How To Overcome Spiritual Lethargy

After pressing the Ephesian church to remember their former state, Jesus told them to “repent” of their current state (Rev. 2:5b). The pastor, speaking the truth in love, can challenge the slacker as follows: Make a decision to repent of your wicked apathy toward Christ! Make the decision right now to break free from your lifeless religiosity! Take actions to revive your love for Christ to reverse the cooling trend!

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How do you fight spiritual fatigue?

To learn how to overcome spiritual weariness, we must first acknowledge that we are struggling and that spiritual fatigue is a real issue that will not go away on its own.


Is your prayer life in need of some polishing? Do you find it difficult to converse with God? Are you explicitly praying for the issue that is bothering you? Prayer is nothing more than communicating to God and cultivating a growing connection with Him. We might pray to Him and tell Him that we are spiritually exhausted. We can seek His counsel as well as the comfort of His love and serenity.

Read the Bible and Other Christian Inspiration

There are numerous methods and strategies for reading the Bible. There are no wrong methods to open God's word and listen to what He has to say. When we're working to overcome spiritual exhaustion, however, it's helpful to be extremely deliberate in seeking out text that speaks to us right where we are.

Talk to a Spiritual Mentor or Trusted Friends

It's all too simple to talk about our feelings to anyone who will listen. It feels great to get stuff off my chest! However, if we are experiencing spiritual exhaustion, we should discuss our sentiments with someone we can trust who can mentor us and guide us back to Jesus. I have a friend who is unaware of how much she has influenced me. I've phoned her when I'm stuck because she's been there before me in many circumstances. When we share with trusted friends, we are encouraged by hearing how God provided for them when they were spiritually exhausted.

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Attend a Retreat

I went on an eight-hour silent retreat many years ago. I was hesitant because it had been such a long time since I had been unable to talk! I signed up because I was starting to feel a sense of spiritual fatigue in my spirit. That one-day retreat was a lifesaver, allowing me to reconnect with God and rediscover my purpose.

Celebrate Small Victories

We may need to adopt new patterns and activities when we are spiritually depleted. We may feel relieved for a time or a day, but when our fatigue returns, we become discouraged. We might learn to worship God in the present moment and restart each day until we achieve spiritual victory. When we celebrate God's kindness and mercy one step at a time, spiritual healing occurs.

“The highest level of worship is praising God in the midst of suffering, thanking Him during a trial, believing Him while tempted, yielding while suffering, and loving Him when He appears distant.”

How do you overcome the weariness in the Bible?

With the help of his lessons and examples, God's word teaches you how to overcome weary. God, who humbly placed himself on this earth and on the cross for the sake of humanity, understands fatigue better than anyone else. You can overcome fatigue by getting consolation from inspirational Bible verses, since Jesus taught that humility and unconditional love can overcome all things.

“All you who are tired and burdened, come to me, and I will give you rest. Take up my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble at heart, and your souls will find rest. Because my yoke is light and my burden is easy.” 28-30 Matthew 11:28-30

Don't get caught up in how weary you are. Instead, focus on how you may continue to love and serve God and others. Perhaps it is time to begin a Bible study. You can invite guest speakers from local churches to Collinwood to motivate and inspire your friends and neighbors.

When Jesus invited his followers to pick up the cross for themselves and others, he gave you a mission. When your energy is low, meditating on this calling brings tranquility and clarity. When you feel overwhelmed by daily challenges, open your heart to accept the great joy that washes away your fatigue.

You are not alone, according to the book of Matthew, therefore confess your exhaustion to the Lord, and He will send you comfort. That consolation may not necessarily manifest itself in the shape of a change in your circumstances, but it could simply be a divine serenity that encourages you to persevere in the face of exhaustion.

“The Lord restores my soul,” says the shepherd. God promises to restore your soul in Psalms 23, for example. This is a reminder that Jesus is with you in all of your endeavors, whether it's healing from an illness, doing good actions, or experiencing the peace that passes all understanding.

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Stay still in a quiet corner of your apartment and let God's grace to relieve your fatigue and restore life and vitality to your body. Rather than abandoning you, the Lord patiently awaits your readiness to experience his mercy and delight.

“You haven't asked anything in my name till now. If you ask, you will receive, and your delight will be complete.” – Matthew 16.24

Don't forget to include yourself in your prayers for your family, church, and neighbors at Collinwood. God desires to take away your burdens and provide you joy. Never question His ability to provide for all those who love Him and long for His presence in their lives.

“The Lord is the eternal God, the Creator of all the world's ends. He does not faint or grow tired… he gives strength to those who have none.” – Isaiah 40:28-30 Isaiah 40:28-30 Isaiah 40:28-30 Isaiah 40

God informs you in 1 Corinthians 15:28 that you are beloved and that your faith and work in His name will be rewarded. This is one of the reasons why people of faith may put their bad days behind them and look forward to a brighter future. Allow the contagious optimism of other Christians to wash your fatigue away.

“âWell done, excellent and faithful servant,â his master said. You've been dependable… I'm going to give you a lot of trouble. â â â â â â â â â â â â â” 25:23 (Matthew)

What causes spiritual dehydration?

Jesus mentions our spirits in the Bible several times, emphasizing the significance of giving them “living water” and “food of life.” This can be a little perplexing or strange at times! How is it possible for water to be alive? Is it possible for bread to be alive? And how do we ‘fuel' our spirits in the first place?

‘Jesus replied to her, “If you had known God's gift and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him for live water and he would have given it to you…

Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again, but everyone who drinks the water I give them will never be thirsty again “‘John 4:10-14' –

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As Christians, we believe that everyone of us is endowed with a spirit that defines who we are. Our thinking, loving, doing, and being are all influenced by this spirit. We think that our spirits, like our physical bodies, require nourishment. When someone talks about being spiritually ‘fed,' ‘watered,' ‘hungry,' or ‘thirsty,' they are talking to the feeding of their spirits.

What is spiritual water?

‘Whoever believes in me, rivers of life water will flow from within them,' Scripture says. He was referring to the Spirit, which those who believed in him would receive later. Because Jesus had not yet been glorified, the Spirit had not yet been delivered.' 7:38-39 – John 7:38-39

To understand what'spiritual hunger' entails, we must first comprehend what'spiritual water' entails.

‘Living water,' as described in the Book of John, is a metaphor for the Holy Spirit, a member of the Christian triune God. We receive the Holy Spirit when we put our faith in Jesus. This indicates the formation of a new relationship. The Holy Spirit honors the bond we make with Christ by abiding in our spirits and bringing fresh life to us.

‘As a result of God's mercy, I implore you, brothers, to give your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is your spiritual worship service.' Don't be conformed to this world, but be renewed in your mind. Then you'll be able to determine what God's will is good, acceptable, and perfect.' – 1 Corinthians 12:1-2

The Holy Spirit contrasts and supersedes our own spirit, which informs our thinking, loving, doing, and being – imperfectly and sinfully – by giving perfection to our thinking, loving, doing, and being. This is what it's like to be like Jesus.

‘A mentality ruled by the flesh is death; a mind ruled by the Spirit is life and peace.' 8:6 – Romans

What is spiritual thirst?

‘Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied,' says the Bible. 5:6 (Matthew)

Spiritual Thirst: In our innermost essence, the Bible compares us to a well. Wells fill up and flow upward and outward from the source. Wells are overflowing. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, life comes out of us in the same way. The more we want to be filled by the Holy Spirit in our daily lives, the more we will yearn for God and more revelation of God's character. This is referred to as a ‘thirst.'

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We shall be more motivated in love toward God and others as we continue to be transformed by the Holy Spirit's renewing of our minds and behaviors.

When we become'spiritually thirsty,' we want for the Holy Spirit to act in our souls, our hearts yearn for communication with God, and our conscience tells us we must seek God's will.

While being ‘thirsty' in this sense is a good thing, being thirsty and not being able to quench it is not. It quickly devolves into deprivation, which then leads to dehydration. When our physical bodies do not obtain enough water, we experience undesirable symptoms such as a dry mouth, thick tongue, achy head, and weak muscles.

Spiritually, we will experience spiritual symptoms of deprivation if we do not receive the amount of ‘life water' that our spirits require. You'll notice yourself losing your temper, feeling waves of concern, and a buildup of guilt, selfishness, and fear if you don't spend time being filled and transformed by the Holy Spirit.

What is spiritual bread?

“I tell you the truth, Moses did not give you bread from heaven,” Jesus said. It was my Father who accomplished it. Now he presents you with the genuine bread of paradise. God's actual bread is the one who descends from heaven and breathes life into the world.” “Sir, give us the bread every day,” they said. “I am the bread of life,” Jesus replied. – John 6:32-35

‘I am the living bread who descended from heaven.' Anyone who eats this bread will live indefinitely. This is my flesh, which I shall give for the sake of the world's survival.' 6:51 – John

Jesus is referred to in the Bible as both the “Word of God” and the “Bread of Life,” reflecting some of the mystery and beauty in God's unity. The word “bread” in the Bible refers to “that which is absorbed into the body and provides nutrition.”

Spiritual bread is the sustenance that enters into our eyes and ears. The Bible mentions two types of bread: leavened and unleavened.

‘Get rid of the old yeast so you can pretend to be a new unleavened batch.' Our Passover lamb, Christ, has been sacrificed. As a result, let us celebrate the Festival with unleavened bread of sincerity and truth, rather than the old bread leavened with malice and wickedness.' 5:6-8 – 1 Corinthians

Bread Leavened with Malice and Wickedness: ‘Therefore, let us keep the Festival, not with old bread leavened with malice and wickedness…'

In the Bible, leaven (a yeast that causes things to rise) is frequently used to represent the corruption of sin. Sin, like yeast in a dough batter, spreads throughout the body, causing the entire batch to alter and distort. If we are to nurture our souls with ‘leavened bread,' this may mean consuming violent, sexual, or unedifying literature, movies, thoughts, or speech with our eyes and ears.

This type of bread comes in a variety of flavors, ranging from sinful and unhealthy to evil and toxic.

This is the kind of spiritual bread we're supposed to eat and be like as Christians. When we seek authenticity and truth in the things we read, watch, and think about, we are choosing the nutritious Bread of Life. Reading the Bible (the Bread of Life for the Spirit), listening to Christian music, watching wholesome movies, and choosing to talk in a way that honors rather than degrades people are all examples of this.

We know we can trust the Bible to be a storehouse of God's spiritual sustenance and nourishment as Matthew 4:4 says that we should live not by bread alone, but by every word that comes from God's mouth. It is a trustworthy witness to God's teachings, and the Holy Spirit will teach us how to read and digest it so that we can be changed for the better.

A Christian has the option of choosing which spiritual nourishment to consume and which bread to be. Which one do you prefer?

What is spiritual hunger?

You might be wondering what the difference is between spiritual hunger and spiritual thirst. I like to think of it this way: you want water when you're thirsty, but you need food when you're hungry.

Spiritual hunger:The Bible refers to the Word of God as the bread of life, as we explored. When we are spiritually hungry, we yearn for more of God's Word.

I accepted Christianity without hesitation when I became a new Christian around 33 years ago since it was the way I was raised. When I approached 40, I began to consider what the Bible says and how orthodox Christianity is practiced. I wanted to know what God wanted me to do for salvation and to grow in Christlikeness because I desire to follow God to the best of my ability. I don't mind going against the grain if it means I'll be able to stand before God at the end of my life and hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

I had a lot of questions, and I needed to find answers in God's Word. This heightened my spiritual thirst for God's Word to the point where I consumed the Bible in order to gain a better understanding of all the areas in which I had doubts. It was the source of my newfound spiritual zeal for God's Word. I pray I never lose my desire to read God's Word, and that I never stop learning about His ways and what He expects of me.

Spiritual starvation is similar to physical hunger in that the longer you go without food, the less hungry you become. You then go into famine mode without noticing it. Spiritual malnutrition manifests itself as a lack of desire for God's Word. Perhaps you are spiritually starving if you have no hunger for God's word or no interest in reading the Bible. Come to Jesus and beg God to restore your spiritual hunger so that you might once again consume spiritual bread.

Hungering and Thirsting after Righteousness

Have you ever felt like you know everything there is to know about God? Have you ever felt as if you'd had enough of his presence? Have you ever doubted his authority?

That's when you'll know you've lost your spiritual hunger and thirst. That's not going to happen! Only those who have the spiritual appetite to hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied, according to Jesus. The Holy Spirit's infilling and the growth of spiritual gifts and fruit provide such satisfaction (1 Corinthians 12, Galatians 5:23-23).

Our yearning for righteousness grows as we hear God's word spoken. Hearing is how Christ applies his word to hungry and thirsty souls with strength; if we are serious about holiness, we should desire to be convicted by God's preached word.

‘Because God's word is alive and active. It divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart, sharper than any double-edged blade.' 4:12 (Hebrews)

We should desire to be “wounded” by the Spirit's sword, allowing the Holy Spirit to penetrate and identify and deal with our sins. We should pay great attention to God's voice and pray for it to pierce our hearts so that we can be conformed to our Savior's likeness. As we read the Bible, we should pray that the Holy Spirit will use it to regenerate our thoughts.

‘A young student approached his Rabbi and inquired, ‘Master, how may I truly find God?' The Rabbi encouraged the student to follow him to the village's river, where he may jump into the water.

‘Please immerse yourself in the water,' the Rabbi remarked when they reached the middle of the stream. When the student obeyed, the Rabbi placed his hands on the young man's head and dragged him under the water! The student began to struggle at this point. The Rabbi suffocated him for a while longer. After a little period, the pupil was thrashing and pounding the water out of the air with his arms!

Despite this, the Rabbi kept him submerged. Finally, the student was freed from the water and sprung to his feet, his lungs throbbing and screaming for oxygen. ‘When you seek God as much as you desire to breathe the air you just breathed – then you shall find God,' the Rabbi replied after a few moments of silence.

Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty – John 6:35

To hunger and thirst for righteousness means that our innermost desire is to be like Jesus Christ in every way. We shall be walking in the power of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. We shall see things with new eyes and make decisions based on faith rather than sight.

Prayer and study of God's Word, the Bread of Life, will keep the lines of contact with God open. We shall be refilled with the Holy Spirit's live water, revealing God's new life in us and allowing us to operate in a new way. We will be literally resurrected, like someone who has been stuck in the desert for days and eventually receives food and water. It may take some time to acclimate, but they gradually develop a new persona!

Instead of displaying our own character, we are now displaying Christ to the world. We will have our prayers heard by God, and we will walk in trust with bravery, and we will be able to witness everything that God has done. We are now nourished on a daily basis with the eternal bread and water.

Nothing will have a greater impact on your life than a burning desire to be holy like Jesus Christ. Let us all hunger and thirst for righteousness, and rejoice in the promise that God will satisfy our hunger and need and that we shall never be hungry or thirsty again.

What is spiritual lethargy?

Spiritual lethargy can be defined as apathy and/or inaction toward one's own spiritual development and vitality. “There is little fellowship and little joy in the Lord,” writes A. W. Tozer, eloquently.

What causes spiritual tiredness?

Improper labor is frequently the source of long-term spiritual tiredness. (Examples can be found above) Spiritual laziness isn't the answer to our exhaustion; in fact, it's a problem in and of itself. The solution lies in a different form of labor. It's like knowing something.

We become spiritually exhausted as a result of our failure to spend time with, honor, and properly worship God. Doesn't it seem counter-intuitive? “I'm so exhausted, isn't going to God simply one more thing to do?” the temptation is to think. Yes, but don't children yearn to snuggle into their father's arms and fall asleep after a long day? Isn't that a sign of respect? Do we not yearn to spend time with our friends and family when we are tired from a long week of work? It's the same with Jesus.

Are there any nicer words from your Jesus this morning, weary saint, than Matthew 11:28-30:

All who toil and are burdened, come to me, and I will give you rest. Take up my yoke and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and your souls will find rest. My yoke is light, and my burden is easy.”

We may see the reversal of every problem stated above in Jesus' words. In the Kingdom of God, there is one form of work that leads to rest. Knowing and following Jesus are two different things. And it was the labor done on the cross that bought that promise.

What does the Bible say about a tired soul?

To help you feel less guilty, consider this: we get to rest IN HIM! He will bear our loads and provide us with a rest that we will not find anywhere else – a rest that includes rest for our body, mind, and spirit. So study these 8 Bible verses below the next time you disregard your inner peace and think you can get by another day without resting.

Matthew 11:28-30

“All you who are tired and burdened, come to me, and I will give you rest.” Take up my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble at heart, and your souls will find rest. Because my yoke is light and my burden is light,” he says.

Philippians 4:6-7

“Do not be concerned about anything; instead, offer your requests to God in every situation via prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving.” In Christ Jesus, the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds.”

Isaiah 40:31

“However, those who put their trust in the LORD will be strengthened.” They will soar like eagles; they will gallop and not tire, and they will walk without fainting.”

This infographic was made for simple reference. Also, don't forget to pass along this biblical encouragement to another tired mama!

Who got tired in the Bible?

In the Old Testament book of 1 Kings, Chapter 19, you can read about a fatigued prophet. Elijah is his name, and he's the center of attention at his own pity party. He's also worn out. “I have had enough, Lord,” he says God.

What is spiritual thirsty?

Our spiritual thirst could be a response to personal concerns or to locations throughout the world where people are in desperate need of rejuvenation, hope, and relief from suffering. Connecting the earth's waterways to the waters of our souls is a simple step that can help to transform the world.