When we are upset, as The Big Book explains, it is usually because we find some person, place, thing, or situation – some fact in our existence undesirable. When we are disturbed, we often blame our feelings and reactions on other individuals. Typically, alcoholics and addicts have turned harboring resentments and finding fault into an art form! When we remark that other people have power over our lives, we usually mean that they do “make us” enraged, unhappy, or fearful In actuality, we frequently say or do something that contributes to the existence of these conflicts in our lives. The tenth step of Alcoholics Anonymous urges that we take responsibility for our actions and clean up our mess as soon as possible. This necessitates a willingness to discard selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, or fear as soon as they arise. The spiritual values of vigilance, upkeep, and endurance are put into effect in AA's tenth step.
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Recognizing and appreciating what is working and balanced can also assist us in identifying what is out of balance and not working. Continuing to take personal inventory isn't only about figuring out when we're wrong; we can't figure out when we're wrong until we've also figured out when we've handled things correctly “as a starting point for a comparison Working with our sponsor to identify the moments and situations when we do things properly in Step 10 is extremely helpful in developing a personal value system. This is just as important as identifying our liabilities when completing a personal inventory.
Breaking Down Step Ten of AA Alcoholics Anonymous
“Life is 90% how you react to what occurs to you and 10% what happens to you.” Swindoll, Charles R.
Working on the Tenth Step of AA entails continuing to do what we've been doing for our recovery thus far, such as being honest, trusting and believing in ourselves, and paying attention to our behaviors and reactions. We've learnt to pay attention to how our actions influence others, and to take responsibility for the harm we do and strive to rectify it as soon as possible when the results are negative or detrimental. This is what it means to take personal inventory and recognize our mistakes as soon as possible.
Even though working the first nine steps of AA Alcoholics Anonymous has transformed our lives dramatically, we can always go back to where we were before since we have the disease of addiction. Our robust recovery comes at a cost: vigilance.
What is the principle of step 10?
What is the tenth step? Personal inventory is discussed in step 10 and refers to emotional issues that can lead to a person resuming drug or alcohol abuse. Keeping a daily eye out for these disruptions, as well as keeping a daily inventory, is a crucial component of the healing process. Step 10 aids in the upkeep of the spiritual home.
What are the 12 spiritual principles?
Acceptance, hope, faith, courage, honesty, patience, humility, willingness, brotherly-love, integrity, self-discipline, and service are the 12 spiritual principles of recovery.
What are the principles of each of the 12 steps?
When one's challenges are overwhelmed by dread and anguish, the path to release from one's struggles is rarely evident. COVID-19 has caused great consternation, making this path appear hazy and dangerous. Let's clear some space for ourselves.
Spiritual principles lay out a road for us to live lives devoid of unnecessary suffering, with the fortitude and resilience to face the grief and terror that are unavoidable parts of life. At RCA, we use the 12 Step Model of addiction treatment to help patients work through the internal chaos and discover the strength they need to rise above and overcome their challenges.
While the 12 Step Model can assist those suffering from addiction discover the calm and power they need to heal, the principles that underpin it can be applied to any condition. Even in these moments of worry and anxiety, applying the principles can help to alleviate stress and promote overall wellbeing.
These principles, combined with a regular practice of pausing and thinking on them, can help us cope with anything life throws at us.
The Serenity Prayer is a prevalent theme in many recovery circles as a method to pause and allow oneself to return to the present moment and the serenity that is alight inside them, whether or not they recognize it at the time.
Let's make a version of this to think about and express (or even simply read) when we're feeling powerless in the face of the world's current conditions:
Please give me the peace of mind to accept the things I can't change, such as Nature's course.
Grant me the courage to make the changes I can, such as living by spiritual values and taking care of my health, despite how tough it may appear.
And give me the insight to recognize the difference, to understand that I have no control over my choices and that Love will guide me through any experience I may have.
Keep in mind what your life's mission is. It is not to be subjected to interminable suffering and to be at the mercy of life's events. It is to be free, to live in Love rather than fear, and to know that this experience is possible and available to you at any time and in any place, regardless of anything may obstruct your way. It is constantly present within you. Take your time to locate it, and you'll be able to bear nearly any “how” if you do.
What is step 10 in AA mean?
Step 10 of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous is about these daily practices: “Continued to take personal inventory and promptly admitted when we were wrong.” The term “inventory” here refers to taking inventory of our emotional disturbances, particularly those that may lead to relapse into drinking or other drug use.
What is the 10th step promise?
We will be amazed before we are halfway through this part of our development if we are meticulous about it. We will experience unprecedented levels of freedom and happiness. We will neither regret nor seek to close the door on the past. We shall grasp the meaning of the word tranquillity and experience peace. We will see how our experience can benefit others, no matter how far down the scale we have gone. That sense of futility and self-pity will vanish. We shall become less interested in selfish pursuits and more interested in those around us. Self-interest will fade away. Our entire attitude and perspective on life will shift. We shall be free of fear of others and economic uncertainty. We will intuitively know how to deal with situations that previously perplexed us. We'll know all of a sudden that God is doing for us what we couldn't accomplish for ourselves.
Are these promises too good to be true? We don't believe so. They are being fulfilled in our midstat times fast, at times slowly. If we work for them, they will always appear. (Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, pp. 83-84.)
What are the spiritual principles of Step 9?
Step 9 is another of the 12 steps that looks to be the most challenging at first, yet the benefits of applying this principle can be enormous. The spiritual element at hand is forgiveness, not just from others but also from oneself, which has the potential to heal both parties.
What are the 7 principles of life?
The Nolan Principles (also known as the Seven Principles of Public Life) apply to everyone who holds a public position. All people assigned to work in the Civil Service, local government, the police, courts, and probation services, non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs), and health, education, social, and care services are included. All public officials serve the public as both servants and stewards of public resources. The ideas also apply to people who provide public services in other fields.
How many spiritual principles are there?
The spiritual principles are known in the AA rooms as the Twelve Steps. The 36 principles are divided into three categories: Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts. There have been numerous alternative spiritual virtue lists released by other AA's over the years that refer to the Twelve Steps.