How To Go On A Spiritual Fast

A spiritual fast is a deliberate decision to refrain from eating modern foods. This has the advantage of aiding in the removal of toxins from your body. But it's not only about staying away from contaminants. Spiritual fasting has advantages since it helps us become more conscious of our connections. We do this to enhance and deepen our spirituality.

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Our interactions are intertwined with our environment, bodies, and souls, as Hildegard believed. As a result, when observing a spiritual fast, you should consider all aspects of your life. To that end, we've included some of Hildegard's advice to assist you on your journey. Here are a few pointers to help you have a good spiritual fast:

The spiritual fasting regimen advocated by Hildegard of Bingen is deemed “gentle.” It only allows a few things, mostly soup and a few fruits and vegetables. Depending on your preferences, you can taper off as you continue through the program or not.

How long should you fast for spiritual?

Fasting duration is also determined by personal inclination and ability. Fasting for long periods of time is not possible for certain people due to health issues. Others may fast for several days at a time. Remember, the purpose of fasting is to strengthen your relationship with God. It is not a question of how many days or how long one can fast. Fasting is a very personal experience with the Lord. As a result, there's no need to compare how long you've been fasting to how long others have been fasting.

Before you start fasting, I urge that you pray and ask the Lord how long you should fast for. If you're new to fasting, I recommend beginning with one meal or one day. You can continue for extended lengths of time after you are more conscious of and familiar with the topic. You may decide after the first day that you want to continue for a longer period of time. Keep track of how your body feels if this is the case. You may feel lightheaded and weak if your body isn't used to fasting. Once your body has become accustomed to fasting, you will be able to fast for extended periods of time without experiencing these symptoms.

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The length of your fast is also determined by what you're fasting from. You should not fast for longer than two or three days if you are fasting both food and drink. Furthermore, if you are only fasting from food, you can fast for extended periods of time. Some people will abstain from eating and drinking, but will sip juice to stay energized.

Types of Fasting

Abstaining from social media, entertainment, sex, sweet meals, or a variety of other things is another type of fasting. You can fast for substantially longer lengths of time if you choose to fast from the following items. This is due to the fact that these fasts have no negative impact on your health. In fact, they may help you live a healthier life. Fasting from these foods for prolonged lengths of time is something I suggest.

If you're married, make sure you have an agreement on sex abstinence with your partner. “Do not deprive each other except by mutual permission and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer,” Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 7:5. Then get back together so Satan can't tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

What can you eat on a spiritual fast?

While on a spiritual fast, a person who requires a lot of nutrition, such as someone with diabetes, can eat healthy grains, seeds, and nuts. Unprocessed grains are better because they have a higher fiber content and help the body clear toxins more quickly. Whole grain breads, crackers, and cereals are good items to eat during a carbohydrate-rich fast. During a fast, nuts and seeds such as unsalted almonds and pumpkin seeds constitute a healthful snack.

How do you fast and pray?

These are trying times that necessitate prayer and fasting. Disease is rife; the global economy is shaky; and peace and security are challenged at every step. Now it's your turn “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Regardless of the difficulties we endure, all of Christ's disciples are united “by him who loved us, we are more than conquerors” (Romans 8:37). Even Nevertheless, many of us are dealing with pessimism, loneliness, financial devastation, fear of violence, disease, and mortality in greater numbers than ever before. When Christians experience hardships like these, the Bible instructs us to seek God's help via prayer and fasting. When Jesus left his disciples and ascended into heaven, he stated, “They will then fast” (Matthew 9:15).

Fasting is defined in the Bible as the self-denial of some or all food or drink as a means for believers to convey their deepest worries to God during specific times of prayer and worship. It was used in both private and corporate settings, and for both short and extended periods of time. Fasting was practiced in numerous places during the Bible's time. Fasting was used by God's people to mourn the loss of loved ones (2 Samuel 1:11-12). They fasted in order to be ready for special times of rejuvenation in God's presence (Numbers 29:7). Fasting allowed the faithful to demonstrate real contrition for their own sins as well as the misdeeds of others (Ezra 10:6). They fasted as they called out to God in times when they needed God's help the most (2 Chronicles 20:3). It's no surprise, then, that Christians have always turned to God in difficult times through prayer and fasting throughout church history.

Unfortunately, many modern evangelicals have forgotten about God's merciful provision of fasting. We bear the weight of believing that the faithful will be content, even pleased, regardless of the horrible circumstances that may befall them. As a result, we deny ourselves the chance to express our deep sorrow for sin, our terrible need for Christ, our hunger for church renewal, and our burning desire to see Christ's merciful and just Kingdom extend across the world. However, as our terrible days make us realize how desperately we need God's mercy, we must once again humble ourselves before Him through prayer and fasting.

First and foremost, participating in a day of prayer and fasting is a spiritual decision. The Bible does not tell us exactly what we should do or say. As James stated, “God will approach near to you if you draw near to him. Purify your souls, you double-minded, and cleanse your hands, you sinners” (James 4:8). Above all, we must seek out ways to humble ourselves before the Father in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit.

This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. If you have children, you can simply lead your entire family in special prayer sessions during one or more meal times while fasting. The children may be cared for by one parent while the other spouse spends time alone with God. Throughout the day, couples might alternate between praying alone and praying together. You might be able to meet up with other Christians for a time of prayer outside of your home during the day. The many biblical instances show that God gives us a lot of freedom.

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Even so, I've noticed throughout the years that many evangelicals now find it difficult to devote an entire day to prayer and fasting. So, here are two straightforward options.

  • Plan Scripture, hymnal, or prayer book readings for each time of prayer.
  • Read aloud from the Scripture passage, hymnal, or prayer book you've chosen. (duration: 10 minutes)

Excerpts from Richard L. Pratt, Jr.'s book, Pray with Your Eyes Open, by Third Millennium Ministries President Richard L. Pratt, Jr.

What are the different types of spiritual fasting?

Fasting is mentioned in the Bible several times. Fasting is defined as abstaining from something for a set period of time in order to increase our dependence on God and demonstrate our need and desire for Him. Fasting is a disciplined and selfless act.

What are the many kinds of Christian fasts?

Partial fasting, The Daniel Fast, Complete Fasting, Absolute Fasting, Sexual Fasting, Corporate Fasting, and a Soul Fast are the seven types of Christian fasting.

Each of these fasts should be undertaken with humility and a desire to please God. We set aside the time we would have eaten to pray, read the Bible, and worship when we deny ourselves food and even drink.

How do I fast for God?

So, now that you know what fasting is and why it's important, where do you start? Twenty various recommendations are provided here to assist you get started fasting and stay motivated.

Identify The Purpose

The first step in fasting for any Christian is to figure out why you're fasting. Do you want to empty your stomach through fasting? Do you want to improve your connection with God? Are you fasting to show your support for the poor? It's crucial to understand why you're fasting. It establishes a context for your experience.

Commit to a Time Period

The second stage in fasting is deciding on a certain time period and committing to it. When you're a newbie, it's not a good idea to go for a long period of time without eating or drinking anything.

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Try to work out what is realistic, and keep your commitment fresh in your mind.

Find Your Weaknesses

Try to predict your weaknesses, or the times when you will feel the worst or most tempted to eat, before the fast begins. Pray for God to provide you with the strength you require when you require it, and He will.

Tell only a Few People

According to Acts 16, when a believer in Christ fasts in secret, he or she will be blessed. You should just tell two or three people that you're fasting. It doesn't matter if it's a spouse, a sibling, or a friend. They may also serve as a partner in terms of accountability.

What can I eat when fasting for God?

  • Barley, brown rice, buckwheat, farro, grits, millet, oats, popcorn, quinoa, rice cakes, rye, sorghum, spelt, whole wheat, whole-wheat pasta, and wild rice are all examples of whole grains.
  • Black beans, black-eyed peas, cannellini beans, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), great northern beans, kidney beans, lentils, peanuts, pinto beans, and split peas are among the beans and legumes available.
  • Almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, pistachios, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, soy nuts, sunflower seeds, and walnuts are among the nuts and seeds available.
  • Fruits: Any fruit, whether fresh, frozen, dried, juiced, or canned (as long as it is sugar-free).
  • Whole grain breads manufactured without yeast, sweeteners, or additives are known as unleavened bread.
  • Natural, 100-percent fruit juice is permitted, but should be consumed in moderation.

What verses to read when fasting?

Then there's Matthew 6:16-18 (NIV), which says, “When you fast, do not look solemn like the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their features to show men they are fasting.” They have received their full recompense, to tell you the truth.

What are the three types of fasting?

Calorie restriction, nutrient restriction, and seasonal eating are the three basic forms of fasts.

A calorie restriction fast is the most basic sort of fast. When most people hear the word “fasting,” they immediately think of this. It simply entails going without eating for a period of time. Fasting for this purpose usually lasts between 18 and 48 hours. To make this type of fast work, make sure the person who is fasting has ingested enough calories in the days leading up to the fast. Then choose a day, eat dinner early, and fast for the amount of time specified. To support the fasted state, simply drink water and keep activity levels low during the fast.

This form of fast entails limiting a specific macronutrient (The three macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats). These fasts are usually protein deloads. These fasts are great for athletes who need a lot of protein and are constantly putting their intestines under stress. The athlete will fast for 2-3 days in a month, eating only high-quality fats, carbs, and fully cooked veggies. The decrease in protein consumption will allow the gut to rest and recover. Keep in mind that it's still critical to ensure that their activity is kept to a bare minimum during this time.

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The third form of fast is seasonal eating, which isn't really a fast at all. This type of fast necessitates a trip back in time to see what our food supply would have been like in different seasons. Summer was allocated for fruits and leaner meats, while winter was reserved for fattier meats and tubers. Only consume what is naturally available throughout that time of year to really eat seasonally. While we have excellent modern food access, most northern civilizations would not have access to ripe bananas in January. Seasonal eating is based on the idea of individualized nutrition, which entails figuring out what works best for you. This blog will teach you the fundamentals of individualized nutrition.

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Fasting May Help Nutritional Goals but Is Not the Solution

Fasts may appear to be the golden ticket to your or your client's health goals, but they're only effective when combined with a healthy lifestyle and frequent exercise.

Do you have a passion for health and fitness? Have you considered being a personal trainer? It's possible that you'll experience a strong attraction to it… But you need to know more—what talents are required, and how can you turn this into a lucrative career?