What God says about preparation?
According to the Bible, we are born in sin and conceived in wickedness, that we go astray as soon as we are born, that we talk lies with our mouths, and that we have all sinned and fallen short of God's glory.
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We won't be ready to encounter God until we've gone through certain changes and made some preparations. “I go to create a place for you,” Jesus remarked before departing. Heaven is a prepared place, but it is only for those who have prepared themselves. Heaven has already been prepared for us, but it is up to us to get ready for it. Consider this scenario.
We will have to stand before the great God of Heaven and Earth at some point. Are you all set? Some of us have the personality of Easter rabbits. On Easter Sunday, we leave church and turn our backs on God for the rest of the year. Nonetheless, we must account to God for our handling of this and all other responsibilities. We can plead “not guilty” in front of a judge in this world, but we can't plead “not guilty” before God. He has all of the evidence and is well-versed in all of the facts. He also has the authority to punish all those who have trodden his son under their feet to eternal damnation.
The world tells us that our “good life,” “good acts,” and “kind gifts” will save us, but this is not God's path of salvation, my friends. Now is the time to get ready to meet God. According to the Bible, this is the approved time, the day of salvation.
Allow me to illustrate an eagle for you. When an eagle was flying above Niagara Falls, his acute eyes observed a dead chicken drifting down the river on a block of ice. The eagle flew down, put his feet firmly on the ice block, and settled in for a delicious meal. The ice chunk began to float faster down the stream, and the eagle realized his time was running out. He was unafraid, though, because he was the king of all birds. He'd flown over the falls before, and when he heard the roar, he decided to take one more mouthful before flying away.
He stretched his enormous wings to fly in an instant, but he couldn't move because his feet were sunk into the ice by his procrastination, and he crashed to his death.
Sinners are savoring the world's misdeeds, unaware that their time is limited. One can declare, “I'll give up my sin next year,” but next year may be too late. Today, get ready to meet God.
“Time is nothing to God,” says II Peter, Chapter 3, Verse 10. To the Lord, what seems like an eternity to us is simply another day. God's nature causes the “delay” in Christ's return. Is this to say that God's nature is to procrastinate, be late, or be hesitant to honor his promises? Not in the least. Rather, it is his charity and patience, his refusal to watch the wicked suffer, and his desire for all sinners to repent that prompts him to postpone his rightful judgment until the last possible minute.
We are actually in a grace period, my friends. God's wrath may have been unleashed a long time ago. Nobody knows how long this amnesty offer will endure. As a result, I urge you to get ready to meet God. The day of reckoning will not be delayed indefinitely. Prepare to meet God today because the time may be shorter than we believe.
What is spiritual readiness?
Domestic violence, substance abuse, and suicidality are all challenges that the Army is currently combating. Researchers believe that a lack of purpose or meaning in life is at the base of the problem. Meaning, according to psychologist Martin Seligman, comes from belonging to and serving something bigger than yourself, as well as creating your best self.
Invest in spiritualreadinessthe ability to endure and overcome problems by finding meaning in our life experiencesto create a greater awareness of your current condition of being. Incorporating spirituality into our lives gives us strength, especially in the face of adversity.
- Make a list of objectives. Setting goals might help you stay motivated even when you're doing mundane things. Goals can help you relate your actions to a larger picture or purpose. Setting a goal is an act of optimism as you create a strategy for success. Determine your priorities and use your personal values to encourage you to take action. When you are inspired by your values, such as integrity or family, you are more likely to succeed even when faced with challenges. Keep yourself accountable and share your goals with others to help you connect with people who can help you.
- Gratitude should be practiced on a daily basis. Gratitude fills us with joy and gives us hope for the future. It's easy to lose sight of the good things in our lives. We get so caught up in what's next and what we have to accomplish or overcome that we lose sight of what's right in front of us. Take some time to be grateful for the good times, the goals you've achieved, and the relationships you've formed.
- Have meaningful talks with people you can trust. This will help you deepen your sense of purpose, discover new ways to live more completely, and connect with others.
Make use of these techniques to find significance in your life events. Soldiers who have a better knowledge of their mission, core values, beliefs, identity, and life vision are more likely to persist in the face of adversity.
What is preparation in Christianity?
Every day, we prepare for a variety of events. We take care of our bodies by preparing or “getting ready for work” in the morning, or by preparing or “getting ready for bed” in the evening. We are continually preparing throughout the day, whether at home, school, or job. Cooking, cleaning, and numerous DIY projects are all examples of home preparation. At school, regular preparation is required to be ready for the exercises and activities of the next day. The same is true at work. There isn't a day that goes by when we aren't preparing for something.
Colin Powell, a retired four-star general and former US Secretary of State, observed, “There are no magic formulas for success. It's the consequence of planning, hard work, and failed lessons.”
Dak Prescott of the Dallas Cowboys echoed a notion shared by many great athletes about their ability to execute under duress. The following is a paraphrase of the quote: “I'm not under any duress because I believe I'm well-prepared. Anxiety is caused by a lack of preparation.”
In a quotation attributed to Abraham Lincoln, he is quoted as stating, “I'd spend six hours sharpening my ax if I had eight hours to chop down a tree.” The remark may be more folklore or tradition than direct words from our sixteenth President's mouth, but the idea remains the same.
God's Word commands us to be prepared as Christians, not just in the practical sense of everyday duties, but also in the spiritual sense. Both have an impact on each other.
As an elder believer of Christ, Paul instructed Timothy whom he fondly referred to as his “son-in-the-faith” to “do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, correctly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15 ESV).
Being presentable in the sense of attending an event or stepping out in public necessitates planning. It's the same with the spiritual as it is with the physical.
In 1 Peter 1:13 (ESV), the apostle Peter writes: “As a result, while preparing your thoughts for action and remaining sober-minded, place your complete trust in the grace that will be revealed to you at Jesus Christ's revelation.”
There are numerous such passages in the Bible that tell us to be ready. In the passage in Luke 14:28-30, when he dwelt on thoughts of the cost of discipleship to his followers, Jesus himself warned us to be prepared to truly follow him wholeheartedly. In practical terms, Jesus highlighted how absurd it would be to start a construction project without first preparing a cost estimate. No one would start building a tower without first calculating how much it would cost, Jesus remarked. People would tease a person who tried this and ran out of money halfway through the endeavor, laughing about how the person did not have enough forethought to count the costs of erecting the skyscraper before starting.
In reality, the entire concept of eternal life is based on the concept of preparation, namely, confessing our sins and accepting the gift of Christ's blood shed on the cross. As a result, we must live a life that glorifies God and draws others to Jesus. The Bible even compares our time and service on this planet to how couples getting ready to marry enthusiastically prepare for each other in anticipation of their forthcoming wedding.
But honor Christ the Lord as sacred in your hearts, constantly being ready to defend your hope to anyone who asks; but do it with gentleness and respect.
This is a clear command to be prepared at all times to explain your biblical beliefs or why you do what you do to anyone who might question or criticize them. Explaining our beliefs should be done with tenderness and respect, not in a condescending, brief, or offensive manner. We are commanded to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) and with grace (John 1:14).
This cannot be accomplished without daily prayer and study of God's Word. It necessitates a familiarity with and admiration for the Bible. Christian ideas are based on biblical theology, and Christians must be able to communicate what they believe and why they believe it clearly and concisely. Ethics, sexuality, morality and immorality, marriage, family, education, and other aspects of a Christian worldview are all based on biblical ideas. While the Bible does not expressly address a wide range of concerns, there are biblical principles that can be applied to any situation. As a result, it is your primary responsibility to spend time in God's Word.
It's not enough to have Bible-based beliefs if you don't know where those beliefs come from in the Bible. Anchoring oneself to a belief if you don't know what it's based on is inconsistent, irresponsible, and even deadly. Human sexuality, marriage, family, and education are all important topics about which Christians should be well-versed in the Bible. You are a prepared Christian because of Christ's sacrifice. Being a prepared Christian is something you owe to yourself and others. More prepared Christians and less unprepared pragmatic versions of robotic Christianity are needed in the world.
What is the power of preparation?
I wish you had been able to attend. I was requested to speak at a Fortune 500 company's national sales meeting at the Orlando Convention Center in Florida a few years ago. Prior to my speech, I met with the Senior Vice President in charge of the conference's emceeing. I inquired if he had any questions about my introduction as we went over the schedule. “Roger, I prefer to speak off the cuff,” he added, and I'll never forget that. “It takes three weeks to prepare an impromptu speech,” said Mark Twain in one of his famous quotes. Nonetheless, it was his meeting, and I didn't mind if he felt more at ease winging it.
“Our speaker today has endured a physical struggle,” he said as he introduced me to the audience (So far so good). Despite being born with three legs (three what? ), he is a very successful tennis player. You could have heard a pin drop in the room as it became unnaturally quiet. As the audience waited for the three-legged motivational speaker to gallop onto the stage, they were on the edge of their seats, bewildered. He clearly meant three fingers, but in the heat of the moment, he mixed up body parts. In my whole experience, I have never worked with a more attentive bunch!
This event taught me that no matter what you want to do, you should never underestimate the importance of planning. This is why… Your performance will be influenced by the level of your preparation. When you're fully prepared, you'll be able to make the most of every resource available to you in order to reach your full potential. Increasing your degree of preparation is the best method to boost your confidence.
Visualize yourself making the right decisions and speaking the appropriate things to prepare for success. When you psychologically prepare for anything, you enhance your confidence that success is not just conceivable, but also likely. Visualizing your intended outcome will assist you in removing distractions and focusing your mind. It will help minimize anxiety because you have mentally rehearsed a successful conclusion. To summarize, worry less and prepare more.
“Everyone has a brilliant strategy until they get struck in the mouth!” claims heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson. Peak achievers, I've discovered, not only visualize triumph but also prepare for probable obstacles. They are not surprised by difficulties because they have planned ahead of time how they will respond. You obviously want to give a great performance, but you'll be prepared if anything doesn't go as planned. As a result, you will not feel disheartened or demoralized if you have difficulties because you have already planned for them. Negative and positive events will occur, and you will not be able to control either, but you may be prepared for both!
The incredible chances that await you in the future are far too crucial to merely “wing it” and hope for the best. You may improve your power and release your potential by being properly prepared.
What does the Bible say about planning and preparation?
There are numerous bible scriptures that discuss the need of planning to study. The Lord's command is plain in many cases. We should develop plans, but we should do so in consultation with God. The only way to ensure that our ideas succeed is to put them to the test with God's desires.
This verse about making plans serves as a gentle reminder that, while we may make plans, it is ultimately the Lord who determines and guides our paths. We were pushed to success by his direction and leadership.
When the Lord establishes something, he is establishing a foundation for it. This suggests he's putting his imprint on anything (whether it's a deed, a goal, or a strategy), and his establishment implies that he's putting his force and weight behind it. This should motivate us to seek God's guidance before carrying out any plans to ensure that they are God-approved.
There are numerous Proverbs in the Bible that deal with planning. One of the most well-known is Proverbs 16:3. In fact, there are seven verses in Proverbs 16 that deal with creating plans. This planning verse Reminds us that committing our plans to God is the best method to have them established or planted. This entails letting his will take precedence over your plan. Do not clutch them so firmly that He is unable to move in your circumstance.
What is the relationship between prayer and preparation?
It appears that so much of our lives are determined by how well we prepare for the activities or situations we confront. It's generally safe to argue that preparation is just another word for practice. The more we prepare for events, the more we practicethat is, put what we've learned into practice.
We often feel unprepared for what lies ahead. However, there is a type of preparation that can help us prepare more effectively whether it's for an exam, a game, a recital, or life! If we start with prayer, all of our preparation, or practice, will be more fruitful. Gaining a better understanding of God, which is a positive thing, naturally equips us to deal with discord. We can learn to center our understanding on Spirit, God, rather than matter, through prayer. Because our ideas are traveling in the proper direction, our efforts will be more effective.
Prayer is the beginning of preparation, and it continues when we act in accordance with our prayers. Christ Jesus frequently went to the mountains to pray and spiritually replenish himself. He was always prepared to face whatever obstacles arose. He spent his time in the mountains communing with God and reaffirming his bond with Him. Jesus was able to heal the blind, deaf, crippled, and others who came to him because of his spiritual insight. He demonstrated the power of the Psalmist's words, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble,” in real terms (Psalms 46:1).
We, too, can commune with God and put what we've learned into practice. ‘We must ‘pray without ceasing,” Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science, writes in her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Such a prayer is answered in the sense that we act on our desires. The Master's command is that we pray quietly and let our conduct provide witness to our sincerity” (p. 15). We don't have to walk off alone to a mountaintop to commune with God, but that is an option. But, no matter where we are, we can turn to God in humility and silence for spiritual instruction that will prepare us to deliver healing whenever and wherever it is required.
Why is preparing important?
Preparedness can help to decrease the dread, anxiety, and losses that come with disasters. Individuals, families, and communities should know what to do in the event of a fire and where to seek shelter in the event of a tornado. They should be prepared to flee their houses and seek safety in public shelters, as well as know how to take care of their basic medical needs.
People can also mitigate the effects of disasters (flood proofing, raising or transferring a property out of harm's way, and securing goods that can shake loose in an earthquake), and sometimes fully avert the hazard.