Because Bob works on the second floor of a corporate office building, he's convinced himself that gravity isn't as big a concern as everyone thinks. That's why, despite his coworkers' frantic protests, Bob is confidently marching toward a corner office's open window.
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Bob turns around with a cocky grin on his face, one foot already on the sill. “Don't be concerned,” he reassure the terrified audience. “I'm no longer a believer in gravity!”
Most individuals, thankfully, aren't like Bob. The majority of us are aware of what the law of gravity entails and automatically adapt our activities accordingly.
The laws of the universe do not change
Gravity is dependable, which is one of my favorite things about it. Toast does not continue to pop out of my toaster until it reaches the ceiling. Water droplets do not float aimlessly across my kitchen when I turn on the tap. When I trip, I don't take off like a balloon into the stratosphere.
Gravity, being a fundamental law of nature, operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are no exceptions.
This is a positive development. It's difficult to say what would happen if gravity took a vacation, but the best ideas all agree on one thing: it would be unpleasant.
To begin with, our atmosphere would be pulled into the vastness of space. Everything that isn't anchored to the earth's surface will start to float away, including our oceans, which will begin to boil due to the lack of air pressure. To add salt to injury, the earth's molten layers would most certainly make their way to the surface, engulfing our world in a lava-filled conflagration.
The universe would be “totally flat and featureless” without gravity, according to James Overduin, a physicist at Towson University in Maryland.
Opinion cannot overrule physical or spiritual laws
No one can stop Bob from defying gravity, but no one can stop gravity from inflicting an amazing number of broken bones on him. Gravity isn't a question of opinion, and no matter how you feel about it, if you jump, you'll land on your feet. There are no other options available. Anyone who believes otherwise is a complete moron.
So, why do billions upon billions of people continue to believe something just as irrationaland even more dangerousevery day?
The principles of physics alone do not explain all that happens in the cosmos. The same God who created physical rules also created a set of spiritual laws that are equally real and significant.
Unchanging constants
The human race has treated God's law in the same way that our beloved friend Bob approached gravity for millennia, and the result has left us reeling. People have a variety of justifications for disobeying God's commandment, but none of them alleviate the consequences of doing so.
Although the spiritual world isn't as real as the physical worldit can't usually be touched, seen, or heardthe repercussions of disobeying spiritual laws can be even more terrible than disobeying physical laws. Take it and increase that by thousands of years of disobedience, and you'll see why our planet is falling apart.
God's spiritual rules, like gravity, are constant and unchanging. They go about their business all day, every day. There are no exceptions. And, just as scientists have developed equations to assist us better grasp the physical laws of our universe, God's instructions in the Bible help us better understand how the spiritual laws that surround us work.
Changing or reinterpreting these instructions has no effect on the spiritual forces they describe; it just renders them incorrect.
Spiritual law #1: You reap what you sow
“What goes around, comes around,” is a spiritual rule that you've probably heard before. “What you put in is what you get out.” “The roosting chickens have arrived.” However, regardless of how you express it, the basic message remains the same.
“Do not be fooled; God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, he will reap” (Galatians 6:7).
“Those who plow iniquity and sow hardship reap the same,” one of Job's companions observed (Job 4:8). “Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; tear up your fallow ground, because it is time to seek the LORD, until He comes and rains righteousness on you,” God informed Israel via Hosea. You have reaped iniquity by plowing wickedness. You've consumed the fruit of deception” (Hosea 10:12-13).
It's easy to imagine God standing over a big red button labeled “SMITE,” waiting for us to make a mistake so He can punish us from beyond the grave. But the truth is that God rarely punishes us. We punish ourselves the majority of the time. God's laws are not arbitrary; they exist to prevent us from making decisions and taking acts that might result in unpleasant repercussions for ourselves and others.
Do you wish to cultivate positive qualities in your life? Then go out and plant some good stuff. And if you're sick of bad things happening in your life, look closely to see if you've been planting the wrong seed without recognizing it. Do you wish to cultivate positive qualities in your life? Then go out and plant some good stuff. And if you're sick of bad things happening in your life, look closely to see if you've been planting the wrong seed without recognizing it.
“Do folks pluck grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?” Jesus inquired. Even yet, a good tree produces nice fruit, whereas a bad tree produces awful fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit” (Matthew 7:16-18). It's nearly impossible to create something good from a seed of evil.
(Read “By Their Fruits” for more information on how to tell the difference between good and bad fruit.)
Many of God's other laws are dependent on knowing this spiritual law. Our Heavenly Father desires for us to cultivate seeds of happiness rather than misery and sadness. And we're more likely to do so if we understand…
Spiritual law #2: What we sow takes time to grow
“Because the sentence against an evil work is not implemented quickly,” wise King Solomon famously lamented, “the hearts of the sons of mankind are completely set in them to do evil” (Ecclesiastes 8:11).
To put it another way, a lot of evil people do a lot of bad things, and instead of being destroyed by a divinely directed bolt of lightning, they seem to prosper.
It can be aggravating. The preceding spiritual law guarantees that we will reap what we sow, however there are many examples of people suffering for doing good or profiting while doing evil in the earth. Why are so many people able to get away with doing something wrong? Why is it that individuals who do the right thing don't always get wonderful things?
The first spiritual law remains valid. The second spiritual law clarifies something else: results take time. Nobody expects an apple seed to bear fruit the next day after planting it. It takes years for that to happen.
Solomon was well aware of this. “Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and his days are lengthened, yet I firmly know that it will be well with those who dread God, who fear before Him,” he added as he looked at the wider picture (Ecclesiastes 8:12).
Sinners may appear to get away with evil for a day, a year, a decade, or a lifetime, but the broader picture is bigger than any single lifetime. Those who reject God and persist on living a life of sin will be destroyed forever, while those who choose God's way of life will live forever as His offspring.
(Read our article “What Are the Resurrections?” to learn more about this aspect of God's plan.)
Acts of evil aren't always punished immediately, and acts of good aren't always rewarded immediatelybut every deed sows a seed, and the harvest is coming.
Spiritual law #3: Sin does not subtract; it destroys
On that vein, it's easy to see good and bad activities as deposits and withdrawals in a spiritual bank accountevery good action adds to our balance, while every negative action subtracts from it. This isn't how the spiritual law operates, though. Sin is more than just a bad habit “It doesn't just “take away” from our bank account; it eliminates it entirely.
God presented two hypothetical scenarios to the prophet Ezekiel: a wicked man who “turns from all his sins which he has committed, keeps all My statutes, and does what is lawful and right” (Ezekiel 18:21), and a righteous man who “turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does” (Ezekiel 18:22). (verse 24).
In both cases, the man's previous spiritual state is unimportant. For the once depraved individual, “None of his misdeeds will be remembered against him; he will survive because of the righteousness that he has performed” (verse 22).
For the guy who was formerly righteous, “All of his deeds of righteousness will be forgotten; he will die as a result of his unfaithfulness and immorality” (verse 24).
According to Paul, “Death is the penalty for sin” (Romans 6:23). A single sin can earn us an eternal death sentence that can only be paid for through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. No amount of righteousness can undo or balance out a sin, and a single sin can earn us an eternal death penalty that can only be paid for through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
(We have more information on this process in our page.) “Repentance for the Works That Have Been Destroyed.”)
The good news is that when we come to God for forgiveness and reform, we don't have to dig our way out of a spiritual hole. When we repent, Christ's sacrifice cleans our slate.
The bad news is that Christianity forbids homosexuality “This spiritual law encourages us to be always focused on going forward rather than attempting to cash in on previous accomplishments.
Spiritual law #4: The righteousness of God transforms us
God, according to the prophet Malachi, is a refiner's fire that purifies His people like gold and silver, removing imperfections and bringing them to perfection (Malachi 3:2-3). That technique does not seem pleasant or comfortable, but the end result is well worth it.
“They shall be Mine… on the day that I make them My jewels,” God promises of “those who fear the LORD and meditate on His name.” “Then you shall again discriminate between the virtuous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him” (Malachi 3:16-18).
Why is righteousness so important to God? Because He created the human race with the possibility to one day become like Himto live in His family for all eternity. To be a part of God's family, we must learn to hate sin and love righteousness, just as God does.
(Are you interested in learning more about God's plan for His family? (See “Are We Now Children of God?”)
Sin is a way of life that leads to suffering, whereas holiness is a way of life that leads to unity, peace, and joy. God wants His family to be filled with a desire to pursue righteousness, not with pain.
We often fail to achieve that standard of righteousness due to our own human defects and weaknesses, but because of Christ's sacrifice, we are able to partake in His righteousness. “Not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through trust in Christ, the righteousness which is from God through faith,” Paul wrote of his desire to be a true Christian (Philippians 3:9). All Christians who desire to obey God have access to the same righteousness.
Pursuing righteousness leads us closer and closer to God's character and nature.
Another of God's prophets, Isaiah, predicted that “justice will dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness will remain in the fruitful field” in the future. Peace will be the result of righteousness, and quietness and certainty will be the result of righteousness forever” (Isaiah 32:16-17).
Righteousnessobedience to Godaffects both us and the world around us in a beneficial way. And, in the end, that righteousness will define God's family as it transforms a chaotic, uncertain world into one filled with peace, tranquility, and assurance forever.
Will you use these four spiritual laws?
These four spiritual laws are profound and life-changing… yet you're under no obligation to believe them.
You're not even required to believe in God. Do you have any idea why? Because what you believe has no bearing on reality. No one can change the way God made the universe to function, both physically and spiritually. Not you, Bob, or anyone else.
We can choose to ignore such laws or work hard to implement them in our own lives. The laws themselves, in any case, aren't going away.
We have the option of sowing seeds of righteousness or wickedness in our lives, and we can be confident that those seeds will grow over time. Sin brings us closer to the God who loves us and wants us to be a part of His family, whereas holiness brings us closer to the God who loves us and wants us to be a part of His family.
These are the spiritual laws that will help us make the most of this lifeand the next.
What are the 12 spiritual laws?
The 12 universal rules can assist you in fine-tuning your knowledge of why things are as they are. It provides a deeper purpose to life.
The laws are a sort of liberation meditation that dates back to ancient Hawaiian culture.
The laws of vibration, attraction, divine oneness, compensation, polarity, correspondence, inspired action, cause and effect, relativity, gender, perpetual transmutation of energy, and the law of rhythm are the laws of vibration, attraction, divine oneness, compensation, polarity, correspondence, inspired action, cause and effect, relativity, gender, perpetual transmutation of energy, and the law of rhythm.
What are the seven spiritual laws of God?
Pure Potentiality, Giving, Karma, Least Effort, Intention and Desire, Detachment, and Dharma are the seven laws for parents.
What are the spiritual laws?
Too many of us were raised with the assumption that success takes unrelenting effort, tenacity, and ferocious ambition. As a result, we may have worked hard for years and even achieved some of our objectives, but we are now fatigued and our lives are out of balance.
The Seven Spiritual Laws are powerful concepts that, when followed, place you on a clear path to achieving your objectives.
The rules of success are simple to comprehend and apply. To implement The Seven Spiritual Laws into your life, follow these daily steps:
Take some time to just BE, in silence. Twice a day, meditate for 30 minutes. Observe the intellect that exists within every living thing in silence. Exercising non-judgment is a good thing to do.
Bring a gift to everyone you meet today, whether it's a compliment or a flower. Accept presents gratefully. Give and receive attention, compassion, gratitude, and love to keep money circulating.
Every action releases a force of energy that is returned to us in a similar manner. Taking actions that provide happiness and success to others ensures that happiness and success will flow back to you.
Accept people, events, and situations as they occur. Accept responsibility for your situation and all events that you perceive to be difficulties. Allow yourself to let go of the need to defend your position.
The mechanics for achieving any aim or desire are inherent in them. Make a list of what you want. When things don't seem to be going your way, trust that there is a reason.
Allow yourself and others to be who they truly are. Allow solutions to arise naturally rather than forcing them. Uncertainty is necessary for your journey to freedom.
Make an effort to connect with your higher self. Find out what makes you special. Consider how you're best qualified to help humanity. Using your special skills to help others provides you boundless joy and abundance.
Law of divine oneness
The law of divine oneness is the most important of the universal laws since it is the foundation for all the others. “According to this law, “we are all connected via creation,” argues Wilder. “Every atom in your body is linked to the rest of the universe you travel through in some way, shape, or form.”
This means that everything we do has an impact on the entire community, not just ourselves. Simply recall that your activities matter and make a difference to invoke this principle for self-improvement.
What did you learn from Seven spiritual Laws?
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams is a 1994 self-help, pocket-sized book by Deepak Chopra, originally published by New World Library, freely inspired in Hinduist and spiritualistic concepts, which preaches the idea that personal success is the result of understanding our basic nature as human beings and how to follow the laws of nature, rather than hard work, precise plans, or a driving ambition. Everything we want can be created, according to the book, if we understand and use these rules in our life, “since the same laws that nature employs to make aforest, a star, or a human body can also bring about the realization of our greatest dreams.”
What are the 7 Laws of the Universe?
Without a doubt, there are some principles that provide us with insight and direction into how everything works, including how to be better people and so achieve greater results as managers and leaders. These fundamentals are known as the Seven Natural Laws, and they regulate everyone and everything. Attraction, Polarity, Rhythm, Relativity, Cause and Effect, Gender/Gustation, and Perpetual Transmutation of Energy are the rules of attraction. The numbers have no priority, order, or correct sequencing. They appear at random, just like nature. You may have your favorites, but they are all equal.
Who wrote the Four Spiritual Laws?
William R. Bright was an American preacher who lived from October 19, 1921 until July 19, 2003. He began Campus Crusade for Christ, a university student ministry, in 1951 at the University of California, Los Angeles. He published The Four Spiritual Laws in 1952. He produced the picture Jesus in 1979.
Bill Bright received the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion in 1996, and he gave the money to promote the spiritual benefits of fasting and prayer. He stood aside as president of the organization in 2001, and Steve Douglass took over. In 2003, he passed away.