What Is An Antonym For Spiritual

Mechanical is the polar opposite of spiritual.

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What is the synonym of spiritual?

inner, psychic, psychical, and psychological are non-material terms. ethereal, ethereal, ethereal, ethereal, ethereal, ethereal, ethereal, ethereal, ethereal, ethereal, transcendence, mystic, mystical, numinous, and metaphysical are all terms used to describe something that is transcendent, mystic, mystical, or metaphysical. Immaterial, unusual, extramundane.

What is it called when you are spiritual but not religious?

“Spiritual but not religious” (SBNR), sometimes known as “spiritual but not affiliated” (SBNA), is a popular phrase and initialism used to describe a spiritual life perspective that does not see organized religion as the only or most valuable source of spiritual growth. Historically, the terms religious and spiritual have been used interchangeably to express all components of the notion of religion, but in modern usage, spirituality has come to be connected with the individual's interior existence, emphasizing the “mind-body-spirit” well-being.

What is it called when you believe in God but not religion?

Agnostic theism, also known as agnostotheism or agnotheism, is a philosophical position that embraces both theism and agnosticism. The existence of a God or Gods is believed by an agnostic theist, but the basis for this belief is uncertain or fundamentally unknowable. The attributes of the God or gods that the agnostic theist believes in may also or alternatively be agnostic.