How To Pick A Wedding Date Using Numerology

When choosing a date, think about the type of wedding you want to have. Do you want a large family gathering or a quiet ceremony? Is this a typical or spiritual wedding? All of these things can influence the day you choose. If you're planning a destination wedding with a few close friends, your wedding day's “life path number” should add up to a 5 (celebration, travel), or a 3 (laughing, excitement), or you should include those numbers anywhere in the date. Have the date add up to a 6 or a 9 if you and your partner have children from past relationships and your marriage will establish a blended family.

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To find the number for your wedding date, add all of the dates together and divide by one. If you're getting married on July 6, 2019, for example, your wedding will have the energy of the number 7 (since 7+6+2+0+1+9=25, 2+5=7).

What is the lucky number to get married?

For example, the number “2” signifies “double,” “twice the joy,” so it is commonly seen as a lucky number, and the number “8” is the luckiest since it is pronounced similarly to the Chinese word “prosper.” The number nine is also a lucky number, especially when it comes to marriages.

Who decides the wedding date?

Because the wedding will involve both sets of relatives and friends, the bride and groom should choose the wedding date together. Respect a schedule that works for both of you. It's not about who gets the final say; before getting married, the couple must be able to make crucial decisions together.

What is the luckiest date to get married in 2021?

Now, don't get me wrong: I don't want you to feel awful if your wedding doesn't fall on one of these dates. It doesn't imply that you're doomed. You're going to have an amazing wedding and marriage, and I'm really looking forward to being your Maine wedding officiant!

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FINE PRINT: Please keep in mind that I am not a wizard, magician, fortune teller, or psychic, so treat these dates with caution. Don't worry if your wedding date isn't listed; I'm not sure how the ancient farmer's almanac determines the finest days to get married.

What month is unlucky for weddings?

While these proverbs are obviously gloomy, July isn't the worst month to get married. May is said to be the unluckiest month to get married, according to both mythology and ancient Roman practice. While July nuptials are likely to cause problems in the future, May weddings will almost certainly result in regret!

This myth may have started with the ancient Romans, who commemorated the Lemurian festival in May. Lumeria was a time for mourning and honoring the dead, therefore marrying during the time when you should be honoring the dead was probably a bad sign!

In this 1840 article about French wedding superstitions, another (more explicit) origin for this superstition may be found:

“… they openly admit that marrying during a period when the asses are amorous is not a good idea.”

What is the luckiest month to get married?

The months of May through October are the most popular for weddings. September takes the lead with 16 percent, followed by June with 15 percent, and finally October with 14 percent. This suggests that Fall/Autumn and Summer are the most common wedding seasons.

What day is it unlucky to marry?

  • The luckiest day to marry is Wednesday, while the unluckiest is Saturday. “Monday for health, Tuesday for wealth, Wednesday finest of all, Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses, Saturday for no luck at all,” says an English traditional rhyme.
  • The ring finger is the fourth finger on the left hand, and it was thought that an artery traveled from it to the heart, ensuring love. Additionally, there was a concept in pre-18th century England that the fourth finger was “the medicine finger,” leading to the assumption that wedding rings have therapeutic abilities.
  • According to English folklore, finding a spider on the wedding gown brings good luck.

According to issue 1101 of the London Journal dated 1905, wreathes, while lucky (see Italy), are “unbecoming,” and should be replaced with orange blossom, which brings good luck and prosperity due to their association with Crusaders returning from the Holy Land.

Saturday 4th September

Saturday, June 20th, was the most popular wedding date for 2020, with over 10,000 couples planning to marry on that day. (You can read our piece here, but be aware that it hasn't held up well over time.)

With couples unclear of how weddings will turn out in the first half of the year in 2021, the vast majority of couples (2,269) chose a date towards the other end of the summer.

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September has always been a popular wedding month, but it's the first time it's topped the list this year. Schools will be back in session by this time, so even if your guests manage to go away for the summer, you can bet they'll be back by this date. It also has a reputation for having less rain than July and August, which is always a plus.

Saturday 21st August

With 16,350 couples marrying this year, August is the most popular month for weddings overall.

And when will the majority of those marriages take place? August 21st, the much-anticipated third Saturday of the month. Teachers and young guests will be ready to join you over the summer vacation, and there is a good chance of sunlight!

Last year, the 25th of July was the second most popular date, indicating that couples have been hesitant to marry earlier in the summer. This means that if you don't mind some last-minute planning, late June/early July dates may still be accessible.

Saturday 7th August

Saturday is still the day that every couple desires for their wedding, as you can see from the list. Consider a weekday wedding, such as a Friday or Sunday, if you're still looking for a date in 2021. Plus, those days are frequently less expensive!

Many congratulations to the 2,054 couples who will tie the knot on August 7th.

Saturday 31st July

This weekend falls on Scotland's and the Republic of Ireland's summer bank holidays, making it ideal for extended celebrations. It's also the first weekend after state schools finish for the summer, making it an ideal date for families with children or those who work in schools.

On this day, 2,036 married couples will be taking advantage of the warm weather.

Saturday 24th July

The month of July isn't going anywhere anytime soon. With 15,959 couples registered on Hitched with a July wedding date, it's the second most popular month for marriages.

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6. Saturday, August 14th

Saturday, June 26th

8. Saturday, August 28th

9. Saturday, July 17th

10. Saturday, May 29th

What is a best age to get married?

Of course, getting married when you're too young can lead to divorce. However, waiting too long—and it's not nearly as long as you would think—could be just as harmful. Divorce trends in America are shifting, according to new study. Is your marriage, though, really in jeopardy before it really begins?

“The optimal age to get married is 28 to 32,” says Carrie Krawiec, a marriage and family therapist at Birmingham Maple Clinic in Troy, Michigan, “with the least likelihood of divorce in the first five years.” “This is known as the ‘Goldilocks theory,' which states that people at this age are neither too old nor too young.”

People should be “aged enough” to grasp the difference between actual compatibility and puppy love, but “young enough” to not be set in their ways and unwilling to change their habits and lifestyle, according to Krawiec.

“There is a point in a person's life when they reach a level of maturity when they are more likely to succeed in their marriage,” says Alicia Taverner, owner of Rancho Counseling. “I see couples on the edge of divorce in my practice…they married before they found themselves and before they experienced the experiences that come with'singledom' in your twenties.”

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According to science, the frontal lobe is the last section of the brain to mature, and it can happen as late as 25 or 30 years old. Decisions taken before the age of 25 can be troublesome since they are made before the ability to reconcile moral and ethical action has fully evolved.

To put it another way, teen and young marriages are almost always guaranteed to fail. A person who marries at the age of 25 is statistically 50% less likely to divorce than someone who marries at the age of 20.

“People's professional jobs are coming into play in their late 20s and early 30s, and economics can be worked out,” says Kemie King of the King Lindsey, P.A. law firm in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. “It's the age when ‘love' is less utopian and people's expectations are a little more realistic.”

Couples in their 30s are not just more mature, but also more educated and have a more stable financial basis. (Money problems can be a key cause of divorce.) A study for the Institute for Family Studies looked at data from the National Survey of Family Growth from 2006 to 2010 and discovered, unsurprisingly, that each year of age at marriage prior to the age of 32 reduced the odds of divorce by 11%.

However, at the age of 32 or so, the chances of divorce grow by 5% per year, contrary to prior findings. Divorce risk for those married in their 30s has leveled since around the year 2000, rather than dropping as it has in previous years. Simply put, couples who marry in their late 20s are more likely to divorce than those who marry in their early 30s.

Nicholas H. Wolfinger, a professor of family and consumer studies and an adjunct professor of sociology at the University of Utah, led the Institute for Family Studies study. Wolfinger discovered that the new trend remained even after making demographic and sociological modifications to the NSFG data. The late 20s appear to be the optimal time to marry for almost everyone, independent of sex, color, religious tradition, sexual history, or family structure.

Because Wolfinger's data only covers first marriages up to the age of 45, it's possible that the odds for individuals who marry later in life aren't as bad as they appear. In addition, as we live longer, additional opportunities (and risks) arise for marriages in general. However, a person's general disposition could also be a factor. He speculates that “the kinds of people who wait until their 30s to get married may be the kinds of people who aren't predisposed to performing well in their relationships.” “As a result, they put off marriage, often because no one is willing to marry them.”

That may appear harsh, but others have also suggested a link between genetics and divorce. “When they marry, their marriages are automatically at a high risk of divorce,” Wolfinger explains.

More broadly, he observes the Darwinian factor at work, as people who married later have a smaller pool of potential spouses to choose from, as “the folks most predisposed to succeed at matrimony have been winnowed down to exclude the ones most predisposed to succeed at matrimony.”

“If someone has not married before their late 30s or early 40s, they are less likely to be prepared to offer the relationship the flexibility it may need to develop,” says Dallas family law attorney Jeff Anderson.

Of all, all the facts and doomsayers in the world could be incorrect, and love is love regardless of age—or youth. “No two people are alike,” Anderson adds, “and I wouldn't want a couple to lose each other because they don't think they're the correct age.”

Mary Fetzer is a writer and editor who works as a freelancer. She has ten years of experience writing articles, blog posts, and press releases for online outlets, and her topics have ranged from personal finance to international trade to pregnancy and elder living. Mary also contributes to the Avvo Stories blog, where she discusses legal concerns that arise in ordinary life. Follow Avvo on Twitter and Facebook for free answers from lawyers, client evaluations, and full profiles for 97 percent of all attorneys in the United States.

Avvo makes finding the proper lawyer easier by providing free responses from lawyers, client evaluations, and complete profiles for 97 percent of all licensed attorneys in the United States. On the Avvo Stories blog, Avvo Advocates discuss legal challenges that arise in everyday life.

What colors are bad luck for a wedding?

Uh-oh! It's Friday the 13th, one of the most terrifying days of the year. The majority of people are unaware of that date on the calendar and continue to enjoy their nice Friday. However, some individuals, particularly the superstitious, believe that today is unfortunate! Because “Friday the 13th” is such an uncommon occurrence, it got us wondering about the various “bad omens” associated with weddings and marriage. So, if you're superstitious like us, you might be interested in learning about some of these less-common beliefs about what to do and what to avoid in order to keep your love luck.

1) According to legend, getting married on Saturday is the most inauspicious day in England.

2) Some people believe that pearl engagement rings are bad luck because of the tear shape of the stone.

3) Veils were thought to shield the bride from evil spirits on her wedding day by the ancient Romans and Greeks. Choose a traditional item to encircle yourself with good fortune!

4) Having a piece of the bride's ensemble was considered lucky in medieval times, which is why wedding guests would chase the bride after the ceremony. (This practice has been replaced by catching the bouquet.)

5) Some say that if the younger sisters marry before the eldest, she must attend their weddings barefoot or risk never finding a spouse.

6) Avoid having the identical first letters in your first and last names. Proverbial saying: “Changing the name but not the letter/Is a change for the worse, not for the better.”

7) In certain countries, it was customary for the bride and groom to cross-dress in order to confound evil spirits who might be lurking on their wedding day!

8) Knives are thought to represent a broken relationship in some cultures, making them a poor choice for a wedding gift.

9) It was once thought that saving the top tier of your wedding cake was a significant element of the planning process “christening” the new marriage and securing a happy marriage (A newer practice is to eat it on your first anniversary!)

10) It is thought that the color of your wedding gown determines the quality of your marriage. Colors such as yellow, grey, green, pink, red, and black are thought to be unfortunate.

11) In the past, a groom would send his best friend to meet his prospective bride first, but if he saw a blind man or a pregnant lady on the way, it was a terrible omen.

12) Allow him to guide you towards the future! Some people think that after the wedding, the husband brings his bride into their room to protect her from evil spirits.

13) You're in luck if you spot a spider on the day of your wedding! Having a spider in your bridal gown was thought to be a good omen in old England.