How To Know If You Are Under Spiritual Attack

5. Feeling helpless and overwhelmed. Are you feeling helpless in the face of adversity? That could indicate that you're being targeted. Circumstance is made up of two words: circum (circle) and stance (stance) (stand). To put it another way, you're surrounded by what's going on. It doesn't take long for overwhelming feelings to turn into despondency. According to the Bible, “Hope that isn't realized makes the heart sick” (Prov. 13:12). It also informs us, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the proof of things unseen” (Heb. 11:1). If the enemy can persuade you to lose hope, he may persuade you to abandon your faith.

Before You Continue...

Do you know what is your soul number? Take this quick quiz to find out! Get a personalized numerology report, and discover how you can unlock your fullest spiritual potential. Start the quiz now!

6. Old habits and ways of life surface. Old transgressions begin to emerge in your life as the sixth indicator that you are under spiritual attack. What is the definition of iniquity? Some others define transgressions as old habits that your spirit desires to revert to when things aren't going your way—things that feed the flesh. If this starts to happen, don't ignore the Holy Spirit's warning conviction.

7. Distancing yourself from Godly relationships. When old sins entice you, the next symptom of spiritual attack is likely to be a withdrawal from godly relationships. Take a look around. Have you withdrawn from relationships with folks in your small group or at church? Are you finding that your buddies are becoming more and more carnally minded rather than spiritually focused? If that's the case, you're bumbling around the battlefield, and the adversary has you marked as a target.

a fifth “Breaking the Enemy's Attack with “Do Nots” Here are five things to do once you've established a stand against the enemy's attack “You must remember the “do nots.”

  • Remember who created you. God made you to withstand storms. You've been equipped by Him, and you'll make it through with His help.
  • Don't forget to pray at the right time and in the right place. A time of prayer and a place of prayer are both essential components of a good prayer life.
  • Do not underestimate the power of collaboration. It's beneficial to be among those who have lived longer, accomplished more, and can provide sensible advice.
  • Don't forget to stay connected to pastoral care. I've often witnessed folks who are being attacked and tried to aid them, but they refused. Don't wait until the enemy is tearing you apart to seek the help of those who serve in a pastoral capacity.

How can you tell if someone is spiritual?

The first evidence of a spiritual person is their lack of fear. When you have a fear or a chronic worry, that fear takes over your life and you are unable to be in the present moment. Fear of public speaking, fear of heights, and fear of bugs are the three most common fears among Americans. Many people, however, are terrified of death, rejection, loneliness, failure, illness, or making poor judgments. Spiritual people understand how to yield to forces beyond their control. In this way, they are similar to children in that they know how to ignore their minds and live fearlessly.

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By Mark Bubeck

Father in Heaven, In front of You, I bow in worship and praise. During this moment of prayer, I cover myself in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ for protection. In every area of my life, I entirely and unconditionally give myself to You. I take a stance against all Satan's schemes that would obstruct my prayer, and I exclusively pray to the true and living God, refusing to allow Satan to interfere with my prayer.

I adore You and worship You, Heavenly Father. I acknowledge that You are deserving of all glory, honor, and praise. I pledge my loyalty to You once more, and I ask that the Holy Spirit would guide me in this time of prayer. I am grateful to You, almighty Father, for loving me from the beginning and sending the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to die as my substitution so that I might be redeemed. I am grateful that the Lord Jesus Christ came to represent me, and that You have forgiven me entirely; You have given me eternal life; You have given me the perfect righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I am now justified. I am grateful that You have made me full in Him, and that You have volunteered to be my daily support and strength through Him.

Come and open my eyes, Heavenly Father, so that I may see how wonderful You are and how full Your provision is for this new day. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I take my place in the heavenlies alongside Christ, with all principalities and powers (dark spirits and evil spirits) under my feet. I am grateful for the victory that the Lord Jesus Christ won for me on the cross and in His resurrection, and that I am seated with the Lord Jesus Christ in the heavenlies; therefore, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I declare that all principalities and powers, as well as all wicked spirits, are subject to me.

I'm grateful for the armor You've given me, and I've donned the girdle of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the sandals of peace, and the helmet of salvation. I raise my faith shield against all the enemy's fiery darts, and I take the sword of the spirit, the Word of God, in my hand, and wield Your Word against all the forces of evil in my life; and I put on this armor and live and pray in complete dependence on You, dear Holy Spirit.

I thank you, almighty Father, that the Lord Jesus Christ ruined all principalities and powers, making a public spectacle of them and triumphing over them in Himself. Today, I claim all of that victory for my life. All of Satan's insinuations, accusations, and temptations are rejected from my life. I declare that God's Word is true, and I choose to live today in accordance with it. I choose to live in obedience to You and friendship with You, heavenly Father. Open my eyes and show me the areas of my life where You would be dissatisfied. Work in my life so that Satan doesn't have a stronghold against me. Show me any flaws you have. Show me any aspect of my life where I need to improve in order to please You. Today, I stand for You and the Holy Spirit's work in my life in every way.

I throw off the old man and stand in all the victory of the crucifixion, where the Lord Jesus Christ offered cleansing from the old nature, by faith and in dependence on You. I put on the new man and take up all of the victory of the resurrection, as well as the provision He has created for me to live a life free of sin. As a result, I am putting off the old nature with its selfishness today and putting on the new nature with its love. I removed the old nature's fear and replaced it with the new nature's courage. I removed the old nature's flaws and replaced them with the new nature's strength. Today, I threw off my old nature with all of its deceptive lusts and put on my new nature with all of its righteousness and purity.

In every way, I claim my place in Christ, victorious with Him over all the enemies of my soul, in the victory of the ascension and glorification of the Son of God, where all principalities and powers were brought subordinate to Him. I ask that You, Holy Spirit, would fill me. Come into my life and demolish every idol and expel every opponent.

I am grateful, heavenly Father, for the way You have revealed Your will for my everyday life in Your Word. As a result, I claim all of God's will for today. I am grateful for all spiritual blessings in heavenly realms that You have bestowed upon me through Christ Jesus.

I am grateful that by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave, You have given me a live hope. I am grateful that You have provided a way for me to live today full with the Spirit of God, filled with love, joy, and self-control. And I understand that this is Your will for me, and I reject and resist Satan's and his demons' attempts to deprive me of God's will.

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I refuse to believe my feelings today, and I raise the shield of faith against all the accusations and insinuations that Satan would want to instill in my mind. For today, I claim the entirety of God's will.

I entirely give myself to You, heavenly Father, as a living sacrifice, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I've made the decision not to adhere to this world's expectations. I choose to be transformed by the renewing of my mind, and I hope that You will reveal Your will to me today and empower me to walk in all of God's will.

I am grateful, dear Father, that the weapons of our struggle are not carnal, but mighty through God in tearing down strongholds, throwing down imaginations, and bringing every thought into obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. As a result, in my own life today, I am tearing down Satan's strongholds and smashing Satan's plots that have been constructed against me. I break down Satan's mental fortifications and surrender my thoughts to You, precious Holy Spirit. I declare, almighty Father, that You have not given us the spirit of fear, but rather the spirit of power, love, and wisdom. Today, I destroy and smash Satan's strongholds built against my emotions, and I surrender my emotions to You. Today, I demolish the strongholds that Satan has built against my will, and I surrender my will to You, choosing to make the correct decisions of faith. Today, I crush the strongholds that Satan has built against my body, and I surrender my body to You, acknowledging that I am Your temple; and I delight in Your kindness and goodness.

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would quicken me today and show me how Satan is obstructing, enticing, lying, counterfeiting, and distorting the truth in my life. Allow me to be the type of person that pleases You. Allow me to be assertive in my prayer. Allow me to be mentally combative, to think Your thoughts and to give You Your rightful place in my life.

I now cover myself in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and pray that You, precious Holy Spirit, would bring all the work of the crucifixion, resurrection, glory, and Pentecost into my life today. I give myself over to You. I'm not going to give up. You are the all-hopeful God. You have demonstrated Your strength by raising Jesus Christ from the dead, and I claim Your triumph in every way over all evil powers working in my life, which I reject, and I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with gratitude.

What is toxic spirituality?

The solution is far more straightforward than you might think. You are practicing toxic spirituality if you believe that you must always be positive and that anything negative is wrong.

What makes this notion so dangerous is that it prevents us from learning and growing by suppressing positive emotions.

Each of our feelings has information. This information is neither good nor bad; it is simply that.

Emotions Inform Us

When you have anxiety, for example, you are not a bad person or doing something wrong. Anxiety is trying to tell you something.

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It could be a sign that you need to leave the house a few minutes earlier than usual since you dislike traffic. You escape traffic and, as a result, are less likely to develop road rage if you leave the house a few minutes early.

And no amount of meditation or prayer will alleviate the stress. It will almost certainly stay until you have learned the lesson and have left a few minutes early.

When you ignore or fail to gain information from your emotions because you've suppressed them for the sake of being “positive,” you'll either be stuck in your current circumstance or, worse, start self-medicating.

This belief that you must be positive at all times is harmful to your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

What are the 3 elements of spirituality?

In their eternal wisdom, all shamans, healers, sages, and wisdom keepers of all centuries, continents, and peoples claim that human spirituality is made up of three aspects: connections, values, and life purpose. These three components are so strongly linked that it may be difficult to tell them apart. Take a minute to ponder on each facet of human spirituality to determine the state of your spiritual well-being if this is possible. This will be a three-part monthly series, starting with relationships.

Internal (your domestic policy)—how you deal with yourself, how you nurture the relationship with yourself and your higher self—and external (your foreign policy)—how you relate, support, and interact with those people (and all living entities) in your environment—are the two categories of relationships.

What criteria would you use to assess your internal relationship, and what steps could you take to improve it?

How would you assess your external relationships, shifting from the perspective of domestic policy to international policy?

How do you know if a guy is spiritual?

Humans like forming bonds with the unique persons who enter our life as social creatures.

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Some connections are profound, mysterious, and leave an indelible impression on us.

If you are pulled to specific people for any reason, you may have created a spiritual connection with them.

This person has been referred to as a soul mate, a prior life, or a kindred spirit.

When you meet someone with whom you share a spiritual bond, you form an instant and profound bond with them that isn't always romantic.

And, while your relationship may not endure forever, you'll undoubtedly learn something new along the way.

Here are 19 indicators that you've developed a strong spiritual connection with someone:

How do you pray against the enemy?

I command the storm of destruction to gather upon every satanic power that is against my health IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! I decree and declare great casualty upon witches and wizards operating in my neighborhood, the judgment of God shall torment the powers of darkness working against me both at night and in the morning, the night shall carry terror and anger against all satanic powers that are standing against me, the night shall carry terror and anger against all satanic powers that

RIGHT NOW, IN THE NAME OF JESUS, my prayers have become earthquakes and storms in the devil's camp that is against my life; the Lord shall gather his armor against powers that are against my intellectual growth; all sickness in my life, known or unknown, receives heavenly storm; all conspiracy against any part of my body receives destruction now!

I order the deep wells inside me to be freed and broken forth in the name of JESUS!

What happens when you have a spiritual awakening?

As Kaiser argues, this is the start of your spiritual journey, as you begin to doubt everything you previously believed. You begin to purge certain aspects of your life (habits, relationships, and outdated belief systems) in order to make room for new, more meaningful experiences. You may sense that something is lacking, but you aren't sure what it is. It's common to feel disoriented, confused, and down during this time.