In both Judaism and Christianity, unleavened cakes have symbolic significance. Exodus 12:18 commands Jews to eat unleavened breads like matzo at Passover. According to the Torah, the newly freed Israelites were in such a haste to flee Egypt that they couldn't even wait for their breads to rise; as a result, bread that doesn't rise is eaten as a reminder.
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The use of unleavened bread for the Host and unleavened wafers for the faithful communion is required by Canon Law of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church. The Latin Catholic method is followed by the more liturgical Protestant churches, while others use either unleavened bread or wafers or ordinary (leavened) bread, according on their denomination's traditions or local use.
Most Eastern Churches, on the other hand, expressly prohibit the use of unleavened bread (Greek: azymos artos) for the Eucharist. Unleavened bread is associated with the Old Testament among Eastern Christians, who only accept yeast bread as a sign of the New Covenant in Christ's blood. Indeed, together with the concerns of Petrine supremacy and the filioque in the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, this usage is one of the three areas of dispute that traditionally accounted for the origins of the Great Schism of 1054 between Eastern and Western churches.
What does unleavened bread symbolize?
First, when the Passover story begins, the Jews are slaves in ancient Egypt, and a simple, unleavened flatbread prepared from grain and water is a staple of their diet. As a result, unleavened bread, also known as matzo, is associated with “poor and enslavement.” It is first mentioned as the “bread of suffering” eaten by the Jews during their servitude in Egypt.
God gives the Jews a series of instructions through Moses later in the Passover account, which will lead to their release. One of the recommendations is to eat the affliction bread the night before you leave Egypt. Matzo depicts the Jewish people's faith in God prior to their redemption in this way. Finally, as the Jews flee, it turns out that they didn't leave enough time for the dough to rise, despite the fact that they had planned on baking bread for the journey. Matzo takes on the role of “bread of freedom” in this context.
Why did Jesus have unleavened bread?
Taking Communion is said to have begun at the Last Supper, according to Christian scripture. Unleavened bread and wine were passed around the table by Jesus, who revealed to his Apostles that the bread represented his body and the wine represented his blood.
What does bread represent spiritually?
Remember how, in the book of Exodus, the Israelites had to flee Egypt in a hurry, with little time to let their bread dough rise?
“So they took their bread dough before it had risen and carried it in bowls on their shoulders, wrapped in their garments.” 12:34 in Exodus
Unleavened bread is still used by Jews to commemorate Passover and their liberation from Pharaoh. Christians also utilize bread in their celebrations of holy communion or eucharist, but they focus on Jesus and His gift of salvation rather than a quick midnight getaway.
Because Jesus' death on the cross provides us life, He refers to Himself as the bread of life multiple times in John 6.
“‘I am the bread of life,' Jesus said. Anyone who comes to Me will never go hungry, and anyone who believes in Me will never thirst.” 6:35 John 6:35
Bread provides physical food, but Jesus provides spiritual bread that nourishes our spiritual lives. It resurrects our spirits and provides a path to salvation. That's why, at the Last Supper, Jesus broke the unleavened bread to represent His broken body and His death on the cross for us.
Why was unleavened bread used in biblical times?
Leavened grain foods known as “chametz” are not served during the meal. Because chametz is forbidden during Passover, no pasta, cookies, bread, or cereal will be served at the seder. (Older, more traditional Jews will purge their homes of all chametz-containing foods.)
This has to do with the Passover account, in which the Pharaoh decided to let the Israelites go after the firstborn was killed. However, in their haste to flee Egypt, the Israelites were unable to let their bread to rise, so they brought unleavened bread with them. Exodus 12:14 specifies this dietary requirement: “You shall eat nothing leavened; in all your dwelling places you shall eat unleavened bread.”
For eight days, Jews do not eat leavened bread to commemorate this. While all Jews are expected to avoid chametz, Ashkenazi Jews are also forbidden from eating rice, corn, or legumes (known as “kitniyot”) during Passover, whilst Sephardic Jews consume kitniyot.
To stay kosher for Passover, any bread-like product (cakes, dumplings, etc.) found at the seder will be made using matzoh meal, some type of fat, and eggs.
If you want to bring anything for the host, look for something in your supermarket's kosher for Passover area, or stick to a bottle of kosher wine or flowers.
What is hyssop in the Bible?
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is a hardy perennial herb that can reach a height of two feet. The aromatic leaves are pointy and dark green. Hyssop can be used as a border plant in gardens because it is a sub-shrub. Plant young hyssop plants 1-2 feet apart in full light with good drainage in a sunny location. This herb favors gravelly or rocky soil, so avoid planting it in soggy or boggy soil.
Hyssop, unlike most herbs, produces lovely blossoms. On three-foot-tall stalks, they are available in pink, white, or blue. Butterflies and bees are drawn to the flowers. According to one account, honey made from hyssop nectar is very sweet. Trim wasted flower stalks on a regular basis during the growing season to keep the plant bushy and encourage new flower stalk growth. Clip back the herb to the woody parts of the stems after the first hard frost in the fall. Hyssop should stay green into the winter in most parts of Texas. Hyssop has been associated with ceremonial and medical purification for ages. Hyssop was used to sprinkle blood on the Jewish Passover in the Old Testament. Hyssop was mentioned in the Bible for its purifying properties in relation to plague, leprosy, and chest diseases, as well as figuratively in the purification of the soul. Hyssop was largely utilized for respiratory and intestinal problems during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Externally, it was used to heal bruises, sores, earaches, and rheumatism.
When it comes to hyssop, beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but lovely aroma is in the nose of the sniffer. Everyone believes that hyssop has an unique odor, but it is pleasant for some and unpleasant for others. It has traditionally been used as part of potpourri or strewing plants to give a clean, fresh aroma indoors. However, some people claim that hyssop smells like “eau de skunk,” which isn't exactly a pleasant scent to have about the house. Take a deep inhale of the aroma before you buy it to determine where you stand on the matter.
What is Passover in the Bible?
In Judaism, Passover commemorates the Hebrews' deliverance from slavery in Egypt and the “passing over” of the powers of devastation, or the sparing of the Israelites' firstborn, when the Lord “smote the land of Egypt” on the eve of the Exodus.
Is Passover and Feast of unleavened bread the same?
The 15th day of the month of Nisan, which falls in March or April on the Gregorian calendar, is when the Passover begins. After the 14th day, the 15th day begins in the evening, and the seder dinner is eaten that evening. Because Passover is a spring feast, it usually begins on the night of a full moon following the northern vernal equinox on the 15th of Nisan. Passover sometimes begins on the second full moon following the vernal equinox, like in 2016, due to leap months falling after the vernal equinox.
To ensure that Passover did not begin before spring, ancient Israel's tradition was that the lunar new year, the first day of Nisan, would not begin until the barley was mature, which served as a test for the arrival of spring. An intercalary month (Adar II) would be added if the barley was not ready or if various other events indicated that spring was not yet upon us. The intercalation, on the other hand, has been fixed mathematically according to the Metonic cycle since at least the 4th century.
In Israel, Passover is a seven-day festival commemorating the Feast of Unleavened Bread, with the first and last days designated as legal holidays and holy days, with holiday feasts, special prayer services, and work prohibitions; the days in between are known as Chol HaMoed (“Weekdaysthe Festival”). The festival is observed for eight days by Jews living outside of Israel. The holiday is traditionally observed for seven days by Reform and Reconstructionist Jews. Karaites follow a variant version of the Jewish calendar, which differs by one or two days from the present Jewish calendar. In order to establish the time of feastdays, the Samaritans use a calendrical system that differs from that used in Jewish practice. Nisan 15 on the Jewish calendar used by Rabbinic Judaism, for example, corresponds to April 9 in 2009. Abib or Aviv 15 (as opposed to ‘Nisan') corresponds to April 11 in 2009 on the Karaite and Samaritan calendars. The Karaite and Samaritan Passovers last one day each, followed by the six-day Unleavened Bread Festival, for a total of seven days.
What does bread represent biblically?
Bread is one of the most important symbols in Christianity. “Give us this day our daily food,” the Lord's Prayer says. This Christian prayer asks for both physical and spiritual nourishment. Bread was also a gift from God, as it was when Moses nourished his people in the desert with food that dropped from the sky, and when bread became the body of Christ during the Last Supper. Bread became a symbol of generosity after Jesus multiplied it to feed the crowd. It also represented God's Word, which fed the people.