What did Jesus say about an eye for an eye?
According to Donald Trump, his favorite Bible phrase involves a “eye for an eye.”
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Bob Lonsberry of WHAM 1180 AM radio asked the Republican front-runner whether he has a favorite Bible scripture or tale that has influenced his thinking or character.
“Well, I believe there are quite a few. I mean, as we get into the Bible, I think we'll find a lot. He said, “So many.” “And some peopleyou could almost say it's an eye for an eye.” That's not a very pleasant thing to say. But, you know, if you look at what's going on in our country, I mean, when you see how people are exploiting us and how they mock and laugh at us.”
“And they laugh in our faces while stealing our jobs, our money, and our country's health,” he concluded. “And we must stand firm and be very strong.” And, believe me, we can learn a lot from the Bible.”
Trump appears to be referring to Exodus 21-24, which lays forth the Old Testament guidelines for personal conduct.
“If two people quarrel and one of them hits a pregnant lady, she gives birth prematurely but there is no major injury, the perpetrator shall be penalized whatever the woman's husband wants and the court approves,” the verse states in the King James translation. “However, if there is serious injury, you must take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.”
“And if a man cause a blemish in his neighbour; as he hath done, so shall it be done to him; breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he hath produced a blemish in a man, so shall it be done to him again,” Leviticus 24:19-21 says. And whoever kills a beast shall restore it; but whoever kills a man shall be put to death.”
“Eye for eye,” which comes from the ancient Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, is typically interpreted by biblical historians as a prohibition against revenge for personal injury in other words, only an eye for an eye.
However, Jesus refutes this view in Matthew (5:38-42) in the New Testament. “You have heard it said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: but I say vnto you, Resist not evil; but whomever smiteth thee on the right cheek, turn to him also the other.” And if any man sues thee in court and takes away thy coat, let him also take thy cloak. And whomever forces thee to travel a mile, go with him a mile and a half. Give to him who asketh thee, and do not turn away from him who want to borrow from thee.”
If someone compels you to go one mile, go two miles with them. Give to everybody who asks, and don't say no to anyone who wants to borrow from you.”
When questioned about his favorite verse in September, Trump, who has frequently listed the Bible as his favorite book, with “The Art of the Deal” coming in second, provided a different answer, telling the Christian Broadcasting Network that he frequently went to the Book of Proverbs' chapter on envy. In an interview with Bloomberg Politics in August, the Manhattan billionaire hesitated to articulate his favorite lyric, saying, “I wouldn't want to get into it.” Because that is really personal to me.”
How do you manifest faith in everyday life?
- Every Sunday, take part in a virtual Mass. You can still attend mass virtually if public masses have been canceled due to the pandemic or if you are unable to attend in person due to illness or accident. On your phone, laptop, tablet, or smart TV, you may watch daily and on-demand masses from CatholicTV. You might also inquire with your local church to see if they are filming and sharing their services online.
- Morning Prayer or Meditation should be the first thing you do each day. As the sun rises on the day, there is no better time to establish peace, harmony, and tranquillity. Take at least 10 minutes each morning to say a prayer or participate in a morning meditation before you begin your busy day. Both exercises can help you develop self-awareness, reduce tension, and calm tense thoughts and emotions.
- During regular nature walks, read Bible verses. Even if you don't go to church, reading bible verses on a regular basis might help you practice your faith. Take your bible with you if you can and read outside if you can (remember to socially distance yourself). This will provide you with much-needed exercise and fresh air while also promoting spiritual well-being. If you are unable to go for walks due to an accident or illness, simply sitting outside in your backyard or on your porch and reading can keep you living your faith.
- Participate in Bible Study Sessions in Small Groups. Do you have family or friends in your Church community with whom you like sharing your faith? If you're physically able, you can join them for weekly bible study at a local park. This interaction will be beneficial to your health, but keep your distance and wear a mask. If you can't meet in person, try video conferencing your bible study sessions.
- Participate in Volunteering Opportunities for People Who Are Socially Distant. Helping others is a wonderful way to put your spiritual values and morals into practice. Try virtual volunteering if you can't volunteer in person or don't feel ready to return to in-person volunteer activities quite yet. United Nations Volunteers and Zooniverse are two organizations that provide online volunteer activities that you may conduct from the comfort of your own home.
Who are the prophet of God?
Israelite or Judean nevi'im (“spokespersons,” “prophets”) often played out prophetic parables in their daily lives in addition to writing and expressing words from God. For example, God has Jeremiah invite the Rechabites to drink wine in defiance of their ancestor's instruction in order to contrast the people's disobedience with the Rechabites' obedience. The Rechabites refuse, and God praises them for it. Jeremiah often acted out prophetic parables such as burying a linen belt so that it rots to show how God intended to destroy Judah's pride. Similarly, Jeremiah buys a clay jar and smashes it in front of elders and priests in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to demonstrate that God will destroy the nation of Judah and the city of Judah beyond repair. God tells Jeremiah to create a yoke out of wood and leather straps and wear it around his neck to show how God will put the people under the yoke of Babylon's king, Nebuchadnezzar. To depict the approaching captivity, the prophet Isaiah had to walk naked and barefoot for three years, while the prophet Ezekiel had to sleep on his side for 390 days and consume measured food to illustrate the coming siege.
In the Hebrew Bible, prophetic mission is generally depicted as difficult and exacting, and prophets are frequently persecuted and opposed. “They will attack you,” God said to Jeremiah, “but they will not defeat you.” This prophesy was repeated many times in the biblical narrative as Jeremiah warned of destruction for those who refused to repent and accept more moderate consequences. Jeremiah was attacked by his own brothers, beaten and put in the stocks by a priest and false prophet, imprisoned by the king, threatened with death, thrown into a cistern by Judah's officials, and resisted by a false prophet in exchange for his commitment to God's discipline and preaching God's truths. Similarly, Isaiah was told by those who disbelieved his message, “Get out of the way! Get off the beaten track! Let us not hear any more about Israel's Holy One!” Another case in point is Pharaoh's threat to Moses' life.
The original term for navi is ro'eh, which literally means “Seer,” according to I Samuel 9:9. That could be evidence of a long-ago shift from seeing prophets as hired seers to seeing them as moral teachers. According to L.C. Allen (1971), in the First Temple Era, there were essentially guild seer-priests who performed divination, rituals, and sacrifices, as well as being scribes; and beside them were canonical prophets who did none of these things (and condemned divination), but came to deliver a message. The seer-priests were usually affiliated with a local shrine or temple, such as Shiloh, and inducted others into the priesthood, serving as a mystical guild with apprentices and recruiting. This is not how canonical prophets were organized.
Abraham, Moses, Miriam, Isaiah, Samuel, Ezekiel, Malachi, and Job are some of the prophets mentioned in the Tanakh. Daniel is not included in the list of prophets according to Jewish tradition.
According to Jewish tradition, there were twice as many prophets as those who left Egypt, totaling 1,200,000 prophets. According to the Talmud, there were 48 male prophets who left permanent messages for mankind. Sarah, Miriam, Devorah, Hannah (mother of the prophet Samuel), Abigail (a wife of King David), Huldah (from the period of Jeremiah), and Esther are all mentioned in the Talmud as prophetesses whose message is relevant to all generations. Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah were also prophets, according to Rashi, a Talmudic and Biblical commentator. His wife is referred to as “the prophetess” in Isaiah 8:3-4, and she bore his son Maher-shalal-hash-baz; she is not mentioned anywhere else.
In the Tanakh, prophets are not always Jews, as the non-Jewish prophet Balaam in Numbers 22 demonstrates. Obadiah is supposed to have converted to Judaism, according to the Talmud.
Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi are the last nevi'im listed in the Jewish Bible, all of whom lived at the close of the 70-year Babylonian exile. According to the Talmud (Sanhedrin 11a), Haggai, Zachariah, and Malachi were the last prophets, and only the “Bath Kol” (lit. daughter of a voice, “voice of God”) has been known since then.
How can I see my spiritual eyes?
- Pray with your eyes closed. You don't have to close your eyes, but there's something about tuning into God's realm and shutting out the earthly sphere that allows us to see what He sees.