What Is Spiritual Separation

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints distinguishes between two sorts of spiritual death, referred to as “temporal separation” and “spiritual separation” from God, respectively.

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The first is a bodily separation from God the Father, which was brought about by Adam and Eve's sin. All of their offspring are born into a fallen world that is physically removed from God's presence as a result of their choice. Individuals must be separated in order to be tried to see if they will remain obedient even when they are not in God's presence. According to Gerald N. Lund, this separation is overcome unconditionally when all humans return to God's actual presence for the Judgment.

Individual sins generate the second type of spiritual separation from God's spirit or influence; when we sin, we detach ourselves from the influence of the Holy Ghost, God's spiritual presence. This division is needless, and it simply stifles our potential to grow and develop Godly characteristics. The covenant of baptism, after which a person gets the gift of the Holy Ghost, begins to heal this gap. It can only be overcome by faith and repentance.

In comparison to the rest of Christianity, Mormonism takes a unique approach to the problem of evil because of this distinction between two types of spiritual death. That is, it eliminates the need to explain innocent people's suffering in terms of Adam and Eve's transgression. Instead, it provides for the necessity of mortal sorrow and suffering without indicating that sin is required.

What does separation mean in the Bible?

The concept of separation, sometimes known as the doctrine of non-fellowship, is a Protestant religious belief that church members should be separated from “the world” and should not associate with those who are “of the world.” This teaching is supported by numerous verses from both the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible. Consider the following scenario:

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  • “Have no relationship with the unfruitful works of darkness…” Ephesians 5:11
  • 13–16 in John 17:13–16 “I'm on my way to you now, but I'm saying these things while I'm still here, so they can experience the full extent of my excitement. I have given them your word, and the world has despised them because they are not of the world, just as I am not. My prayer is that you protect them from the bad one, not that you take them out of the world. They aren't of this earth, and neither am I.”

Different groups have different definitions of separation. There's also a difference between first and second degree separation. Many Christians, for example, want to live in a way that is different from what the rest of the world does (first degree). Dennis Costella echoed this sentiment, saying, “We are in the world, but we are not to be a part of it.” Exclusive Brethren are Evangelical Protestant Christians who adhere to the separation concept, which implies they isolate themselves from individuals who are not members of their community. Independent Fundamental Baptists and Bible Baptist churches hold a similar but less radical position. Others would argue that one should separate not only from the world, but also from Christians who do not separate themselves from the world (second degree). Second-degree separationists believe that Christians who are too closely associated with “the world” are committing apostasy by failing to fully separate.

Under the stricter interpretations of the idea of separation, the following practices and areas should be separated:

  • Personal devotional life, Christian fellowship, and the Church are all examples of spiritual life.

The notion of separation frequently leads to ecclesiastical separatist, in which Christians abandon corrupt Christian denominations (Rev. 18:4).

What does God say about separation?

There are two scriptural reasons why divorce is permissible. Adultery/sexual immorality is the first.

‘Anyone who divorces his wife must provide her a certificate of divorce,' it has been declared. But I tell you that, aside from sexual immorality, anyone who divorces his wife commits adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery. 5:31-32 – Matthew 5:31-32 – Matthew 5:31-32 –

“The man who dislikes and divorces his wife,' says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘does injury to the one he should protect,' declares the Lord Almighty,” according to Malachi 2:16. So be on your guard and don't betray your partner.” Moses' divorce advice was as follows:

If a man marries a woman who becomes unappealing to him because he discovers something indecent about her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her, and sends her from his house, and she later marries another man, and her second husband dislikes her and writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her, and sends her from his house, or if he dies, then her first husband, who divorced her, is not allowed to In the sight of the Lord, that would be abominable. – Deuteronomy 24:1-4 – Do not bring sin into the land that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance.

During Jesus' day, Jewish law instructors had made it so that divorce could be done for almost any reason. For example, not liking how a woman dressed, whether she was too old, her capacity to bear children, and so forth.

The law professors were more concerned with whether a certificate had been correctly filled out than with the reasons for the divorce. I'm sure they were also concerned about whether they had received all of the required money and favors in advance.

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In the Deuteronomy text, the spirit of the legislation is obviously to protect marriage rather than to make divorce and remarriage a flippant and casual affair. The Deuteronomy chapter also clearly demonstrates the wickedness of focusing solely on the ability to divorce without considering the heinous consequences it has not just on the divorced wife, but also on families and Jewish society as a whole.

The real focus and context of this passage are brought to light on Jesus' listeners who were there for His Sermon on the Mount. So there you have it: adultery has so many ramifications that Jesus makes an exception for it when it comes to upholding the marriage commitment. Adultery is such a serious transgression of the marriage vow that it causes a great deal of anguish and split in the partnership.

The principles of forgiveness and trust are also there, and there is a very real chance of marital repair and healing as long as spouses are prepared to work through a serious breach of the marriage vow.

The second clearly biblical basis for divorce is desertion (1 Corinthians 7) from a marriage in which there is no spirit of return, repentance, or forgiveness from either one or both partners. The Bible acknowledges the stark reality of our depravity and sins here. This depravity causes a breach in the marriage covenant, which one or both partners refuse to mend.

I, not I, but the Lord, offer this command to the married: A wife must not separate from her husband. However, if she does, she must either remain unmarried or reconcile with her spouse. And a husband is not permitted to divorce his wife.

To the rest, I say (not the Lord): If any brother has a non-believing wife who is willing to live with him, he should not divorce her. If a woman has a non-believing spouse who is willing to live with her, she should not divorce him.

Because the unbelieving husband is sanctified by his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by her believing husband. Your children would be unclean if they weren't holy, but they aren't.

But, if the unbeliever departs, so be it. In such circumstances, the brother or sister is not bound; God has asked us to live in peace. How can you know if you'll be able to save your spouse, wife? Or, if you're a husband, how do you know if you'll be able to save your wife? 7:10-16 – 1 Corinthians

This is God's goal, so much so that God does not want unbelievers married to believers to divorce their spouses. The unbelieving wife or husband is sanctified (made holy) by the believing husband or wife, according to Paul.

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I get the impression from the verse that Paul believes the unbelieving spouse is more likely to leave the marriage than the believing spouse, which explains the focus on the unbelieving partner deserting the marriage.

The vast majority of Bible scholars agree that a believing spouse may choose to desert the relationship, hence this desertion permission for divorce is not confined to unbeliever-believer relationships. That is, this text is equally applicable to a marriage between two Christians.

It's fine to let a partner leave a marriage if they want to, according to the last paragraph of the quoted passage on desertion. In such circumstances, Paul adds, the believer is not bound, and we are to live in peace with our fellow residents on this planet.

The essence of Paul's argument is that God is not a lover who pushes his love on us, and neither should we as believers force our love on others. When a marriage partner deserts, the Lord absolves the believer of responsibility to keep the marriage together.

In these circumstances, Paul emphasizes that the believer is no longer bound or a slave of the marriage relationship. Willful desertion nullifies the marriage covenant and releases the couple from the Holy Matrimony connection.

Part 2 will include a biblical perspective on marriage/divorce as well as other difficulties that can devastate a marriage.

What does the Bible say about separating yourself from family?

I'm frequently asked why I don't hang out with my biological mother, brother, and two half-brothers. All of the talks begin with, “How are you doing…?” Which I respond, “I haven't seen or spoken to them in years, so I'm not sure.” Then I'm questioned “Why?” you could wonder. To keep it simple, I just reply that we followed different courses in life, which pretty much sums it up, but it never seems to be an acceptable response, because the interrogation begins as soon as it's stated. At this point, I usually just mention that my childhood home was abusive, therefore I left to avoid becoming a product of that environment. Then I'm told, in so many words, that cutting links with my family is immoral and wrong, that it doesn't matter if they were or are abusive to me, that the right response is to be patient and accepting of their crimes.

I can't emphasize enough how much I disagree with this and how incorrect this advise is. For years, I was trapped in a family where my older half-brother molested me on a regular basis. This occurred right in front of my mother's eyes, while my other brothers lied and attempted to conceal the facts. They're all still lying and covering up the truth today; my mother is no exception.

My brothers have abused drugs and alcohol their entire lives, and they have committed crimes, stealing not just tangible objects from me and others, but more importantly, they have mercilessly and shamelessly desecrated and ruined not only my childhood, but also my innocence. It's on everyone's hands, including my mother's.

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I don't think the Lord expects me (or anyone else) to be endlessly patient and tolerant of others who choose to sin, especially those who sin directly against us. If that were the case, God would consider our self-defense a sin, which He does not.

Another thing God doesn't consider a sin, or even a little disappointment, is that I moved away from a family who treated me with such contempt. Yes, I was born into this family, but I do not have to live with them. Because the Bible tells us to follow those who follow him, my relationship with my family is no different from any other relationship that turns out to be successful “They're not who I thought they were.” Matthew 18:20, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, 1 Corinthians 5:11-13, Hebrews 3:12, Matthew 18:20)

Choosing not to entertain my toxic family members' immoral, humiliating lifestyle does not make me any less Christian, un-Christian, ungodly, or anything else along those lines. It makes me intelligent.

It's difficult for someone who has never suffered abuse to comprehend how a familial bond could be so toxic – so toxic that I had to expel my entire family from my life.

However, some of those who have attacked me, such as church leaders, have themselves been mistreated (Galatians 6:13), and to them I say, “I'm praying a lot for you since I've been in your shoes and understand your personal flaws, struggles, and what plagues you in everyday life.” My hope is that you will see the true value that God has put on you “You,” she says. You are priceless, and I hope you can find the strength to embrace that with all of your being, honoring and loving yourself for who you are. (Psalm 139:13-14, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Romans 12:2)

Not only have I been chastised, but I've also been informed that forgiveness is the correct course of action. For my personal peace of mind, I agree that forgiving is the correct thing to do. Years ago, I put my faith in God after learning that He is the only one who can take revenge (Romans 12:10), but I am also aware that the Bible does not instruct us to forgive those who have not repented. (Matthew 5:44, Luke 17:3-4). And there is no command in the Bible to stay in an abusive, dysfunctional, or toxic relationship.

I'd want to point out that I believe in second chances. We're all sinners, and we're all prone to making mistakes. That is why I offered my mother and each of my brothers a third, fourth, and fifth chance, respectively, to see if they had truly repented and altered their ways. However, it was evident that he had not changed at all when I awoke at 21 years old to discover my oldest half-brother (six years my senior) trying to get his hands in my underwear while my two-year-old daughter slept next to me. Once again, my mother and brothers failed to protect me, defend my honor, or guide him along the right path – there was no accountability. They instead defended him and advised me to move on. As a result, here I am now. I'm getting over it and shaking their humiliation off my back, putting it in their hands where it belongs.

No one, even myself, should be mistreated. The most Godly and righteous men of God are not required to return for more. This may shock those who have only met me, those who don't know me well, those who have told me I'm wrong and sinful, instructing me to be patient and tolerant of these abusive family members, but hear me roar, “NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO EXPECT ME TO LIVE MY LIFE AS A VICTIM OF ABUSE OR TO JUDGE ME FOR REJECTING THEM. “NOBODY.” (Matthew 4:5, James 4:1, Proverbs 31:9, James 1:26, Matthew 4:5)

Patience is mentioned in the Bible as a virtue “It is considered a character feature of a righteous person and is a gift of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). When something is taken out of context, it takes on a whole different connotation than it does in the Bible. “Patience in the Bible refers to not losing faith in God during difficult times, being patient while waiting for Him to save us from our trials, and persisting in our faith until we achieve our reward in paradise (Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 27:13-14). It has nothing to do with being patient while evil individuals change their ways. This is a complete distortion of God's Word. The Bible “Patience” does not imply that we should be patient with evil, harmful, abusive, or disrespectful behavior. God's patience with us is based on this. That is the reason for His long suffering toward us: He does not want anybody to perish, but rather for all of us to come to repentance. Peter writes in 2 Peter 3:9.

The Bible forbids us from continuing to be in relationships with those who have hurt us or are presently hurting us, whether they are family or not. Indeed, the Bible is full with lessons that tell us to cut ties with wicked or evil individuals, to be separate from them, to avoid, outcast, and purge them from our midst. (See, for example, 1 Corinthians 15:33, Proverbs 13:20, Psalm 1:1, Proverbs 6:27, 1 Corinthians 5:11, and 1 Corinthians 10:13). It's the same with parents and siblings.

The disciples heard Jesus say to them, “But if you are persecuted in this city, flee to another.” ‘Matthew 10:25,' says the Bible.

God did not advise them not to love; rather, He ordered them to love them from afar, from a vast distance, since we are all obligated to love, but we are not commanded to love evil.

Spreading the word and educating others about God's love for us, as well as encouraging them, is not just taught via words, but also by the way we conduct our lives. It's the light we project out into the world. This includes the individuals we associate with (Philippians 2:16-16, John 8:12, Matthew 15:16, 1 Peter 2:9, Colossians 3:17, Ephesians 5:8 – to name a few).

God is the source of everything. This isn't anything I made up. I strongly advise you to conduct research and read the Bible. Many doors have closed on my past since I left my family, and for every one that closes, ten more open, brightening my life and my future. In the most unexpected ways and from the most unlikely persons, every relationship that has given me misery and pain has been replaced with a healthy, loving relationship (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

I just had one thing to say “God be praised!” with a lot of swing in my hips and a lot of dancing in my step! Life is fantastic!

Can God forgive divorce?

Every marriage has a biblical Christian right to divorce! “Son, sit down; I want to tell you about divorce,” God said to the author. Many divorced people believe they have betrayed God. But not any longer! God has intervened on their side.

Not Every Marriage is Blessed

Because of what we've been taught, we tend to believe that every marriage is blessed and regarded as holy by God, but this is not the case. Unholy things are not called holy by God. God wants us to be like Him, able to “discern between holy and impure, and between dirty and clean,” as the Bible says (Leviticus 10:10). We can make or persist in a fatal marriage if we lack this insight.


Unsanctified Marriages

Many people are trapped in marriages that God will not bless for years. Many people are treated as slaves by their partners. They scream, “Why isn't God blessing our union?” Blessings are granted to those who will seek Him out, love Him, and put Him first in their lives. God blesses us as much as He can, yet we often fall well short of what we truly require because we refuse to let God in.

Some unsanctified weddings may include a homosexual or lesbian as a partner. Some husbands go so far as to rape their wives. Other spouses could be having sex with animals.

Others may be physically abusive or enjoy sexual delights with their children or the children of others. Some marriages have worsened over time, while others may have started out badly. At initially, there may be no apparent signs of uncleanness in certain unsanctified marriages. Alcoholism, drugs, lusty sex, or a party spirit are some of the more typical things that cause a married partner to be unclean. Being a part of these things is addressed extensively in the Bible. Ephesians 5:3-12, 1Corinthians 6:9-11, and 1Corinthians 5:1-13 are all biblical examples.

People can live and die without ever tasting God's blessings on a sanctified marriage. Because of what they have been taught, they feel trapped and continue to be in abusive situations (or not taught). You may have been taught, for example, that once you've married, you can never divorce because “No matter how bad, abusive, or unholy a marriage is, God despises divorce. The truth is that God is more in favor of divorce than of marriage. But if a person will call out and surrender their life completely to Him, He may change a heart and bring an end to dirty and sinful deeds.

Is it a sin to remarry?

An aggrieved spouse has the biblical right to divorce their husband or wife in these situations. At the same time, they should seek the Spirit's guidance as well as the counsel of Elders and Christian counselors before taking that step, cultivating a heart of forgiveness and an openness to relational reconciliation for the sake of their family and to keep the door open for God's purposes in the future. However, the injured spouse may decide that the marriage is irreversibly shattered and file for divorce. The elders of Fellowship will support the aggrieved spouse's decision and minister to him or her without reservation in this instance. The church will do everything it can to support them and their family if God approves their decision.

Biblical Grounds for Remarriage

It is a question of scripture whether a Christian who has divorced their spouse on biblical grounds is free to remarry. In the eyes of the Lord and the church, their spiritual position has remained unchanged.

Can my sin separate me from God?

The idea that sin separates us from God is stated in the Old Testament, most notably and frequently cited in Isaiah 59:2:

Your sins, on the other hand, have divided you from your God, and your sins have veiled His face from you, so He will not hear you.

This scripture is used and dragged out of context to make the speaker's point every time I've heard it taught. Let's put that in perspective again.

First, I'd like to clarify who the target audience is for that Bible scripture. I recommend that you read the complete chapter of Isaiah 59 in your Bible. I'll point out a handful of verses for you. This chapter begins by noting that while God is God and capable of saving and hearing people, people's willing resistance is what separates them from Him (verse 2). The majority of the middle of the chapter then outlines all of the bad deeds of the persons being discussed.

We seek justice, but there is none; we seek salvation, but it is a long way off (Isa 59:11).

First, observe that this is written to the Israelites who are under the old covenant, not to those of us who have put our confidence in Jesus' righteousness for salvation and new life under the new covenant. Also, as stated in the second sentence above, these are those who are not saved. This passage is not addressing you, the believer in Jesus Christ under the new covenant. Let's take a look at another verse.

The Redeemer will come to Zion and to those who repent in Jacob of their transgressions, declares the LORD (Isa 59:20).

The cure for this division is found in Isaiah! A Salvator! Jesus! He forgives those who repent of their sins and turn to Him! Hallelujah!

If someone tells you that your sin separates you from God because of Isaiah 59:2, remember that it DID separate you from God until you came to Jesus. Remember the whole of Isaiah's chapter, as well as the good news at the close. Isaiah 59:20 is the answer to Isaiah 59:2.