assurance that we will be able to stick to our obligations. The first several years of my marriage were challenging for my wife and me. We had to put in a lot of effort to establish healthy routines of living, talking, and growing as a family. We'd both had doubts about the person we'd chosen to spend the rest of our lives with. Do you have any idea what gave us hope? Looking back on our marriage discernment journey.

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Both she and I had carefully discerned and prayed about whether or not we should marry, and we had both come to the unambiguous conclusion that we were meant to be together. We looked back on that discernment as a source of strength in later moments of doubt. We were confident that God had called us to get married to each other and that we had chosen each other for the right reasons.

We were able to see those early problems as obstacles to overcome together, rather than seeing them as a sign of a bad decision, because we knew we had made the correct decision with pure hearts. It helped us see our current struggle as a step toward becoming our actual selves as a group.

You might or might not be similar to me. As I previously stated, my default way of decision-making is to trust my instincts. Maybe you, too, trust your intuition, depending on your personality (or Myers-Briggs type, if you're into that – any more ENFJs in the house?). Alternatively, you might think more logically and evaluate all possibilities. Perhaps you strive to make the most rational decision possible. Perhaps you do what is required of you by people closest to you. Perhaps you enjoy being a renegade and trying new things. Perhaps you act rashly and make a snap decision. Maybe you pray to God every day for signs.

Each of these characteristics can be beneficial, but they also have disadvantages. Discernment aids us in capturing the best aspects of each. It's a comprehensive approach to assisting us in discovering the authentic, good, and beautiful desires that God has placed deep within us.

Listening to your heart, evaluating with your mind, and bringing God into the dialogue through prayer can help us clarify our motivations and desires, gain confidence in our decisions, and teach us to be honestly our best selves.

What is discernment and why is it important Catholic?

The process through which men and women in the Catholic Church identify or recognize their vocation in the church is known as vocational discernment. The vocations are married or single life as a layperson in the world, ordained life, and consecrated life.

What is spiritual discernment from the Bible?

In the Bible, discernment is defined as the spiritual quality of sound judgment for discerning right from wrong, good from evil, truth from error, and discerning God's will and guidance for his people.

What role does God's providence take in our lives?

This set of terms includes (6) What role does God's providence play in our lives and in the way we discern his call? It may assist you in recognizing what God has already accomplished for you. Talking with someone who is also close to God about your discernment will help you see things from a different perspective.

How do you practice spiritual discernment?

The difficulty is that we sometimes wait until there's a major issue at stake before engaging in discernment – and then we're completely unfamiliar with the process when everything seems to be on the line. It's not a pleasant environment to be in.

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Thankfully, God can work with us in any location, at any time, and in any manner. But, by making discernment a strong habit in our life, we can better equip ourselves to address the major questions.

Imagine attempting to interpret a gourmet soufflé recipe when we've never learnt to fry an egg. It'll be a lot more challenging this time!

Learning to discern entails developing the practice of using discernment in our daily lives, in both big and small matters.

Practice talking to God about the simple things in your life. Practice listening – He might not speak to you the same way he speaks to others. If you've never listened before, don't expect to be able to hear right away.

Get to know yourself — your inclinations, your tendencies, and your regular approaches to circumstances. You can modify properly if you know yourself.

Practice observing — observing your own reactions to opportunities, challenges, and other people's reactions. How can you learn if you don't pay attention?

Keep a journal, meet with a friend or mentor on a regular basis, and find a way to observe the trail you're leaving behind. We learn more about ourselves over time than we can see in the present.

Making discernment a habit relieves stress when presented with a major decision, such as who to marry, where to live, or what to do. Instead of being a novice, you'll be well-versed in the art of discernment.

However, there is one caveat: don't expect to become an expert in discernment overnight. It takes several years! And, for the sake of the great questions, don't even make it your objective to be adept at discernment.

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Even if we believe we have made all of our major life decisions, discernment is a lifelong process that never ends. Learning to appreciate the process is key to making it a habit.

How do you understand discernment as seeking the will of God?

We learn to love what God loves, do what God does, and appreciate what God values from the Bible. The more we study God's Word, the better we shall understand him. The more we learn about him, the better we will be able to comprehend his wishes.

God is always willing to share his knowledge with his children. “The Lord gives wisdom,” says Proverbs 2:6, “and knowledge and insight come from his mouth.” “If any of you lack wisdom, ask God, who gives liberally to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him,” James 1:5 says. The Holy Spirit bestows this gift of understanding in connection with God's Word.

All spiritual insight and understanding comes from God, and the Bible, as illuminated by the Holy Spirit, is the primary source. If every believer spent their lives studying to obey God's Word, they would fulfill 99 percent of God's will for them. And every believer who pays attention to God's Word will discover that the remaining 1% can be easily discerned via prayer and careful thought.

What is the difference between being judgmental and discerning?

A judgemental person is one who goes beyond recognizing disparities in people's talents to draw conclusions about their overall worthiness. At first glance, it may appear that a wise person has no choice but to pass judgment.