What Is The Spiritual Root Of Jealousy

In his famous phrase, Winston Churchill stated, “Attitude is a minor detail that makes a significant difference.” In truth, a person's outlook on life is quite essential. Much of my therapy work focuses on assisting clients in accepting their situation and forming the appropriate attitude. Many, if not the majority, of individuals have negative attitudes toward themselves, the world, and God. Regrettably, we are wired to compare ourselves to others. Envy and jealousy are a poisonous mix of rage, insecurity, fear, and greed.

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Jealousy stems from a desire for what others have, but envy stems from resentment of others' benefits and happiness.

Both prefer to see another person's sorrow and are the polar opposites of love.

Jealousy and envy have their roots in a person's inability to see what God has supplied in their lives and a lack of gratitude.

According to James 3:16, “For where there is envy and self-seeking, there is confusion and every evil.”

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What is the root of jealousy?

Low self-esteem or a negative self-image might lead to jealousy. It can be difficult to trust that your partner loves and values you if you don't feel attractive or confident. Jealousy can also be triggered by false expectations about a relationship.

What does God say about jealousy?

“If you are passionately envious and have selfish ambition in your heart, don't cover up the truth with boasting or lying,” James warns individuals who want to be smart in James 3:14 (NLT).

What causes jealousy in the brain?

Jealousy is triggered by certain parts of the brain. Studies on brain injury and stroke have demonstrated that envy is a real thing “in your head,” referring to the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex. Although no measures of decreased jealousy have been observed, activation or inhibition of some brain areas can generate jealousy.

The frontal lobe's cortical region regulates decision-making ability and self-control. Kelley and colleagues1 employed transcranial direct current stimulation on two groups of healthy volunteers for 15 minutes to target the left or right frontal cortex. Both groups were given instructions to play a game that elicited sentiments of rejection, after which they were asked questions by the researchers.

After experiencing rejection, the participants who received stimulation to the left frontal brain reported more feelings of jealousy than those who got stimulation to the right frontal cortex and were exposed to the identical experience of rejection.

There have been several interesting instances of stroke patients developing a type of jealousy known as Othello syndrome, named after a Shakespearean tragedy. The syndrome is a form of jealousy in which people falsely assume and accuse their partners of infidelity.

Recent medical case reports include stroke patients who displayed very comparable signs of pathological jealousy, including spontaneous jealousy of other individuals and, most significantly, accusing their wives of infidelity that all witnesses thought was impossible. In one case, a patient suspected his wife of having an affair with a childhood instructor of his (the patient's).2 In another example, a husband accused his wife of having affairs with other hospital patients. 3

All of the patients who were diagnosed with Othello syndrome had massive strokes and a loss in right frontal brain function as a result. This is significant since the electrical stimulation trials in which researchers were able to induce envy entailed over-activating the left frontal lobe.

Because there are parts of the brain that might cause jealousy, it's possible that everyone is born with a natural desire to be jealous. It's possible that a larger or more active jealousy region in the left frontal lobe of the brain contributes to whether some people are more prone to fixating on those sentiments than others. Some people, on the other hand, may have overactivated the jealous parts of the brain early in infancy if they were continually compared to others or seen jealous conduct at a young age.

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While envy is an unfortunate reality of life, it is a painful emotion that most people wish to be free of. It's easier said than done to get over such feelings. Envy is the oldest emotion on the planet “Because it implies feeling inferior to someone else, it is considered a “sin” and the most vile of feelings.

Knowing that jealousy is a brain emotion may assist those who are particularly prone to it address the problem using mindfulness techniques or by consulting a professional therapist if the feelings of envy are interfering with their lives.


1. N.J. Kelley, P.W. Eastwick, E. Harmon-Jones, and B.J. Schmeichel. Induced relative left frontal cortical activity increased jealousy. Emotion, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 550-555, 2015.

2. Luaut JP, Saladini O, Luaut J. Neuroimaging correlates of chronic delusional jealousy following a right-sided cerebral infarction. 2008;20:245-247 in J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci.

Othello syndrome after cerebrovascular infarction, Rocha S, Pinho J, Ferreira C, Machado. 2014;26:E1-E2 in J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci.

What emotion is jealousy?

Jealousy is characterized by feelings of insecurity, dread, and worry about a perceived lack of things or safety.

Anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness, or disgust are all feelings that might accompany jealousy. Jealousy is separate from envy in its original meaning, yet the two terms have become synonymous in the English language, with jealousy now taking on the definition originally reserved for envy alone. Because they frequently emerge in the same situation, these two emotions are frequently mistaken.

Jealousy is a common occurrence in human relationships, and it has even been seen in children as young as five months old. According to some studies, jealousy is a universal trait that may be found in all civilizations. Others, on the other hand, argue that jealousy is a culturally distinctive feeling.

Jealousy is often reinforced as a succession of exceptionally powerful feelings and presented as a common human experience, and it might be skeptical or reactive. Psychologists have developed numerous models for studying the mechanisms that underpin jealousy, as well as circumstances that lead to jealousy. Cultural beliefs and values, according to sociologists, have a significant impact in defining what drives envy and what constitutes socially acceptable jealously outbursts. Biologists have discovered some elements that may inadvertently influence jealousy expression.

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Artists have addressed the issue of jealousy in paintings, films, music, plays, poetry, and books throughout history, and theologians have presented religious views of jealousy based on their various faiths' scriptures.

What is a jealous person called?

envious, envious, envious, envious, envious, envious, envious, envious, resentful, grudging, grudging, grudging, grudging, grudging, grudging, grudging, sour, bitter, nasty, and spiteful Green-eyed, green-eyed, green-eyed, green-eyed, green-eyed, green-eyed

How do you tell if someone is secretly jealous of you?

Not sure why someone completely ignores you, lavishes you with false flattery, or continuously talks over you when you're celebrating a milestone?

Jealousy is easy to detect. The most of the time, it's about when someone gives off a nasty, unpleasant aura. However, it can be difficult to detect, especially when someone is skilled at concealing their envy under a nice demeanor.

People who have feelings of envy are considered to have underlying personal difficulties such as insecurities, low self-esteem, and hostility. It can also become a harmful behavior if it gets out of hand.

Understanding if people are jealous of you can help you prevent it from impacting your life.

How do you protect yourself from a jealous person?

How can you defend yourself from jealous people?

  • Acquire the ability to spot jealousy. This is the most important initial step, and it's the one I kept overlooking.