What Is A Spiritual Journal

Devotional journals have ranged from a child jotting down her daily thoughts about God in a notebook to sophisticated systematic undertakings containing structured Bible texts, disciplinary exercises, and other activities. It's simply “a written record of personal reactions to spiritual topics,” according to Dan Phillips. The most important aspect of keeping a journal is that it allows you to spiritually share yourself with God and yourself. You're pouring your heart out to God, but you're also part of the audience, as you revisit it to see how you've grown spiritually — or shrunk. (It's not simply journaling; it's also keeping a journal.)

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Why is journaling good for spiritual growth?

There are just too many advantages to list here, but journaling improves self-awareness above all else. It's a chance to discover more about yourself and form bonds with your inner self. Transforming the nature of mind by manifesting it in the material by transferring ideas, fancies, worries, or dreams to the paper is an act of alchemy.

Journaling serves as a barrier between me and the outside world. I write for clarity when I'm doubtful or unsure. I write for coolness and quiet while I'm experiencing tough feelings. Your notebook serves as a confidante, best friend, coach, lover, spiritual guru, and a portal to your innermost self.

When I'm feeling down, I write in my journal. I journal when I'm feeling lost. I journal when I'm feeling overwhelmed. It's a reassuring force, a reminder that I have agency and can sustain myself, discover solutions, take action, and progress.

How do I write a spiritual journey?

Here are some pointers to help you construct the spiritual journey of your main character:

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  • Write an incident early in your book that validates your character's Lie in their lives.

What happens when you have a spiritual awakening?

As Kaiser argues, this is the start of your spiritual journey, as you begin to doubt everything you previously believed. You begin to purge certain aspects of your life (habits, relationships, and outdated belief systems) in order to make room for new, more meaningful experiences. You may sense that something is lacking, but you aren't sure what it is. It's common to feel disoriented, confused, and down during this time.

How do you start a journal for God?

With scripture above, I've supplied some wonderful prayer journaling ideas (aka: bible journaling prompts), and below you'll find six Christian journaling topics:

  • Ask God for help with all of the decisions you need to make this week, and write a list of them for him to consider.

Prayer Journal Ideas: Prayer Journal Entry Examples

Here's an example of a prayer diary entry from my own. I believe that God speaks to you when you begin writing and pondering with him, so don't feel obligated to follow this prayer diary template to the letter as you begin your own journey!

As you can see, I've included daily thanks, affirmations, and on this particular day, I was inspired by the book of Esther!

What is a manifestation journal?

  • A manifestation notebook is a place where you can record your ideas, ambitions, goals, plans, and other desires.
  • While planning a road forward, such journaling requires focusing on rewriting, making objectives, finding significance, and believing in yourself.
  • According to research, discussing deep feelings might help you release them, making it simpler to make room for your objectives and dreams.

What is deep journaling?

I'm going to walk you through my “deep journaling” approach, which is a disciplined technique of confronting unpleasant emotions on paper. It's a method I've used for years to deal with deep and dark issues. It's a bitter tonic that's both unpleasant and clarifying. When I'm feeling down, I try to do this on a regular basis, but it takes energy and willpower, which I don't always have when I'm down. In that circumstances, self-soothing and nourishment are the top priorities. You'll be able to face your demons and tame your dragons after you've gained the strength to do so.

Deep journaling, in the end, gives me a lot more self-compassion, understanding, and – eventually — awakening, insight, and growth.

Look for a quiet area to relax in. Bring your journal and a few hours to yourself to write. Give yourself a nourishing liquid to drink. I went to cosy cafes when I didn't have any tranquil locations of my own. That was coffee therapy for me.

(1) INHABIT THE BODY – describe how you carry this emotion in your body. What does this condition of being feel like physically?

(2) DESCRIBE THE EMOTIONS – write down as many words as you need to express how you feel.

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(3) RECORD THE EVENT – what was the event, experience, or catalyst that caused these feelings?

(4) WRITE DOWN THE UNDERLYING THOUGHTS — what thoughts or beliefs are contributing to your body's emotions and feelings?

(5) DIG FOR THE ROOT Concept-BELIEF – ask yourself if you can go deeper with each thought. Ask yourself “why” at each thought – “why do I feel like this is true?” What is the premise on which this is based? The idea is to distill all of one's thoughts down to a single “root thought-belief” that is generating the pain. This is the origin.

(6) DECONSTRUCT THE ROOT Idea — the root thought is frequently made up of components and many if-then expressions. It's frequently the result of unconscious logic and conditioned, patterned assumptions – possibly from infancy. The idea is to break down the core thought-belief into its constituent pieces. A, B, C, and D are the letters of the alphabet. Write each one as a separate belief/statement. Use a reasoning that isn't attached to anything. If you're feeling stressed, take a few deep breaths. This is a flashlight shining into the closet's gloomy chaos.

(7) TRUE/FALSENESS — now examine each component of the deconstructed underlying notion and ask yourself, “Is it true?” Is it true in any way? What makes you think it's not true? One by one, do it for the A, B, C, and D sections of your root thought.

(8) REFLECT ON ORIGINAL Habits — these underlying beliefs are frequently the result of long-ago scars and childhood patterns. Ask yourself, “Where else in my life have I seen this pattern?” What may possibly be the cause of this? What other similar events have occurred in my life that have sparked this? What is the source of this?

9) REWRITING YOUR INSIDES — now that you've (a) held space for your feeling-thinking sensations, (b) investigated and deconstructed them, and (c) determined their truth or falsity, it's time to rewrite the conditioned root idea into a positive, life-affirming statement.

Make a list of how you want to feel. What you choose to believe in, and how you want to grow, expand, and change are all factors to consider. These things may not feel true at the time, but with everyday intention, you may look back years later and see that they have become reality. We are who we make ourselves to be. Every day, we are who we choose to be.

How do you shadow a journal?

Finding those terrified aspects of yourself in the dark and loving them back into the light is what shadow work is all about. It's a delicate and patient process.

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It's not about rehashing previous wrongdoings in order to further victimize or blame, but about releasing your heart from the shackles that have kept you safe for so long.

It takes a certain amount of bravery and willingness to go into one's darkest self in order to emerge more enlightened, real, and connected to oneself.

  • As you practice this new way of being, decide on your new direction while being patient with yourself.