What Is A Spiritual Blind Spot

Our spiritual blind spot was mentioned by Jesus. We believe we can see everything clearly. We think we have a wide field of vision, but the truth is that we can't perceive some of the most crucial aspects of life and reality. Our prejudices and preconceptions mislead us. We assume we are prejudice-free. Others may be biased, but we are not. We take it for granted that we observe everything objectively. Do we, however, agree?

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What is blind spot in Bible?

I was traveling down a familiar stretch of road a few weeks ago when I suddenly needed to change lanes. I activated my turn signal, checked my rearview mirror, and then proceeded to change lanes. A automobile emerged out of nowhere (or so it seemed to me). I swerved back into my lane right away.

These are referred to as blind areas. Our limited vision prevents us from seeing the entire scene around us, resulting in near-misses on the road. I would never have attempted to change lanes if I had been able to see the car. I would not have came so close to injuring myself and others if I had been able to notice the car. My blind spot hampered my vision, and those around me suffered as a result.

In other areas of our lives, we are prone to having blind spots. Because our vision is hampered by our past experiences, we miss things that could harm others around us. We are wealthy, therefore we overlook the fact that even a casual proposal to go out to lunch can induce concern for a friend who is less fortunate. We're married, so we don't miss the feeling of isolation that comes with canceling church events on Valentine's Day. To put it another way, we are white, and we don't realize how different our experiences in America are from those of our black and brown brothers and sisters.

Our egregious transgression must be confessed, according to the Bible (Proverbs. 28:13, James 4:17, 1 John 1:9). But what if you're completely oblivious of your transgression? What if your blind spot causes you to veer into the lane of another Christian brother or sister, endangering them? Is there anything in the Bible that speaks to our blind spots?

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With apparent sins, we usually know what to do. Sexual immorality, unjust anger, lying, and a variety of other sins are among those for which the Bible calls for repentance. However, scripture confronts sin that is disguised, even by ignorance (a blind spot). God is holy, and we are called to be holy as well (Leviticus 19:2). Because our sinful nature goes deep, we often sin in ways we aren't even aware of because we are far from holy (Romans 3:23). God made provision for unintentional sin all the way back in the Law—sin that was not the result of deliberation or intentionality. We need atonement even for the things we don't plan to do—even for our blind spots—because our hearts are devious and difficult to understand (Jeremiah 17:9).

Psalm 19 is a lengthy meditation on God's message. After describing the value of God's word and how valuable it is to believers, the psalmist goes on to describe the word's penetrating effect. We are all condemned when we appear before the righteous God of Psalm 19. Even our blind spots require a replacement. Even our thoughts require an intermediary (Psalm 19:14). Your words may publicly condemn you, but when you hold up the mirror of God's word, the very ideas of your heart—your blind spots—need prayer to be cleansed.

I frequently say: “I'd fix my blind spots if I knew what they were.” It's for this reason that they're termed blind spots. We don't notice them until it's too late, and we're in the lane of someone else wrecking his or her life. The psalmist seemed to recognize that he will do things that are offensive to God but unknown to him. And he's pleading for forgiveness for his hidden sins—his blind spots.

Blind spots, in my opinion, are one of the more dangerous types of racism in America. I say this because I have personally witnessed it to be true. If you implied that I am a racist or have racist tendencies, I would sneer at you. But I'd be dishonest to you if I didn't acknowledge that I am a product of the culture in which I grew up. I am a white woman from a white family who grew up in a relatively privileged environment. We are all products of living in America, a country that rose to prominence on the backs of enslaved Africans, even under the best of conditions. My name is “hidden ideas” are more biased than anything I'd ever say out loud. Fear, bigotry, rash judgment, and even a savior complex are among my secret thoughts. My subconscious ideas prevent me from noticing the world around me. They hurt myself and others, just as my blind spots in driving.

The psalmist was humble enough to admit that he will do sins that he is unaware of. He wouldn't need to pray to be kept away from them if he knew who they were. He wouldn't need a sacrifice to conceal his unintended misdeeds if he didn't do them. The same humility is required of us. We can't see into the depths of our hearts, but God can, and through Christ, he shows us the road forward. Our unintended sins are forgiven for in Christ. Our blind spots are revealed in Christ and then covered by his blood. We are provided a road to walking in sight in Christ, allowing our hidden sins to be exposed so that we can be made whole.

The modest Christian approach is to admit that we all have blind spots. We, like the psalmist, must stand before God's word and allow it to reveal our wicked prejudices against others who are different from ourselves. We, too, can stand before God's word and find forgiveness, just as the psalmist did (Psalm 130:4).

What is a sinful prayer?

The Sinner's Prayer (also known as the Consecration Prayer or Salvation Prayer) is an evangelical Christian word for any prayer of repentance prayed by people who are convinced of sin in their life and want to build or renew a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. In evangelical circles, it is a well-known prayer. It is supposed to be an act of initial conversion to Christianity, rather than a liturgical act like a creed or a confiteor. While some Christians consider repeating the sinner's prayer to be the final step in their religious journey, others see it as just the beginning.

It can also be prayed as a “re-commitment” prayer for individuals who are already believers. A minister or other worship leader may often invite individuals seeking to receive Christ (thus being born again) to recite with him or her the words of some form of a sinner's prayer at the end of a worship service, in what is known as an altar call. It's also common on printed gospel tracts, where individuals are encouraged to “repeat these words from the bottom of your heart.”

The “Sinner's Prayer” comes in a variety of formats, but they all share the same basic message. It can be prayed silently, aloud, read from a prescribed model, or repeated after someone modeling the prayer role, because it is regarded a matter of human will. Although it frequently comprises an admission of guilt and a prayer asking Jesus to enter the person's heart, there is no set formula of words that is deemed vital (that is to say, the center of their life). The sinner's prayer is widely used in several Protestant denominations, such as Baptist and Methodist churches, and in movements that straddle denominations, such as evangelical, fundamentalist, and charismatic Christianity. Some Anglicans, Lutherans, and Roman Catholics have also utilized it, but not as widely. It is commonly stated by Christians seeking salvation or confirming their faith in Christ in the midst of a crisis or calamity, when death is a possibility.

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The “Sinner's Prayer” has some detractors. Some biblical academics have even termed the sinner's prayer a “cataract of gibberish” and a “apostasy” because no such prayer or conversion is mentioned in the Bible. Based on George Barna's research, David Platt has questioned the validity of persons who have converted through the sinner's prayer.

Why is the blind spot important?

The optic nerve and blood arteries exit the eyeball at the blind spot. The brain is related to the optic nerve. It transports images from the eyes to the brain, where they are processed. This is how we can tell what we're looking at. The object or image is seen by our eyes, and our brain interprets it. We usually don't notice our blind spot since our brains fill in any missing information based on the visuals surrounding it.

Cars with side-view mirrors are an excellent example of how we adjust for our blind spots. Cars driving alongside us frequently enter our blind spot, and the side-view mirrors provide a different perspective on the same region. They provide us the ability to “see” into our blind spots.

Certain eye exercises were found to help lessen the size of the blind spot in a recent study, but further research is needed. These benefits did not transfer to the other untrained eye if one eye was trained.

Can God forgive murderers?

David ordered the assassination of a man because he desired the man's wife, but God pardoned him when he sincerely repented and sought God's forgiveness (see Psalm 32). Saul of Tarsus was in charge of imprisoning Christians and organizing their executions, but God forgave him, and Saul of Tarsus became the Apostle Paul, who spread the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire. Yes, God can forgive a murderer because He has already forgiven a murderer.

But I also know that God is capable of forgiving a murderer because He desires to forgive us! Because of our sins, Jesus died, and you and I were responsible for His death. Jesus would not have had to go to the cross if you and I hadn't sinned, but we are sinners, and He died for us.

What was He thinking when He did that? He did it because God loves us and desires to forgive us so that we can spend eternity in heaven with Him. Don't put off giving your life to Christ and accepting His gift of forgiveness any longer. “Seek the Lord while he may be found,” the Bible says, “because he will freely pardon” (Isaiah 55:6-7).

How do you pray to be saved?

Salvation involves being set free to know, love, and serve God, our heavenly Father, after being redeemed or delivered from sin and its penalty of death. “Therefore, whomever confesses Me (Jesus Christ) before men, him will I likewise confess before My Father who is in heaven,” according to the Bible (Matthew 10:32 NKJV).

“For all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory;…” (KJV, Romans 3:23).

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“Sin's wages are death, but God's gift is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23 KJV).

“However, God proves His own love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” (Romans 5:8 NKJV).

“You will be saved if you confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has resurrected Him from the dead” (Romans 10:9 NKJV).

“And as it is allotted for mankind to die once, but after that comes the judgment,” says the author (Hebrews 9:27 NKJV).

“However, we are all filthy rags, and all our righteousness is like filthy rags…” (NKJV Isaiah 64:6)

“Do not be amazed at this; for the hour is coming when all who are in the graves will hear His voice and arise–those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation” (John 5:28-29 NKJV).

“And I saw the dead, both great and tiny, standing before God, with books being opened.” Another book, the Book of Life, was also opened. And the dead were judged according to their deeds, according to what was written in the books” (Revelation 20:12 NKJV).

“As a result, do not be afraid of them.” There's nothing concealed that won't be shown, and nothing hidden that won't be known” (Matthew 10:26 NKJV).

“Even when we were dead in our trespasses, you brought us alive in Christ” (by grace you have been saved). You have been saved by grace through faith, and not by your own works; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone boast” (Ephesians 2:5, 8, 9 NKJV).

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“Neither is there salvation in any other, for we must be saved by no other name given among men under heaven” (Acts 4:12 NKJV).

“Behold, this is the appropriate time; now is the day of salvation,” says the prophet (2 Corinthians 6:2 NKJV).

God, our heavenly Father, offers salvation as a free gift. God saves us because of what our Lord Jesus Christ did on the cross for us. By believing, we accept and receive it. Our Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for us, enduring the punishment of God for our sin in His own body. With the Lord's sacrifice, God's justice was fully satisfied. Those who accept, receive, and believe are protected from God, our heavenly Father's anger.

“Do not be fooled; God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, he will reap” (Galatians 6:7 NKJV).

“Then He will say to those on the left, “Depart from Me, you cursed,” and they will be cast into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels… And these will perish in everlasting punishment, while the righteous will live forever” (Matthew 25:41, 46 NKJV).

Jesus, Lord, I repent of my faults and beg your pardon. Please, as my Lord and Savior, come into my heart. Take complete control of my life and, through the power of the Holy Spirit, assist me in following in Your footsteps on a daily basis. Thank you, Lord, for rescuing me and granting my request. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

The King James Version and the New King James Version of the Bible are used to quote Scripture.