Which Name Is Better Numerology

Top baby names based on numerology: pictures

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Which numerology number is powerful?

The numbers 11, 22, and 33 have been respected as the master numbers since the beginning of numerology in ancient Greece, commanding an extra-strength presence in the cosmos. People born under these super numbers are more likely to become high-decibel movers and shakers, spiritual leaders, or community influencers.

How can I choose my lucky name?

The luckiness of a baby boy or girl born on any day, day, month, or year can be determined using numerology. If the Psychic number and Destiny (Life Path) numbers are favorable, the child will be fortunate. However, this only accounts for 40% of the total. The remaining 60% of luck is based on the baby's name being chosen correctly. If you give your child a name that is compatible with both Psychic and Destiny numbers, the remaining 60% of luck will go in their favor.

Parents frequently chose a name based on its popularity, or on the name of a Bollywood celebrity, or on other factors. According to his or her date of birth, a Bollywood celebrity's popular name can be lucky for that celebrity. It is not required, however, that it will suit your youngster. If you choose a name that is incompatible with your child's date of birth, the child may suffer for the rest of his or her life or may achieve success after much effort and hard labor. Before choosing a name for your child, there are a few Numerology characteristics to consider.

Before choosing a name for your child, there are a few Numerology characteristics to consider.

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Note: To learn how to calculate the Name number, see our blog post Choosing a Baby Name Based on Numerology.

  • The name's alphabets should be friendly to one another (try as many as can be friendly)
  • The first letter/initial of your child's name should be chosen depending on the qualities you want to instill in him or her.

What is my baby's numerology name?

You add all the numbers for the letters in a name once you get them all. If the name has a double digit, add the two digits together. So, if a name's numerals add up to 24, the name's numerological value is 6.

Which birthday date is lucky?

Year of Birth Numerology: You've probably heard that a certain date, day, or color is lucky for us. We get along well with persons born on a specific date. This is due to the effect of planets, according to numerology. Astrology mentions a total of nine planets. Every planet is also the owner of a specific number. The placement of these planets reveals information about a person's nature, life, lucky day, and date…

The Sun is the ruler of the number one. Dates 1, 2, 3 and 9 are auspicious for persons born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of the month. Yellow, golden, and orange are also lucky colors, while Sunday and Monday are auspicious days.

Which number is good for business?

In the most auspicious of numbers for business, the number 9 will be the following pair of numbers. The numbers 5 and 9 are regarded to have the most power in numerology. Because it has divine aspects in nature, the number 9 is aptly referred to as divine 9. In the 9 series, the numerals 27, 45, and 9 are the most potent. In most cases, the number 18 is considered unfortunate in relationships. As a result, it is rarely taken into account.

The numbers 27 and 45 stick out the most in the number 9 since they both reflect divinity and can be considered invincible because divinity is what keeps humans safe here. The numbers 27 and 45 are excellent for both professional and personal use. These numbers are especially beneficial to people born on the dates 5,14,23 and 9,18,27.

The number 27 is regarded to be the foundation of all occult studies because of its exceptional magical abilities. The number 45 is associated with deep wisdom and understanding. We can observe the influence of the number 9 if we look at the companies listed below with the number 9 as their name.

Which numerology is used in India?

Numerology is a mystical science of numbers that is used to decipher the significance of relationships between letters, numbers, sounds, music, events, names, birth dates, and planets, as well as to predict the future. It is crucial to note that the core meaning and interpretation of numbers stay largely the same across all of these distinct calculation approaches; what differs is the technology utilized for the computation.

While the Chaldean approach is often regarded as the mother of all numerology systems, Vedic numerology is actually the source of Chaldean numerology. Only when Alexander invaded Babylonia and the Greeks gained access to the Chaldean Numerology Scripts did the Pythagorean System emerge. Let's take a closer look at some of the key elements of Indian numerology.

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Vedic Numerology is the oldest kind of numerology, with roots in the Vedas of Ancient India, particularly the Anka Shastra. This is unsurprising given that India is the birthplace of the Zero or Shoonya notion. The Indian Rishis predicted that the numerals 1 to 9, as well as Zero – Shoonya, each had a unique feature that aids in fully understanding oneself. Furthermore, each number has a vibratory resonance linked with it. Resonance is formed when one's actions and the vibration of one's number are in sync. Finally, when resonance happens, a person's number functions well.

Everything in this tangible world is influenced by one or more of the nine planets, according to Indian Vedic numerology. It investigates how planets affect a person's life and personality. The Moon is the most essential factor in Vedic astrology for examining an individual's inner self, mind, and soul. The ascending and descending nodes of the Moon are denoted by the designations Rahu and Ketu, respectively. These nodes also illustrate the points where the Sun's and Moon's orbits cross. In Vedic numerology, Rahu and Ketu were considered planets.

Our lives are meant to be used to burn our Karmic pasts in the fire of pain. The malefic planets are Sun, Saturn, Rahu, Mars, and Ketu, whereas the benefic planets are Jupiter, Moon, Venus, and Mercury.

The Vedic numerology system is based on three major number combinations:

  • Psychic Number: This is your perspective on the world, and it is essentially how we see ourselves and the world around us. It is merely the numeric value of the month and day of our birth. Let's say you were born on the 29th of the month. 2 + 9 = 11 = 1+ 1 = 2 is the Psychic Number.
  • Destiny Number: This number indicates how the rest of the world perceives us, as well as what fate has dealt us in this incarnation as a result of our prior Karmas. It's the total of our complete birth date, as well as the month and year. Our Destiny Number is a single digit number. This is the name given to the Name Number in Western techniques.
  • Your name number is your link to the outside tangible world, and it often survives even after the individual has passed away. Except for number 9, it is the sum of the numbers for each letter in the individual's entire name (first, middle, and last), mapped to the numbers assigned to the letters in the chart below.

According to the charts below, the Devanagari script was used to map an individual's Name Number by dividing the letters into Consonants and Vowels in ancient times.

The Vedic number chart has been modified to the English alphabet and mapped as follows for convenience of use in modern times:

Let's look at Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela's name to see what his Name Number is:

Divinity World has performed a comprehensive analysis of the many number systems, which is shown below, together with the numerical values allocated inside the Latin and Hindi alphabets, providing a holistic assessment of how the Numerology systems stack up: