Visual stimulus has a tremendous impact on our minds. Using photographs, images, and affirmations as a concrete representation of your hopes, objectives, and perfect life is a powerful approach to bring your goals to existence. Making a Spiritual Vision Board as opposed to a standard Vision Board is perhaps one of the most useful visualizing tools you can use.
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So, what makes a Spiritual Vision Board different from a standard Vision Board?
Although both types of boards work on the idea of Ask, Believe, and Receive (Matthew 21:22), only the Spiritual Vision Board recognizes this as a scriptural principle. Other scriptural ideas, such as Habakkuk 2:2 and Proverbs 3:6, are also incorporated into Spiritual Vision Boards.
“Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he who readeth it may run,” says Habakkuk 2:2. While Proverbs 3:6 emphasizes the necessity of prioritizing God in whatever we do.
In my new book, Visual Prayer: How to Create a Spiritual Vision Board, readers will learn how to combine these and other biblical ideas into the creation of their spiritual vision boards.
Visual Prayer explains how to make your own spiritual vision board in four simple steps. These steps are as follows:
- ASK: Create a spiritual vision board with purpose. Select clear and plain photographs from various publications to receive your heart's desires, and create affirmations and mantras that mirror your vision and positively motivate and empower you.
- BELIEVE: To activate your Spiritual Vision Board, use Inspired Thought (Spiritual Enlightenment), Visualization, Mindfulness, and Gratitude.
- REVISE: As you obtain your heart's wishes, revise your pictures, affirmations, and mantras.
Do you want to understand more about this four-step procedure? Part 2 of “How does a Spiritual Vision Board vary from a conventional Vision Board?” is on its way. You can also look forward to the December 2015 release of my book Visual Prayer: How to Create a Spiritual Vision Board.
What do you put in a spiritual vision board?
I frequently utilize vision boards to attract things into my life. When my husband and I got engaged, for example, we made a large vision board of our future lives together. Every time we moved, we hung it in our bedroom. Since then, I've created a vision board at least once a year. I normally do one in the New Year with a specific goal in mind. I also make a new vision board every time I publish a new bookand I've published 26 so far. When I work with daters, I often have them create a vision board of the match they want to attract, and couples create a vision board for the next three years together. This catalyzes your unconscious to start manifesting those things by setting the energy invitation and intention.
I like to cut out images and print out personal photos to incorporate on my vision boards. To make it look like one larger image, I also type down words, paste in quotes or phrases in marker, and occasionally use paint colors in between the photographs. Affirmations are also written by some persons.
Marriage coach and author of Marriage and the Law of Attraction: The Secret to Creating Your Perfect Relationship, Paulette Sherman, M.A., PsyD
How do I make my own vision board?
Note: This is the general method I employ. Take what you want from these guidelines and make up the rest yourself. Create your own procedure! At the end, I'll give you some suggestions for other formats and procedures, as well as some resources and books that you might find useful if you want to learn more.
This is my first opportunity to reflect on where I am now, what is working in my life, and what isn't. I like to reflect on the events of the previous year, what I've accomplished, what lessons I've learned, and what I'm grateful for. This phase really sets the tone for the rest of the process.
Then I sit down with a piece of paper and a pen to consider my goals for the following year.
This is my big brain dump, including everything from large goals and desires (publish a book, learn to meditate, take the family on vacation) to small wish lists (buy a new vacuum cleaner), intentions (be more attentive, connect with my family better), and words for the year (clarity, joy, peace).
After I finish the first brain dump, I go over my notes and thoughts to determine my priorities and either circle them or make a new list.
What are the things that I want to happen more than anything else? Those will undoubtedly be added to my vision board. I'll put a lot of other items on my board as well, but I want to make sure the biggies receive their due.
It's now time to look for and cut out images and statements that represent your aspirations or simply speak to you.
I leaf through a stack of publications (generally from the free stack at the public library or bought for a quarter each from Goodwill). Then I cut out everything that appeals to mecolors, words, and interesting images. But I'm also on the lookout for images and words that are relevant to my objectives.
Also, if I can't locate a decent image for a purpose or objective, I go to the web and do an image search. In reality, I'm increasingly turning to the internet to obtain the ideal photographs to express my objectives. There's so much to choose from, and it's so simple to conduct an image search to locate anything specific.
My goal boards are made up of a mix of magazine photos, pictures printed off the internet, and words.
Because I frequently come across a large number of photographs, I set aside some time to sort through and prune my collection. I'm seeking for one or more photographs that convey the essence and mood of each aim in the end.
Sometimes I draw radiating lines from a central point and use the different triangular forms as life area parts, and other times I split the poster board into a nine-section bagua (Feng Shui map of living regions).
It's completely optional, but it can provide a great structure as well as some general life categories to keep your objectives and vision board well-rounded.
I typically write my objectives and intentions for each area right on the poster board after separating the poster board into life sections. It'll be covered with collage images afterwards, so I don't have to worry about how it looks or if I'm just thinking on paper and change my mind about some of my priorities or whatever.
This section aids in the completion of my objectives. If my first brain dump was centered on income and health, I am now reminded to think about relationships, talents, and other factors. This section also helps me concentrate when I'm putting together my vision board.
And I appreciate how the layer of intention and goals is integrated into the final vision board, even if you can't see it. It gives me the impression that it's adding another layer of intention to the vision board's enchantment!
So, with your poster board in hand and your stack of photographs in hand, sift through the images and pick what belongs on the poster board, then position it roughly in the section where it will go. If you choose, you can remove backgrounds or trim photographs as you go. Then go through the rest of the clippings.
Some photos will be used on the poster board, while others will be recycled and placed in a “later” pile to be used in a future collage.
Stand back and take a look at the board once you've depicted all of your objectives and dreams on it. How does it appear?
Proceed to the following step if you're satisfied with the board. Otherwise, keep rearranging, adding images or words, and trimming around others until you're happy.
Begin gluing everything down after you're happy with the layout. Turn each image or word over, apply a layer of glue with a glue stick, and stick it to the poster board one at a time. To smooth it out as much as possible, rub it with your hands.
This is an optional step, but it's a fun way to bring your vision board to a close. Use Sharpie markers to add your own text, doodles, or sketches over and around the collaged photos, or glue on fun collage elements like sequins, glitter, lace, ribbon, or whatever else you choose.
Hang your vision board on the wall where you'll see it frequently once it's finished. Consider your office, your bedroom, or your living room. It's crucial to make a vision board, but it's even more important to look at it on a frequent basis.
Take a photo of the vision board as well. This digital version can be used as a computer or phone wallpaper.
Making a vision board is only the start! It's now time to put it to work as a guide and road map for your new life.
Review your board as you make it, whether it's a daily or weekly to-do list.
– Take part in visioning exercises (closing your eyes and imagining the achievement of your goal)
Can I do my own vision board?
Larry suggests that you take a time to focus on what is most important to you. Consider one or two areas of your life that you'd like to improve, and concentrate on the words that come to mind when you think of them. Decide whether your vision board should represent short-term or long-term transformation after that. Larry believes that utilizing yearly benchmarks is the most digestible and straightforward way to track progress.
What do you mean by spirituality?
Spirituality is defined as the awareness of a feeling, sense, or belief that there is something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater total of which we are a part is cosmic or divine in nature.
Can you do a vision board online?
Creating a vision board on the internet is not difficult at all. It can be completed in a matter of minutes with the help of free web tools or other online programs. All you need is an internet-connected computer or mobile device to get started.
How do you make a vision board in 5 easy steps?
I recently learned that Ellen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey have been using vision boards for years and have had amazing success with them. A vision board assists you in achieving your objectives by picturing them, putting them on paper (so to speak), and then following through on them.
So you'd think I'd make a vision board the first time I heard about it last year, right?! However, this is not the case. It took me a year to finally decide to construct one for myself! And I have my mother to thank for it. She gave me the idea to build one this year. I had the concept in the back of my head until last week, when I was on the phone with her and she said, “Today I'm going to my yoga class, where we'll be creating vision boards.” This is such a great concept, I thought right away. I've been meaning to do one for a while now.
So I arranged a date and invited several of my friends over to help me make a vision board. At the dollar store, I got approximately a dozen boards, as well as a bunch of glue sticks and scissors. I provided the coffee and pastries, and all I asked was that everyone bring some old magazines to share. Granted, I only arranged this about a day ahead of time, so there weren't a lot of people that could attend, but it was still a lot of fun! Amy and Gretchen, two of my friends, joined me for a productive morning of vision board creation (pictured above, from left: me, Amy, Gretchen).
It was hilarious! Of course, we spoke a lot, which slowed things down a little, but getting together with friends is always a nice thing, and it helped us get started on the project. Sometimes all you need is someone to help you get started, and then you're off and running. We worked on it for a couple of hours before calling it a day. Gretchen had an appointment, but she finished hers later that day at home (amazing)! I, on the other hand, took a little longer. I spent the following three days working on it nonstop. I've said before that I'm a graphic designer, so I had a lot of fun sifting through magazines for days, looking for the right words and images to convey my objectives. I'm a perfectionist as well, but I'm working on it. Amy returned and finished hers in a matter of hours!
Do you want to create a vision board? It's quite simple, and I strongly advise you to try it! It's a fantastic method to put your goals down on paper! Although the start of the new year is an ideal time to do it, I don't believe you have to do it only in January. You could make one at any time of year, I believe! Any day is a good day to write down your objectives, but there's no better time than now!
1) Purchase a strong poster board, such as foam core, for your project. (I used a 20×30 dollar store white foam core board)
2) Visualize your future: Make a list of your year's goals or things you want to happen.
3) Look through magazines for photos/words that depict your objectives and clip them out.
4) Using a glue stick, adhere your photos/words to the board.
5) Be grateful and take inspired action.
Gretchen's board is shown below. Isn't it lovely? I adore the photographs she selected, and her comments are all so motivating!
Gretchen Howard wants to make a connection between her personal interests and principles and her career. Through her company Gretchen Howard Public Relations (makeover and new services coming soon! ), she shares other people's experiences in order to obtain media attention and genuine outcomes.
Amy's board is here! I was blown away by how quickly she completed it and how adorable it turned out!
Amy Lyle is a playwright, actor, and screenwriter in Atlanta, where she lives with her second husband, Peter, four teenagers, and a very large dog. She's the author of the hilarious memoir THE AMY BINEGAR-KIMMES-LYLE BOOK OF FAILURES. If you've ever failed in love, finances, been fired, didn't fit in, self-diagnosed ailments and conditions, and/or said anything hurtful, this book is for you “If you've ever thought to yourself, “I really need to get my act together,” this is the book for you. This summer, she's working on getting her first screenplay developed into a film. Amy can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
I built two boards in all. One for my personal/professional objectives, and the other for my blog, which has all of my recipe ideas for the year! To go with that board, I made a folder with more information on the recipes I intend to make. I'd also like to write a cookbook, so that's on my to-do list.
Here's a shot of my vision board from another angle. I found that writing my goals on a piece of paper first, then trying to locate photos and words to match, was incredibly beneficial. My vision board served as a tool for both personal and professional aspirations. It could be used for any purpose you want. Some of the bullet points are as follows:
1) Overcome my dread of driving to see my mother (I've written an entire blog post about this).
2) Have a good time! This one has a lot of meaning for me. This word was pasted three times over the top of my board. After four years of blogging (mainly by myself), I've chosen to make it more enjoyable by partnering with friends and supporting other women in my area. (Collaborate is another term that appears frequently on my board.) I'm going to try to change that. Blogging can be a lonely business, and I'm going to try to change that. Girls simply want to have a good time!
3) Learn to play the guitar.
4) Always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always The word has been pasted four times on my whiteboard! I believe I require additional reading. Less time in front of the screen, more time reading.
5) Increase my Instagram following to 400K.
6) Publish a cookbook and get published in Southern Living Magazine.
7) Get in Shape
Yoga (number 8)
9) Increase the amount of time you spend entertaining.
10) Videos on YouTube
So, what are your thoughts? Will you create a Vision Board for your 2018 objectives? I hope so, and if you do, please let me know. I'd be thrilled to hear from you! Leave a comment or upload a photo of your board to Instagram with the hashtag #momlovesbaking.
What can I use for a vision board?
Although you may buy a vision board kit, I believe that making your own vision board is more meaningful. Making a vision board will encourage you to follow through and begin conjuring up new goals.
Anything that inspires you should be included on your vision board. Pictures, favorite phrases, memories/memorabilia, postcards or cards, and other items can be included. Pinterest is one of my favorite places to go for vision board ideas and examples.
Magazine Pictures
Cutouts from magazines are ideal for adding to a vision board. These can come from any magazine, including fashion, leisure, and travel publications.
Simply cut out your preferred picture(s) and stick or pushpin them to your board.
Online Images
Images from Pinterest or stock image sites can be used in this way. For high-quality stock photographs, I recommend Social Squares or Unsplash.
If you use these photographs online, make sure to give credit to the photographer(s).
Inspirational Quotes
Finding inspirational quotations to place on a vision board is one of my favorite things to do. To begin your search for inspirational vision board quotations, look through books, movies, and Pinterest.
Use an Online Template
Canva is a great tool to use if you want to construct a digital vision board. It's the ideal tool for making a collage of photos, and it makes visioning a breeze.
Canva is a well-known design tool for producing professional-looking visuals. It's also a terrific platform for making an online vision board because it's so easy to use. You may also customize your board by uploading your own photographs, changing the design, and using the customization options. Finally, you can save your vision board to your computer or phone as a wallpaper. Canva appeals to me since it is simple to use, making it suitable for users of all skill levels.
You can save your design as a png, pdf, jpg, SVG, or even an MP4 video or gif.
Canva's pricing model is usually free for all users. However, the graphics, layouts, and photographs might be costly. It also offers Canva Pro and Enterprise licenses for 54 and 148 dollars per year, respectively.
With approximately 6 million users, Mindmovies is one of the most popular sites. It allows you to make video vision boards with slogans, catchy graphics, and motivating music.
I had been using other vision board platforms, but I had heard so much good about Mind Movies that I had to give it a try. It's a good thing I did because it turned out to be an extremely useful tool. The software delivers easy-to-use, convenient, and numerous transition functions through its features.
- There are nine different types of dynamic vision boards (Lifestyle, wealth, business and career path, health, family & friends, spirituality, contribution, relationship & partner)
- Click on more action in the picture section to see a larger selection of images.
The membership is available for a 30-day trial period. It can then be renewed for another $27 each month.
Users can utilize Desygner's platform to construct a professional-looking vision board. You can choose the most appropriate template from their big assortment and customize your board with millions of photos. The vision board can be be printed in high resolution using the PDF editor or downloaded in PDF,.png, or.jpeg format.
Desygner has two pricing models: a free basic model and a Pro+ subscription that starts at $5 per month. When you upgrade to Pro+ or Desygner Business, you gain instant access to up to 100 million Shutterstock photos, which you can use as much as you like.
Can you make a vision board without pictures?
Vision boards don't have to be creative; they just need to be eye-catching. You can even utilize just one image.
Want to switch careers from whatever you're doing now to something more fulfilling? Post a snapshot of someone doing your dream job to your bathroom mirror. Is there somebody you admire and wish you could be more like? Find a photograph of them and post it somewhere you'll see it every day as a reminder of the improvements you're making.