How Karma Works?

In our lives, we are given the opportunity to gather our harvest when karma is present. Good harvests and terrible harvests do not exist. It's just what we've grown. Rather than repeating the mistakes that led to the accumulation of karmic debts, we have the opportunity to choose a different path. Karmic repercussions and opportunities for healing and balancing can be found in both the past as well as the present. It is a balancing act that provides us with opportunities to learn vital spiritual truths in the context of our daily lives. After the karma-balancing and learning has taken place, I've found that I've gained an insight of how the karma has manifested in my life. As a result of studying these lessons, we become more aware of the presence of Spirit in our lives and are better able to discern it.

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The great law

A lot of people think of karma in terms of the law of cause and effect, which is known as karma. It asserts that whatever ideas or energy we expend, good or evil, are returned to us in equal measure. “According to trained professional life coach Jennifer Gray, “it's like planting and harvesting. “You will get what you sow if you cultivate a spirit of generosity and compassion.”

The law of creation

You guessed it: creating is central to the law of creation. Rather than waiting for good things to happen to you, you must take action to make them happen. People like Oprah and Beyoncé are good role models for this karmic law, according to Gray. “As she says, “They have used their gifts and talents to bless the world.” “They're always coming up with something new, and it's not just for their own advantage. As a result, you have the ability to build the life of your dreams.

How does karma work in life?

Karma is action. When anything is done, there must be an equal and opposite reaction, according to physical law. If you think of the word “karma” as a type of energy that is either good or evil, you're wrong. Returning the energy that was used to perform an action: “As yea plant, so shall you reap.” There is no way around it.

As a result of taking an action, you build a memory that fuels a desire to take another action. For example, if you enjoyed your first yoga class, you decide to go back the next week (want), and that following week you show up with your mat in tow to practice (action). Karma develops memories and wants, which in turn influence your actions and decisions in life. The Karmic software that runs your existence is comprised of your actions, memories, and desires.

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Your activities create a subtle energy that is stored in your memories and desires and awakened at a later time, sometimes instantaneously. Let's say you took a yoga lesson and promptly forgot about it, only to come upon a yoga studio a few months later while strolling through town. Remembering your previous experience prompts you to want to pursue a new course.

What causes bad karma?

Karma is a spiritual law that cannot be broken. All of one's past behaviors, even if one doesn't recall them, are reflected in one's current state of mind. The choices you have made in the past have led to your current situation, and the choices you make now will lead to your future. Good karma will bring you happiness, while poor karma will bring you pain. You can choose between the two. A few of the various ways in which you can end up with bad karma:

When you don't take care of your health, you're self-inflicting harm. Negative thoughts and acts, on the other hand, wreak havoc on your soul.

Harming someone else, either physically or emotionally, is considered harming someone else. In the same way that physical pain is painful, so is emotional agony.

As an example, avoiding your responsibilities to your parents, children, loved ones, and so on.

Your karma is built this way because it is your responsibility to teach your offspring. Parents, on the other hand, should be open to their children's ideas, but they should also be wary of their children using them for their own ends.

As a result of your suicide, you will accrue a large amount of negative karma, and you will fall far lower in the spiritual realms than you otherwise would have. In the end, you ended the life and circumstances that you had chosen for yourself. When it comes to your due dates, they are predetermined by the divine will. In the end, it is God who has given you life, not you.

How does karma affect a person?

According to early Buddhist teachings (such as SN 36.21; see the accompanying links for an annotated translation), not everything we experience is the result of our past actions; it could instead be the outcome of random natural happenings. Early Buddhist teachings appear to diverge from later Tibetan teachings in this regard, which hold that all of our good and negative experiences are the result of our past actions.

There is no doubt that the Buddhist teachings of mindfulness and action based on good motives may help us to overcome any kind of adversity that we may be experiencing in the here and now.

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Beyond this life

The concept of karma has far-reaching consequences for Buddhists, who believe it extends beyond the mortal realm. Poor deeds committed in a former life can have repercussions in this one, which Westerners are more prone to understand as ‘bad luck'.

Past karma affects everyone, not just the Enlightened.

By dropping a boulder on him, the Buddha's cousin attempted to kill him, according to one legend.

The Buddha's foot was damaged, even though the attempt was unsuccessful.

His step-brother had tried to kill him in an earlier existence, and now he's being punished for it.

Karma, on a grander scale, affects where and how a person will be reborn in the next world.

If you have good karma, you may be reincarnated in one of the celestial realms.

It is possible to reincarnate as an animal or spend eternity in hell because of bad karma.

Good karma and poor karma are the goals of Buddhist practice.

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Buddhism, on the other hand, aims to end the cycle of rebirth, not just gain good karma and so attain a more pleasant state of existence.

Even though these states are better than human life, they are not permanent.


Our own activities, and especially our motivations behind them, are what determines our karma, which is defined as “activity” in the Sanskrit language.

Good karmic results may only be achieved via acts of generosity, compassion, kindness, and sympathy, as well as a clear awareness of one's surroundings. A person who acts on the contrary reasons of greed, aversion (hate), and illusion results in severe karmic consequences.

Not a deity's system of punishment or reward, karma is an internal force.

A natural rule, like gravity, is a better analogy for the concept.

According to Buddhist doctrine, we have ultimate control over our own destinies.

Because most of us don't know this, it causes us to be in pain.

The goal of Buddhist practice is to develop self-awareness and self-responsibility.

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What are the 3 types of karma?

Prarabdha, sanchita, and kriyamana or agami are the three types of karma. Prarabdha karma is only a portion of sanchita karma, which is the sum of one's past karmas, while agami karma is the result of one's current decisions and behaviors.

Can karma be passed on?

We make agreements with the people who will become our family and friends. Karma can be worked through with our families and relationships, but I'm not sure if those are inherently “karmic” bonds.

There is no guarantee that you will inherit someone else's karma, but you may pick the family you are born into. You can help your family, your ancestors, and your lineage work through their karma. Bloodlines are usually passed down from generation to generation. The karma may have been caused by them in the first place, and now they're coming through to help the family re-balance the karma for the family.

Can you change your karma?

Your karma, to put it plainly, is what determines the course of your life. Changing one's karma has the capacity to alter one's future. One has no control over one's karma, but all the power to change one's karma is available to one.

How long does karma take to come around?

*Current karma (CK): This is what most people think of when they think about karma. Karma is created every time you do action with the intention of achieving a goal. As every action has a corresponding response, it everything comes full circle. With CK, you have a few options to choose from; you're in charge here. To put it another way, you can sow the seeds of whatever you want to grow in CK, your karma's farm. It's up to you whether you plant good or negative seeds on the farm, which is neutral and will nourish whatever you sow.

Karma that has already been planted but hasn't yet sprouted is known as accumulated karma (AK). AK will not be realized in a single lifetime. Consider it like this: For example, some seeds can be harvested after 10 years, while others can be harvested after 500 years. We can't stop the seeds from sprouting and manifesting in their own time, good or ill.

When AK comes to fruition, it will become your destiny. What happens next is up to you.

Your personality, nature, and total being are formed by the combination of these three categories. Your ideas, feelings, experiences, and heart intelligence all contribute to your karma.

How can I identify my karma?

However, there is a more fundamental method for learning about your karma and previous lives. Knowing your “rising sign,” or “ascendant,” is the key. Houses are the 12 sections of your horoscope, which are numbered from 1 to 12. Each zodiac sign governs a specific house. Aside from that, each house represents a different area of life—such as your personal qualities; finances; communications; home; family; children; work; partners; secrets; education; travel; spirituality; friends; ambitions; buried secrets; karma; etc.