The term “The term “inheritance” is usually connected with tangible assets like money, however there is another type of legacy that is much more precious. A spiritual heritage is the most valuable present you can give to your children and grandkids because it cannot be seen, tallied, or measured. When fathers demonstrate constant godly words and actions from the overflow of their own spiritual lives, it is passed down over the course of a lifetime.
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In his speech, he said: “Dr. Charles Stanley, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Atlanta, outlines how there are various divine riches that fathers may leave their children that will have a lasting, profound impact on their lives in “Leaving a Godly Inheritance.” They are as follows:
Your zeal for the Lord is contagious, even if you can't pass on salvation. When you talk about Christ, children feel the same excitement you do. Their interest in Christ stems from seeing Him as the focal point of your life.
The Bible is unlike any other book in the world, and it is the obligation of parents to share it with their children. Allow them to see you reading the Bible so they can understand how essential it is. Give them Bibles and read to them on a regular basis.
What are some unique ways you may challenge your children to explore God's Word for answers as they get older?
Learning to listen to God is the most essential thing you can do in life. Because we can't see him with our bodily senses, youngsters must learn to listen with their spirits. Instruct them to seek guidance from the Lord and then to wait for responses.
How can you assist them in determining if what they heard is consistent with God's Word when they believe the Lord has spoken?
Because children are more likely to follow our actions than our words, modeling obedience is the most effective approach to teach it. This means we must inform them when our activities are motivated by God's will.
How can you accomplish this in a way that is appropriate for your child's understanding level?
This, like all the other advantages of spiritual inheritance, must be taught by example. When we are offended, our children need to see us respond with forgiveness. We have no right to do it because Christ has nothing against us.
Is there anything you can do today to improve a bad circumstance in your connection with your child?
A willingness to help others is an important skill that youngsters will benefit from for the rest of their life. It is our responsibility as adults to model this trait for kids by putting others before ourselves. Children will pick up on our servant-hearted attitudes.
Can you think of a method to help others while simultaneously having fun with your family?
Every youngster desires to be adored. They'll learn to provide true, unconditional affection to others as they experience it from us. This type of dedication is exhibited by pouring our lives into theirs, not by the goods we give them.
Is there an opportunity for you to show your children genuine, unconditional love today?
1. We do so, first and foremost, because of the pattern of our own life.
2. Second, we instill in children the values that guide our life. That is why it is our job to explain the biblical truths that underpin the beliefs and practices we hold.
3. Finally, as we interact with our children on a daily basis, we leave a spiritual legacy through the power of our words.
What does inheritance mean spiritually?
Inheritance is a crucial notion in the Bible, and it refers not only to the passing on of land and wealth from one generation to the next, but also to the earthly and spiritual benefits that God intends to bestow on people who are his ‘children.'
What does it mean to be God's inheritance?
The Lord pulled you out of Egypt and brought you to be the people of his inheritance, as you are now. 4:20 (Deuteronomy)
We can see how God is our inheritance because we become the beneficiaries of his enormous love when we accept Christ. That, in and of itself, is awe-inspiring grace!
But the Bible's claim that we are God's heritage is almost unbelievable! God, who owns everything in the universe, is ecstatic to have us as his property! This astounding reality is repeated in Deuteronomy 32:9: “The Lord's portion is his people, Jacob his assigned inheritance.”
“In a desolate area he found him, in a barren and wailing waste,” Deuteronomy 32:10 says of Israel's value to God. He protected him and looked after him as if he were the apple of his eye.” This phrase literally means “small guy of his eye,” and it refers to the pupil in someone's eye where you can see your reflection.
“I will sing for the one I love a song about his vineyard: My loved one had a vineyard on a fertile slope… The vineyard of the Lord Almighty is the country of Israel, and the people of Judah are the vines he rejoiced in,” God says in Isaiah 5. This sets the stage for next verse: “For God so loved the world……” (See John 3:16)
The people whom the Lord loves and has rescued in Christ are the Lord's inheritance, and God delights in gathering us around him to enjoy all the goodness of full life!
What a magnificent love you have, O God, and how deep it is beyond comprehension! Thank you for making us feel so special. Amen, in Jesus' name.
Christianity, The Church, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Provision are some of the devotional topics.
What does the Bible say about an inheritance?
Each of us has our own set of vices. My attitude has always been one of dissatisfaction. I've always aspired to do more, better, and faster. But here's the strange part: I've gotten the most out of life when I was happy regardless of the outcome. It's fine to be driven to succeed, but it's harmful when our happiness is determined by our accomplishment.
Let us not confuse happiness with indifference or a lack of ambition, but neither should we become so engrossed in any pursuit that it overshadows our pursuit of God Himself. The most significant attribute of those who are financially successful is contentment. This is because they consider their purchases carefully before making them, leaving them with more money to save, invest, and contribute.
Proverbs 13:22: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children. (NKJV)
When we're deciding how to spend our money today, we should have our life objectives, vision, and legacy in mind. When we compare what we desire now to what we actually want later, we see how fleeting pleasure pales in comparison to a legacy of purpose and generational fulfillment.
An inheritance isn't just about money. Integrity and trustworthiness are examples of divine character attributes. Long after I've gone to heaven, combining a financial legacy with wisdom and godliness ensures that the following generation will similarly manage God's blessings God's way for God's glory.
Proverbs 22:7: “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender. (NIV)
This one appeals to me since it is straightforward about the debtor-creditor relationship. God desires for us to be able to hear from Him and serve others in His name, not to be enslaved by debt. He wants us to have choices and freedom. Many of us feel called by God to perform great things for Him, but we can't because we're in debt.
What is the inheritance in Ephesians 1?
It's critical to remember that who we are shapes what we do. Everything is influenced by our identity as “in Christ.” We aren't our own people. We were purchased at the price of Jesus' life. So, before we rush into “what” to do (chapters 4-6), let us take a moment to drink deeply of our identity, revel in the glory of who we are, and pray for the power of the Holy Spirit's indwelling gift to equip us to advance the kingdom through the task. Don't let the “why” get in the way of the “what.” Enjoy the “why” as a source of energy for the “what.”
“In him,” Paul opens verse 11. We've already touched on this, but there are a few more points worth discussing. Paul's theology revolves around the phrase “in Christ.” In Ephesians, we've counted 33 times. Paul employs the term or a synonym for it. According to John Mackay, Paul used the phrase “In Christ” 169 times in his New Testament works. This is enormous.
What does this signify for us and the Ephesians? There is much more, but here are three quick items Ephesians and we have as introductory items to help us appreciate being in Christ and prepare for the remaining blessings Paul tells us we have as a result of being in Christ in Ephesians 1:1-14.
“There is no such thing as a Jew or a Greek, a slave or a free man, a male or a female, since you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
We are joined to Christ and to one another. Unification that is both vigorous and intentional. Imagine pursuing the type of racial oneness of the body that Paul wrote about with zeal and purpose. In Christ, we have the ability and power to accomplish this.
We are linked with Christ, and Jesus promises that we will find peace for our spirits in him.
“In Christ” is the reality that unites us with Christ, defines who we are and what we do as members of Jesus Christ's kingdom community, and decides our blessings in Christ.
We have an inheritance in Christ that is as certain as the day. This inheritance is certain since it is found in Jesus Christ himself.
The phrase “we have inherited an inheritance” is one word in English. It has a passive voice, implying that it is Father's job, not ours, to obtain any inheritance. We did not actively get anything as a result of our efforts. We've inherited something, passive voice. It was given while we weren't looking for it and when we weren't expecting it.
It's also only one word, “having been predestined.” In addition, the voice is passive. This indicates that the grace of receiving an inheritance is a magnificent gift from Father, and it is linked to the second passive phrase in this line, which indicates that we have an inheritance because Father has also done the work of predestining us in our rescue from our lost state.
Father's predestination work is unrelated to any sovereign act of humans. Humans have no control over their environment. Humans have a sphere of unrestricted activity in which to function, but they lack the power of ultimates and ends (if you don't believe me, don't sin again, be sovereign over sin, and let me know how it goes). Only Father can save us from the messes that Adam made before to his fall into the slave market of sin, which dragged us along with him.
The certainty of our inheritance is founded on Father's predestining work, and as a result, Father has blessed us with the Holy Spirit, who marks those he has blessed as his children and heirs.
So, why does Paul place so much emphasis in Ephesians 1 on the Father's selecting and predestining work? Apart from the fact that this is a redemptive theme and act of grace since Cain and Abel, and the means by which the Father rescues some from man's choice to rebel in the garden, “…the emphasis would have been particularly appropriate for readers from the Ephesus area, who were especially prone to fear the decisive influence of other powers.”
This truth counteracts the evil powers' strength and lies in the heavenly places, which the Ephesians feared. We no longer have to dread these spiritual powers altering our destiny, and our security on the journey is assured since Christ is seated there and we are seated with him by the sovereign grace of Father.
As a result, Paul reassures the Ephesians, as well as us, that we are secure in the Father's predestining activity.
How will they and we know that we shall receive an inheritance as a result of the Father's predestining action in his kingdom? The promised Holy Spirit was given to us!
When Jesus ascended to the Father, he promised that we would receive the Holy Spirit. As the church waited in faith, the Counselor/teacher/assistant/gift-giver/empowerer/very presence of Jesus was given to his church, and he assumed his role as the Third Person of the Trinity, as Father and Son among us.
The presence of the Holy Spirit is a sign of salvation. The Holy Spirit is the litmus test for Christian fellowship. The reign of Christ among us is symbolized by the Holy Spirit. We can tell who each other is and that we are family because of his presence.
What, on the other hand, does the Holy Spirit guarantee? What does Father's predestining work protect? You've inherited something!
The verb “assign by lot” or “make a mark” implies “to assign by lot” or “to make a mark.” The concept is that one's share is divided and labeled.
I couldn't find a single pundit who addressed the topic, “What is our inheritance?” Perhaps because the context makes it plain. Perhaps it's because Paul doesn't answer the question directly. In any case, we must ask: what is our inheritance?
“Blessed are the humble, for they will inherit the earth,” Jesus instructs in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:5). However, Jesus' command should not be separated from the metanarrative, as if our reward were merely the acquisition of goods or locations without regard for their wider purpose.
We've been talking about the inheritance for weeks, and I believe it's right under our nose. For the full definition of the location, the inheritance is not a place absent. Is Jesus correct in his claims? Duh! He is, indeed. But, would we simply be given a new heaven and a new world with no plan or purpose? Negative! The aim of the new heaven and new earth, where the meek shall dwell, is vast and glorious.
- As the plan for the fullness of time, we receive the blessing of an inheritance of a kingdom society unified in Christ (v. 12, 13, 14; 1:10; (read 7-14 as a unit)
We are redeemed, forgiven, and given wisdom and insight so that we might understand Father's desire, which is tied up in his purpose, which he laid out in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time to connect all things in Christ!
We inherit a community of kingdom citizens as family, all of whom are united in Christ, with Christ, and in person with Christ in the eternal kingdom, where we will dwell with Father, Son, and Spirit in eternity with no more division, sin, rebellion, or anything else to distort the people, place, and relationship to and with Father, Son, and Spirit.
Verse 12 makes use of “We” refers to Paul's native people, the Jews, according to most.
Verse 13 makes use of “You,” referring to Gentiles who have received the gospel and been sealed with the Holy Spirit as well.
Verse 14 makes use of “our,” implying that Jew and Gentile have been brought closer together as one and are now fellow citizens with the saints and members of God's household (2:11-22).
Our inheritance is a kingdom of family unified in Christ, and we will one day have Eden restored, where we will once again walk in the garden with Father, Son, and Spirit in the cool of the day, with no rebellion to struggle with!
That is our inheritance, and it is secure because to Father's predestination work in securing this wonderful end for us.
We struggle with attempting to take control of our lives “We get all kinds of heartache, grief, and disillusionment from this current world system and its ideals because it's broken, and we just don't want to accept it's broken, and we love it more than the coming kingdom. And part of the Spirit's work in sanctifying us is to make us long for the kingdom that is yet to come rather than the one that is disintegrating around us right now. Spirit will take care of things!
- In the coming kingdom, we will be graced with full face-to-face Trinitarian fellowship (v. 14).
We have the Holy Spirit to seal us as God's people, according to Paul. However, Paul claims that we have this gift “…until we get our hands on it…” he continues, referring to the inheritance.
In other words, the Holy Spirit will serve as a seal until we get the inheritance.
The overarching metanarrative of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration is how Father's plan is unfolding at his command. We are in the midst of a redemption and restoration period. As a result, we've changed souls with shattered and sin-corrupted bodies that will be mended totally.
These clay jars contain Holy Spirit, demonstrating that all-surpassing strength comes from Father and not from us. The Bible, on the other hand, predicts a day when these clay jars will be transferred to the eternal kingdom.
The changeover begins in Revelation 20:11. After defeating the insurrection for the final time, Jesus is judging. The earth and the sky “The judgment action takes place in this sort of suspended state.
The first sentence of Chapter 21 is, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the previous heaven and earth were no longer there…”
We preached through Revelation a couple of years ago, but it's too much to cope with right now. We don't know enough about John's apocalyptic language to be able to understand it well, therefore we'll need some exposition practice. Listen to the Revelation 21 message. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to go over it right now. Verse 22-25, on the other hand, is one of the things Jesus provides John to offer to his church.
There is no longer a temple. Why? Because the Lamb (Jesus) and the Lord God (Father) are face to face. Because what we believed by faith will become sight, there is no longer a division of sin between God and man, and there is no need for the Holy Spirit to sanctify, counsel, or instruct us.
I'm certain the Holy Spirit is present. He's a full member of the Trinity, but we won't need to be sealed as Father's any longer. We'll have a face-to-face meeting with Father! Realizing our potential is something we've inherited from our forefathers “We shall spend timeless eternity fulfilling the commandment to subdue the new earth and walk with Father, Son, and Spirit because we will be fully connected in Christ and fully united with all in the kingdom.
- We have been given the opportunity to glorify Father, Son, and Spirit in Christ (v. 6, 12, 14).
The word “to” denotes a goal. The benefits of being “in Christ” and the benefits that follow from being “in Christ” do not end there. Those blessings are meant to lead us to worship in Romans 11:1, which leads to sanctification in Romans 11:2.
We were created to be living sacrifices who sing of our king's greatness. And when the Spirit connects us all in one mind under Christ, we will continue to be transformed in our thinking as we worship in this manner.
The phrase “unrestricted activity” sums up my impressions of Jonathan Edwards on the subject. Jonathan Edwards' “Freedom of the Will” provides a more thorough examination.
Who received an inheritance in the Bible?
Rachel and Leah obviously expected an inheritance from their “father's house” despite the fact that he had sons, according to Genesis 31:14-16.
What is the inheritance in the New Testament?
In the New Testament, there is a lot of theological usage. The possession of God's kingdom is now the inheritance of Christians (Rom 4.1316; Eph 1.18; Heb 9.15; 1 Peter 1.4), and the pledge is delivered with the Holy Spirit received at baptism (Eph 1.14). In Christ, the Inheritance Promises are fulfilled.
What is the promised eternal inheritance?
As a result, Christ is the Mediator of a New Covenant, allowing those who are called to enjoy the promised eternal inheritance. 9:15 (Hebrews)
When we think of an inheritance, we normally think of something we get from a deceased relative or friend. The inheritance is distributed according to the deceased's last will and testament.
According to Hebrews, “those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance” as a result of Christ's death. The “eternal salvation” and “eternal redemption” mentioned earlier in Hebrews 5:9 and 9:12 are this heritage.
The “new covenant” in Christ has been compared to a “final will and testament” by some. The language of Hebrews resembles that of a final will and testament in several aspects, notably when it refers to an inheritance.
To be eligible for an inheritance, a person must have passed away. Jesus died for our behalf so that we could get “the promised eternal inheritance.” The concept of inheritance being linked to death isn't unique to the new covenant. There was also death under the old covenant: the death of slaughtered animals. Now that Christ has died for us, the new covenant has been created in his blood, allowing us to enjoy “the promised eternal inheritance.”
Consider it! We have eternal life with Jesus as our inheritance as a result of Jesus' death for our sake. And that new life in Christ begins right now!
Thank you, Lord God, for giving us the gift of eternal life as a result of Jesus' sacrifice for us. Amen.
Bible, Bible Books, Hebrews, Christianity, Salvation, Doctrine, Eternal Life, New Life are some of the devotional topics.
What does it mean to be an heir of God?
Clearly, Paul is emphasizing the same point: you are an heir of the promise as a Christian. But here's the crux of my argument: what does it mean to be a promise heir?
As a result, God is your Father. This means that the same Spirit that was in Jesus, the Spirit of the Father, is now permanently in you. This is why God's Word says that as Christians, “…we have received, not the spirit of the world, but THE SPIRIT OF GOD; so we might know the things that are freely given to us by God”.
“And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father,” says Apostle Paul, speaking through the Holy Spirit.
As a result, you are no longer a servant, but a son, and if a son, then a God's heir via Christ.”
“And since we are his sons, God has put the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, so now we can appropriately speak of God as our loving Father,” says Galatians 4:67 from The Living Bible. We are no longer slaves, but rather God's sons…”
“Now we are no longer slaves, but God's own sons,” Paul joked in his epistle to the Church in Galatia. And because we are his sons, everything he owns belongs to us, as God intended.”
This is fantastic! “For ALL THINGS ARE YOURS; ALL THINGS ARE YOURS,” Paul continues. So go ahead and enjoy them because the living God has given them to you to enjoy.
To be an heir of God and a co-heir with Christ implies that, like Abraham, you have been made a partaker of God's promise in Christ, qualifying you for adoption into God's family and ownership of everything that belongs to God.
Knowing what belongs to God is vital because it determines the breadth of appropriation of what belongs to you, given that what belongs to God is yours. The following scriptures will be helpful in obtaining the knowledge:
1 The earth and all its fullness belong to the LORD, as does the world and those who live in it.
11 I know all the mountain fowls, and the wild beasts of the field belong to me.
12 If I were hungry, I would not inform thee; because the world is mine, and all that is in it belongs to me.
29 And Moses replied to him, As soon as I leave the city, I will reach out my hands unto the LORD, and the thunder will cease, and no more hail will fall; that thou mayest know that THE EARTH IS THE LORD'S.
5 Therefore, if ye will truly obey my voice and fulfill my covenant, ye shall be a special treasure to me beyond all others: MINE IS THE ENTIRE EARTH:
11 Thine, O LORD, is grandeur, power, glory, victory, and majesty: FOR ALL THAT IS IN THE HEAVEN AND ON THE EARTH IS THINE; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou hast been raised as head above all.
6 And now I have handed all these regions to Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, my servant, as well as all the wild beasts of the field to serve him.
The texts above all point to one thing: GOD OWNS THE ENTIRE EARTH AND EVERYTHING ON IT. As a result, just as Abraham was recognized as the “…possession of heaven and earth:” in Christ, you have been made the possessor of heaven and earth as well. That's why the Psalmist wrote, “O LORD, how numerous are thy deeds!” YOU MADE THEM ALL IN WISDOM: THE EARTH IS FULL OF THY RICHES”
When Paul says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly realms in Christ,” he is repeating an indisputable fact.
Your blessing as a God's heir and a co-heir with Christ isn't a promise; it's a fact; it's already happened. You see, what I'm saying is that God will not bless you in the future. No! Whether you realize it or not, He has already rewarded you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places through Christ. That's what's important: His Word says so.
Apart from knowing all of this, you must also understand how to use your checking privileges in order to begin tapping into what is rightfully yours, for they were created to be enjoyed here on Earth.
So, here's my next question: How can I use my checking rights to start tapping into what's mine?
Simple! It's only possible because of faith. It doesn't matter how you feel, because we don't go by sight but by faith. Faith underpins every aspect of your Christian walk with God. Take note of the pattern: you become Abraham's seed by being born again, and you did so via faith. You became a legitimate heir of God's blessing via the same faith. Let it sufficient to state that you'll have to release your inheritance in Christ to act in your life here on earth through faith as well. That is why God's Word instructs us, “That the blessing of Abraham may come upon the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we may receive the promise of the Spirit through FAITH.”
“By faith Noah, being warned by God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, constructed an ark for the saving of his home; by which he condemned the world, and BECAME HEIR OF THE RIGHTEOUSNESS THAT IS BY FAITH,” according to the Bible.
So, the answer to the question “How can I exercise my checking rights in order to begin tapping into what is mine?” is FAITH!
Because you, like Jesus, are a life-giving spirit, you are passionately loved, highly favoured, and abundantly blessed.
Who has 5 daughters in the Bible?
The narrative of Zelophehad's five daughters legitimizes a restricted entitlement of Israelite women to inherit land. Any woman who inherits under this privilege is also subjected to special marriage limitations. The story honors women's bravery while also providing solace to males who have the misfortune (from the Bible's androcentric perspective) of having no sons.
Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah are his five daughters; he has no boys. Zelophehad belonged to the group of Israelites that left Egypt under Moses' leadership and died in the desert for forty years. His five daughters are part of the new generation that will inherit the promised land. (Their mother isn't addressed at all.)
The promised land is to be divided according to God's decision based on the “number of names” of members of the second generation counted in the census recounted in