Anything, from the absolutely banal to the completely life-altering, can cause a spiritual awakening.
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Life-changing events (i.e., losing your job, moving away from home, a vehicle accident, etc.) and persons who open a spiritual “door” for you are two common causes, according to spiritual author Shannon Kaiser (like a twin flame or soul mate).
“Spiritual awakenings can happen on their own,” she says, “but most are brought on by major life changes or traumas like life-threatening illnesses, car accidents, divorces, war, pandemics, quarter-life or midlife crises, mental health crises like clinical depression or anxiety, or even a near-death experience.”
Tanya Carroll Richardson, a professional intuitive and author of Angel Intuition, notes that anything that inspires (or requires) you to “look at your life from a more spiritual viewpoint” might lead to awakening.
What does a spiritual awakening feel like?
Psychological research on spiritual and kundalini awakenings is still in its early stages, and it has tended to ignore events that occur suddenly and unexpectedly. Studies on the impact of mystical experiences, such as spiritual and kundalini awakenings, on well-being have identified the predominantly positive, healing effects of these experiences, as well as some of the more challenging aspects brought on both by their disruptive nature and by their typically biased clinical interpretations. Despite a greater number of research addressing the powerful physical aspect of kundalini awakenings compared to spiritual awakenings, the subtle phenomenological variations between spiritual and kundalini awakenings have rarely been studied. The interchangeable use of these terminology could make it difficult to comprehend these experiences and their effects, especially as stronger bodily feelings may imply more difficult outcomes. Some of the phenomenological and neurobiological bases of drug and non-drug induced ASCs, as well as the links between the spiritual features of ASCs and the symptoms of TLE and trait absorption, have been investigated by neuroscientific and psychological study. However, SSA/SKAs have yet to be mapped within the ASC framework, and the common predictors used to research ASCs (TLL and absorption) have not been tested as efficient predictors of SSA/SKAs.
This paper will explore the general properties of SSA/SKAs, their consequences on well-being, how they compare to other measurable ASCs, their links with TLL and absorption, and the potential phenomenological variations between them in order to fill certain gaps in the data. The authors hypothesize that Spontaneous Kundalini Awakenings (SKAs) are not only more physical than Spontaneous Spiritual Awakenings (SSAs), but also more likely to produce negative experiences, based on the prevalence of anecdotal accounts of physical and energetic experiences preceding challenging kundalini experiences. After that, the phenomenological distribution of spontaneous Spiritual and Kundalini Awakenings will be mapped within the ASC framework by comparing their phenomenological distribution to that of non-drug and drug-induced ASCs. Following a similar approach to the investigation of induced ASCs, analysis will be undertaken to evaluate the hypothesis that TLL and trait absorption predict the severity of the SSA/SKA ASC. More research will be done to see how the SSA/SKA sample's population distribution compares to the distribution of previously reported “normal” TLL and absorption samples. The short- and long-term effects of these events on one's well-being will be investigated.
What happens when you are spiritually awakened?
As Kaiser argues, this is the start of your spiritual journey, as you begin to doubt everything you previously believed. You begin to purge certain aspects of your life (habits, relationships, and outdated belief systems) in order to make room for new, more meaningful experiences. You may sense that something is lacking, but you aren't sure what it is. It's common to feel disoriented, confused, and down during this time.
What is the spiritual awakening process?
Spiritual awakening, contrary to popular belief, does not entail a literal transformation “Awakening.”
You don't wake up one day feeling like you have a powerful energy within of you beckoning for change.
Spiritual awakening is a long process in which a person realizes that their existence extends beyond the physical realm “I” refers to the ego.
Eastern spiritualists refer to the ego, or everyday self, as the acquired mind in Taoist philosophy.
Our current selves our likes, actions, preferences, and convictions are the result of years of socialization.
These particular features we pick up, however unusual they may be, do not yet make up a whole self.
Humans are a self-preserving species as a result of evolution; it's in our DNA to resist change.
Humans are innately egoistic beings, therefore we can't help but form a bubble around ourselves and do everything we can to keep it safe.
While a firm belief in who you are and what you believe in may appear to be the very definition of the full “self,” philosophers such as Carl Jung argue that separating the “I” from the rest of the world is harmful because we inevitably begin to limit what counts as good and righteous to those qualities unique to us.
Consider this: your Spirit lives alongside your ego. The ego acquires things you enjoy and don't like, as well as convictions that distinguish what's good from what's evil, during the years of learning and interacting.
As the ego takes control, your Spirit becomes confined and inert, rather than moving beyond it.
What are the five stages of spiritual awakening?
“When we stop thinking about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a genuinely heroic transformation of consciousness,” Joseph Campbell, a prominent mythologist, characterized the hero's journey, an evolutionary path of growth and transformation woven into all great myths and stories.
The call to adventure represents a break from everyday life, a signal that bubbles up from the subconscious, catches your attention, and leads you in a new direction. A call to adventure is the spark that triggers a spiritual awakening.
At this pivotal point, Joseph Campbell teaches that you have a choice: accept or refuse the call to adventure. In reality, refusing the call isn't an option because, at a deeper level, your own soul is beckoning you to transform. If you refuse the call, the opportunity will only recycle itself like a skip on a record, patiently waiting for you to accept the call to a new life.
You step into a larger world once you answer the call to adventure, and you become a conscious participant in your spiritual growth and evolution. Responsibility becomes the operative word as you begin to navigate your life toward opportunities that further expand your awareness. A subtle shift in perception has occurred, and everything feels both the same and oddly different at the same time.
How do I know if I've had a spiritual awakening?
You will have many lovely realizations and new views no matter how you get into alignment with your inner beingwhether through a protracted struggle of resistance or with faith and confidence after slight contrast.
- There are “miracles” happening; abundance is pouring in, the body is healing, and relationships are improving.
What should I do after spiritual awakening?
Spiritual awakening is a difficult process. It's a break from your previous life, and it can make you feel stuck and lonely because not everyone chooses this path.
It necessitates stepping outside of yourself in order to see the wider picture, which isn't always a pleasant experience when you've spent your entire life wrapped up in yourself.
It brings empathy for others, but it also brings sorrow since you feel other people's emotions so intensely, especially unpleasant ones.
That's why it's critical to look after oneself during this time. It'll almost certainly bring a lot of discomfort and conflicting emotions, and it's easy to get caught up in it and fall into sadness.
Treat yourself with care, patience, and compassion, just as you would a good friend.
Free up space
In the room, there's a lot of clutter, both figuratively and…possibly physically.
Remove anything that isn't needed to make place for the new and better. It can't enter into your life if it doesn't belong there, therefore get rid of anything that doesn't provide worth or purpose.
Continue with spiritual practice
Don't lose momentum simply because you've spiritually awakened; continue with your spiritual activities such as meditation, yoga, or just some peaceful alone time to keep you from becoming lost.
How do you recognize a spiritual person?
The first evidence of a spiritual person is their lack of fear. When you have a fear or a chronic worry, that fear takes over your life and you are unable to be in the present moment. Fear of public speaking, fear of heights, and fear of bugs are the three most common fears among Americans. Many people, however, are terrified of death, rejection, loneliness, failure, illness, or making poor judgments. Spiritual people understand how to yield to forces beyond their control. In this way, they are similar to children in that they know how to ignore their minds and live fearlessly.
Does everyone have an awakening?
The most important aspect of spiritual awakening is that it does not occur in everyone. Only a select few people have the opportunity to experience spiritual awakening. You won't be able to bring about spiritual enlightenment on your own. That's because it's the product of your soulful development. This is referred to as the growth, expansion, and inner peace process. Within the soul of a person who is experiencing spiritual awakening, they will feel enormous delight and freedom.