What Is Aquarius Soulmate

“Breaking up with a friend is more difficult for an Aquarius than ghosting a romance.”

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When it comes to finally settling down, Aquarius' are notorious for their lack of commitment and have incredibly high standards.

Gemini and Aquarius complement each other beautifully because their energies are balanced, and they are both inquiring signs who stay open-minded.

“It's a star-strewn match because Aquarius won't feel the need to search elsewhere for social stimulation because there are so many kinds of Gemini to select from,” Terrones added.

What is a good match for Aquarius?

While genuine compatibility is determined by examining both people's whole birth charts, Aquarians are best suited to other Air Signs like Gemini or Libra, or Fire Signs like Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius. This is due to the fact that they are all “active” elements that feed off of one another's energy.

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Aquarius can find a perfect intellectual partner among the other Air Signs, particularly Gemini, who can amplify their interest about the world and actively engage their constant desire for mental stimulation, discussion, and debate. Libra and Aquarius get along well because Libra will let Aquarius lead the way while providing company and support.

Aquarius' hunger for life, adventure, and experience will undoubtedly be quenched by the Fire Signs. With the Fire sign giving the need for change and Aquarius providing the analytical planning and oversight, their energetic lifestyle will propel them into new vistas.

Is Aquarius rare?

Aquarius: The sun enters Aquarius around the end of January and remains there for roughly a month before moving on to another sign. In theory, January is the month with the fewest births of the year, while February is the shortest month. As a result, Aquarius is one of the most uncommon zodiac signs.

Do Aquarius go back to their exes?

It's worth noting, though, that Aquarius is one of the zodiac's most erratic and inconsistent signs. As a result, you can expect the unexpected from them. “By pressing their aloof button, the ex may simply vanish, or Aquarius may find a cause to forgive and forget,” Robyn speculates.

Aquarius is an all-or-nothing sign when it comes to love, and it rarely enters into relationships. Few people know how to maintain their interest over time. One of the main reasons why the following three zodiac signs will always hold a special place in Aquarius' heart is because of this. Aquarius, according to Robyn, will be the one who regrets breaking up with them the most.

Why are Aquarius so hard to date?

Why is it so difficult to date an Aquarius? Dating an Aquarius has its drawbacks, as she can be moody and uncompromising at times. Aquarius is a fixed sign, which means they are obstinate and refuse to follow anyone else's principles but their own.

What is Aquarius worst enemy?

Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are Aquarius' most likely adversaries. Taurus and Aquarius have trouble seeing things in the same manner, according to Jaye, with Taurus favoring rules and Aquarius wanting to do things their own way.