What Is Spiritual Intimacy With God

What does it mean to have a personal relationship with God? It denotes that we are “You're never alone.” It denotes that we are at ease. It implies that we are bold and capable of conquering adversity.” ‘Now you finally believe in me,' Jesus said.

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What does spiritual intimacy mean?

  • “The feeling of freedom that you can connect at any time and in any way about spiritual things or issues is the foundation for a lasting marriage…..the it's feeling of freedom that you can connect at any moment and in any way about spiritual matters or difficulties.” There's no need to tread carefully when it comes to discussing or asking a question. You spend your lives with the assurance that you are spiritually related.” Les and Leslie Parrott's “Becoming Soul Mates” (pp. 164).
  • “We make a conscious effort to share some spiritual subject that has to do with a family difficulty, a book we've been reading, a sermon we're working on, a Bible study class, or even political topics….
  • The idea is that we don't go a day without talking about the greater spiritual picture of life as a couple.” (From Les and Leslie Parrott's “Becoming Soul Mates,” p. 176).
  • Spiritual intimacy is defined as sharing your spirituality with your partner (spiritual disclosure) and listening to your partner's spiritual disclosures in a supportive and non-judgmental manner (spiritual support).
  • Social scientists are only now beginning to investigate spiritual closeness. We asked men and wives to answer four questions about their own spiritually intimate behavior and four questions about their spouse's spiritually intimate behavior for our transition to motherhood study. See all 8 items in the gallery below. We averaged a couple's responses regarding the husband to come up with a total score for spiritually closeness. We also added items about the woman together to get a total score on her spiritual intimacy.
  • My spiritual side is something I tend to keep private and distinct from my marriage. (Scored backwards)
  • When my partner talks about spirituality, I try not to be judgemental or critical.
  • When my partner expresses spiritual concerns or challenges, I strive to be sympathetic.
  • My partner does not share his or her spiritual beliefs or feelings with me. (Scored backwards)
  • When I communicate about my spiritual needs, thoughts, and feelings, my husband actually listens.
  • When I tell my partner about my spiritual issues or challenges, he or she is supportive.
  • Note that partners can have similar or dissimilar spiritual or religious identities and nonetheless engage in spiritual closeness with one another. Our method of determining spiritual connection does not necessitate spiritual or religious equivalence between spouses. Higher religious mutual involvement, on the other hand, is associated with greater spiritual intimacy.
  • Yes, better marital functioning is predicted by more spiritual connectedness between wives and husbands.
  • Increased affection, humor, and warmth for one's spouse (self-reported, partner-reported & observed)
  • Negativity and hatred toward spouse are reduced (self-reported, partner-reported & observed)
  • More contentment with the marriage (self-reported, partner-reported & observed)
  • The less critical or angry both acted during videotaped marital exchanges from the time they were pregnant to when their first infant was a year old, the more couples felt each spouse engaged in spiritually intimate behavior. During observed marital interactions, higher spiritual closeness predicted that both wives and husbands would show more warmth, humor, and affection toward the spouse. Furthermore, higher spiritual intimacy predicted spouses' perceptions of their sentiments of love for each other, better communication skills in everyday life at home, and greater happiness with the marriage when they transitioned to motherhood. Because both direct observation of marital interactions and couples' self-reports of marital quality were used, these findings are significant. Longitudinal data was also utilized.
  • The benefits of spiritual intimacy that we discovered could not be explained away by stable qualities of the spouses, such as personality traits, money, education, or their efforts to impress researchers. After controlling for stable, positive traits of the spouses, the percentage of husbands and wives who stated both partners had good communication skills did not predict how well each parent treated the other during conflictual discussions.
  • To explain these findings, we propose that couples who share a strong spiritual bond are more likely to stay kind and resist the impulse to “go negative” when discussing their primary difficulties. In other words, when couples are dissatisfied with each other, they may need a strong incentive to stay civil and engaged, such as sustaining their spiritual connectedness. When you and your partner engage into painful debates about your core issues, the risk of losing your connection to your soul mate may inspire you to resist the impulse to try to win a battle. As a result, spiritual closeness is identified while one resource that may encourage new parents to keep and defend their marriage as they cope with the pressures of being first-time parents together, according to this study.

What has been discovered previously about Spiritual Disclosure, which is a component of Spiritual Intimacy?

  • When two people openly communicate their spiritual journeys, questions, and doubts with one another, this is referred to as spiritual disclosure. Greater use of collaborative approaches to settle conflict has been linked to greater communication about spiritual concerns between college students and their mothers (Brelsford & Mahoney, 2008) or fathers (Brelsford, 2009). Even after controlling for how much the college student and parent talked other sensitive matters with each other (e.g., politics, alcohol or drug usage), and how important religion or spirituality was to each side, these relationships persisted.
  • G. M. Brelsford, G. M. Brelsford, G. M. Brels (2010). Spirituality between college students and their fathers. 21, 27-48 in Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion.
  • G. M. Brelsford and A. Mahoney (2008). Between older teenagers and their mothers, there occurs a spiritual unveiling. 62-70 in Journal of Family Psychology.

What are the three paths to intimacy with God?

During your time with God, your connection with Him grows in three ways: 1) A father-daughter relationship is formed. 2) God's Spirit's fruit is grown. 3) Your daily existence will become a mirror image of God.

How do you spend intimate time with God?

What would it look like for you to spend more time with God in a more personal way? He wants more of your time so that you can get to know Him better. You will know God better the more time you spend with Him. Find out how to spend more time with God and deepen your connection with Him by learning how to spend intimate time with Him.

When it comes to performing anything, I like extremely practical, easy methods, and I believe most people do as well. You'll enjoy learning how to develop a connection with God that will transform ALL of your relationships. So, here's where you may begin today to spend more time with God in a more intimate way.

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Many of us struggle with how we choose to manage our time on a daily basis.

The good news is that you can ask God to assist you in managing your time so that you can spend more time with Him. In the last few months, I've discovered that one of the main reasons we don't see our lives align with God's purpose is that we haven't ASKED God for it.

I heard these three words that altered my life when I started asking God for what He wanted. God declared,

Consider that for a moment. He's been waiting for you to ask for more time alone with God so that He can provide it to you. So, if you honestly want to spend more time with God, begin by asking Him to adjust your schedule, and He will, I guarantee.

What would you say if I asked you why you desire to spend more time with God in a more personal way?

I believe it all starts with asking God why he does what he does. Why is that? Isn't it because you want what He wants? He clearly wants you to spend quiet time with Him so that you can get to know Him better.

When you understand His Why and resolve to have the same WHY God wants to be with you, it will encourage and motivate you to spend time with Him every day.

Personally, I would rather spend time with God than spend time with Him. What's the difference between the two? Investing is a long-term strategy for me, while spending is a short-term strategy. I believe God desires for you to establish a lifelong relationship with Him. Do you agree with me?

When you invest in a relationship, you are doing so not only for yourself but also for the other person. You're putting your time, heart, mind, and loving words into this. I want you to see your personal time with God as an investment in a deeper, more personal relationship with Him.

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You've probably heard that God gave you two ears and one mouth, implying that you should listen TWICE as much as you speak. But how many of us, especially when it comes to God, genuinely do that? He has a lot to say to you, and He truly wants you to pay attention to what He has to say.

I remember seeing the word HEAR in the word HEART when I looked at it closely. Then I came across the word EAR.

God wants us to listen with our hearts because it is through our hearts that we hear Him. To put it another way, He wants you to have a heart-to-heart dialogue with Him, and one of the most important things you can do is listen more. Listen more if you want to hear God more. That's all there is to it.

Maybe you've never had an intimate relationship with God before and aren't sure where to begin. I strongly advise you to begin by reading the Bible. It's what I refer to as our LIFE MANUAL.

When you begin reading about WHO God is, you will have a better understanding of Him.

I was once asked how we can trust God. I pondered it for a long and realized that you can't trust someone you don't know well. The more time you spend with God one-on-one, the more you will hear His heart for you. You begin to trust God when you begin to hear what He is speaking to you.

Reading the Bible is one of my favorite things since it comes with its own teacher, the Holy Spirit.

When I initially received my study Bible in 1992, I would read it and pray to the Holy Spirit to help me grasp what I was reading. It was here that I first heard God's voice in my heart and learnt to recognize it.

I promise you will get to know God on a deeper level after you understand WHY you want to “spend” more time getting to know Him and ask Him for more time with Him. Remember to listen for God's replies as you ask Him questions. He genuinely desires for you to develop a closer relationship with Him.

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What does spiritual intimacy feel like?

When people who share a spiritual bond gather together, they feel free to be themselves.

They don't have to put on a show or split themselves into bubbles. There's no need to be defensive about who you are or what you're doing because they're totally aware of your situation.

In fact, you don't feel obligated to fill in all those lulls or spaces in a conversation, which is another indication of your connection.

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Emotional intimacy

Emotional intimacy entails cultivating a sense of closeness with your spouse by empathizing, respecting, and communicating about how you and your partner are feeling. Break it down into three sections to increase emotional intimacy: slow down, keep it simple, and reveal what's difficult to say. Before you talk, think about your feelings, and when you do, contextualize them so you can transmit them as direct and powerful sentences.

What are the benefits of having intimate relationship with God?

You learn to see things through God's perspective when you develop a personal relationship with him. It's a love bond that's created and developed over time through constant communication and trust. You are bringing God into your life with loving trust and friendship by taking a step back and placing your total trust in God and the outcome of all of your affairs. As your relationship grows stronger, you'll realize how God actually oversees your spiritual development and directs your path as you journey through this lifetime.

God already knows what your objectives are and what you intend to achieve during your time here. Before you were born on this planet, it was meticulously prepared with your agreement. A set of soul contracts determine the lessons you must learn as part of your destiny. It's absolutely up to you how and whether you accomplish them. When you are born, the ego hides your contracts and the information you have gathered through many lifetimes. Breaking through the veil that appears to separate us from that knowledge and the universal truths that are accessible through soul communication is one of the duties we have as spiritual beings on a human journey.

God keeps a loving eye on us while we go about our daily lives. He understands the courses our lives are taking, the consequences of our decisions, and the ideal road for us to take. He notices when we stray from the path. He uses his power to steer us back to the routes that are in line with our soul plans, and he does so with a loving hand. When we perceive ourselves or others on a course that will lead to further misery, we become frustrated as Spirits in human form. God sees our mistakes and failures as lessons to be learned. It is advantageous for us to regard our setbacks and errors in the same light. God is generous with his love and compassion for our souls. When we extend the same civility to ourselves and others, we give ourselves the greatest gift of kindness and love.

God desires the best for us as our Creator and heavenly parent. He also understands that in order to exist and evolve as spiritual beings, we must be free to make our own choices as his offspring. It is for this reason that we have the gift of free will. Our greatest triumphs, as well as our mistakes and blunders, are all part of the process. Stretching ourselves beyond our perceived bounds and limitations is one of the most crucial parts of our soul evolution. To do so, we must summon the confidence contained within ourselves to overcome the ego's consequences.

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As part of our human life on Earth, we have been given the ego. The negative voice interferes with our decisions by instilling unproductive thoughts in our minds. This is the voice of dread, which instills doubts and fears in our minds. That voice was implanted in our heads as a test to be passed. We choose to come down to Earth to live this existence in order to accelerate the evolution of our souls. Ego and fear do not exist in Heaven. We learn lessons for the evolution of our souls, but from a completely different standpoint.

On Earth, we cannot escape the ego, but we may learn to control, work with, and reduce its harmful impacts. Recognizing and accepting negative thoughts and anxieties as an illusion is the first step in reducing their impact. You may tackle it with positive determination and thoughts that override its influence if you realize in your heart that it is merely a mechanism created to challenge you.

Learning to handle the ego is a lifelong challenge because the ego only vanishes totally when our physical bodies die. However, if you work persistently to notice its impact on your happiness, regulating its consequences becomes easier over time. We are not designed to live miserable lives, but rather ones filled with love and happiness. In this lifetime, we can achieve our goals. The only thing holding us back are the fears that our egos have implanted in our minds.

On your trip, you are not alone. God is watching over you and tenderly directing your steps. Inviting him into your life is the best way to hear him. Speak with him, pray to and with him, share your ideas and appreciation, seek his guidance, and be open to his responses. You have God within you. He doesn't punish you by putting you in a bad situation. Some conditions are the outcome of how we treat ourselves and others, while others are the result of a soul contract. Negative ideas and acts reverberate throughout the globe, creating reactions and events that have a direct impact on our life. God is aware of what is taking place. When it is proper for him to do so, he intervenes. There are moments when you must learn a lesson. It may appear that he is not listening or that he is punishing you with cruel or difficult situations at those times. “Why doesn't he save me from this ordeal?” you might wonder. He may not be removing you from it because doing so will stifle your spiritual progress and give you more pain in the long run.

When you're in need of aid, pray to God for guidance and ask him to help you get through the difficult conditions you're in. The Archangels are also on your side. Still your concerns by embracing God's love and trusting that he will achieve the best outcome for you. It may not be the result you had hoped and prayed for, but it may also be. Maintain your composure and sense the peace that God has bestowed upon you. His love is always there in your being. You can sense love in its purest form when you push past the ego's negativity. It's a magnificent sense of divine delight that's almost overwhelming in its intensity. You will know it was sent to you straight from God when you experience it.

Your trust and faith in God are rewarded with spiritual strength, love, knowledge, and tranquility as you develop your relationship with Him. As a result, you may find yourself replicating God's attributes toward you, such as a strong capacity to express love, forgiveness, understanding, and compassion to yourself and others.

My relationship with God has brought enormous peace to my heart and improved my life in ways I never imagined possible. Today, express your love for God and let him into your heart. This will allow you to personally feel the beauty and advantages of your divine relationship with God, our Creator.

What is intimate prayer?

Intimacy with God is the foundation of an intimate prayer. There may be some stretching or the struggle of waking up a bit earlier, but after you've experienced a taste of delicious closeness with the Father, those extra winks of sleep will be well worth it. They were exchanged for something more suitable.

Instead of hurrying through your day, spend some time today to ask the Holy Spirit to accompany you. Request that He go ahead of you, leading and guiding you, and showing you the path. As the day draws to a close, invite Him to join you at home and fill your home with His lovely delight.

“Father, teach me about love,” say this prayer from your heart today. Teach me about delicious closeness, about that special space you have with me. Teach me how to capture those moments without putting any pressure on myself. Come along with me today, Holy Spirit. Infuse my life into yours. Anoint my mind with the blood of Christ, so that we may have the thought of Christ. Anoint my eyes and ears with oil so that I may hear and see Your truth, that I may not hear or be captured by anybody else but You. Father, thank you for guiding me to Your hidden location today. Now, Lord, I beg You to fill me up and send me out so that I may be Your light–a brilliant reflection of You in this dark world. I thank and praise you, Father. I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.”

What helps you humble yourself in worship before God?

What do you believe it means to be humble? Humility is defined as not being pompous, haughty, arrogant, or pushy, according to the Webster dictionary. Humility can also be defined as a spirit of respect or surrender that is reflected, expressed, or offered.

So, what does it mean to be humble in front of God? It implies, to me, bowing down in amazement and humility before Jesus, regardless of what others may think of you. It's the willingness to admit, “I was wrong.” It's about putting your heart in the right place to receive His Word. It's about turning your attention away from yourself and toward what really matters – God!

Bring a clear conscience to the cross. Confess your sins to the Lord, give up whatever is weighing you down, and be willing to lay it all at the foot of the cross. We give things up to God all too often and then try to take it back when we're worried. Leave it at the cross once you've gotten it there. It's not easy to be modest… yet it's liberating.