What Is My Kin Number Spiritual

Instead of the artificial/mechanical time frequency of 12:60, your galaxy signature is based on the Law of Time, synchronic time, the natural time frequency of 13:20. Synchronic time is represented by a spiral timeline, whereas artificial time is represented by 3D linear time.

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“Time is the atmosphere of the mind, just as air is the atmosphere of the body. If the period we live in is made up of irregular months and days governed by mechanized minutes and hours, our thinking becomes a mechanized irregularity. Because everything stems from the mind, it's no surprise that the environment in which we live is becoming increasingly contaminated, with the most common complaint being: “I just don't have enough time!” says the narrator. Whoever has control over your time has control over your thinking. You will know your own mind if you possess your own time.”

Mayans used cosmic cycles to generate galaxy signatures and a calendar. In subsequent postings, I'll go through time and galactic cycles in greater depth, but for now, I'll focus on your galactic signature. Your signature can reveal who you will be in this lifetime, the nature of your higher-self1, the nature of your subconscious self, what you desired to learn in this lifetime, and the inherent qualities you possess (your hidden power). Your cosmic signature can be found here.

You may read a detailed explanation of the 5 characteristics of your galactic signature here, but I would recommend reading the material below as well because some elements are not discussed and it is also crucial to understand how each archetype ties to the others.

Basic Concepts

Each galaxy signature is a code with multiple layers. A “kin” number, an earth family, a chakra, a planet, and a clan are all included in your signature. There are a total of 20 solar seals, each of which is allocated a cosmic tone based on the moon in which you were born (there are 13 tones, i.e. 1 to 13).

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What is my galactic name?

The Milky Way Galaxy includes our Sun (a star) and all of the planets that orbit it. A galaxy is a massive cluster of stars, gas, and dust that is held together by gravity. They are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy with a massive size. The Milky Way Galaxy contains all of the stars visible in the night sky. Our galaxy is known as the Milky Way because it appears in the sky as a milky strip of light when viewed in a very dark place.

From our vantage point inside the galaxy, counting the number of stars in the Milky Way is extremely difficult. According to our best estimations, the Milky Way contains around 100 billion stars. These stars are arranged in a huge disk with a diameter of 100,000 light years. Our Solar System is around 25,000 light years from the galactic center, and we live in the galaxy's outskirts. The Sun revolves around the Milky Way's core, just as the Earth revolves around the Sun. Our Sun and solar system require 250 million years to travel all the way around the Milky Way's center.

  • Read about how many stars there are in the Milky Way in a NASA Blueshift blog post.

We can only photograph the Milky Way from within the galaxy, so we don't have a complete image of the Milky Way. So, why do we believe it's a barred spiral galaxy? There are a few hints.

The dazzling band of stars that spans across the sky provides the first indication to the Milky Way's form (and, as mentioned above, is how the Milky Way got its name). In regions with dark night skies, this band of stars can be viewed with the naked eye. This band is formed by looking inside the disk of stars that makes up the Milky Way, and it shows us that our galaxy is essentially flat.

Several different telescopes, both on the ground and in space, have taken photos of the Milky Way's disk by taking a sequence of pictures in different directions, similar to how you would create a panoramic photo with your camera or phone. The fact that a band of stars has a high concentration of stars adds to the evidence that the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. If we lived in an elliptical galaxy, we would see our galaxy's stars scattered over the sky rather than in a single band.

What is Mayan dreamspell?

New Age spiritualist, Mayanist philosopher, and novelist José Argüelles and Lloydine Burris Argüelles created The Dreamspell, an esoteric calendar inspired in part by the Maya calendar. The Dreamspell calendar began in 1987 and was later turned into a board game in 1990.

What are the Mayan zodiac signs?

It's fascinating to learn that many cultures around the world — Greeks, Romans, Celts, Chinese, Chaldeans – who are separated not only by space but also by time, agree that the stars have an impact on human nature based on their date of birth and sign.

Mayans, who were known as outstanding astronomers and mathematicians, devised their own horoscope. Unlike the classic Greek horoscope, they divided theirs into 13 pieces rather than the usual 12. This is due to the Mayans' preference for the Moon over the Sun. As a result, their year was divided into 13 28-day lunar cycles, for a total of 364 days. The final day, the 365th, was dubbed “Day of Time Outside of Time” and was set aside for celebrations alone.

Each sign depicts a different animal that represents a person's personality traits based on their birth date.

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Which is your Mayan sign?

By nature, charismatic and leaders. Their character is strong from the time they are children because they have a lot of energy and excitement for life. They acquire major work and social positions as a result of their high self-esteem. They are usually terrific friends and protective lovers, but in order to be their best, they must always feel free and autonomous.

By nature, I'm observant and analytical. They enjoy following traditions and regulations, therefore living a traditional life fills them up. Because they speak calmly and honestly, their words are favorably received by others around them. In terms of their relationships, they demonstrate their love by assisting others.

This sign has a keen sense of aesthetics and sensitivity, making them potential artists. They also prefer to live in peace and have no qualms about expressing their emotions to those around them. They are excellent seducers who are also pleasant and elegant, allowing them to easily captivate people.

By nature, they are intuitive and intelligent, but they might become caught up in their own world. They are excellent counselors and listeners, thus they could make excellent psychologists. Their feelings are strong and can be explosive at times. They are, nevertheless, quite social and prefer to surround themselves with individuals they can trust.

From November 15 to December 12, KUTZ (PEACOCK) resembles Sagittarius-Capricorn.

They enjoy attracting attention and have a high social and professional status. They strive for perfection in all they do, therefore they tend to be extremists, but they are also incredibly original and creative. They live in the moment, so it's simple for them to see the bright side of things, but they don't lose sight of the need to improve and meet both professional and personal obstacles.

From December 13 to January 9, KIBRAY (ALLIGATOR) resembles Sagittarius-Capricorn.

They are positive people who are easy to relate to because they are simple and adaptable by nature. They dislike being pushed or told what to do, and they like to ponder and evaluate before acting. This qualifies them as excellent researchers or professionals who pay close attention to detail. Because they are cautious and introverted, they seek out partnerships built on mutual respect.

It's the funniest Mayan sign of them all, indicating that you'll never lose touch with your inner child. They are optimistic and live in the present. They value having a large group of friends and the feeling of being accompanied. They excel at occupations that need them to plan events or communicate with others. They enjoy being the center of attention on occasion.

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Spiritual and sensitive, with powerful personalities who are respected for their tranquility and wisdom by those around them. They are comfortable in commanding positions and vocations that need leadership, yet they never take advantage of others around them. They are good spouses and parents because they have deep and honest feelings.

They conduct their lives with such zeal that they occasionally endanger themselves. They are always on the lookout for new challenges. They have a commanding presence that inspires admiration, and they are natural-born leaders. They require regular physical exercise in order to expend the energy stored within them.

They are hardworking and responsible people who seek stability and comfort in their lives and in the people around them because they are close to their family and friends. They enjoy assisting others whenever the opportunity arises, and they do so without hesitation. They are a loyal and respectable couple, albeit a little cantankerous at times.

Intelligent and inquisitive by nature, they are constantly studying and participating in many activities. They enjoy being admired and revered, which comes naturally to them because to their innate sexuality. They seek for loving couples, and being in a relationship is a requirement for this sign. They are good authors or teachers in terms of labor.

This Mayan sign is hardworking and expressive by nature, and they are constantly seeking interaction with other people, which they quickly do because to their sensitivity and good humor. They are true and unwavering friends. They are easy to communicate with and understand how to convey their emotions. They might be impetuous at times, especially when it comes to financial matters.

Relationships and family are important to this sign, thus they prefer spending time at home. They are dedicated and persistent. A fair and comfortable working environment is essential to them. They like working on issues concerning the environment or nature. They can be a little introverted, especially in relationships, but if they find someone to love, they are highly loyal and stable.

How does Milky Way look like from Earth?

The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy with a diameter of 100,000–200,000 light-years and an estimated visual diameter of 100,000–200,000 light-years. According to recent calculations, a dark matter disk containing some visible stars might have a diameter of about 2 million light-years. The Milky Way has multiple satellite galaxies and is a member of the Local Group, which is part of the Virgo Supercluster, which is part of the Laniakea Supercluster.

It is thought to have between 100 and 400 billion stars and at least that many planets. The Solar System is situated on the inner margin of the Orion Arm, one of the spiral-shaped concentrations of gas and dust, at a distance of roughly 27,000 light-years from the Galactic Center. The stars in the first 10,000 light-years form a bulge, which is surrounded by one or more bars. Sagittarius A*, a supermassive black hole with a mass of 4.100 (0.034) million solar masses, is at the galactic core. At a distance of around 220 kilometers from the Galactic Center, stars and gases orbit at a rate of approximately 220 kilometers per second. The steady rotational speed appears to defy Keplerian dynamics, implying that a large portion of the Milky Way's mass (about 90%) is invisible to observatories, not generating or absorbing electromagnetic radiation. “Dark matter” is the name given to this hypothetical mass. At the radius of the Sun, the spinning period is around 240 million years. In extragalactic frames of reference, the Milky Way as a whole moves at a speed of about 600 kilometers per second. The Milky Way's earliest stars are nearly as old as the Universe itself, implying that they formed soon after the Big Bang's Dark Ages.

How did the Mayans use the stars?

They observed, calculated, and recorded the intricate motions of the sun, stars, and planets in their chronicles, or “codices,” using observatories, shadow-casting devices, and measurements of the horizon.

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Who created Mayan calendar?

The Mayan Calendar is a three-calendar system that dates back thousands of years. The calendar was utilized by Mesoamerican civilizations such as the Mayans in Central America. It is still used in certain modern towns.

The Mayan calendar was not invented by the Mayans, contrary to common assumption. The calendar is based on a system that has been in use since the 5th century BC, with the Mayans contributing to its development. Before the Mayans, several civilizations used this method, including the Olmec and Aztecs.

What does Yax mean in Mayan?

Your ruling planet is Venus, and you are naturally peaceful and affectionate. Those born under the sign of Yax have a relationship to those born under the sign of Yaxk'in. Examine your ability to keep the peace to bring harmony to your surroundings. You are fortunate to be a peacekeeper, particularly at this time, and you may be a blessing to the world by always doing good.

Who created universe?

Many religious people, including many scientists, believe that God created the universe as well as the many processes that drive physical and biological development, and that these processes led to the formation of galaxies, our solar system, and life on Earth. This belief, frequently referred to as “theistic evolution,” does not contradict scientific explanations of evolution. Indeed, cosmology, paleontology, molecular biology, and many other scientific fields have revealed the amazing and inspirational quality of the physical cosmos.

There are many different points of view among proponents of “creation science.” Some people believe that the Earth and the universe are merely 6,000 to 10,000 years old. These people generally believe that Earth's current physical form may be explained by “catastrophism,” such as a worldwide flood, and that all living creatures (including humans) were miraculously produced in the forms we see them now.

Others who believe in creation science believe that the Earth, planets, and stars have existed for millions of years. They claim, however, that the diverse varieties of species, including humans, could only have evolved through supernatural intervention since they exhibit “intelligent design.”

Both “Young Earth” and “Old Earth” viewpoints are referred to as “creationism” or “special creation” in this booklet.

The assumption that Earth was created only a few thousand years ago is based on no valid scientific data or computations. The tremendous quantity of evidence indicating the immense age of the universe, our galaxy, the solar system, and the Earth from astronomy, astrophysics, nuclear physics, geology, geochemistry, and geophysics has been summarized in this document. Independent scientific approaches consistently yield a 5 billion-year age for Earth and the solar system, and a two-to-three-times-greater age for our galaxy and universe. These results explain the creation of the universe as a whole, give consistency to many distinct disciplines of study, and are the foundations of a vast body of knowledge concerning the origins and behavior of the physical world.

There is also no evidence that the entire geological record, with its orderly succession of fossils, is the result of a single universal flood that occurred a few thousand years ago, lasted about a year, and covered the tallest mountains to a depth of several meters. Intertidal and terrestrial deposits, on the other hand, show that the globe has never been completely submerged in the past. Furthermore, a worldwide flood large enough to generate the sedimentary layers observed today, which are many kilometers thick, would necessitate a volume of water significantly greater than has ever existed on or in Earth, at least since the formation of the first known solid crust some 4 billion years ago. All geological evidence and physical laws governing sedimentation rates and probable quantities of suspended solid matter contradict the assumption that Earth's sediments, with their fossils, were deposited in an orderly sequence in a year's time.

Geologists have built a precise history of sediment deposition that connects specific rock bodies in the Earth's crust to specific habitats and processes. Petroleum geologists would support the theory of a single flood if they could locate more oil and gas by interpreting the record of sedimentary rocks as having arisen from one, but they can't. Rather, these field workers and academic geologists agree on the nature of depositional settings and geological time. Petroleum geologists were among the first to recognize fossil deposits formed over millions of years in ecosystems such as meandering rivers, deltas, sandy barrier beaches, and coral reefs.

The example of petroleum geology exemplifies one of science's greatest assets. Science allows us to solve problems and generate opportunities by using our understanding of the natural world to predict the repercussions of our actions. Only scientific research could have provided the detailed knowledge essential to keep our civilisation afloat.

The claims of creationists are not supported by evidence found in the natural world. Meaningful tests, which require predicting probable outcomes and then verifying those outcomes via observation and experimentation, are not applicable to special creation or supernatural intervention. Indeed, assertions of “unique creation” work against science. The explanation is considered as unchangeable, and information is gathered solely to support a specific conclusion by any means necessary.