A revival meeting is a series of Christian religious services organized to encourage active church members to acquire new converts and to call sinners to repentance. “Many advantages may come to the unconverted as a result of a revival among Christians,” Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon stated in the nineteenth century, “but the revival itself has to do only with those who already possess spiritual life.” Churches or missionary organizations around the world generally host these gatherings. Evangelist Billy Sunday and evangelist Evan Roberts held significant revival gatherings in the United States and Wales, respectively. Local churches, brush arbor revivals, tent revivals, and camp gatherings are all examples of revival services.
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What is revival according to Bible?
Murray defines revival as “bringing back to life those who were once alive but have lapsed into what is known as a cold, or dead, state.” They are Christians who have a life, but they need to be resurrected in order to return to their first love and a healthy lifestyle.
What are the benefits of spiritual revival?
AND THAT, knowing the time, it is now high time to awake out of sleep: for our salvation is nearer now than when we believed. Romans 13:11
Most of us are fascinated by the concept of revival because we yearn for God to utilize His power of revival to sweep across our country, our churches, and our own lives. We are living in critical times. We must fervently pray to God, asking Him to rekindle the fire of revival in our lives. We are the Body of Christ, the church. Individually, we are spiritually revitalized, and the church is naturally revived.
We urgently require God's assistance in igniting spiritual renewal in our lives and in the church, according to 2 Timothy 3: 1-7.
We must awaken from our spiritual dormancy. There is a pressing need for a spiritual awakening.
- Spiritual revival is the reawakening and conversion of sinners to God through the regeneration of Christians' original love.
- It is the restoration of a church to its former glory and the conversion of sinners.
- It occurs when the fountains of sin are suffocated and sinners are set free from the shackles of sin.
- It's when Christians are jolted awake from their spiritual slumber by a thorough examination of their hearts.
- When Christians are confronted with such convictions and see their sins in such a light, they resolve to never return to that condition of wretchedness.
When Christians make purposeful efforts to make alive, nourish, preserve, quicken, and stir up from a condition of death to a newness of life in Christ, they are igniting spiritual revival. When the Church is resurrected, rekindled, and brought alive again, it will be stronger and more powerful than the forces of darkness. In this dark world, it will be a brighter light. It will triumph and draw in the wandering and dying souls.
“If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray, seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land,” says 2 Chronicles 7:14.
- Luke 15: 11-24; James 1: 14; James 4: 9; 1 John 2: 15-17 all call for a re-awakening.
When we become aware of our vileness, depravity, unworthiness, emptiness, a greater feeling of our sins, and the urgent need for salvation, we are said to be re-awakening.
- Isaiah 59:2; Nehemiah 9:1 – Dealing with the Sin Problem 2. The reawakening will compel us to address the issue of sin. Sin is a rebellion against God, with terrible, tragic, and deadly consequences that prohibit us from sincere worship Romans 12:1-2. All of the sins that easily bother us must be dealt with.
- Psalm 32:5 describes true repentance. With crushed and contrite hearts, we must seek God. True repentance entails recognizing our sins, repenting of them, and taking deliberate actions to overcome them.
“Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would pour down at your presence.” Come down to light twigs ablaze and cause water to boil, as the melting fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, to make thy name known to thine opponents, so that the nations may tremble at thy presence!” Isaiah 64:1-2 Isaiah 64:1-2 Isaiah 64:1-2 Isaiah 64:
A thirst for God has always been an unavoidable and continual prerequisite for igniting revival; a live thirst for knowledge of the living God, as well as a longing and a burning desire to see Him act, displaying Himself and His might, rising and scattering His enemies.
- 2 Corinthians 1:7 – Willingness to make sacrifices. To assist drive the job forward, we must be willing to sacrifice our feelings, our business, and our time. Ministers must be willing to put their faith in God and employ their God-given abilities.
- Matthew 22:35-40; Romans 13:8-10; Galatians 5:14; John 13:34-35; Matthew 22:35-40; Romans 13:8-10; Galatians 5:14; John 13:34-35.
- The love of Christians for one another is one factor that will bring revival to the entire globe. All of God's commandments have one purpose: to teach us to love one another.
- Ezekiel 28:11-17; James 4:7-10. Humbling ourselves. Pride is the original sin. The only sin that the devil never accuses you of is pride. God resists the haughty and grants grace to the humble, according to 1 Peter 5:5-6. As a result, humble yourself in order to be rejuvenated, and God will exalt you.
- The Word of God is preached – Hebrew 4:12; 2 Timothy 4:2; Mark 2:2. The preaching of the Word is capable of igniting genuine revivals. The Holy Spirit convicts people of their spiritual laziness and sin when the Word of God is spoken. Simultaneously, He opens their eyes to see God's holiness and the severity of His wrath against sin.
- 2 Kings 20:19; Deuteronomy 6:1-3; Proverbs 29:15; Hebrews 12:6-11. Parental attitudes toward their offspring. Hezekiah received a prophecy from God that Judah will be exiled to Babylon in the future. Hezekiah's response demonstrates his folly. “The LORD's word, which thou hast spoken, is good,” he said. Isn't it excellent, he remarked, if there is calm and truth in my days?” Hezekiah was unconcerned about future generations' spiritual decline; all that mattered to him was that happy times and truth existed in his days.
Many godly congregations and ethical Christian parents are making the same error that Hezekiah did today. Many people assume that once their children have been saved, their work is done. The importance of parents' and grandparents' views toward their children and their children's children in igniting spiritual rebirth cannot be overstated.
- Fathers must recognize that they bear major responsibility for their children's spiritual development.
- The way fathers treat their moms is one of the ways they provoke their children's rage. It is critical that a father expresses his love for his wife by tenderly treating her and speaking sweetly about and to her. The children's hearts will be turned to their father as a result of this.
- Fathers are prone to focusing on their work and making money at the expense of their true priorities, which are their children's souls.
- A grandfather sharing with his grandkids the ways in which he has seen God act throughout his life, as well as the proofs of what God has given him, would demonstrate to the grandchildren that God is real and trustworthy Deuteronomy 4:9.
- God wants every man to pass on a heritage to his children, grandchildren, and future generations that is more valuable than money, property, or possessions: our belief and faith in Jesus Christ.
- God desires each generation of grandparents to pass down a family history of testimony of how God worked, provided, judged, and revealed the secrets of God's Word to their dads, grandfathers, great grandfathers, and so on. This is what it means to have a heavenly ancestry.
- When these stories are repeated as part of a family history, it helps young children, grandkids, and great-grandchildren to understand God.
- God wants us to have long-term revivals in our homes. In today's world, there are far too many lives at risk to focus solely on peace and truth, as Hezekiah did.
- This is the key to raising a godly family that will last for generations.
- Each of us has been given the responsibility and opportunity to have a lasting impact on our descendants and to bring about a lasting revival in our families by God.
It is consequently our responsibility to be men after God's heart and to lead our families in putting their complete confidence and faith in Jesus Christ.
- Christians confess and repent of the sins they have been committing. People who go to church but aren't actually saved are saved. As they witness the changed lives of God's people, many strangers are led to the Lord for salvation.
We are living in dangerous times. We need to pray more earnestly to God, asking Him to resurrect His Church throughout the world. We must be actively involved in prayer, asking God to move in our communities, nations, and, most significantly, in Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries.
We shall be genuinely rescued when God restores us and shines His face upon us; we will be set on fire for Him, and people will gather from far and wide to witness us burn for the Lord.
In the name of Jesus, may Your fire of renewal engulf every aspect of our life.
How can I revive my spiritual life?
What does it mean to resurrect? Simply expressed, it means “to restore the functionality or validity of anything.” So, what about your spirit has become inactive or has lost its validity? Here's a simple test to see if you're ready: Do you find yourself ruminating on minor irritations in your daily life? Do you have a hard time recalling the last time you felt truly happy?
It's possible that your inner spirit requires a “waking,” and spring is an excellent time to assess your situation and take steps toward a more positive, anxiety-free outlook!
Here are three suggestions to help you rekindle your spirit, as well as “5 Inspiring Quotes” from our Cancer Fighters members to get you started.
1. Work on your core
Our entire being is conditioned to perform better emotionally, mentally, and physically when we focus on growing our spirit, the core of who we are. Some exercises to build your spiritual core may include the following, depending on your personal interests:
Any action that brings you closer to rather than further away from your thoughts and feelings might help you live more cheerfully in the present moment. These activities are referred to as “mindfulness” by some specialists. Mindfulness has been shown to increase overall mood, boost emotional, physical, and social well-being, and reduce anxiety, despair, and rage, according to several studies published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Percy McCray, Jr., Director of Faith-Based Programs at Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), warns what can happen if we don't take the time to build our spiritual health in his blog, Revive Yourself, Your Spirit, and Your Health.
“It's critical to take a breath and reflect. If we don't, we'll waste our time shopping, eating, drinking, and socializing in vain attempts to resurrect our spirits.” “Instead of re-energizing us, these pleasures might leave us feeling languid and aimless,” explains Rev. Percy. Every human, however, has a thirst, hunger, and yearning for true meaning, value, and purpose in life.
2. Re-establish (or re-establish) healthy relationships
Living with cancer provides many people a new perspective, one that prioritizes relationships over all else. Given the stress of a cancer diagnosis and treatment, it's not unexpected that problems in relationships, particularly between couples, occur frequently. “Fight the cancer, not each other,” says Michael Uhl, MA, MDiv, LMFT, a Mind-Body Therapist at CTCA in Zion, Illinois. He suggests the following ideas for constructing a house:
- Maintain open channels of communication and draw on previous expertise. Whenever a crisis occurs, make an effort to improve communication. Mutual understanding, not necessarily agreement, should be the goal. It may be painful to discuss feelings, yet it is unshared feelings that cause relationships to suffer.
- Make sure you have a strong support system in place. Bringing friends and other family members on board might provide a much-needed reprieve from caregiving obligations, even if your partner is ready to do it all. Both patients and caregivers require “down time” to manage the plethora of experiences and emotions that accompany cancer treatment, recovery, and survivorship.
- Speak with a therapist who has experience with cancer. Speaking with an unbiased therapist who has worked with other cancer patients can assist couples in expressing their emotions and confirming that the sentiments they are experiencing are normal. Discussing all of the emotionsfear, anger, and griefeither together or separately brings them to the surface and aids in the development of useful coping mechanisms.
Relationships with people you care about a spouse, family, or close friends and doing things you both enjoy are stimulating. They have a regenerating and restoring effect.
3. Control Your Thoughts
What do you think about when you're not working? It's only normal for people to inquire “When confronted with a catastrophic sickness, one would wonder, “Why me?” Focusing on this question, on the other hand, can leave you feeling stuck and frustrated. Focusing your thoughts on things that give you hope, on the other hand, might make you feel empowered and revitalize your spirit.
We invited members of our Cancer Fighters group, many of whom are cancer survivors, to provide encouraging remarks “It lifts their spirits.” The following are five of them “To motivate you, here are some “Inspiring Quotes”:
“According to Ardua.”
This Latin phrase translates to “The McIntyre family motto is “despite trials.” Richard A. McIntyre, Hanover Township, Pennsylvania, shared this.
“God is in control of the cancer; the cancer is not in control of me!” Viola Jones of Olathe, Kansas, shared this.
David Brown and Kathy Mosley, a patient and caregiver from Fairbanks, Alaska, believe one of Baha'u'llah's Baha'i prayers in the Baha'i Prayer book brings them much comfort and peace:
“O my God, memory of Thee is my remedy, and Thy name is my mending.
My aim is to be near Thee, and my companion is love for Thee.
Thy mercy to me is my salvation and healing in both this world and the next.
“Truly, you are the All-Abundant, the All-Knowing, and the All-Wise.”
Kimalea Conrad, a cancer survivor from Telluride, Colorado, says Bible verses inspire her; one of her favorites is the one below. “To me, this verse signifies that cancer has no ability to make me terrified unless I allow it,” Conrad explains.
“God did not give us a fearful spirit, but a spirit of strength, love, and self-control.” Revelation 2:7
Surviving cancer typically demands a heroic amount of physical, mental, and spiritual courage, as any survivor or caregiver knows. “Rev. Percy believes that connecting to a greater source of power can bring that balance, stability, and grounding. “Many of us overlook the most obvious sources of meaning, worth, and purpose: service, forgiveness, hope, peace, and faith. Connecting to these global forces of empowerment is, in many ways, the simplest method to rekindle our spirit.”
What is the difference between revival and awakening?
The distinction between revival and awakening as nouns is that revival refers to the act of reviving or the state of being revived, whereas awakening refers to the act of awaking or stopping to sleep.
What happens when revival takes place?
Everyone seems to have their own interpretation or concept of revival. I'd like to list ten characteristics of biblical revival in this article. J. I. Packer, among the many who have influenced my thinking on this subject, is someone on whom I rely heavily. We'll be fasting and praying for four days at Bridgeway this week. We are praying and seeking God for a number of things, the most important of which is a revival of his people and his church. So, here's what occurs when there's a revival.
1. God is getting closer. God descends. This is most likely the imagery found in Isaiah 64:1-2, which depicts God's presence as a brushfire. “Renewal begins with this probing, burning display of God's presence, and renewal is sustained by its continuation” (Packer, 26).
“If one were asked to characterize in a word the distinguishing aspect of those days, one would unhesitatingly reply that it was a ubiquitous, inescapable experience of the presence of God,” one pastor said during the Welsh revival. There was a strong sense of the Lord's presence all around us. It penetrated, indeed, formed the spiritual environment.”
2. There is a sense of sin. Sin sensitivity is increased. Conviction is a powerful emotion. Tenderize the conscience; break calloused hearts; open fresh wounds. Things that were formerly allowed or overlooked have now become unbearable. The illusion of security has been destroyed. All of this leads to genuine repentance. The soul is changed inside out when God draws near in revival. One's spirit is suddenly confronted with the reality of sin's severity. As Isaiah got nearer to God, a sudden conviction for sin that he had never known exploded from within his heart (Isa. 6:1ff.).
3. God's Word is taken seriously. People fall in love with the Bible and have an outpouring of emotion in response to the Scriptures. 1 Thessalonians 1:5; 2:13; Nehemiah 8; 2 Chronicles 17:9. The Bible's message is more sincerely cherished, and its instructions are more zealously followed.
4. The Church transforms into the Church. In the community, there is a dramatic uptick in activity and life. There is a revitalized yearning for corporate gatherings, as well as a reinvigorated sense of love, unity, charity, and self-sacrifice (see Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-37). Christians are truly miserable when revival comes because they aren't together!
6. The pursuit of biblical justice is undertaken. Micah 6:8 (justice and mercy) becomes a reality. The destitute, widowed, orphaned, homeless, hungry, and victims of injustice are all receiving renewed attention. The church is gripped by the truth of Luke 4:16-21 (service to the poor, captives, and downtrodden).
7. Things that happen on a regular basis happen quickly. There is an acceleration of spiritual growth and individual maturity during times of revival. Everything that happens during revival may be summarized in two words: intensification and acceleration. Listen to Jonathan Edwards describe what he saw during the First Great Awakening in New England:
“God also appears to have gone above and above in the speed with which he has carried out his work, and the rapid progress his Spirit has made in his operations on the hearts of many.” ‘It is wonderful that people can be so drastically changed in such a short period of time; many have been ripped from their loose and careless lifestyles and seized with strong convictions of their guilt and misery, and in a very short time'old things have passed away, and all things have become new with them' (2 Cor. 5:17). God's work has also appeared to be rather amazing in terms of the degrees of his Spirit's impacts, both in terms of waking and conviction, as well as in terms of saving light, love, and joy that many people have experienced” (Faithful Narrative , 159).
“When God took the work into his own hands in such a stunning way,” Edwards continued, “there was as much done in a day or two as is done in a year at regular times” (Ibid.).
8. It is pleasing to God. The first time I heard that basic notion, it astounded me. My conventional sensibilities were startled by the concept that God enjoys being enjoyed. However, consider what the psalmist says:
“Wilt Thou not resurrect us, that Thy people might exult in Thee?” Psalm 85:6
Don't miss a word he says. This isn't only a directive to be happy. It is a prayer for God to resurrect his people in order for them to enjoy him! The psalmist isn't just talking about celebrating; he's talking about finding joy, delight, and happiness in God. This always happens during times of renewal and rejuvenation. “In your presence there is fullness of delight; at your right hand are joys forevermore,” David exclaims in Psalm 16:11.
As a result, God wants us to enjoy him since it is when we are most satisfied in him that he is most exalted in us (Piper).
9. Worship has been re-energized (see 2 Chron. 29:25-30). “Many express earnest longings of soul to praise God; but at the same time complain that they can't praise him as they would do, and they want to have others help them in praising him: they want to have everyone praise God, and are ready to call upon everything to praise him,” Edwards wrote during the revival in New England (Faithful Narrative, 184). Sarah, his own wife, had a similar experience. Edwards characterized her as “remarkable.”
“a great delight in singing praises to God and Jesus Christ, and a desire for this present life to be, as it were, one continuous song of praise to God; a desire, as the person expressed it, to sit and sing this life away; and an overcoming pleasure in the thought of spending an eternity in that exercise” (Some Thoughts, 337-38).
10. Faces that sparkle! I'm not talking about putting up a show or pretending everything is fine when it isn't. I don't mean a naive, flippant reluctance to accept reality's hard realities. I'm thinking of what Martin Lloyd-Jones defined as “pure, unadulterated delight that grows from inside and spills over onto others” when I say “shining faces.” This must be what the apostle Peter meant when he spoke of “inexpressible joy and full of glory” (1 Pt. 1:8).