How To Find Spiritual Friends

10 Ways to Maintain a Spiritual Connection

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What is a spirit friend?

“Kindred spirits,” says clinical psychologist Carla Marie Manly, Ph.D., “are like-minded and like-souled people with whom an instant connection of love and understanding is mutually experienced.” “The bond is unmistakable and frequently transcends expression.”

Kindred spirits are individuals who share similar interests, ideals, or worldviews. “In more spiritual terms,” Katherine Bihlmeier, a relationship coach who specializes in energy work, tells mbg, “we could say they resonate at the same frequency, and there is matching energy between them.”

A kindred spirit could be a college friend with whom you instantly bonded and remained close even after relocating to opposite sides of the country. It could be a family member with whom you have a close relationship. It could even be a stranger you meet at an event and feel drawn to, according to Manly. According to clinical psychologist Jaime Zuckerman, a kindred spirit doesn't have to be human—it may be a pet with whom you have an instant connection.

What are the 3 elements of spirituality?

In their eternal wisdom, all shamans, healers, sages, and wisdom keepers of all centuries, continents, and peoples claim that human spirituality is made up of three aspects: connections, values, and life purpose. These three components are so strongly linked that it may be difficult to tell them apart. Take a minute to ponder on each facet of human spirituality to determine the state of your spiritual well-being if this is possible. This will be a three-part monthly series, starting with relationships.

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Internal (your domestic policy)—how you deal with yourself, how you nurture the relationship with yourself and your higher self—and external (your foreign policy)—how you relate, support, and interact with those people (and all living entities) in your environment—are the two categories of relationships.

What criteria would you use to assess your internal relationship, and what steps could you take to improve it?

How would you assess your external relationships, shifting from the perspective of domestic policy to international policy?

How do I reconnect with my soul?

Do you realize you have remarkable abilities that come from your creative, intuitive, and spiritual nature? Your mind is as beautiful as a lush forest, rich with neuro-networks that connect beneath the surface, much like the roots of trees. When storm clouds form ahead of rain, scientists have seen increased chemical exchanges between these tree roots.

Our unconscious minds do the same thing, especially during times of stress, when the ego is imbued with dread, storylines and scripts from the past, which arise without warning, obscure our minds. Other woodland routes lead to charred and dead trees, while others go to tranquil meadows and stunning waterfalls. We can't see what's beneath the surface of our thinking, just as we can't see what's beneath the surface of trees and plants reaching for the sun.

This is a method for returning to one's roots and reconnecting with one's soul. To engage in this form of mindfulness, all you have to do is agree that you are not your thoughts.

Living Artfully in Five Steps

Begin by becoming a loving observer of oneself. Recognize that sensations and thoughts are neither “true” nor “false.” Allow the need to be right to fade away, and instead focus on the underlying emotions, such as fear or grief. Accept that you will be thinking and feeling a lot of different things at the same time.

Interference and commentary about your thoughts, pulling up old scars and scripts from the past, deceives you into merging with your ideas, leaving you befuddled. In other words, your thoughts had been “conned” into becoming “fused”! To avoid being “conned,” it's a good idea to “diss” (dis-identify) your thoughts.

When you've discovered your inner voice, how will you know? You'll figure it out. When you connect with your higher wisdom, it feels extremely different inside of you. And don't be surprised if you have spontaneous feelings of forgiveness or compassion when your soul offers you the direction you need.

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Originally published on Holstee's Mindful Matter, the ideal place to learn about how to live life completely.

Do souls connect?

When two people feel they are connected on a soul level in a substantial or unusual way, they are said to have made a soul connection. It's the feeling that your connection is bigger than the earth plane, that something bigger brought you together or is at work than the practical specifics of your relationship, such being coworkers or lovers. You might have a sense that you've known each other in a previous life or that your souls decided to meet now before this one.

Tess Whitehurst, spiritual teacher and bestselling author, tells mbg, “When I hear the word'soul mate,' it often appears to connote exclusivity.” Whitehurst, who has been in a love relationship for 20 years with the same spouse, believes the contrary is true: “We have multiple soul mates.” We're all connected on a soul level since we're all part of a common humanity or spiritual consciousness.

How do you know whether you've found your soul mate? Let's take a look at different forms of soul connections, keeping in mind that there may be some overlap. In a variety of ways, someone could be your soul mate.

Can you have a spiritual connection with a friend?

It could have been love at first sight. Or maybe you just had a one-of-a-kind connection. In any case, it's possible you've discovered your spiritual twin! You become enthralled by the other person's life story and passions…

When two people share a lot of common interests or passions in life, they are said to have a spiritual connection.

You may go off on unexpected tangents, but the other person will easily follow you. You're perfectly understood, or they seem to be checking in and asking whether you're following them all the time…

Spiritual Connection: When two people can have in-depth discussions about important issues without feeling judged by one another.

You reveal each other's secrets, ideas, and dreams. You have the impression that you can completely trust them or that they understand you in a way that no one else has…

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When two persons are able to connect on an emotional level, they are said to have a spiritual connection.

It might get so powerful that you feel like a magnetic force is pulling you both together. It may appear to come and go at other times…

When two people have an electric energy that brings them closer together, they are said to have a spiritual connection.

It appears that you and your partner have a strong feeling of shared destiny. Maybe you just get a feeling they're supposed to be in your life…

When two people believe that their friendship is destined or vital for some reason, they have a spiritual connection.

It may take some time, but you can't deny that there's a great force pulling you both together. Even if your friendship is platonic, you may sense this…

Spiritual Connection: When two people, although only being friends, feel drawn to each other spiritually.

Sign #7: The Other Person Has Shared Spirit Guide or Deceased Loved One Experiences

Although you may not have the same spiritual beliefs, you do share a sense of spirituality. Or perhaps they've had similar situations that don't appear to be purely coincidental…

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Spiritual Connection: When two people, although being non-spiritual in their daily lives, may sense or interact with spirits together.

When you're with them, you feel inspired, energized, and creative. They may bring out the best in you or simply serve as a reminder of your genuine self…

When two people motivate one other to attain their full potential, they are said to have a spiritual connection.

You know they have your back and would never do anything to harm you on purpose. They appear to be an integral part of who you are, not only now but also in the future…

Spiritual Connection: When two people trust one other implicitly despite the fact that there is no logical basis for them to.

It's as if they can see deep into your soul and know who you really are when you're together. They may even appear to be a reflection of oneself…

When two people are able to connect on an emotional level that feels more than just human, it is called spiritual connection.

You have the impression that you can be yourself with them. Or perhaps they feel misunderstood since they don't fit in with the rest of society…

Spiritual Connection: When two people connect on an emotional level because their energy is distinct from that of others.

You can't deny that they have a distinct personality. Maybe they have a distinct energy than everyone else you've ever met, or maybe it only appears that way…

When two people connect spiritually, even if others don't understand why, they are on the same energy wave.

When the other person is around, you may feel prickles of electricity or be more open to being in their presence…

Spiritual Connection: When two people have a strong energy connection that makes others uncomfortable.

When you're apart, you can sometimes feel a deep connection that you can't feel when you're together. It doesn't rule out the possibility of the connection working in person, but there is something unquestionably unique about it…

When two people experience a strong spiritual connection even if they are physically apart from each other.

It's possible that the other person perceives you in ways that no one else has. Perhaps they recognize your huge potential or have a better knowledge of who you are…

Spiritual Connection: When two people can see pieces of themselves in one other that others can't.

Without asking, the other person can glimpse something in your future by looking at you! It's possible that they know what's going to happen next, or you'll just know when the time is right…

Spiritual Connection: When two people can see each other's future without having to ask.

You might have the impression that you constantly know what they're thinking or that you could complete each other's sentences if you wanted to! It's possible that things between you two just come naturally…

This person has a significant resemblance to your twin flame or soul mate! They may be inextricably linked to you and feel so familiar that you feel as if you've known them your entire life…

When two persons have a strong spiritual connection, they are said to be spiritually connected.

Sign #19: You have a thorough understanding of the other person's personality and life goals.

You have a thorough knowledge of the other person and their motivations. You can see their life's purpose and what makes them tick… Not only do they feel familiar, but you can see what makes them tick…

Spiritual Connection: When two persons have a deep spiritual understanding of each other.

Sign #20: You have the impression that the other person can see into your soul and hear what you're not saying.

To know that the other person understands you, you don't always have to express things out loud. They can see right into your soul and hear what you're not saying…

Spiritual Connection: When two people connect emotionally and spiritually on a level that goes beyond verbal communication.

What is a spiritual love?

  • Spiritual love is a type of love that is based on a spiritual connection and helps us find meaning and purpose in life.
  • Spiritual loves can have a variety of purposes: some are supposed to accompany us on our journey through life, while others are meant to teach us lessons.
  • Their purpose may not be immediately apparent; yet, our spirituality can benefit us in better understanding our relationships.
  • In reality, whether or not we set out time for spiritual practices, our spirituality has a significant impact on all of our interactions.
  • Spirituality, in the end, connects us to something greater than ourselves, and our spiritual connection either strengthens or weakens our connections with others.

Are there any spiritual dating apps?

Where mindful living meets online dating, MeetMindful is the place to be. This dating app has a simple – and admirable – mission: to empower thoughtful people to build meaningful relationships on a daily basis.

MeetMindful is a new subscription-based online dating service that offers a more soulful option than existing dating apps and sites.

You'll find a like-minded community here where you can meet people who share your beliefs of mindfulness, spirituality, and wellness. Intentional connection, significant commonality, and connections built on basic values — doesn't that sound amazing?