Where Does My Soulmate Live

Where do soulmates come from?

After a difficult split ten years ago, I started to look into it. I was interested in linking the different versions of the soulmate ideal across time as a historian of religion and culture with a background in the history of ideas.

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In a letter dated 1822, poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge writes, “To be happy in Married Life… you must have a Soul-mate.”

Coleridge believed that a successful marriage required more than just economic and social compatibility. It necessitated a spiritual link.

Plato, the Greek philosopher, authored a treatise several centuries before Coleridge “Symposium” explored the causes for people's desire for a soulmate. According to Plato, Aristophanes, all humans were once united with their other half, but Zeus divided them apart out of fear and jealously. The transcendent sensation of two soulmates reuniting is described by Aristophanes as follows:

“And when one of them meets his other half, the real half of himself… the two are engulfed in awe of love, friendship, and closeness, and neither of them will remain out of the other's sight for even a second.”

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Is your soulmate can hear you?

You'll either hear their voice or feel their presence. If your soulmate is thinking of you, you will sense their presence no matter where you are or what you are doing. This may be unsettling because you may hear their voice while attending a crucial business meeting, but don't be alarmed.

What does it feel like when you meet your soulmate?

When you meet your love, your dopamine levels will skyrocket. When you meet your soulmate and fall in love, it's natural to feel pleased and giddy all of the time. You're completely ecstatic when you're with your love, and your face is probably hurting from smiling so much.

Is soulmate real?

Soulmates are real and can be confirmed by science, according to the very out-there website The Science of Soulmates. However, after reading through the lengthy, wordy site, you'll discover that the “scientifically verified” hypotheses stated on the site to illustrate that soulmates are real are quite woo-woo.

TL;DR: Soulmates appear to be one manifestation of the energy patterns that run through everything in the universe. “Scientific instruments recorded proof of a fundamental energy pattern that exposes the source of existence and the phenomena of soulmates,” according to the website.

Despite the fact that this “proof” is muddled and difficult to understand, it appears that some people believe that soulmates can be discovered by researching energy patterns. I'm open to this idea — I was raised in an unconventional household and am open to many transcendental concepts — but I'm not certain that this website actually provides any concrete proof that soulmates exist, at least according to science. As a result, it's back to the drawing board.

How many Soulmates do we have?

You can have multiple soulmates. “You only have one twin flame,” says the narrator. According to the belief, if you meet someone with whom you have a strong connection, there's a good chance they're a member of your larger soul family.

Who can be soulmate?

A soulmate is someone with whom you have a natural or profound connection. Similarity, love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, compatibility, and trust are all examples of this.

How do you recognize a soul mate?

2. They're your closest companion.

Because friendship is the best basis for every relationship, why do you think so many rom coms include two BFFs who marry? It's a fantastic indicator if you and your SO have a trustworthy, happy friendship.

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3. When you're among them, you feel at ease.

Because you spend so much time with your significant other, you should feel at ease and at ease when you're with them. Naturally, there will be butterflies and nerves at first, but once you've gotten to know one other, it should seem completely natural.