How To Fast Spiritual Growth

Your fast's success is primarily determined by how you start and carry it out. You can make your time with the Lord more meaningful and spiritually fulfilling by following these seven basic steps to fasting.

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How long should you fast for spiritual?

Fasting duration is also determined by personal inclination and ability. Fasting for long periods of time is not possible for certain people due to health issues. Others may fast for several days at a time. Remember, the purpose of fasting is to strengthen your relationship with God. It is not a question of how many days or how long one can fast. Fasting is a very personal experience with the Lord. As a result, there's no need to compare how long you've been fasting to how long others have been fasting.

Before you start fasting, I urge that you pray and ask the Lord how long you should fast for. If you're new to fasting, I recommend beginning with one meal or one day. You can continue for extended lengths of time after you are more conscious of and familiar with the topic. You may decide after the first day that you want to continue for a longer period of time. Keep track of how your body feels if this is the case. You may feel lightheaded and weak if your body isn't used to fasting. Once your body has become accustomed to fasting, you will be able to fast for extended periods of time without experiencing these symptoms.

The length of your fast is also determined by what you're fasting from. You should not fast for longer than two or three days if you are fasting both food and drink. Furthermore, if you are only fasting from food, you can fast for extended periods of time. Some people will abstain from eating and drinking, but will sip juice to stay energized.

Types of Fasting

Abstaining from social media, entertainment, sex, sweet meals, or a variety of other things is another type of fasting. You can fast for substantially longer lengths of time if you choose to fast from the following items. This is due to the fact that these fasts have no negative impact on your health. In fact, they may help you live a healthier life. Fasting from these foods for prolonged lengths of time is something I suggest.

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If you're married, make sure you have an agreement on sex abstinence with your partner. “Do not deprive each other except by mutual permission and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer,” Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 7:5. Then get back together so Satan can't tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

What are the different types of spiritual fasting?

Fasting is mentioned in the Bible several times. Fasting is defined as abstaining from something for a set period of time in order to increase our dependence on God and demonstrate our need and desire for Him. Fasting is a disciplined and selfless act.

What are the many kinds of Christian fasts?

Partial fasting, The Daniel Fast, Complete Fasting, Absolute Fasting, Sexual Fasting, Corporate Fasting, and a Soul Fast are the seven types of Christian fasting.

Each of these fasts should be undertaken with humility and a desire to please God. We set aside the time we would have eaten to pray, read the Bible, and worship when we deny ourselves food and even drink.

Value correction/training

It is a kindness if the righteous strike (correct) me. It is oil on the head; do not let my head refuse it; for my prayer continues to be against their evil deeds.

  • Do I value this kind of correction? This psalmist regarded it as a form of charity, and he saw it as a path to spiritual maturation.
  • Do I not just welcome, but actively seek out, criticism? I will never learn without it, and I will remain spiritually immature.

“Getwisdom is the beginning of knowledge!” And while you're at it, learn as much as you can.

Understanding, knowledge, and maturity will come to me as I actively pursue spiritual insight.

  • Do I have a clear picture of my future? Then I must actively seek spiritual assistance from God and spiritually inclined friends.

When tests and obstacles come at you from all sides, think of it as a gift. You're well aware that when you're under duress, your faith life is forced into the open and reveals its true colors. As a result, don't try to pull out of anything too soon. Allow it to perform its job so that you grow up to be mature and well-developed, not lacking in any manner.

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Do I allow pressure to do its work in order to mature? Or do I usually try to cut it short or leave it too soon?

Fight for it

He grabbed his brother's heel in their mother's womb, and as he grew older, he wrestled with God.

To “struggle to overcome” is to contend. It needs maturity to strive with God and wrestle with Him.

Clean house

So neat and tidy! Remove all hate and pretense, envy, and harsh speech. You've gotten a whiff of God. Drink deeply of God's pure compassion now, as if you were a newborn at the breast. Then you'll mature and be complete in God.

Do I make a complete repentance of my sin? Is it better if I leave the dust and cobwebs behind? If I am to mature and experience God's “pure compassion,” I must be radical in my repentance and change.

  • What exactly do I need to “clean up”? What sins do I have in my heart that I haven't confessed?

Don't go it alone

I'm praying not just for them, but also for people who will come to trust in me as a result of their testimony. The goal is for them all to have one heart and mind—just as you, Father, are in me and I am in you—so that they can be one heart and mind with us. The world might assume you sent me if that happens. I gave them the same glory you gave me, so they'll be as united and united as we are—I in them, you in me. Then they'll be grown in their oneness, and they'll show the godless world that you sent me and loved them as much as you loved me.

  • Do you try to bring your friends and family together? Or do you let unifying sins like jealousy, pride, or bitterness dwell in your heart and relationships?

Stop making it about myself

Why does he endow us with specific qualities that enable us to excel in certain tasks? It is that God's people would be better equipped to accomplish better service for him, strengthening and maturing the Church, the body of Christ;

God equips me with the skills and abilities I need to help his church mature and grow. Is it true that I'm doing my part?

  • It isn't simply about me choosing to mature and grow. If I don't grow, my body won't be able to expand.

That is precisely what Jesus accomplished. He didn't make things easy for himself by avoiding other people's problems; instead, he jumped right in and offered assistance. According to Scripture, “I took on the afflictions of the disturbed.” Even if it was written thousands of years ago in Scripture, you can be sure it was written for us. God wants the combination of his ongoing calling and warm, personal counsel in Scripture to become a part of our identity, putting us on the lookout for what he will do next. May our dependable, warmly personal God help you mature so that you can get along with one another as well as Jesus does with us all. Then we'll be a choir—not just our voices, but our entire lives singing in unison in a magnificent anthem to our Master Jesus' God and Father!

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Do I take on other people's problems or do I try to make my own life easier? God is maturing me so that I might assist others.

  • Because he recognized that his life was broader than himself, Jesus did not make things simple for himself. If I make the maturation process all about me and don't see the need for me to “walk in and help out,” I'll just take shortcuts and make things easier on myself.
  • Is it true that I use shortcuts? Then I have to decide whether I'm living for myself or for others.

What are the steps to spiritual growth?

There are four factors to keep in mind when addressing the dynamic of the spiritual life, according to a recent webinar on the Stages of Spiritual Growth and Freedom. She connected these ideas to one's personal growth, as well as how spiritual direction might help with this.

The Definition of the Human Person

Victoria led guests through a synthesis of Catholic teachings on the human person, beginning with an introduction to anthropology anchored on Scripture and Church Tradition. “Then God said: Let us make human beings in our image, after our likeness,” says Genesis 1:26. Man is created “Imago Dei,” in the image and likeness of God. The fact that we were made in the image and likeness of God, who is a communion of people in the Holy Trinity, is the foundation of our fundamental dignity as human beings. We are earthy creatures (i.e., we have a physical body) with a spiritual nature, implying that we were created for something more than this life. Indeed, we were created for someone greater than this life, God himself. We were made to have relationships with God and our fellow humans.

Dynamism of Holiness

In light of this anthropology, Victoria described how attaining divine beatitude, or eternal existence with God in paradise, fulfills our dignity as human beings. We are on a dynamic, though gradual, path toward relationship with God as we go through life. Victoria described how the people of the Old Testament, as well as many figures from the Gospels, experienced the journey to God in stages, based on the Scriptures. God gradually exposes himself to the people of Israel throughout redemption history, and finally fully in the Incarnation of his Son, Jesus Christ. God exposes himself to us in prayer and in our response to his grace using the same approach. Our journey to holiness is a long one, made possible solely by God's grace.

Spiritual Growth and Progression

The purgative stage, the illuminative stage, and the unitive stage are the three stages of development that make up this steady expansion. While not entirely linear, these stages tend to reflect the stages of human development: childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. In the purgative stage, a person goes through his or her initial conversion and reacts to grace by turning away from sin and pursuing virtue. A condition of remembrance is included in the illuminative stage. In fact, “recollection,” or “continuous attention of the mind and emotions of the heart to thoughts and sentiments that elevate the soul to God,” is “the primary virtue of this state.” At this point, one begins to adopt Jesus Christ's thoughts and heart. Finally, the unitive stage is characterized by a person's experience of oneness with God through love, as well as the real experience and exercise of that love. Here, prayer takes on a more meditative tone, while virtue takes on a more mature, even heroic quality. St. Maximilian Kolbe, who gave his life for another prisoner during the Holocaust, is an example of this stage. He did so with heroism, courage, and peace, as well as humility and humility, demonstrating a high level of holiness and spiritual development.

The Role and Application of Spiritual Direction

A spiritual director can be beneficial and perhaps necessary at each of these levels to support one's spiritual progress. A director can be a source of inspiration in the purgative stage, encouraging the directee to take active steps away from sin and toward virtue. A director can assist you in seeing and identifying God's hand in your life during the illuminative period. Finally, at the unitive stage, the director can assist the directee in identifying growth nuances and staying on track.

Spiritual direction is an invaluable gift in the growth of one's spiritual life. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a spiritual director, the Spiritual Direction Certificate Program provides a combination of theological and human sciences as they apply to spiritual direction, as well as acquiring the art and skills of human interactions and supervision. Six online seminars, two four-day onsite residencies, and a practicum are included in the curriculum.

How do I fast for God?

So, now that you know what fasting is and why it's important, where do you start? Twenty various recommendations are provided here to assist you get started fasting and stay motivated.

Identify The Purpose

The first step in fasting for any Christian is to figure out why you're fasting. Do you want to empty your stomach through fasting? Do you want to improve your connection with God? Are you fasting to show your support for the poor? It's crucial to understand why you're fasting. It establishes a context for your experience.

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Commit to a Time Period

The second stage in fasting is deciding on a certain time period and committing to it. When you're a newbie, it's not a good idea to go for a long period of time without eating or drinking anything.

Try to work out what is realistic, and keep your commitment fresh in your mind.

Find Your Weaknesses

Try to predict your weaknesses, or the times when you will feel the worst or most tempted to eat, before the fast begins. Pray for God to provide you with the strength you require when you require it, and He will.

Tell only a Few People

According to Acts 16, when a believer in Christ fasts in secret, he or she will be blessed. You should just tell two or three people that you're fasting. It doesn't matter if it's a spouse, a sibling, or a friend. They may also serve as a partner in terms of accountability.