How To Find Your Spiritual Home

Have you ever been compelled to visit a certain location but couldn't figure out why? Or maybe you have a favorite spot to go to when you're looking to rejuvenate your mind and spirit? It doesn't matter if it's a gorgeous beach on the continent, a harsh alpine scenery millions of miles away, or an old stone ruin in the middle of nowhere; what matters is how it makes you feel and how you connect with its power. Spiritual sites have existed from the beginning of time all around the planet. They're an essential part of our past and can help us develop a better understanding of who we are, which may be why hundreds of people visit them each year. It's sometimes about how they seem; other times, and more usually, it's about how they make us feel, which most often manifests as a deep and insatiable need within us to see, sense, and experience them for ourselves, as well as tap into their energy. From Giza's incredible pyramids to Stonehenge's haunting earthy power, there's a powerful spiritual site for us all – one that may be used to give us, and our lives, a spiritual makeover.

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How do I find my spirit place?

2) Even if you've never been there before, it feels like a familiar location. Nothing here makes your soul feel stressed; everything is familiar, and everything feels perfectly at ease. You're accustomed with all of the sights, sounds, and textures, and you're completely at ease. You've arrived at your destination.

3) You are absolutely relaxed. You don't feel the need to converse or even move. This is a location where you may relax and unwind. You are safe from all of your worries and stresses, and the space helps you to feel reinvigorated and see your problems in a new light when you return. This is a place where you know you'll be able to unwind.

4) You're overwhelmed by emotion. It could be because you never want to go, or because you are completely at ease in your surroundings, yet something about your situation is bothering you.

Where is your soul from?

Understanding the anatomy and activities of the brain is required for medication or surgical treatment of brain illnesses. When it comes to locating the abstract conceptions of mind and soul within the concrete 1300-gram organ containing 100 billion neurones, the philosophical neurosurgeon quickly runs into problems. The brain, according to Hippocrates, is the seat of the mind. Aristotle's tabula rasa cannot be pinpointed to a specific portion of the brain with the same certainty that we can pinpoint spoken word to Broca's area or limb movement to the contralateral motor cortex. Galen's theory of imagination, reasoning, judgment, and memory being located in the cerebral ventricles was disproved once it became clear that the functional units–neurones–were located in the brain's parenchyma. Accidental injuries (Phineas Gage) or temporal lobe resection (William Beecher Scoville); studies on how we see and hear; and more recent data from functional magnetic resonance studies have all made us aware of the extensive network of neurones in the cerebral hemispheres that serve the mind's functions. Ancient anatomists and philosophers thought the soul or atman, which was credited with the ability to invigorate the body, resided in the lungs or heart, the pineal gland (Descartes), and the brain in general. When neurosurgeons were able to access deeper parts of the brain, the brainstem proved to be extremely sensitive and vulnerable. The concept of brain death after irreversible damage has made us all aware of the importance of the brainstem's “mix of brain soup and spark.” If each of us has a soul, it is undoubtedly enshrined here.

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How do you get in touch with your spiritual side?

‘What does your heart say?' ‘Listen to your gut.' – Who hasn't been on the verge of answering one of Life's Big Questions and wondered what it all meant?

Whether it's making a risky new move, leaving the security but never-ending dullness of your career, or deciding what to do about a failing relationship, these decisions can't be made with an honest and authentic outcome by overthinking the situation. Even the tried-and-true ‘benefits and drawbacks' list has its limitations.

At moments like these, we need our mind, body, and soul tag team to operate together. We interrogated psychic Emma Kinsey, one of the UK's finest psychic mediums, to help you develop the most ignored member of the three.

Look away now, cynics. ‘I often tell people that if I were in their shoes, I wouldn't believe me,' Kinsey laughs. ‘However, if you're curious, opening yourself up to what's going on on a spiritual level can help you become calmer, stronger, and more in tune with yourself,' she continues. Intrigued? This is how you do it.

1. Take some time to meditate.

‘Many people find that meditation helps them relax. Your intuition is clearer when your mind is quiet. One of the most difficult things you can do is calm your thoughts, yet it's essential for allowing your instinct to shine through. Choose a specialised meditation if you want to connect with your spiritual guide.'

2. Or you can discover your own peace.

‘What makes you feel peaceful is quite individualized. I listen to music and light a candle to set the mood before readings. Alternatively, I go for a walk and sit by the sea; the ocean has a calming effect on me. There are no rules; it's just about taking your time and following your instincts.'

3. Trust your instincts.

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‘Do you have that inner voice that tells you the same thing again and over? That, I feel, is your spirit guide speaking to you, guiding you to your own conclusions. Others refer to it as your ‘gut.' Pay attention, whatever you name it.'

4. Don't ignore warning indicators.

‘Signs are really essential, yet many people dismiss them as chance. It could be a song that keeps playing in your head, or someone's name that occurs in your dreams. Look for them all throughout the place.'

5. Seek assistance if you require it.

‘The most important thing to do if you're having trouble making a decision is to seek assistance.' If you don't want to speak it out loud, ask it in your brain. It takes time and effort, but I believe that everyone has a listener.'

6. Take control of the situation.

‘If you're having trouble making a decision, pick up a deck of angel or oracle cards. You can shuffle them and interrogate them. Just make sure you get the pack that appeals to you.'

7. Take ownership of all you do.

‘It's fine if you ignore your inner voice at times. Listening to what's going on on a spiritual level can help, but the decision is ultimately ours. And remember, if you make a mistake, it's the only way you'll learn.'

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How do you know when your soul is crying?

You may feel as if you're suffocating in the present moment, and your spirit is pleading for change. You're sick of doing the same things in the same way, and you're in desperate need of a change. Your soul yearns for a change. If you're suffering from soul agony, don't give up hope.

Where is the soul in human body?

In De Spiritu, Aristotle expresses a clear link between pneuma and the soul, stating that “pneuma is tied to the soul” and that “it is the soul's principal driving power.”

In De Anima (On the Soul), Aristotle says that the soul must interact with the body's organs. Aristotle, unlike Plato, felt that the soul's existence was not different from that of the human body, and thus that the soul could not be immortal. Aristotle, like Plato, believed that the soul is divided into three parts: vegetative, sensitive, and intellectual. The vegetative soul is responsible for all organisms' growth and reproduction. The sensitive soul, on the other hand, permits humans and animals to feel and move. The rational, which is unique to humans, enables for logical cognition.

Aristotle states in Book II that the soul is the portion of the human that allows the full being to exist, that one cannot exist without the other, and that they are complementary. In book III, he gives an illustration of his theory of the soul, establishing a link between bodily feelings of light, phaos in the body, and corporeal imagination, phantasia. The soul, according to Aristotle, is part of the human body and part of a physical imagination. While the soul has a bodily shape, Aristotle specifically asserts in his book On Youth, Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration that the soul has a tangible area in the human body, the heart. According to Aristotle, the heart is the seat of the body's five senses and is directly responsible for breathing and life's nutrition. The heart is also important since it is where all animals' bodies and blood are heated, as well as where pneuma, or life energy, that animates the body, is created. This, according to Aristotle, explains why dead things become cold, stop breathing, and lose their souls. The heart is the most important organ in Aristotelian physiology since it houses the human soul and life power. Similarly, throughout embryonic development, the heart is the first organ to form.

Frantic Energies

In our society, a lot of effort is put into locating a home and making it safe in a variety of ways. When we consider the number of businesses involved and the amount of money spent, it's mind-boggling: real estate, construction, home improvement, cleaning, organizing, decorating, gardening, and garden supplies, to name a few.

People's investments in their homes are palpable in a suburban setting like Oakville, where I live.

There is a very real and deep emotional connection here, as well as a financial one. On any summer weekend, you can almost literally feel the intensity of this relationship if you go to Home Depot, Home Hardware, or Lowe's.

What is all this great energy from the standpoint of depth psychotherapy?

What exactly are we on the lookout for?

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What is this “home” feeling that we all seem to crave for our mental health?

For Humans, Everything Starts with the Symbolism of Home…

Human life begins psychologically in the mother womb, which serves as a model for all subsequent residences. Many animals have a tendency to dig womb-like tunnels. Similarly, the first shelters that humans built for themselves were generally very small, safe, and secure, resembling wombs in appearance.

Humans are unable to return to the womb after they have left it.

Even yet, in religion and mythology, the return to home, to our ultimate home, is frequently symbolized.

According to Judeo-Christian belief, humanity are expelled from the original ideal home of paradise at the beginning of time, but eventually return to “our true home” or perfect home.

The entire dramatic action in Homer's Odyssey revolves around Ulysses' tremendous quest to return home.

And, in this day and age, we crave womb-like protection in our physical houses.

In our society, there is a lot of energy and worry surrounding the symbolic of home.


Belonging, safety, and contentment are the same three words.

Despite the fact that we live in a wealthy society, many people today feel insecure.

This has a lot to do with feeling good about ourselves — who we are at our core.

Why Do People Crave Home So Much?

A sense of security, without a doubt, has a lot to do with the feeling of being deeply linked and respected by others. Positive attachment, as demonstrated by Dr. Katherine Carnelly and colleagues at the University of Southampton, and much other studies around the world, boosts the sensation of security and the perceived notion of well-being. Many aspects of our well-being require healthy, strong attachment to people, and depth psychotherapy frequently aims to improve a positive sense of attachment. There is, however, a third dimension, even beyond that.

Symbolism of Home: Grounding in the Secure Reality of the Self

Perhaps our fascination with real estate is a manifestation of our self-doubt. The house or home, according to Jungians, is frequently a symbol of the dreaming individual's full self or personality. If we take that option seriously, our tremendous fixation with homes and real estate could be a reflection of a deep worry for our unique selves and a want to feel secure in our own skin on an unconscious level. Could such apprehension be related to issues of meaning, purpose, destiny, and vocation? Is our “inner house” built on solid ground?

I intend to look at these issues further in the remaining chapters of this series.

The work of depth psychotherapy is primarily concerned with the well-being of the Self, the full personality, and the individual's journey toward wholeness.

Can your soul talk to you?

Perhaps you consider your soul to be your higher self, your essence, or the core of who you are. Perhaps you think of your inner guidance as a tool to utilize when you're presented with a difficult decision or a dilemma. But how well do you understand your own soul?

Your soul is much more than a decision-making tool; it is who you truly are. It's the reality of your situation. It's the seed that will grow into your entire potential. Your trustworthy, kind inner buddy wishes for you to live a life filled with love, wholeness, and growth.

Your soul is constantly attempting to assist you in moving forward, healing the scars in your heart, and helping you grow and evolve into your true self. It's never too late to learn to listen to your soul, which knows how to get you there.

Outside of religion, there is virtually any talk about the soul in our society these days. As a result, it's not surprising that most of us are blind to our soul's genuine nature, which means we're missing out on the greatest source of wisdom available to us.

Not only that, but we've grown accustomed to seeking aid and affirmation from sources other than ourselves: therapy, courses, and peer approbation. I'm not suggesting these aren't useful—they may be at times for everyone of us. When faced with a profound want that you don't understand, few people will tell you to embrace it and explore it—to treat it as if it were a shy animal that will only approach you and nuzzle your hand if you sit still and open your heart.

Learning the language of soul

The arc of a river, the flow of water, the majesty of mountains all speak to the soul. It communicates with you through nature, books that find their way to you, synchronicities and signs, ‘random' connections, and fleeting thoughts.

Soul connection lacks the quality of certainty on which we feel most comfortable basing decisions because soul communication does not tend to express itself in the black-and-white language of the ego. Understanding this and gaining the guts to find a method to follow our soul's path anyway is a crucial aspect of living the life our soul wants us to live.

Spend time cultivating a friendship with your spirit, as if it were a close friend. Learn its language so it may communicate its desires and true nature to you, including its depths and complexities, as well as its deep longings.

  • Spend time in the great outdoors. Only in nature do humans'make sense.' Consider the soul not as being ‘within' your body, but rather as you being inside soul — the world's soul. Open up to signs and messages from nature in this condition of being, which may appear as noises, patterns, glimpses, or insights.
  • Writing is done automatically. Get centered and at ease. Then start journaling and posing questions to your spirit. Without editing, write whatever comes to mind.
  • Images. Allow a natural image to come to you while sitting in solitude. Allow the tree to invade your body if it's a tree. So, how does it feel to be a tree? What characteristics does the tree possess? What message does the tree have for you?
  • Dancing animals. Allow a creature to approach you. Believe that this animal is the perfect match for you right now. Allow yourself to be taken over by the spirit of the animal by playing some music (without words). If a Lion appears to you, it's possible that your soul wants you to learn to roar. If it's a mouse, you might be able to understand the advantages of being able to view all of the details. Don't overthink it; just dance. After then, write about it in your journal.
  • Story. Allow your imagination to run wild and create your life story as a fairy tale. Don't pass judgment; whatever happens will be the best option. Start with “Once upon a time” and see where your imagination takes you. It isn't necessary for it to be a true account of your life. Allow your soul to write the story. When you're done, take in the sights your imagination has conjured up and try to figure out what your spirit is trying to tell you.

Your life will become more magical and true if you devote more time and attention to your relationship with your soul. If you're patient, open-minded, fearless, and honest, your soul will lead you to aspirations you didn't even realize you had.

What's the difference between your soul and spirit?