1. How do you feel in your body? Learn to recognize your typical body sensations as well as those that appear to have a pattern. The more connected you are to your body, the more you will notice and benefit from its many messages. When I receive a spiritual download, for example, I often notice that my palms begin to sweat. TIP: When you convey what you've received, the person or people who hear your words, sing your song, paint your picture, or whatever you're doing will FEEL it. Their response will not be the standard “that's nice.” It'll be more along the lines of “WOW” or “speechlessness.”
Before You Continue...
Do you know what is your soul number? Take this quick quiz to find out! Get a personalized numerology report, and discover how you can unlock your fullest spiritual potential. Start the quiz now!
2. How do you feel on a personal level? Spiritual downloads can induce elation, joy, or other high-vibration feelings… and sometimes just before (or even during) the download, you have a sense of silence, stillness, as if you are experiencing nothing at all. The feelings seem to hit me more once the download has completed.
3. What's going on in your head? So, what's on your mind? What were your thoughts only a few moments ago? Have you noticed that your thoughts have vanished? During a download, most people's thoughts are put on hold.
4. Spiritually or energetically, how do you feel? In terms of what was once known as ESP, or “extrasensory perception,” we all have varied skills. As you can see from the examples below, some of us hear messages, smell or see visions, while others just “sense” or “know” things or have “feelings” that are difficult to put into words. That “WOW” I mentioned earlier… YOU might be experiencing it as well.
5. What's going on right now and what's going to happen later? Have you ever had an SUDDEN occurrence? Have you ever had an idea and then proceeded to write like there was no tomorrow? Or do you feel obliged to send a message to your friend while you're conversing with her? I've noticed that spiritual downloads frequently occur quickly or with a sense of urgency. They move swiftly and push YOU to move/act quickly since they are a high frequency energy.
What does spiritual awakening feel like?
Psychological research on spiritual and kundalini awakenings is still in its early stages, and it has tended to ignore events that occur suddenly and unexpectedly. Studies on the impact of mystical experiences, such as spiritual and kundalini awakenings, on well-being have identified the predominantly positive, healing effects of these experiences, as well as some of the more challenging aspects brought on both by their disruptive nature and by their typically biased clinical interpretations. Despite a greater number of research addressing the powerful physical aspect of kundalini awakenings compared to spiritual awakenings, the subtle phenomenological variations between spiritual and kundalini awakenings have rarely been studied. The interchangeable use of these terminology could make it difficult to comprehend these experiences and their effects, especially as stronger bodily feelings may imply more difficult outcomes. Some of the phenomenological and neurobiological bases of drug and non-drug induced ASCs, as well as the links between the spiritual features of ASCs and the symptoms of TLE and trait absorption, have been investigated by neuroscientific and psychological study. However, SSA/SKAs have yet to be mapped within the ASC framework, and the common predictors used to research ASCs (TLL and absorption) have not been tested as efficient predictors of SSA/SKAs.
This paper will explore the general properties of SSA/SKAs, their consequences on well-being, how they compare to other measurable ASCs, their links with TLL and absorption, and the potential phenomenological variations between them in order to fill certain gaps in the data. The authors hypothesize that Spontaneous Kundalini Awakenings (SKAs) are not only more physical than Spontaneous Spiritual Awakenings (SSAs), but also more likely to produce negative experiences, based on the prevalence of anecdotal accounts of physical and energetic experiences preceding challenging kundalini experiences. After that, the phenomenological distribution of spontaneous Spiritual and Kundalini Awakenings will be mapped within the ASC framework by comparing their phenomenological distribution to that of non-drug and drug-induced ASCs. Following a similar approach to the investigation of induced ASCs, analysis will be undertaken to evaluate the hypothesis that TLL and trait absorption predict the severity of the SSA/SKA ASC. More research will be done to see how the SSA/SKA sample's population distribution compares to the distribution of previously reported “normal” TLL and absorption samples. The short- and long-term effects of these events on one's well-being will be investigated.
What does it mean to receive a download?
Download is a term used in computer networks to describe receiving data from a remote system, such as a web server, an FTP server, an email server, or another similar system. Uploading, on the other hand, involves sending data to a remote server.
What are the stages of spiritual awakening?
The hero's journey, an evolutionary process of growth and transformation woven into all great myths and stories, was outlined by renowned mythologist Joseph Campbell: “A genuinely heroic shift of awareness occurs when we stop worrying about ourselves and our own self-preservation.”
The primary pushing off point for any hero's quest is known as the call to adventure. The call to adventure is a break from regular life, a signal that comes from deep inside, grabs your attention, and drives you in a new direction. The spark that sets off a spiritual awakening is a call to adventure. Every life has a moment that, if grasped, will change it forever. The call to adventure is a reawakening experience, a shift in perspective that forces you to reconsider your perspective on life. A travel to a strange location, the loss of innocence, an illness, a challenge, the death of a close friend, a near-death experience, or the loss of a job are all examples of spiritual experiences. Regardless of the specifics, the experience alters your perspective and causes you to see the world through fresh eyes. You've been given the task of living an ordinary life in an extraordinary way.
At this critical juncture, Joseph Campbell advises that you must choose whether or not to accept the call to adventure. In truth, though, ignoring the call isn't an option because your soul is inviting you to change on a deeper level. If you ignore the call, the opportunity will recycle itself like a skip on a record, patiently waiting for you to embrace the call to a new existence, thanks to your unique karmic influences. Furthermore, there is no going back once a transforming and deeply waking incident has occurred. Your eyes have been opened, and no matter how much you try to reject it, you can't turn away from the image of a greater reality calling to you.
You enter a broader universe once you've answered the call to adventure. You take an active role in your spiritual development and advancement. As you begin to manage your life toward chances that enhance your knowledge, responsibility becomes the operative word. Everything feels the same and weirdly different at the same time, thanks to a tiny alteration in perspective.
How do I upgrade spiritually?
Seven Ways to Boost Your Spiritual Well-Being
- Examine your spiritual foundation. You are merely asking yourself questions about who you are and what you mean when you explore your spiritual essence.
What are the first signs of spiritual awakening and how do you feel it?
Names like Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha, and Jesus spring to mind when asked to think of awakened people. Mother Teresa or Nelson Mandela, for example. These motivational figures may make you assume that being awakened is the same as being perfect. If that's the case, attempt to come up with some more relatable examples of awake people. It's helpful to see examples of people who are both flawed and seeking to live a good life with a greater good in mind.
- Russell Brand, who seems to exemplify a bizarre contradiction of continually questioning and searching for more knowledge while also having a sense of humour in the restroom.
- Jim Carrey, whose comedic genius aided him in seeing through the mirage of popularity and distancing himself from any desire for it.
- Oprah Winfrey, who popularized Eckhart Tolle and uses her SuperSoul Sunday show to preach enlightenment to millions of people, has a less enlightened obsession with her weight.
People who model spiritual awakening while not being perfect are what is required to make awakening feel attainable.
Now that you've seen a few examples of awakened people, let's look at how to know if you're experiencing an awakening. The ten indicators of spiritual awakening are listed below.
What does spirituality feel like?
As you read on, you'll see that many of the methods for building spirituality are comparable to those for enhancing emotional well-being. This is because there is a link between the two: emotional and spiritual well-being, like other elements of well-being, impact and overlap.
- Spirituality is about making a genuine connection with something greater than oneself, which can lead to feelings of calm, awe, contentment, appreciation, and acceptance.
- Emotional well-being entails cultivating a good mindset that allows you to perceive and accept a connection to something bigger than yourself.
Emotions and spirituality are so diverse but intertwined, intimately connected.
How do you recognize a spiritual person?
The first evidence of a spiritual person is their lack of fear. When you have a fear or a chronic worry, that fear takes over your life and you are unable to be in the present moment. Fear of public speaking, fear of heights, and fear of bugs are the three most common fears among Americans. Many people, however, are terrified of death, rejection, loneliness, failure, illness, or making poor judgments. Spiritual people understand how to yield to forces beyond their control. In this way, they are similar to children in that they know how to ignore their minds and live fearlessly.