What Is A Spiritual Experience

A spiritual experience is defined as an occurrence that is beyond human comprehension in terms of how it may have occurred in the first place. Situations like avoiding death in an otherwise deadly situation or incomprehensible monetary gain are examples of these types of encounters. Another example is looking back in time to see how things unfolded in ways you could never have imagined. While you may not have had a “burning bush” encounter, you should be aware that spiritual experiences are not one-size-fits-all. Here are some suggestions to help you determine if you experienced a spiritual encounter or not.

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How do I get a spiritual experience?

What options do I have now?

  • Consider meditating. Check to see whether a regular class is offered in your area, or download the Smiling Mind app for a guided meditation.

What is a spiritual experience in AA?

If you spend enough time in the rooms, you'll hear a lot about “spiritual awakenings” — almost as much as the polar opposite, “rock bottom!”

The phrase may conjure up images of lightning bolts, angels, or rainbows in the sky.

While a spiritual awakening may include any – or even all – of these, the actual experience can be far more straightforward.

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A “spiritual experience” or “awakening” is defined in the Big Book of AA as “the personality change required to bring about recovery.” When you think about it, switching from an obsessive addict to a clean and sober person is nothing short of a miracle.

While some people experience “sudden and spectacular upheavals,” most “grow quietly over time,” according to the book.

If you're not sure if you've had a spiritual experience, the Big Book indicates that it entails the discovery of a “unsuspected inner resource” and the ability to “connect with a power larger than” yourself.

It's referred described as “God-consciousness” by some, although it doesn't have to be religious.

Basically, it means that something other than the drive to get drunk or high now guides your life.

Is a spiritual encounter in your future? It's almost certain if you follow the steps.

But don't get too caught up in waiting for your big “a-ha” moment or wondering if you've already had a spiritual awakening and just didn't realize it.

Spiritual experiences could become a way of life for you, one day at a time, if you stay honest, open-minded, and willing to work the steps.

What's the difference between spiritual experience and spiritual awakening?

There is a widespread belief that having a spiritual experience is a once-in-a-lifetime event. The phrases have been linked to angelic contact and other paranormal events. The claims for such an experience are less lofty in the case of AA. It is regarded as merely an occurrence with sufficient force to enable the individual to break free from their addiction. This transformation does not have to be dramatic in nature or occur suddenly. The spiritual awakening in AA can take many different shapes. In AA, the terms “spiritual experience” and “spiritual awakening” are interchangeable and refer to the same event.

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How common are spiritual experiences?

According to polls, there's a 50-50 chance you've experienced at least one spiritual encounter – an overwhelming sense that you've touched God or entered another realm of reality.

So, have you ever pondered if such experiences were all in your brain or if they genuinely happened? According to scientists, the answer might be both.

Jeff Schimmel is the man to talk to if you're looking for proof that religion is all in your head. The 49-year-old writer was raised in a Conservative Jewish household in Los Angeles. But he didn't believe in God until he was touched by something outside of himself.

Schimmel had a benign tumor removed from his left temporal lobe about a decade ago. The operation went off without a hitch. But, unbeknownst to him, he began to have mini-seizures soon after. In his thoughts, he could hear conversations. People around him would occasionally appear slightly surreal, as if they were animated.

Then there were the visions. He recalls looking up at the ceiling twice while lying in bed and seeing a swirl of blue, gold, and green hues that gradually settled into a shape. He was baffled as to what it was.

What is a spiritual journey called?

= everything, and Theos = God) “God is All” and “All is God” are the literal translations. It is the belief that everything is a manifestation of an all-encompassing immanent God, or that the universe, nature, and God are one and the same. More elaborate definitions tend to highlight the idea that the theological principle of ‘God' represents or personifies natural law, existence, and/or the universe (the sum total of all that has been and will be).

  • Parapsychology is the study of evidence regarding phenomena in which a person appears to affect or obtain information about something in ways that are not currently explainable by mainstream, conventional science. The majority of proponents of these occurrences believe they are the result of inexplicable mental powers.
  • The physical world, as opposed to a spiritual or supernatural essence, is the component of the universe made up of matter.
  • Pilgrimage: A long journey or search of significant moral value, primarily used in religion and spirituality.
  • It can also be a pilgrimage to a sacred site or shrine that is significant to a person's faith and beliefs.
  • Pilgrimages are attended by people of all faiths.
  • A pilgrim is someone who undertakes such a journey.
  • A plane of existence (also known as a dimension, vibrating plane, or an inner, invisible, spiritual, supraphysical world or egg) is a theoretical region of space and/or consciousness beyond the known physical universe, or the region containing the universe itself, in metaphysics and esoteric cosmology.
  • Many esoteric teachings (such as theosophy and rosicrucianism) advocate for the existence of a vast network of subtle planes, worlds, or dimensions that, radiating from a central point, interpenetrate the physical planet on which we live, the solar systems, and all of the universe's physical structures. This interpenetration of planes culminates in the universe as a physical structured, dynamic, and evolutive expression emanated – through a series of stages, becoming progressively more material and embodied – from The Supreme Being: which allows the irruption of auto-Singularities from Its unintelligible Chaos, as the Big Bang did.
  • Prayer is an attempt to interact with God, or a god or deities, or another sort of spiritual entity, or otherwise, to offer praise, make a request, or simply express one's thoughts and emotions.
  • Prophecy is the prediction of future occurrences in a broad sense. Pro- “before” + the root of phanai “say,” i. e. “speaking before” or “foretelling,” although prophecy frequently indicates the involvement of supernatural phenomena, whether it be communication with a god, the interpreting of magical signs, or astrology. It's also a catch-all term for the manifestation of divine intent.

What are the 3 elements of spirituality?

In their eternal wisdom, all shamans, healers, sages, and wisdom keepers of all centuries, continents, and peoples claim that human spirituality is made up of three aspects: connections, values, and life purpose. These three components are so strongly linked that it may be difficult to tell them apart. Take a minute to ponder on each facet of human spirituality to determine the state of your spiritual well-being if this is possible. This will be a three-part monthly series, starting with relationships.

Internal (your domestic policy)—how you deal with yourself, how you nurture the relationship with yourself and your higher self—and external (your foreign policy)—how you relate, support, and interact with those people (and all living entities) in your environment—are the two categories of relationships.

What criteria would you use to assess your internal relationship, and what steps could you take to improve it?

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How would you assess your external relationships, shifting from the perspective of domestic policy to international policy?

How do I awaken my spiritual power?

When trying to put all eight aspects of wellness together, the spiritual aspect of wellness can be the most individualized piece of the puzzle. People, on the whole, like to live lives that have meaning and purpose. When these objectives are attained, it brings peace into one's life and the lives of those around them.

So, what are some things you may do to increase your spiritual well-being? It's best to experiment with several ways to see what works best for you. Spiritual wellbeing can be reached in a variety of ways, both physically and intellectually, because it involves one's values, beliefs, and purpose.

1. Examine your spiritual foundation. You are merely asking yourself questions about who you are and what you mean when you explore your spiritual essence. Consider the following question: “Who am I?” What is the point of my existence? What am I most passionate about? These questions will lead you down a path where you will think more deeply about yourself and recognize aspects of yourself that will assist you in achieving fulfillment.

2. Search for hidden meanings. Looking for deeper meanings and examining patterns in your life will help you realize that you have power over your future. Knowing this can help you live a happier and healthier life.

3. Get it off your chest. It will be easier to retain a concentrated mind if you express what is on your mind. You may feel befuddled and unable to make sense of your feelings after a long day or an important event. You may be able to think more clearly and move forward if you write down your thoughts.

4. Give yoga a shot. Yoga is a physical discipline that can help you achieve spiritual wellness by eliminating mental and physical stress. Yoga is taught at all levels and can help relieve anxiety, sadness, weariness, and sleeplessness as well as reducing stress, strengthen the immune system, and lower blood pressure.

5. Take a trip. Yes, it is correct! Taking time for yourself to travel to a familiar location or to a new location can do wonders for your mental health. You will have a greater connection with yourself when your mind is able to block out distractions and assist you in reflecting and resting. This allows you to eliminate stressors and retrain your mind to focus on total wellness. Exercising, visiting with a counselor or advisor, meditation, or taking a temporary vow of silence are all activities that can be done while on a trip.

6. Keep an optimistic attitude. You will find yourself thinking differently and shifting your mind to a happy, healthy place once you begin to view things in your life in a good light. You'll discover that you're more comfortable when you eliminate negativity and re-frame how you think about specific things and situations.

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7. Set aside some time to meditate. While managing your time and everyday tasks can be difficult, it is critical to make time for yourself. Take five to ten minutes each day to meditate, whether it's first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or right before bedtime. By incorporating meditation and relaxation into your daily routine, you will be able to clear your mind and strengthen your connection to your spiritual well-being.

Source: http://student-affairs.illinoisstate.edu/health-promotion-and-wellness/7-ways-improve-spiritual-wellness/

What is the educational variety of spiritual experience?

However, many readers were left with the sense that these personality changes or religious experiences had to be the result of unexpected and spectacular upheavals after our initial publishing. Fortunately for everyone, this conclusion is incorrect. A number of abrupt revolutionary changes are mentioned in the first few chapters. Despite the fact that we did not intend to make such an impression, many alcoholics have come to the conclusion that in order to recover, they must acquire an immediate and overpowering sense of guilt “God-awareness” was immediately followed by a dramatic shift in mood and outlook.

Though common among our constantly rising membership of thousands of alcoholics, such breakthroughs are far from the norm. The majority of our experiences are what William James, a psychologist, refers to as the “Because they develop slowly over time, they are referred to as “educational variety.” Friends of the newcomer are typically aware of the change long before he is aware of it himself. He finally understands that his reaction to life has changed dramatically, and that such a shift could not have occurred only due to his own efforts. What happens in a few months is rarely possible to achieve via years of self-discipline. Our members, with few exceptions, discover that they have accessed an unknown inner resource that they now associate with their own image of a Power larger than themselves.

Most of us believe that spiritual experience is defined by our knowledge of a Power larger than ourselves. It's what our more religious members refer to it as “Knowledge of God.”

We want to emphasize that any alcoholic who is capable of honestly confronting his difficulties in light of our experience can recover, as long as he does not close his mind to all spiritual conceptions. He can only be beaten by a hostile denial or an attitude of intolerance.

We've discovered that no one has any problems with the program's religiosity. Recovery necessitates willingness, honesty, and open-mindedness. However, these are required.

“There is a concept that is a barrier to all knowledge, proof against all arguments, and will never fail to retain a man in perpetual ignorance—that principle is contempt prior to investigation.” SPENCER, HERBERT