Over the last few years, there has been a growing corpus of study on the link between mental and physical health. Here & Now has explored mindfulness and how personality traits like curiosity and empathy might influence our brains. Today, we'll look at a different facet of that link: spirituality.
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Children who have positive active spiritual interactions, for example, are 40% less likely to use and abuse substances and have 60% less depression than other teenagers, according to research. There are also variances in the structure of the brain.
In her new book, “The Spiritual Child: The New Science on Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving,” Lisa Miller, director of Columbia University's Clinical Psychology Program, relies on that research and combines it with her personal insights.
She explains to host Robin Young that spirituality refers to a child's bond with a higher power, whether it's nature, God, the universe, or simply a tree. The important thing is that the power is there and active in the child's daily existence. She also warns that a lack of spirituality in religion might have a harmful impact.
Robin spoke with Lisa Miller of Temple Beth Elohim in Wellesley, Massachusetts, to talk about raising a spiritual child. Following their discussion, the temple's composer-in-residence, Noah Aronson, performed an untitled piece inspired by their chat. Rabbi Joel Sisenwine's voice can be heard at the end:
What is the biblical definition of parenting?
A parent's biblical job is to be a good steward of the children God has entrusted to them. It is the obligation of parents to look after their children's spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. A parent's most crucial biblical responsibility is to teach their children about Jesus via both deed and word.
The Bible's revelation of God's Word helps us comprehend who we are, who God is, and how God and humans interact. Scripture conveys eternal and frequently unsettling truths about our nature, souls, and history. It's good for all kinds of relationships.
As a parent, there are three major biblical truths that will help you succeed in your role. Knowing these will help you manage your expectations and respect biblical limits as you continue on your parenting journey.
How do you create a spiritual child?
Make a list of your personal beliefs. You must select what you believe in order to promote spirituality in your child, whether or not you practice an official religion. That doesn't mean you have to know everything, but you can think about the following questions: Do you believe in God? Do you think there was a divine aspect in the world's creation? What do you believe happens when someone passes away?
Consider what kind of spiritual education you want your child to receive in addition to your personal beliefs: Will your family become members of a church, synagogue, or other religious institution? Do you want your child to go to church on a regular basis? Are you planning on enrolling him in a religious school? If you and your partner hold opposing viewpoints on spirituality, now is the time to decide how you'll tackle spirituality with your toddler before he's old enough to be perplexed by your differences.
Spirituality should be introduced early on. “Not only do young children not comprehend who God is, but they also don't understand who a grandmother is,” adds Neifert. “You still want children to know Grandma, so you begin talking about her right away. The concept of God is the same way.” Your child will believe you when you say Grandma is essential in her life (even if she only sees her once in a while), and she will believe you when you say God is, too.
What does spiritual daughter mean?
Sinttal, which means “spiritual daughter,” is a phrase used to describe a female shaman who has been accepted into her spiritual mother's divine lineage. Sinbeop, or spiritual laws, are the norms that regulate their interactions.
What are the spiritual needs of a child?
Spirituality is defined as a sense of wholeness and balance, as well as being deliberate in our treatment of the world and ourselves, as well as being engaged in meaningful community with others and filled with awe and respect for the “grand mystery.” Spiritual needs are universal and unavoidable, regardless of faith.
Children have a natural spirituality and are spiritual seekers. The development of spirituality in children is a necessary component of moral growth. According to John Bradford, only when spirituality in all of its forms is cultivated and affirmed will any human being, especially a child or a young person, have a full quality of life.
Children's senses of truth, justice, and mystery may be neglected, leading to them expressing their fears and sorrow in ways that hurt society, such as violence towards others and themselves.
Children who are reared with a robust and well-developed spiritual life are happier, more optimistic, more flourishing, more flexible, and better ready to deal with life's common (and even extraordinary) tragedies, according to a study by Columbia University psychologist Lisa Miller. The findings also show that kids who are in touch with their spiritual sides are significantly better off they are less likely to abuse alcohol and drugs, engage in risky sex, and are better equipped to cope with despair. Spirituality provides a person with something to lean on in times of stress, namely the knowledge that they are not alone. Spiritual stunting can leave a youngster with a brittle sense of self and a lack of resiliency for the rest of their lives. Spiritually imbued children, on the other hand, grow into people who may detect a feeling of calling in their profession, hold human relationships in high respect, and consider disasters as opportunities. Without it, children's self-esteem is based on achievement, they are driven to please others, they feel alone in the world, and they are fatalistic when it comes to failures and losses.
Children's religious education, which includes spiritual writing, provides them with the vocabulary and resources they require to reflect on and explore their spiritual experiences. The primary nurturers of spirituality in their children are their parents or guardians. They must involve children in the creation of family projects and rituals that promote family values and, when repeated, have long-term good effects on the lives of the children.
Parents can utilize life issues and difficulties as spiritual teaching tools to teach their children how to deal with them. Teaching children to respect virtues like compassion, charity, and sacrifice is an important part of spiritual development. Children grow into kind and compassionate individuals when their parents and other adults or caregivers demonstrate authenticity, honesty, trustworthiness, and kindness. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including:
- Demonstrating desired character characteristics in everyday personal acts and discussing their value to youngsters
- In difficult circumstances, lean on your spiritual convictions and let your children know you are there for them.
How does spiritual development take place in childhood?
Children learn to be aware of and comfortable with qualities such as respect, responsibility, and regard for themselves and others through spiritual development. They learn to accept differences between people without being afraid of them. They develop an appreciation for the environment and take steps to safeguard it.
Who is responsible for the spiritual growth of a child?
Becky Luman, an associate professor of Christian education at Wesley Biblical Seminary, encourages parents to value their involvement in their children's spiritual growth. “Parents have the primary responsibility for growing a child in the faith, according to the Bible,” she explains.
What is the biblical role of a father?
The importance of a father's position in the family cannot be overstated. He is expected to be the family's leader and defender, as well as an example of Christ's love through loving the children's mother. He must also be steadfast in his beliefs and raise his children to know right from wrong.
Paul's letter to the Ephesians is found in Ephesians 5:25-37.
Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and sacrificed himself for her.
What do Christians believe about parenting?
Children should regard their parents with honor and respect, according to Christianity. They should respect and obey their parents' wishes.
What spirituality means?
Spirituality is defined as the awareness of a feeling, sense, or belief that there is something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater total of which we are a part is cosmic or divine in nature. True spirituality necessitates the opening of one's heart.