What Is The Purpose Of A Spiritual Midwife

Spiritual Midwives are companions or advisers who assist people going through tough physical, emotional, or spiritual transitions. They believe in the possibility of a new life and see the value in remaining present during difficult times. During difficult times, our culture frequently pushes us to tune off or numb ourselves.

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What does the Bible say about spiritual midwives?

God bless the midwife. It's possible that it's because God is the midwife. As we are led to pray in Psalm 22, it is written: You brought me out of the womb; you taught me to trust in you even at my mother's breast.

Why is spirituality important in midwifery care?

A concept analysis of spiritual care in nursing. Spirituality is increasingly being recognized as a fundamental component of our humanity, an aspect of our being that allows us to experience self-fulfillment, peace, and the ability to confront the problems of healthcare.

What is a biblical midwife?

My first discovery while searching the Bible for references to midwives was that there are comparatively few references to midwifery in the Bible. The Hebrew Scriptures contain all of the references (the Old Testament). The Hebrew name for “midwife” (hameyaledet) directly translates to “woman who assists in childbirth.” The singular form of this phrase is ( “Only three times does the word “midwife” appear in the Bible: in Genesis 35:17, Genesis 38:28, and Exodus 1:16. The plural version is ( “Only seven times in the first chapter of Exodus does the word “midwives” appear: in verses 15, 17, 18, 19 (twice), 20, and 21. That's all there is to it. In the Bible, there are only 10 clear references to midwives.

Why would a midwife be needed?

Although many women may not consider the importance of their health before to becoming pregnant, staying healthy during pregnancy is crucial. During the preconception period, you may be given advice such as:

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  • Before becoming pregnant, assisting women in developing healthy habits. Introduce an acceptable workout plan and choose nutritious whole meals over processed or quick foods, for example.
  • Before becoming pregnant, assisting women in breaking undesirable habits. For instance, now might be the greatest moment to give up smoking.
  • Developing a customised childbirth plan with future moms and their partners.

Is a midwife a nurse?

A midwife is a skilled health care provider who assists healthy women during labor, delivery, and postpartum care. Midwives can deliver infants at birthing centers or at home, but the majority of them can also deliver babies in hospitals. They have had no difficulties in the pregnancy of women who have chosen them.

  • Registered nurses who have completed an accredited nurse-midwifery education program and passed a national exam are known as certified nurse-midwives (CNMs). They have the ability to practice in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia.
  • Non-nurse midwives who hold a bachelor's degree or higher in a health profession, have finished an accredited midwifery education program, and passed a national exam are known as certified midwives (CMs). Only a few states allow CMs to work.
  • Non-nurse midwives who have passed a national exam and have training and practical experience in childbirth, including birthing outside of the hospital, are known as certified professional midwives (CPMs). CPMs are not allowed to practice in all states.

What is a doula in the Bible?

The feminine form of the Greek word doulos, which means slave or servant, is doula. It appears throughout the New Testament. Though I was grateful to Patty for being my doula, the term “doula” is not an emotional one. Slavery is about obeying a master, not about emotional thanks.

Do midwives do C sections?

Every expecting mother wishes for a quick labor and delivery with no issues – moderate contractions, some pushing, and a healthy baby.

However, this isn't always the case. Some newborns require a cesarean section delivery (C-section).

Even if you're hoping for a standard vaginal birth, knowing why and how C-sections are performed might help calm your nerves in case things don't go as planned.

What Is a C-Section?

A C-section is a surgical procedure that involves creating incisions in the mother's abdominal wall and uterus to deliver the baby. C-sections, while generally regarded safe, do carry additional risks than vaginal births. A vaginal delivery also allows mothers to return home sooner and recuperate faster.

C-sections, on the other hand, can save lives in an emergency and enable women who are at risk of difficulties escape perilous delivery-room conditions.

Obstetricians (doctors who care for pregnant women before, during, and after birth) and some family physicians do C-sections. Despite the fact that more women are choosing midwives to deliver their infants, midwives with any level of licensure are not permitted to perform C-sections.

Scheduled C-Sections

When a doctor determines that a vaginal birth might be dangerous, he or she may arrange a C-section. If the following conditions are met, a doctor may arrange one:

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  • In the womb, the baby is breech (feet- or bottom-first) or transverse (sideways) (although some babies can be turned before labor begins or delivered vaginally using special techniques)
  • The mother's placenta is causing her complications, such as placenta previa (when the placenta sits too low in the uterus and covers the cervix)
  • The woman has a medical condition that makes a vaginal delivery dangerous for both her and the baby (such as HIV or an active case of genital herpes)
  • The woman has previously had uterine surgery or a C-section (although many such women can safely have a vaginal birth after a C-section, called a VBAC)

Emergency C-Sections

When issues with the mother and/or infant arise during pregnancy or delivery, some C-sections are performed as an emergency. It's possible that an emergency C-section will be performed if:

  • Too soon, the placenta separates from the uterine wall (called placental abruption)
  • The umbilical cord is constricted (perhaps impairing the infant's oxygen supply) or enters the birth canal before the baby is born (called umbilical cord prolapse)
  • fetal distress – variations in the baby's heart rate could indicate that the infant isn't getting enough oxygen.

Naturally, each woman's pregnancy and delivery are unique. You can get a second opinion if your doctor has recommended a C-section and it isn't an emergency. In the end, you must frequently rely on the doctors' judgment.

How Is a C-Section Done?

Your labor coach can be by your side the entire time, dressed in a medical mask and gown (although partners might not be allowed to stay during emergency C-sections). An anesthesiologist will discuss what will be done so that you do not experience pain during the C-section before it begins.

  • Heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure are all monitored using various devices.
  • an oxygen mask over your mouth and nose or a tube inserted into your nostrils to provide oxygen
  • a catheter (a tiny tube) inserted through your urethra into your bladder (which may be uncomfortable at first but should not be painful)

The doctor makes an incision on the skin of the abdomen, usually horizontally (1–2 inches above the pubic hairline, often known as “the bikini cut”), after administering anaesthetic.

The doctor will then split the abdominal muscles gently to provide access to the uterus, where he or she will make a second incision in the uterus itself. This incision might be horizontal or vertical. Doctors frequently make a horizontal incision in the uterus, also known as a transverse incision, which heals faster and increases the chances of a VBAC.

The baby is carefully pulled out once the uterine incision is created. The umbilical chord is clamped and severed after the doctor suctions the baby's mouth and nose. You should be able to see your kid right away, just like with a vaginal birth. The baby is then passed off to a nurse or doctor, who will look after your infant for a few minutes (or longer, if there are concerns).

The placenta is then removed from the uterus, the uterus is closed with dissolvable stitches, and the abdominal incision is closed with sutures or surgical staples that are normally removed painlessly a few days later.

You can hold and/or nurse your newborn in the recovery room if the baby is doing well. If you have to continue lying down flat, you may require assistance holding the baby on the breast.

Will I Feel Anything?

During the C-section, you will not feel any pain, but you may experience feelings such as pulling and pressure. During a C-section, most women are awake and simply numbed from the waist down using regional anaesthetic (an epidural and/or a spinal block).

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They will be awake to witness and hear their baby being born this way. During the surgery, a curtain will be draped over your abdomen, but you may be able to see your baby being delivered from your tummy.

A woman who requires an emergency C-section may be given general anesthesia, which means she will be unconscious (or “asleep”) during the procedure and will not recall or experience any pain.

What Are the Risks?

C-sections are now generally considered safe for both the mother and the infant. Any type of surgery, however, carries dangers. The following are some of the dangers associated with a C-section:

Although some of the localized anesthetic administered during a C-section reaches the infant, it is far less than what the newborn would get if the mother was given general anaesthetic (which sedates the baby as well as the mother).

Because labor hasn't kicked-starting the elimination of fluid from their lungs, babies born by C-section sometimes experience breathing problems (transient tachypnea of the newborn). Within the first day or two of life, this normally improves on its own.

A C-section may or may not have an impact on subsequent pregnancies and deliveries. After a cesarean, many women can have a successful and safe vaginal birth. However, subsequent babies may need to be C-sections in some situations, especially if the uterus was incised vertically rather than horizontally. A C-section can also put a woman at risk for future placental difficulties if she has another child.

In most cases, the benefits of emergency C-sections greatly outweigh the risks. A C-section could save your life.

What Is the Recovery Like?

After a C-section, as with any operation, there is normally some pain and discomfort. In addition, the recuperation time is a little longer than for vaginal births. Women who have undergone C-sections normally spend 3 to 4 days in the hospital.

You may feel itching, upset to your stomach, and sore just after the surgery – these are all common after effects of anesthesia and surgery. You may feel sleepy, disoriented, chilled, terrified, alarmed, or even melancholy if you needed general anesthesia for an emergency C-section. Your doctor can prescribe medications to help you cope with any discomfort or pain.

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  • feel pain around the incision (the doctor can give medications and/or suggest over-the-counter pain remedies that are safe to take while breastfeeding)

When you sneeze, cough, or laugh, supporting your abdomen near the incision can assist. These abrupt motions can be excruciatingly unpleasant. To avoid putting any undue strain on your incision, you should avoid driving or lifting anything heavy.

Consult your health care professional to determine when you can resume your normal activities (typically after about 6 to 8 weeks, when the uterus has healed). You shouldn't have sex until your doctor gives you the okay, which is normally about 6 weeks following delivery if you had a vaginal delivery.

Walking frequently and early after a cesarean may assist to alleviate certain post-cesarean pains and discomfort. It can also help keep your bowels moving and prevent blood clots. But don't overwork yourself; take it slow and have someone assist you, especially while going up and down stairs. Allow friends, family, and neighbors to assist you with meals and housework for a period of time, particularly if you have other children.

Although breastfeeding might be uncomfortable at first, lying on your side to nurse or employing the clutch (or football) position can relieve some of the pressure on your abdomen. To aid with your milk supply and to avoid constipation, drink plenty of water.

Scars from C-sections disappear with time. In the weeks and months following delivery, they will shrink and turn a natural skin tone. Many C-section scars are undetectable because incisions are frequently made in the “bikini” area.

What If I Don't Feel Better?

  • Pain in the area of your incision or in your abdomen that appears suddenly or worsens

If you were expecting for a vaginal birth or had a labor that ended in a C-section, you can be dissatisfied emotionally. Remember that having a C-section does not diminish the significance of your baby's birth or your efforts. After all, you underwent major surgery to give birth to your child!

What does Moses name mean?

The name “Moses” stems from the Hebrew verb “to take out/draw out,” according to the Torah, and it was given to the infant Moses by Pharaoh's daughter when she saved him from the Nile (Exodus 2:10) It has been speculated since the rise of Egyptology and the decipherment of hieroglyphs that Moses' name, which has a similar pronunciation to the Hebrew Moshe, is the Egyptian word for Son, with Pharaoh names like Thutmose and Ramesses roughly translating to “son of Thoth” and “son of Ra,” respectively.

The Hebrew name of Moses is pronounced in a variety of ways, including Mausheh in Ashkenazi western Europe, Moysheh in Eastern Europe, Moussa in northern Islamic countries, and Mesha in Yemen. Moishe, Moysh, Maish, Moeez, Mo, Moyshee, Musie, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishee, Moishe (pronounced Mooziyeh).

In the languages of the countries where they were born or lived, Jews with the Hebrew name Moses had a similar name. They were given the names Maurici, Maurice, Morris, and Mauricio throughout Europe. They were also known as Mustafa in Arabic-speaking nations, in addition to Moussa, which is the Arabic word for Moses.

What are the disadvantages of a midwife?

A certified nurse-midwife (CNM) is a highly trained health practitioner who provides prenatal care, labor and delivery assistance, and postpartum care to pregnant women. Midwives complete a 2-4 year bachelor's degree program in nursing and then get experience as a registered nurse. As of 2010, aspiring nurse-midwives must first get a master's degree (MSN) and certification from the American Midwifery Certification Board before practicing.

Advantages of a Midwife-Attended Birth

  • A midwife is frequently able to spend more time with the expectant lady during prenatal visits than a doctor. The approach of a midwife is more relaxed, with a focus on building a personal relationship with the patient. This aids in the relaxation of the pregnancy and birthing process. Doctors are known for being honest and professional.
  • Midwives are taught to be on the lookout for anything that isn't “normal” and necessitates more specialized treatment.
  • Midwives have a more holistic approach to pregnancy and childbirth, and can help with nutrition, exercise, relationships, emotions, breastfeeding, and parenting.
  • Midwives can give comprehensive care to women of various ages in addition to pregnancy and delivery. They are qualified to provide annual gynecological examinations, order lab tests, and prescribe drugs such as birth control.
  • Massage, relaxation, washing, changing positions, and walking around are all natural ways to manage labor discomfort, according to midwives.
  • Midwives are more cautious when it comes to medical interventions (for example, continuous fetal monitoring during labor).
  • Midwives are more likely to provide one-on-one care during labor and delivery, as well as a more hands-on approach throughout the pregnancy.
  • A midwife may be able to assist you with a planned home birth or a soothing water birth.
  • In the United States, more than 30% of all babies are born via Cesarean section, which is significantly more than the WHO-recommended aim of 10-15%. Midwives are less likely to recommend surgery or needless treatments and are more likely to let labor continue naturally.
  • According to studies, mother and fetal outcomes are comparable in low-risk pregnancies, and midwife treatment is as safe as physician care.

Disadvantages of a Midwife-Attended Birth

  • Midwives only have limited equipment and are unable to provide services such as ultrasonography or anesthetic.
  • Midwives are not trained to deal with high-risk pregnancies or any other serious issues or difficulties that may arise during childbirth. In the event that issues arise during labor and delivery, the patient will be obliged to seek emergency care from a doctor or care provider she is unfamiliar with.
  • Multiple births (twins, triplets), breech presentation, women who have had previous Cesarean sections, women who have had prior still births or other pregnancy-related complications, and women who have other comorbid medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes are best managed by obstetricians.
  • Midwives are not trained to perform Cesarean sections if they are required unexpectedly during labor.
  • In addition to genetic testing, induction of labor, and IV antibiotics, obstetrician-attended deliveries in hospitals can make pregnancy and childbirth safer in a variety of ways.