What To Do During A Spiritual Fast

Don't go cold turkey and stop eating or drinking for an extended length of time. Fasting from technology or whatever you spend a lot of time doing is a good idea. Fasting on media, non-religious publications, secular movies, or a sporting event are just a few examples of what you can do.

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Instead of reading the Bible and praying, try to figure out what you enjoy doing all of the time. Furthermore, if you ask the Lord what you should fast from, He will respond.

Eat Very Little Before Your Fast

Prior to fasting, attempt to eat very little for the preceding week so that your body gets used to not eating much. You don't want to eat ceaselessly for a week and then stop eating or drinking during your fasts on the spur of the moment. If you do not adequately prepare yourself before fasting, you may experience a variety of symptoms.

Here are just a few of the many symptoms that can occur if your body is not adequately prepared before fasting:

Drink Lots of Water When Fasting

During your fast, make sure you consume plenty of water. The beautiful thing about fasting is that you can drink as much water as you want! Drinking plenty of water (or diluted juice or raw, organic apple cider vinegar if you're a beginner or want to feel more at ease) will help you feel less hungry and uncomfortable. If you get hungry during fasting, simply drink a half gallon of water and the hunger will vanish.

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Pray During Your Fast

When you're supposed to be eating, spend time in prayer and meditation. Food and drink will be tempting, but continue and divert your attention to the Holy Scriptures and your communication with the Lord. Your relationship with Christ will nourish you on a level you've never imagined. You'll become more reliant on Him and more connected to Him.

Read the Bible

There's a reason why numerous passages of Scripture connect God's word to food. It nourishes our spirits on the deepest level. The book of Matthew is one such example.

Man will not survive solely on bread, but on every word that comes from God's lips.


Laziness is a condition that the Bible condemns, but most of us today are too busy to get the rest we require. You will have more time if you withdraw from the media and other people, allowing you to obtain a full night's sleep. Because you won't be taking long food breaks during your fast, you'll be forced to slow down. A fast will disclose that your daily routine is overburdened with activities and busyness.

Disconnect from People

Fasting is not always a vacation, but taking time off and away from people while fasting can help you get the most out of this valuable time. Leave your phone and email at home. Find someone who can cover your work and ministry responsibilities if at all possible. Many people fast while continuing to go about their daily lives. However, if you are able to get away, it will allow you to spend more time in silence and calm with the Lord.

Politely Decline Dining Offers

In our culture, everything revolves around food, which makes fasting exceedingly tough. Even in the church, we are a food-worshipping, food-obsessed culture, and we're proud of it. God is not your stomach, no matter how much you love food. When you're invited to lunch or dinner with someone, or have unwelcome food placed in front of you, simply say, “No thanks, I'm not hungry,” with a courteous smile. You may both avoid the social duty to eat and keep your fast a secret by utilizing that simple word.

Avoid Television and Radio

Disconnecting from television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet can assist you in staying focused on your fasting goal. As you become physically and emotionally challenged, you will be less attracted by the relentless barrage of advertising. You will have more time to focus on the Lord and His word if you avoid media.

Find Another Activity

People are frequently astonished by how much time they spend cooking, eating, and tidying up after themselves. During a fast, all of that time is made available. Plan ahead of time how you'll fill some of that free time during your fast.

You can pray, meditate, or read spiritual material.

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Pray for the needy, for example. You can consider performing a charitable gesture, such as volunteering at a homeless shelter or a local church.

Stay Physically Active

When you're fasting, make sure you're getting some exercise. Physical activity encourages not only your body but also your thoughts. Fasting, once again, necessitates reliance on God; God will provide the energy and power you require.

Record Your Fast

Keeping track of your fast's progress in a notebook or journal is a wonderful idea. You can describe the feelings you're experiencing and what you did to deal with them.

You can also write down what the Lord has been saying to you, and when your fast is through, you can bring out that notebook and see what you've learnt from God for the future.

Write to God

Writing letters to the Lord can help you express your emotions while also providing you with a sense of gratitude. It would be like writing to a buddy, just like praying. The Lord loves each and every human being on this globe, and He is delighted that you are foregoing your mealtime to spend time with Him.

Think Positive Thoughts

Consider the power your spirit is developing over your physical body. Consider the good impacts that are occurring in your body when the poisons are eliminated. Consider how God is preparing you for His purposes by purifying and sanctifying you. It will help you through the difficult times, as Paul said in Philippians.

“Think on whatever is true, what is honorable, what is just, what is pure, what is beautiful, what is commendable, if there is any greatness, if there is anything deserving of praise.”

What should I do while fasting for God?

When you wake up in the middle of the night, think about Him. You are free to sing praises to Him at any time. Make every act of praise and worship a focus on your Heavenly Father. As you seek God's presence, He will help you to experience His mandate to “pray without ceasing.”

How do you prepare for a spiritual fast?

I don't want to go without saying that fasting with someone is wonderful, but you don't have to do it. Fasting in seclusion with the father is truly commanded in Matthew 6:18. We are not to boast about our fasting or wear a mournful expression to make others feel sorry for us. So, if you're fasting with a group or just one other person, keep it hidden and only think of God.

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Decide what Type of Fast you Want to Do

The various sorts of fasts have been explored previously. To summarize, there is a;

  • Material Fasting entails avoiding material possessions or activities such as television, social media, and habits.
  • A supernatural fast is one that can only be observed when under God's supernatural presence. Consider Moses, who went without sustenance for 40 days and nights.

When it comes to choosing a type of fast, there is no right or wrong answer. If you're new to fasting, I recommend starting modest. Cut out a meal and then fast for the rest of the day the next time. Then progress to three days, then a week. You must begin small and work your way up to strengthen your spiritual muscles.

However, the correct response boils down to one thing. What are you being led to do by the Holy Spirit? When people fasted in the Bible, the number of days they fasted wasn't the most significant factor. They concentrated on the reason for their actions and did what they believed God wanted them to do. So, what are your intentions and what do you feel compelled to do? That is what you should do.

Plan your Meals

For obvious reasons, you can skip this section if you're undertaking a complete or ordinary fast. However, if you're undertaking a partial fast, meal planning is critical to staying on track. Until I went on a fast without a plan, I didn't think it was that significant. You will be hungry and most likely experience little discomfort while fasting. There's nothing worse than getting to mealtime and realizing you don't have anything to eat since you can't just grab something as you normally would. That's a recipe for a hangry person.

Make a meal plan and a grocery list at least a few days before your fast. Get your meals ready ahead of time and out of the way. Fasting is all about focusing your attention on God. So don't let last-minute grocery shopping and dinner preparation consume all of your time. It will simply frustrate you and take you out of the mental condition you were in before to starting the fast.

How long should I fast for spiritual?

Fasting duration is also determined by personal inclination and ability. Fasting for long periods of time is not possible for certain people due to health issues. Others may fast for several days at a time. Remember, the purpose of fasting is to strengthen your relationship with God. It is not a question of how many days or how long one can fast. Fasting is a very personal experience with the Lord. As a result, there's no need to compare how long you've been fasting to how long others have been fasting.

Before you start fasting, I urge that you pray and ask the Lord how long you should fast for. If you're new to fasting, I recommend beginning with one meal or one day. You can continue for extended lengths of time after you are more conscious of and familiar with the topic. You may decide after the first day that you want to continue for a longer period of time. Keep track of how your body feels if this is the case. You may feel lightheaded and weak if your body isn't used to fasting. Once your body has become accustomed to fasting, you will be able to fast for extended periods of time without experiencing these symptoms.

The length of your fast is also determined by what you're fasting from. You should not fast for longer than two or three days if you are fasting both food and drink. Furthermore, if you are only fasting from food, you can fast for extended periods of time. Some people will abstain from eating and drinking, but will sip juice to stay energized.

Types of Fasting

Abstaining from social media, entertainment, sex, sweet meals, or a variety of other things is another type of fasting. You can fast for substantially longer lengths of time if you choose to fast from the following items. This is due to the fact that these fasts have no negative impact on your health. In fact, they may help you live a healthier life. Fasting from these foods for prolonged lengths of time is something I suggest.

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If you're married, make sure you have an agreement on sex abstinence with your partner. “Do not deprive each other except by mutual permission and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer,” Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 7:5. Then get back together so Satan can't tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

What are three biblical reasons to fast?

If you're reading this, you're probably curious about why Christians fast, or why you should fast yourself. Both of these questions will be addressed in this blog. Christians fast for a variety of reasons, and it's crucial to note that these reasons differ from one individual to the next.

What are the biblical justifications for fasting? While there are many reasons for Christians to fast, the three most common are Biblical requirements, spiritual disciplines, and health benefits. Nearness to God, spiritual freedom, guidance, waiting for Jesus' return, and, of course, a healthy physique are all reasons for Christian fasting.

What are the three types of fasting?

Calorie restriction, nutrient restriction, and seasonal eating are the three basic forms of fasts.

A calorie restriction fast is the most basic sort of fast. When most people hear the word “fasting,” they immediately think of this. It simply entails going without eating for a period of time. Fasting for this purpose usually lasts between 18 and 48 hours. To make this type of fast work, make sure the person who is fasting has ingested enough calories in the days leading up to the fast. Then choose a day, eat dinner early, and fast for the amount of time specified. To support the fasted state, simply drink water and keep activity levels low during the fast.

This form of fast entails limiting a specific macronutrient (The three macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats). These fasts are usually protein deloads. These fasts are great for athletes who need a lot of protein and are constantly putting their intestines under stress. The athlete will fast for 2-3 days in a month, eating only high-quality fats, carbs, and fully cooked veggies. The decrease in protein consumption will allow the gut to rest and recover. Keep in mind that it's still critical to ensure that their activity is kept to a bare minimum during this time.

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The third form of fast is seasonal eating, which isn't really a fast at all. This type of fast necessitates a trip back in time to see what our food supply would have been like in different seasons. Summer was allocated for fruits and leaner meats, while winter was reserved for fattier meats and tubers. Only consume what is naturally available throughout that time of year to really eat seasonally. While we have excellent modern food access, most northern civilizations would not have access to ripe bananas in January. Seasonal eating is based on the idea of individualized nutrition, which entails figuring out what works best for you. This blog will teach you the fundamentals of individualized nutrition.

Fasting May Help Nutritional Goals but Is Not the Solution

Fasts may appear to be the golden ticket to your or your client's health goals, but they're only effective when combined with a healthy lifestyle and frequent exercise.

Do you have a passion for health and fitness? Have you considered being a personal trainer? It's possible that you'll experience a strong attraction to it… But you need to know more—what talents are required, and how can you turn this into a lucrative career?

Prayer Before a Fast Begins (A Pre-Fast Prayer)

Fill me with your strength as I begin this period of fasting, Lord. Assist me in making this a time of development, renewal, and healing for me. Calm my fears about what I could be giving up or about the discomfort I might experience.

Give me confidence that You will support me through the tough times and meet me for lovely moments of spiritual growth and surrender.

As I use this as a spiritual practice, please help me focus on what I'm receiving rather than what's being taken away. Holy Spirit, I am ready to follow your lead.

Prayer During Fasting (I am Grateful for this Fast.)

There have been times when things have gone more smoothly than I had anticipated. My desires were not as intense as I had anticipated. Temptations that I had been dreading turned out to be not that horrible.

Other times, I've been caught off guard by situations that I assumed would be simple but turned out to be quite challenging.

Right now, I still have a long way to go, and the end seems a long way away. Lord, give me the extraordinary strength to persevere through Your power. Grow in me the spiritual fruits of patience, tranquility, and self-control that I'll need to get through this.

Prayer for Self-Control During a Fast

Self-control is one of the fruits of the spirit, Lord. I realize I won't be able to achieve this on my own, but I hope that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you would help me to learn self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

Today, as I embark on this fast, I am especially in need of self-control. I have the impression that temptation is lurking around every corner. The draw is so strong right now that it feels like the decision is made in an instant.

Please show me the way out that you promise in the Bible when I am tempted. Right now, I'm clinging to that promise (1 Corinthians 10:13).

I want to carry out my plans and, most importantly, Father, I want to bring You praise and honor. Grant me the strength to not eat or partake in the activity I am fasting from if it is Your will. I know I can accomplish anything thanks to You, You give me power (Philippians 4:13).

Prayer for Breaking a Fast (Wisdom to End a Fast)

Thank you for providing me the courage to do this task. My strength has increased, as has my relationship with You. I know I could never have accomplished this on my own.

As this period of restriction comes to an end, guide me in my next moves. Assist me in returning to a regular pattern of conduct slowly and gently. Help me not to go insane with repressed yearning, but rather to walk with elegance and purpose.

Thanksgiving Prayer After Fasting (A Prayer for When the Fast is Done)

Thank you, Lord, for the lessons you taught me during my fast. Thank you for the ways you helped me develop spiritual fruits such as patience and self-control. I know I couldn't have done it on my own; it was only possible due of Your work in me.

As I move on, please guide me. If you want me to fast again, make it obvious to me. Help me to remember this fasting period and to apply the principles learned in it to my regular life. Above everything, guide my decisions so that they honor and serve You. Lord, I adore you.

Are you fasting right now or have you ever fasted? Did you include prayer in your routine? Let us know about it in the comments section below.

Can you chew gum while spiritual fasting?

One stick of ordinary chewing gum, for example, comprises approximately 11 calories, while a stick of sugar-free gum contains approximately 6 calories (1, 2).

Consuming any calories breaks your fast in tougher forms of fasting, such as water fasts. This is especially true if you chew several sticks of gum every day or choose a sugary gum.

In fact, certain brands of bubble gum can have as much as 30 calories per serving, which can rapidly add up if you chew many pieces throughout the day (3).

Chewing a stick or two of sugar-free gum each day, on the other hand, is unlikely to have a substantial impact on your fast because many other types are quite low in calories.

The majority of gums contain calories. While chewing several sticks of sugary gum may cause you to break your fast, chewing a stick or two of sugar-free gum is unlikely to do so.