When Your Hands Are Cold Spiritual Meaning

When you have icy hands in the spiritual sphere, it is an indication of incompetence.

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It's a sign that you haven't been able to fulfill all of the tasks that the universe has given to you. This can be both a good and a negative omen.

If your difficulty is due to fear or low self-esteem, this is a good sign. If this is the case, then your freezing hands are a sign that the universe is encouraging you to complete the duties at hand.

It's a message from the universe that you can do anything you want with your heart because you have the inner strength to complete everything you've been given.

If your inability is due to disobedience or sloth, this is a negative sign. The universe has given you icy hands to warn you that if you don't stop being lazy, you're going to lose a lot of money.

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Furthermore, having icy hands in the domain of the spirit implies that the spirit of a loved one has visited you from another planet to see how you're doing.

Certain spirits, according to ancient belief and history, convey cold to our bodies whenever they appear to us.

As a result, your icy hands could indicate the presence of a spirit – most likely the spirit of a loved one.

What do cold hands mean?

Cold hands are frequently an indication that your body is attempting to maintain its usual temperature. Cold hands all the time, on the other hand, could indicate a problem with your blood flow or the blood capillaries in your hands.

Does cold hands mean warm heart?

“Cold hands, warm heart,” goes the saying. It claims that persons with normally frigid hands are actually caring and compassionate people. As far as I can discover, there is no counterpart. People with warm hands, on the other hand, aren't thought to have frigid hearts. They're just average people with body temperatures around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Lawrence Williams and John Bargh, two researchers, received some news in 2008 for debunking this myth. Physical warmth activated thoughts of interpersonal warmth, according to the study. What is the definition of interpersonal warmth? It refers to a set of characteristics that we see in others as being favorable to us—for example, we might discuss how kind, helpful, or trustworthy someone is, which helps us choose if he is someone to befriend or someone to avoid. Physical warmth tended to promote behaviors that bolstered these negative impressions of us. As a result, we may be more likely to share or to anticipate and arrange reciprocal acts. We seemed to be able to focus our attention more selfishly after being exposed to cold.

Our physical experiences with these sensations may be at the basis of the warm-cold difference. Warmth experiences may elicit further associations with the sensation, linking it to psychological warmth. Williams and Bargh referenced Harry Harlow's classic study with macaques, in which infants preferred a cloth surrogate mother to a wire mother who delivered food as an example. If you're unfamiliar with this study, it's a fascinating read about which you can learn more here. There's also a video if you're interested, but be warned: it might make you cry. Harlow's studies have been criticized as cruel and unethical, however the film does not depict any explicit physical abuse against the macaques. The problems are primarily psychological in nature. (If you want to go ahead, I summarized the study after the video.)

The short version is that researchers gave newborn macaques two surrogate “mothers.” The first was made of cloth and heated by a light bulb, while the second was made of wire but offered food. The monkeys preferred the cloth mothers for comfort, and only went to the wire mothers when they were starving. These findings were used by Harlow to demonstrate the importance of comfort from contact, especially in the early years of life. The lack of such comfort has been linked to serious developmental problems later in life. Harlow's work has influenced how child care organizations view and establish policies for children.

As a result, we have these associations of warmth with comfort, safety, and trust since our early caretakers provided us with both psychological and bodily warmth (606). Participants in the Williams and Bargh study who short handled a hot cup of coffee were more likely than those who briefly held an iced coffee to perceive others as having warmer personality qualities. Participants who held a hot therapeutic pad were more likely than those who held a cold therapeutic pad to choose a prize that they could share with a friend later (607).

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The study identifies the impact of external influences on our interpersonal connections. When you're exposed to cold, for example, which can be a distressing experience, you're more likely to think of yourself. It's logical that you'd want to be as comfortable as possible. You may be more responsive to thinking about others if you're warm, which indicates you're probably comfortable (rather than hot and sweaty, which might be uncomfortable). This is because your own needs have previously been met. Cold hands, therefore, do not imply a “warm heart,” but rather indicate a state of discomfort that should be treated.

However, the proverb states that even if one's hands are normally cold, one's heart is warm. So, while a momentary environmental change may have an impact on how we see others and act toward them, is the same true for someone who has a more or less constant experience of hot and cold? Is the person who gets cold in the summer—you know who I'm talking about—less mentally warm than others? Or was this phrase coined to assist normalize a strange experience?

If our aversion to cold causes us to form bad associations, it's understandable that we'd want to exclude people we care about from such associations. As a result, “cold hands, warm heart” becomes a way of dismissing an exception and establishing consistency. The hot-cold assessment could be a “first-pass” judgment on an individual's fitness to join our social networks. It could also be “an automatic and required evaluation that does not require the perceiver's purpose to make it,” according to Williams and Bargh (606). Is “cold hands, warm heart” then a means to get beyond this initial screening? My impression is that the term is used more warmly than the circumstances would allow, but it may be used to alleviate self-consciousness and the psychological implications/associations with coldness.

Why are my hands cold all the time?

Cold hands are more common in those who have anemia, diabetes, lupus, scleroderma, thyroid disease, poor circulation, or nervous system diseases. And for many otherwise healthy people, it's just their body's natural response to a cold environment, and it's probably nothing to be concerned about.

Why do my hands and feet feel cold?

Our bodies are built to maintain a constant temperature. When it's chilly outside, your body ensures that blood continues to flow to your core and important organs to keep them warm. This can cause your hands and feet to get cold due to a change in blood flow. This is very normal. When it's cold outside, the blood arteries in your hands and feet tighten (spasm) to avoid heat loss from your core.

Without having an underlying ailment, some people have naturally cooler feet and hands. It is a pretty frequent ailment. When your hands and feet are prone to becoming cold, you may need to take extra care to protect them in cold weather.

However, if your cold feet and hands are persistent, or if you notice other symptoms such as color changes in your digits, there are other options.

Why are my girlfriends hands so cold?

Women's hands are often colder than men's, which may explain why the ancient adage “cold hands, warm heart” applies.

The hands of men and women were examined using thermal imaging, and researchers discovered that women's hands are generally 2.8 degrees Fahrenheit colder than men's.

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Cold exposure, whether from a cold shower or a brisk stroll outside, causes blood vessels in the hands and feet to constrict, limiting blood flow in those areas as the body attempts to protect the heart and other essential organs.

While both men and women experience this, women experience the chilly reaction considerably more quickly.

It's still a mystery why, but scientists believe it has something to do with variances in body size, composition, and hormones.

Women have less muscle and more body fat than men. Fat protects essential organs, including the uterus, but it also prevents blood from reaching the extremities.

Because women are often smaller than men, they lose heat from their skin at a higher rate.

That explains why so many women tremble in their office cubicles next to their male coworkers who are dressed in short sleeved shirts.

Even though cold hands are painful, they aren't a cause for concern for most women unless they are a symptom of Raynaud's disease.

According to the Mayo Clinic, Raynaud's illness produces numbness and coldness in the fingers and toes in response to cold weather or stress. Small blood arteries that supply blood to the extremities spasm and severely constrict as a result of the illness, reducing blood flow. Tissue injury may result as a result of this.

Raynaud's disease affects five times more women than it does men. Icy fingers or toes, skin that becomes white or blue when exposed to cold or stress, and red with stinging pain after warming up are all symptoms.

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Raynaud's disease is divided into two categories: primary and secondary. The secondary form is less prevalent and is caused by an underlying ailment. The most common form is tied to a person's family history.

Why do my hands get cold when I'm anxious?

Cold fingers and hands can also be caused by stress and anxiety. Epinephrine surges are prevalent in those who are under a lot of stress or anxiety.

This hormone produces a series of events in the hands and fingers, causing blood vessels to constrict and blood flow to the fingers to diminish.

Deep breathing exercises, meditation, physical activity, and other stress-reduction approaches can help you avoid this in the future.

What do warm hands symbolize?

Warming the hands, according to research, might lead to emotions of kindness toward others. However, if your hands are particularly warm all of the time, it could be due to increased blood flow, infection, or other medical conditions. People with warm hands should not diagnose themselves solely on the basis of this symptom.

Why are some people's hands warm and others cold?

Humans are warm-blooded, which means we can control our internal body temperature regardless of our surroundings. The process of keeping our bodies core temperature maintained at 37oC starts in the brain, where the hypothalamus is in charge of producing hormones that regulate temperature.

Skin receptors detect temperature changes and send the information to the hypothalamus. Sweat glands and muscles are immediately triggered from here to maintain the body's core temperature.

If you're too cold:

  • The blood vessels beneath your skin will constrict, reducing blood flow to your skin and aiding in heat retention.
  • Shivering is one way for your organs, muscles, and brain to produce heat.
  • Your thyroid gland may secrete hormones that speed up your metabolism, giving you more energy and heat.

So, why are some people always hot and some always cold?

There are a variety of things that influence whether you are a hot or chilly person. Weight, size, age, gender, food, sleep patterns, and lifestyle are all factors to consider.


Hormones aid in the regulation of our body temperature. Your hypothalamus and hormones can be thrown out of whack if you're under a lot of stress.

When we are under a lot of stress, our automatic nervous system kicks in as well. As part of your fight or flight response, more blood is directed into your internal organs, raising your body temperature.

So, if you're always overheated in the office (even with the air conditioning on), it's probably time to take a break and re-boot.


Our feelings might be influenced by our emotional state regardless of the temperature in our surroundings. You're more prone to feel cold if you're feeling alone, alone, or melancholy.

It turns out that the warm and fuzzy sensation you get when you're with family and friends is genuine. You'll feel warmer the more socially engaged you are.


When you're curled up in a blanket, does your companion always moan about being hot? According to a recent study, women are more likely than males to be sensitive to ambient temperature. While there are no significant differences in internal temperature between men and women, women may be more sensitive to the environment.

Medical conditions

While it's natural for some people to feel hot while others feel chilly, excessive symptoms could indicate a medical issue or bad health. Anemia, starvation, infection, weight problems, hypothyroidism, diabetes, and Raynaud's disease are just a few examples. If you're frequently hot or chilly, it's a good idea to talk to your usual doctor about your concerns.

Is having cold hands bad?

Cold hands are usually just one of your body's attempts to maintain its temperature and shouldn't be a reason for concern. Cold hands that don't go away, especially if the skin tone changes, could be an indication of nerve injury, blood flow issues, or tissue damage in the hands or fingers.