Second, a spiritual parent's purpose isn't to invent a new way to construct your own kingdom; it's to follow the biblical model of deploying and releasing individuals in God's Kingdom. In biological families, some parents find it difficult to let go of their children. They want them to be able to realize their own unmet aspirations and desires. This is never a good idea. Conversations with mature children are significantly different than guidelines for toddlers and teenagers. This type of discipleship that I'm writing about is done with adults. I have a number of spiritual fathers to whom I go for guidance, counsel, and prayer. I don't always go to ask for their permission. Each of them provides me with something unique. We can't expect our spiritual dads to be everything for us; they can only be themselves and the gifts that God has bestowed upon them. It is listening to and comprehending Jesus' followers, rather than attempting to mold them into your image. They have a divine destiny; your goal is to assist them grow into the image of Jesus, not to mold them into your image.
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Finally, every child requires both a father and a mother.
When both parents are absent, a single parent's child requires aunts, uncles, grandparents, and close family friends to help fill in the gaps.
Many people might be offended by this, but I feel it is psychologically necessary to understand why the Catholic Church perceives Mary the way it does.
We all require both a father and a mother.
I believe that the father/mother traits are present in the Trinity, not just in male and female designations.
You can't help but think about the Holy Spirit, the God of all comfort, the Spirit living in us, and a slew of other analogies – as well as Jesus and how he loves.
Paul is definitely neither male nor female when he writes.
I occasionally need to hear my mother's voice.
We shall become lop-sided if we only hear the male side of God.
Fourth, spiritual parenting entails spiritual sons and daughters accompanying you in your environment to observe you.
We all have things we do without thinking that are second nature to us, but they are not to others.
I'm a voracious reader, but I'm not an intellectual.
To understand something, I need to get my hands on it and do it.
Reverse engineering has been a big part of my education.
I'd start trying something, and it'd work well enough that I knew I'd hit on something, so I'd read nonstop.
Having your spiritual offspring present in various situations gives them a variety of lessons.
What is the difference between a spiritual father and a mentor?
The most important distinction between a mentor and a spiritual father is that a mentor, in general, leads the mentee through a specific stage of life. A spiritual father has a closer relationship with his “kid” and concentrates on spiritual enrichment and development throughout their lives.
Where did the term spiritual father come from?
“My'spiritual father,' Prophet Kamadzi (not real name), has enabled me to be established in Jesus Christ,” Kadotho (not actual name) informed a friend.
Among born-again Christians in the country, the term “spiritual father” is widely used. Christians nowadays look to spiritual fathers or mothers for prayers, breakthroughs, and blessingsbasically anything from God.
Kenneth Kamundi, a teacher at Chanza Primary School in Chiradzulu and a member of the Church of Central Africa Presbytery (CCAP) in Ngolonje, stated he had never seen such a description in the Bible.
People use this catchphrase because it is not about physicality, according to Kamundi, who has a spiritual father.
“If it's in the Bible, I haven't found it yet, but the Bible hasn't held any relevance for me thus far. “There is a father in the Bible,” he stated, citing 1 Corinthians 2 as an example.
A'spiritual father,' according to Kamundi, is a mentor who helps you grow in the Lord. Including: “I've been with this man, whom I refer to as my “spiritual father,” for five years. He's always been there, pointing me to Jesus.”
Spiritual does not mean “of spirit,” but rather “of spirit.” Is God a spiritual being? Kamundi stated that the Holy Spirit exists, that the Lord is spirit, and that the term “spiritual father” is not used.
“Timothy was even referred to by Paul as his son in the Lord, and Timothy may have written, “Paul, my father in the Lord.” He said, “That's the name.”
Clement Kafoteza, a faithful member of Michiru CCAP in Blantyre, believes there is only one spiritual fatherGod.
“God is clearly identified as the parent in Matthew 23. I've heard stories about spiritual women and husbands who are actually devils. Is this man a spiritual father of God or not?” Kafoteza inquired.
When asked who provides mentorship and assists someone in becoming completely formed in Christ, he said “instructors.”
According to Tony Kasale, a BCA resident of Bangwe, Blantyre, there is no definite word for'spiritual father' in the Bible, although various Bible activities are equated to the term.
“There is no such thing in any of the Bible editions I've looked through. “The way Paul spoke to Timothy, the son in the Lord or in faith, has an element of'spiritual father,'” he stated.
But there is faith, and the texts are basic and easy. When Paul refers to Timothy as a son in the Lord, where does the word “spiritual” come from? He defined the term as “human thinking” in order to distinguish it from “physical thinking.”
Kasale stated: “Despite several tutors, Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 4:15 that he became the father through the gospel in Christ. God, Himself, or Paul could be the father here.”
Christians who embrace the term “spiritual father,” according to Thundu CCAP member Ben Benson in Blantyre, have lost focus.
When asked if the Bible recognizes a parent and if this contradicts what Jesus Christ says in Matthew 23, Benson answered that most Christians do not focus on the Bible.
“Are'spiritual dads' from God, even if there is only one father in a family? God is the only thing we have. “Those who recognize'spiritual fathers' should re-establish their Christian lives,” he advised.
The term “spiritual father” is biblical, according to Prophet Francis Samuel of Light of Life International Church (Lolic) in Chemusa, Blantyre.
“People don't get it because they haven't read the tale of Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings 2, where the term'mentor' is used.
“You agree to learn his culture if you submit to him. The spiritual father can be from your own country or from another place. “Elisha's spirit was with Gehazi when Gehazi collected items from Naaman,” he remarked, referring to the account of Naaman in 2 Kings 5.
When asked about Matthew 23, which forbids calling anybody father, Samuel responded that you can't know God without knowing a man.
He said that a spiritual father is the same as a spiritual father in the Lord.
“Moses had never heard of the God of Israel before leaving Egypt. Jethro was the one who led him to the God of Abraham. He maintained that “Jethro tutored Moses.”
“Dads that lead their children astray are spiritual illness, not spiritual fathers. “Be careful who you surrender to; spiritual fathers abound, but God's presence is not,” he cautioned.
When it comes to anointing, people who have been anointed by their spiritual fathers look for justification in John and Jesus' baptism. According to Samuel, John was only there to fulfill the scriptures, not to mentor Jesus.
“It's impossible, because John is the light's witness. What role may a witness play in mentoring the primary light? Impossible. “They say things like that to fit their own agenda,” he explained.
The term “spiritual father” is biblical, according to Pastor Gift Tikiwa of Faith Life Church in Limbe, however it is translated as “father in the Lord” in the Bible.
“The presence of spiritual fathers is unavoidable. The Israelites used to refer to God as “the God of our Fathers.” The Bible teaches us to honor our parents in the Lord, the dads, in Ephesians 6, stated Tikiwa.
He explained that the term “spiritual father” is used in our modern culture to imply spiritual fatherhood rather than biological fatherhood. In 1 John 2:13-14, the Lord is described as a father figure. This is the one from whom you will receive direction and mentorship from the Lord.
The Bible, according to Tikiwa, declares that we all fall short in His eyes, and that only God is above judgment.
He stated that man is spiritual, whereas God is spirit. He continues by quoting 1 Corinthians 3:1: “And I couldn't speak to you as spiritual people, but as carnal people, as babes in Christ.”
“They permit worship, but we must remember that we have a heavenly Father to whom we must all obey. Some people refer to me as their spiritual father, yet I've never been close to them when it comes to spiritual matters. He emphasized, “Being a father entails a lot; don't get carried away; others are educators.”
What do you mean by spirituality?
Spirituality is defined as the awareness of a feeling, sense, or belief that there is something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater total of which we are a part is cosmic or divine in nature.
How do you raise a child spiritually?
Make a list of your personal beliefs. You must select what you believe in order to promote spirituality in your child, whether or not you practice an official religion. That doesn't mean you have to know everything, but you can think about the following questions: Do you believe in God? Do you think there was a divine aspect in the world's creation? What do you believe happens when someone passes away?
Consider what kind of spiritual education you want your child to receive in addition to your personal beliefs: Will your family become members of a church, synagogue, or other religious institution? Do you want your child to go to church on a regular basis? Are you planning on enrolling him in a religious school? If you and your partner hold opposing viewpoints on spirituality, now is the time to decide how you'll tackle spirituality with your toddler before he's old enough to be perplexed by your differences.
Spirituality should be introduced early on. “Not only do young children not comprehend who God is, but they also don't understand who a grandmother is,” adds Neifert. “You still want children to know Grandma, so you begin talking about her right away. The concept of God is the same way.” Your child will believe you when you say Grandma is essential in her life (even if she only sees her once in a while), and she will believe you when you say God is, too.
Your child will see spiritual activities as a natural part of life if you introduce them to her while she's young, such as lighting candles or singing hymns together, and you'll have a spiritual effect on her before others do.
Even if you don't believe in God or see Him as a single all-powerful deity, it's important to discuss it with your child. “Kids will hear about God all throughout,” Neifert predicts. “They'll absorb someone else's values if you don't put your own spin on it with your own ideals.”
Even if you don't believe in organized religion, you may teach her to respect the views of others. Learning the difference between good and evil, establishing a feeling of family history, and exhibiting a loving attitude toward others all contribute to a rich spiritual life's basis.
Don't act as if you know everything. Although your toddler may not be able to inquire or fully comprehend where people go when they die, you may still discuss it openly. Keep it simple and short: “Nobody knows for sure, but some believe that individuals travel to heaven to be near God. Others believe they have been reborn in a new body.”
If you have a strong conviction, express it. If not, it's fine to recognize that there are some questions that people spend their entire lives attempting to answer, and this is one of them.
Using everyday happenings to teach spirituality is a good idea. Large ideas don't always necessitate big deeds. By incorporating spirituality into everyday actions and words, you may convey that spirituality is a part of everyday life. “Look at this wonderful day Mother Nature made,” you can exclaim as you open the curtains in the morning. “God bless you, sweetie pie,” you can say before going to bed.
Instill a love of nature in your children. Nature is an excellent source of inspiration and spirituality. “Kids learn through all of their senses they love to pick up a pebble, jump in a puddle, or chase a butterfly,” Neifert explains.
Demonstrate your personal love and respect for nature to help your child see it as something valuable. When you go for a family trek in the woods or a beach picnic, clean up after yourself (and even others) and be respectful of wildlife in their natural home.
Plant a garden with your child and make checking on the progress of the plants part of your daily routine. Start a compost pile so your youngster can see leftovers from meals decompose into soil for your garden. Introduce him to the concept that the Earth is a gift and that our survival is contingent on the planet's survival.
Make up stories. Stories abound in the world's spiritual traditions, explaining everything from how the world was formed to why individuals occasionally do horrible things. Using this abundance of literature, introduce your toddler to the idea that various people have distinct ideas, stories, and traditions.
Read stories from an illustrated Bible, a Hindu mythology book, or a collection of Jewish folk tales together, revising and simplifying as needed. Even if you're hesitant to encourage a literal understanding of the Bible, for example, reading such stories will allow your youngster to ask questions – if not now, then later.
Make use of family customs. Spirituality has the ability to connect us to the divine, one another, and the past. If you're raising your child in the same spiritual tradition as you, make sure he understands that he's carrying on family rites that his grandparents and even great-grandparents passed down to him.
Display photos of his granddad receiving his first communion. Allow him to assist you in polishing a pair of Sabbath candlesticks that your parents passed down to you. Also, remember to recount the same family stories you heard as a kid around the holidays.
Nonreligious family traditions are also possible. Volunteering at a food bank at Thanksgiving or planting a tree on Earth Day strengthens your child's bond with his family and teaches him that he can make the world a better place by being a part of it. And when he's old enough to comprehend what's going on, he'll be watching you closely and learning from you.
Make it enjoyable. Religion and spirituality should be more upbeat and lighthearted than solemn and solemn. Encourage your child to draw a picture of God, make up a tale about how the world came to be, or simply imagine what paradise is like. Put on a puppet show or act out plays based on creation stories or your own spiritual ideas.
Above all, sing and dance like spiritual people have done for generations! Many recordings of religious music are available if you don't know any traditional tunes. Don't forget to look into songs and chants from different nations and traditions.
Silence should be practiced. Take a minute to sit quietly with your kid once or twice a week. It's not necessary to introduce your minute of silence as meditation, but rather as a chance to sit motionless and listen to the sounds around her. It will eventually assist her in gaining a better understanding of the “big picture.”
Introduce a simple prayer form. If prayer is a component of your spiritual practice, make it clear to your toddler that it isn't something you store for Sunday mornings or times when he needs assistance. It's a tool that allows you to communicate with a higher power at any time.
So invite him to join you in praying at various moments during the day, such as when he sees something beautiful, when he does something new for the first time, when he wakes up, or when he goes to bed. A simple prayer of thanksgiving before or after meals can be a simple and effective method to impart gratitude for life's fundamentals.
If your child is too young to make up his own prayers, assist him with “ping-pong” prayers, as described by Neifert: You come up with a simple statement like “Thank you, God, for…” and he fills in the blanks. The goal is to instill in your child the belief that God, or the divine spirit, is always present. “It's really good if the being who created the entire universe can listen to you,” Neifert says.
Even if your family is not religious, you may teach your youngster to appreciate his comfortable bed, a lovely flower, or a nice smooch from his dog. “I'm so glad we have this lovely day to play in the yard, aren't you?” set an example for him.
Emphasize the spiritual aspect of the holidays. Try to counteract the holiday season's commercialism with events that emphasize the season's deeper meaning. Participate in a local charity's volunteer program. Donate food, clothing, or toys to a shelter, and involve your toddler by selecting a few items that she no longer uses. Participate in holiday-themed events at your church or synagogue.
Share some meaningful playtime with your toddler on the lighter side: Play with nativity scene dolls, make a clay menorah, or have your toddler help you place candles in a Kwanzaa kinara to represent the holiday's seven principles.
Consider becoming a member of a faith community or volunteering with a charitable organization. Your toddler will learn that spirituality plays a key role in the life of the community if he or she attends services and social events at a place of worship on a regular basis. He'll also get more familiar with your faith's liturgy and customs, and consider a house of worship as a place where he can feel safe and protected.
According to Neifert, “kids thrive on predictability.” “Whether a Catholic youngster sees the communion bread and wine, a Jewish child hears the Hebrew prayers, or a Hindu child smells the incense in the temple, rituals teach children to appreciate the predictability, if not the deeper significance, of a religious event.”
Youngsters's services are held in most churches and synagogues to introduce children to the tenets of a religion in a way that they can comprehend and enjoy.
Your child is beginning to comprehend that others have feelings, too, and that he can be affected by them at this age. Regularly volunteering at an animal shelter or a food bank, for example, demonstrates to your child that his presence and caring spirit can make the world a better place.
Following your toddler's lead is a good idea. Allow your toddler to ask the questions, and provide her with plenty of opportunities to inquire about such topics as who God is and what paradise is like.
Don't give answers to big questions by dictating them. If she asks you where God resides, start by asking her what she believes. Alternatively, have her sketch a picture and then tell you about it. Spirituality is a two-way street: if you pay attention to your child, you could learn something new about yourself.
What is spiritual mentorship all about?
The Holy Spirit, the mentor, and the mentee form a spiritual mentoring relationship. The mentee strives to learn what God is already doing in his or her life through this relationship, and thereby grows in friendship with God, identity in God, and knowledge of God's call.
What do spiritual mentors do?
Someone who cares about you and wants the best for you is a spiritual mentor. They understand that having a personal relationship with Christ is the most essential thing in life, so they encourage you to invest in it. As a result, you will be able to progress spiritually and in your religion.
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Spiritual Leadership and Knowledge Sharing Behaviors
Although this hypothesis has yet to be proven, Aydin and Ceylan (2009) found some support for the influence of spiritual leadership on information sharing behavior in a study. Organizational learning ability was found to be strongly positively linked with each of the spiritual leadership aspects in the study. Furthermore, the amount to which individuals acquire knowledge and share that knowledge are important aspects of an organization's learning ability. As a result, we came up with the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 2: Spiritual leadership will be linked to followers' willingness to share their knowledge.
Are fathers mentors?
MenCare and its collaborators examined hundreds of global studies on fatherhood to come up with the “State of the World's Fathers,” which shows why and how fathers matter. The report's findings were included in a HuffPost story that looked at the profound and long-lasting influence fathers may have on their children.
All fathers, whether single, divorced, or married, must realize that they can be one of their children's most significant mentors.
The article discussed the good effects involved fathers have on their children's lives:
- Their children get along nicely with others. Positive social-emotional connection with others is predicted by a child's playful and warm interaction with his father.
- …and go on to achieve greater academic success. Children who have their fathers involved in their education not only perform better in school, but they are also more likely to graduate and achieve greater professional and economic success.
- Children begin speaking early and are more expressive verbally. The development of a child's language skills is highly linked to his or her father's linguistic contacts with him from a young age.
- Children are less likely to develop depression as adults. In dads' young adult children, paternal participation has been linked to lower rates of despair, dread, and self-doubt.
- Sons are less likely to get into trouble than daughters. Boys whose fathers actively participate in their care had reduced rates of delinquency from school.
- Daughters are more career-oriented than sons. A study published last year by the University of British Columbia found that a father's attitude toward home tasks was a major predictor of a daughter's career ambitions as she got older.
- Daughters have a more favorable self-perception than sons. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Children and Families, young women with active fathers had higher overall evaluations of themselves, as well as higher reported levels of self-esteem.
Fathers have an essential and often ignored role in their children's health and well-being. Dads who are actively involved in their children's lives have a significant impact on their development.
The Dads' Resource Center was created to support and encourage fathers to be completely and actively involved in the lives of their sons and daughters, in order to enhance the well-being and healthy development of children from separated or divorced homes.
The Fatherhood Four Commitments were created to help achieve this goal, and they include the primary responsibilities that all fathers have toward their children.
Fathers who desire to be positive role models for their children might use the Fatherhood Four as guiding principles.
- The major emphasis of a father should be on his children. Whatever obstacles or challenges may exist or arise, fathers should prioritize their children's safety, health, happiness, and well-being. This must be demonstrated in words, actions, and deeds in a consistent manner.
- Respectful co-parenting is expected of fathers. Separated or divorced fathers must appropriately co-parent with their children's mother. That means speaking in a courteous and polite manner. Making every attempt to accommodate reasonable changes to parenting plans goes a long way. It's crucial to remember that when one parent intentionally portrays the other in an unfavorable light, the children are affected.
- Fathers should ensure that their children's basic requirements are met. This is true in terms of finances, health, education, and development. Their general well-being and safety should take precedence.
- Fathers should aspire to be the best fathers they can possibly be. It is critical for fathers to be involved in their children's life, as evidenced by the studies presented in this article. Spending meaningful, quality time with children, actively engaging with them, and being a positive role model and influence in their lives are all examples of this. So, remember the importance of a father's duty as a positive mentor to his child during National Mentoring Month (ren).