How To Do Effective Spiritual Warfare

Recently, the Lord has been heavily dealing with me on the subject of spiritual warfare. We are living in a period of profound darkness. And Satan is always thinking about how he may fool us or distort our perceptions of ourselves and God. We must contend with our own human frailties, such as a proclivity for negative thinking and a general lack of faith, in addition to Satan's constant attempts to gain access to our hearts and thoughts. It should come as no surprise that the apostle Paul tells us to pray when we comprehend the enormity of the battle we are fighting “Put on the complete armor of God so that you can stand against the devil's schemes.” (Ephesians 6:11)

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Even Christians in Christ can fail to defend their minds from the world and their adversary, the Devil, in today's ultra-fast paced lifestyles. Recently, I began to notice that the volume in my thoughts was becoming far too loud in my personal life. I, like many others, lead a highly hectic life. I am in charge of numerous businesses, including a non-profit Christian ministry and a financial education and media firm. Of course, all of this is on top of my own significant family and personal obligations. I had to take a step back to re-evaluate my circumstances after realizing how confused my own thoughts had become. It was not a nice discovery. I had allowed a virus to penetrate my head “Worldly” knowledge And many times, by the time you realize Satan is attempting to get a foothold in your life, it is already too late.

We are all fighting a struggle, whether we recognize it or not. Our adversary is well aware of our flaws and employs a deceptive strategy. His goal is to raise the amount of noise in our heads and make us so distracted that we don't see what's going on around us “We get so caught up in “life” that we forget we're even fighting. Many of us may be uncomfortable with the concept of being in a battle, especially because most of us came to Christ as lost and broken sheep rather than trained warriors. Nonetheless, the appeal that comes from God's Word and from the heavenly stadium packed with God's saints who have gone before us is loud and clear: “Rise and fight!”

That is the precise word I received from the Lord lately as I went headfirst into His Word and into prayer in pursuit of His insight for this spiritual conflict. And what are our options? “According to the Bible, what does it mean to “fight”? The response is simply incredible. In fact, the main tactic we'll use is so deceptive that men's minds have been resisting it since the day it was unveiled.

To the psyche of a human being, this act of “In the face of a conflict, “surrender” looks to be the height of weakness. Nonetheless, our frailty and humility “In spiritual combat, “surrender” to God is the ultimate remedy. When it was revealed to the apostle Paul that God's will was to be done, he knew exactly what he was talking about “Weakness makes strength perfect.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

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In fact, the power of Christ at work in – and through – you is your only protection against the demons' schemes. This notion of “spiritual strength in weakness” is reiterated in 1 Corinthians 1:27, which says, “God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to disgrace the clever, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the powerful.”

Friend, the Lord becomes your defense when you humble yourself under God's mighty grasp, surrender to Him, and recognize your fragility and weakness! The Christian believer who goes to his knees, acutely aware of his frailties and failures, and calls out to the Lord for help makes Satan shudder. (See Psalm 34:17 in the Bible.)

The opponent is keen to draw you out and challenge you to a battle of wits. When he says something discouraging, he hopes you will strive to defend yourself in your own strength. He longs to ensnare you with the spirit of offense, which will almost certainly lead to a fleshly struggle. When we're together, “According to God's wisdom, we “rise up and fight” by remembering who owns the battle: the Lord owns the struggle.

You just cannot win in your body, my friend. Satan has much too much experience, and there isn't a single believer on the planet who can stand up to him. Satan will always lose when we bury ourselves in God through a humble and prayerful attitude, a life of meditation on God's Word, and the cultivation of a quiet mind. He'll find himself staring straight at God every time he comes after us in full attack mode. And nothing terrifies Satan more than a face-to-face encounter with our Almighty God.

I've learned throughout the years that some of the most significant fights we'll ever fight can be won or lost in the mind. However, if your mind isn't at ease and you're having trouble sleeping, “Things can go wrong in God's “silence.” Most of my greatest flaws and mistakes stem from a mentality that was too concerned with other things “other things” in order to hear God's soft, quiet word. When our minds grow too noisy to hear God's voice, we will eventually succumb to our fleshly nature, which is pride. Obviously, pride and humility cannot coexist harmoniously in the same heart, thus one must prevail.

However, if pride triumphs by finding a home in our hearts, our demise is not far behind.

Always keep in mind that one of the most crucial aspects to winning spiritual battles and preserving your walk with God is to guard your mind.

Friends, none of us are qualified to be of any value in God's Kingdom. For our very breath and lives, we are completely and completely reliant on God's tremendous love and mercy. I laugh and ask why God would chose someone as broken as me to achieve anything for His Kingdom when I consider my own life and my innumerable failures. But it's important to remember that when God looks at us, he chooses not to see our countless imperfections and previous moral failures. Instead, God sees His one and only Son in the born again believer, who took up home in our hearts the day we realized our sin and cried out for God's rescuing love. God is delighted with you as a Christian not because of your works or your acts, but because of His Son, who is now residing within you. As a result, the Bible correctly regards pride in our earthly achievements or status as the pinnacle of vanity. This is why God the Son and God the Father deserve all the acclaim for their wonderful co-operative labor of redemption, which extended the hand of salvation to a dying world!

Here are a few ideas that I've discovered to be helpful in my own life. I am far from an expert in any of these fields. However, I have firsthand knowledge of how they work.

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– Reading the Bible every day. Choose a book from the Bible to read every day after praying about it. Commit to reading one chapter per day, preferably first thing in the morning. The Bible nourishes your spirit in the same way that healthy food does for your body. Read the Bible!

– Devotional for the Day. Choose a daily devotional to read before going to bed each night. Before going to sleep, simply placing the Word of God into your heart can be a very effective way of preserving your mind.

– Think about God's Word. Consider and think on a Bible scripture you've recently read throughout the day. When unpleasant thoughts or emotions threaten your mental peace, meditating on God's Word is very effective.

– Pray frequently. Learn to pray and share your everyday triumphs and worries with God. It's critical to pray throughout the day, not just at the start and conclusion. Allow yourself to pray throughout the day and see how your relationship with God grows.

– Put on a mask of humility. If pride is the darkness' armor, humility is the light's armor. Every day, we are given the option of acting modestly or displaying pride. Make it a habit to exercise humility and avoid the spirit of arrogance.

– Develop a positive attitude “Mind that is “quiet.” Christians have inherited something that the rest of the world desires: peace of mind. Our peace of mind comes from having a proper connection with God, which was made possible by Christ's atoning act. Some believers, on the other hand, have never felt true peace because their brains have never been refreshed, even though their spirits have been redeemed. Your thoughts will gradually fall into line with God's will as you read and concentrate on God's Word and devote yourself to prayer. Learn to keep your attention focused rather than allowing it to wander. Your mind has the ability to be used for good or evil. Learn to cultivate mental calmness. The peaceful mind is better able to hear God's still, small voice.

Do you have any spiritual battle stories you'd like to share with us after reading this short list? We'd love to hear from you and learn more about spiritual warfare from what God has taught you.

What are the different types of spiritual warfare?

Spiritual warfare is the Christian concept of combating supernatural evil powers at work. It is founded on the biblical belief in evil spirits, often known as demons, who are thought to meddle in human affairs in a variety of ways. Although neo-charismatic churches emphasize spiritual warfare, other Christian denominations and groups have adopted behaviors based on spiritual warfare notions, with Christian demonology frequently playing a crucial role in these practices and beliefs.

Prayer is one of the most prevalent forms of “spiritual warfare” used by these Christians. Exorcism, the laying on of hands, fasting with prayer, praise and worship, and anointing with oil are examples of other practices.

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By Mark Bubeck

Father in Heaven, In front of You, I bow in worship and praise. During this moment of prayer, I cover myself in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ for protection. In every area of my life, I entirely and unconditionally give myself to You. I take a stance against all Satan's schemes that would obstruct my prayer, and I exclusively pray to the true and living God, refusing to allow Satan to interfere with my prayer.

I adore You and worship You, Heavenly Father. I acknowledge that You are deserving of all glory, honor, and praise. I pledge my loyalty to You once more, and I ask that the Holy Spirit would guide me in this time of prayer. I am grateful to You, almighty Father, for loving me from the beginning and sending the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to die as my substitution so that I might be redeemed. I am grateful that the Lord Jesus Christ came to represent me, and that You have forgiven me entirely; You have given me eternal life; You have given me the perfect righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I am now justified. I am grateful that You have made me full in Him, and that You have volunteered to be my daily support and strength through Him.

Come and open my eyes, Heavenly Father, so that I may see how wonderful You are and how full Your provision is for this new day. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I take my place in the heavenlies alongside Christ, with all principalities and powers (dark spirits and evil spirits) under my feet. I am grateful for the victory that the Lord Jesus Christ won for me on the cross and in His resurrection, and that I am seated with the Lord Jesus Christ in the heavenlies; therefore, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I declare that all principalities and powers, as well as all wicked spirits, are subject to me.

I'm grateful for the armor You've given me, and I've donned the girdle of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the sandals of peace, and the helmet of salvation. I raise my faith shield against all the enemy's fiery darts, and I take the sword of the spirit, the Word of God, in my hand, and wield Your Word against all the forces of evil in my life; and I put on this armor and live and pray in complete dependence on You, dear Holy Spirit.

I thank you, almighty Father, that the Lord Jesus Christ ruined all principalities and powers, making a public spectacle of them and triumphing over them in Himself. Today, I claim all of that victory for my life. All of Satan's insinuations, accusations, and temptations are rejected from my life. I declare that God's Word is true, and I choose to live today in accordance with it. I choose to live in obedience to You and friendship with You, heavenly Father. Open my eyes and show me the areas of my life where You would be dissatisfied. Work in my life so that Satan doesn't have a stronghold against me. Show me any flaws you have. Show me any aspect of my life where I need to improve in order to please You. Today, I stand for You and the Holy Spirit's work in my life in every way.

I throw off the old man and stand in all the victory of the crucifixion, where the Lord Jesus Christ offered cleansing from the old nature, by faith and in dependence on You. I put on the new man and take up all of the victory of the resurrection, as well as the provision He has created for me to live a life free of sin. As a result, I am putting off the old nature with its selfishness today and putting on the new nature with its love. I removed the old nature's fear and replaced it with the new nature's courage. I removed the old nature's flaws and replaced them with the new nature's strength. Today, I threw off my old nature with all of its deceptive lusts and put on my new nature with all of its righteousness and purity.

In every way, I claim my place in Christ, victorious with Him over all the enemies of my soul, in the victory of the ascension and glorification of the Son of God, where all principalities and powers were brought subordinate to Him. I ask that You, Holy Spirit, would fill me. Come into my life and demolish every idol and expel every opponent.

I am grateful, heavenly Father, for the way You have revealed Your will for my everyday life in Your Word. As a result, I claim all of God's will for today. I am grateful for all spiritual blessings in heavenly realms that You have bestowed upon me through Christ Jesus.

I am grateful that by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave, You have given me a live hope. I am grateful that You have provided a way for me to live today full with the Spirit of God, filled with love, joy, and self-control. And I understand that this is Your will for me, and I reject and resist Satan's and his demons' attempts to deprive me of God's will.

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I refuse to believe my feelings today, and I raise the shield of faith against all the accusations and insinuations that Satan would want to instill in my mind. For today, I claim the entirety of God's will.

I entirely give myself to You, heavenly Father, as a living sacrifice, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I've made the decision not to adhere to this world's expectations. I choose to be transformed by the renewing of my mind, and I hope that You will reveal Your will to me today and empower me to walk in all of God's will.

I am grateful, dear Father, that the weapons of our struggle are not carnal, but mighty through God in tearing down strongholds, throwing down imaginations, and bringing every thought into obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. As a result, in my own life today, I am tearing down Satan's strongholds and smashing Satan's plots that have been constructed against me. I break down Satan's mental fortifications and surrender my thoughts to You, precious Holy Spirit. I declare, almighty Father, that You have not given us the spirit of fear, but rather the spirit of power, love, and wisdom. Today, I destroy and smash Satan's strongholds built against my emotions, and I surrender my emotions to You. Today, I demolish the strongholds that Satan has built against my will, and I surrender my will to You, choosing to make the correct decisions of faith. Today, I crush the strongholds that Satan has built against my body, and I surrender my body to You, acknowledging that I am Your temple; and I delight in Your kindness and goodness.

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would quicken me today and show me how Satan is obstructing, enticing, lying, counterfeiting, and distorting the truth in my life. Allow me to be the type of person that pleases You. Allow me to be assertive in my prayer. Allow me to be mentally combative, to think Your thoughts and to give You Your rightful place in my life.

I now cover myself in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and pray that You, precious Holy Spirit, would bring all the work of the crucifixion, resurrection, glory, and Pentecost into my life today. I give myself over to You. I'm not going to give up. You are the all-hopeful God. You have demonstrated Your strength by raising Jesus Christ from the dead, and I claim Your triumph in every way over all evil powers working in my life, which I reject, and I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with gratitude.

How do you pray against the enemy?

I command the storm of destruction to gather upon every satanic power that is against my health IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! I decree and declare great casualty upon witches and wizards operating in my neighborhood, the judgment of God shall torment the powers of darkness working against me both at night and in the morning, the night shall carry terror and anger against all satanic powers that are standing against me, the night shall carry terror and anger against all satanic powers that

RIGHT NOW, IN THE NAME OF JESUS, my prayers have become earthquakes and storms in the devil's camp that is against my life; the Lord shall gather his armor against powers that are against my intellectual growth; all sickness in my life, known or unknown, receives heavenly storm; all conspiracy against any part of my body receives destruction now!

I order the deep wells inside me to be freed and broken forth in the name of JESUS!

How can you make it possible to pray together?

“Speak only what is beneficial in edifying others according to their needs, so that those who listen can profit.” 4:29 (Ephesians) (NIV)

“Again, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, my Father in heaven will do it for them.”

For where two or three get together in my name, I am present.”

19-20 in Matthew 18:19-20 in Matthew 18:19-20 in Matthew 18:19

It's a well-known fact that Christian couples find it difficult to pray together.

“The couple who prays together stays together,” it's been stated. and the evidence shows that this is overwhelmingly accurate. Couples who pray together develop their relationships and their intimacy with God and with their spouses. Why don't you join them?

  • Invite your spouse to join you in prayer: Be sympathetic to your spouse's emotions of spiritual inadequacy. Share with him or her that he or she is not required to lead the process or even pray aloud. “You can simply take my hand in yours and pray silently with me,” is a nice place to begin.
  • Decide on a time and location: The “when and where?” question is the first step in establishing a habit. When will we be able to connect without interruption? Is there a quiet place where we can pray? To overcome any aversions to praying together, it would be helpful to set aside some time.
  • Make a list of issues you'd want to pray for as a family: Begin with demands that are personal to you, your spouse, your children, and your family. The more closely the issues are related, the more invested you will be in the process.
  • Pray in a conversational style, which some refer to as “ping pong praying.”
  • You each offer short sentence prayers for the first request before moving on to the next on your list.
  • This strategy keeps your thoughts from straying and your time moving.
  • “Please help Bart to recognize his need to soften his heart and let me do what I want to do…” is not going to encourage Bart's continuing participation!
  • If you miss a day, don't give up: consistency will come with time.
  • Relax and don't be discouraged by the enemy.
  • Allow your partner to remind you that it is time to pray at any time.
  • Assume joint leadership responsibilities for this process.

Take a moment to pray and ask the Lord to help you overcome your concerns and anxiety as you work through this list.

How do you pray for protection from evil?

As I begin this day, I pray for Your protection. You are my safe haven, and I can always find sanctuary under Your wings. Keep me safe from harm wherever I go, and keep evil at bay. I shall look to You as my Protector, the one who battles for me every day, no matter where I am.

Your love and constancy, as well as Your goodness and mercy, surround me on a daily basis, so I will not be afraid of anything. God, I put my trust in You and thank You for Your kindness and protection.

How do you fight evil with prayer?

Evil is unavoidable in this imperfect world, but God defends us from the enemy every second of every day. Here are 25 strong prayers to keep you safe from harm.

Prayers for Evils Outside the Home or in the Workplace

Greetings, Father! I ask for Your protection against the evil one's wickedness. You are the Almighty God, and his might is nothing compared to the might You provide. I come to Your refuge with gladness because You protect me from the devil's attacks. Protect me from the enemy's cunning, and deliver me from his evil schemes, O Lord. When I am weak, cover me with Your presence so that he will run from my presence. Amen.

Father, you are a trustworthy man. There are those out there who are willing to cause bodily harm to others and have no regard for human life. You are our protector against those who would harm us. You are our defender against the wicked's vengeance. As we go about our daily activities today, keep us away from places where bad people lurk. Keep us secure from their evil intentions by cradling us in the protection of Your loving arms. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, May Your Spirit lead me in all of my decisions today. Allow Your wisdom to guide me and allow me to see things as they truly are so that I do not fall prey to others' lies. Keep me secure from evil persons that want to defraud me. Please protect me against con artists who are unconcerned about who they deceive or how much damage they wreak. Give me the discernment to see through their machinations and ill intents and avoid them. Amen.

Greetings, God! You consider our bodies to be Your sanctuary. You also instructed us to look after our health. Assist me in maintaining my health. Remind me that misusing or abusing my body is against Your will when I do so carelessly. Keep me protected from catching or developing diseases or ailments while I go about my day. Assist me in taking extra precautions so that I am not exposed to serious illnesses or bodily harm. Amen.

You have looked after us as a shepherd looks after his flock, loving God. When we are in danger, You protect us, and when we are in distress, You raise us up and guide us to safety. Please protect me from accidents that could cause me great injury while I go today. Keep an eye on me. May I have the mental foresight to avoid or avert accidents. Give me God's discretion so that I might be safe at all times. Allow me to have the mental clarity to warn or assist others when the need comes. Amen.

Greetings, Lord! We turn to You, our God, for protection. Protect us from persons who, whether purposefully or accidentally, ignore the well-being of those around them. Those who ignite damaging fires, cause serious vehicular accidents, and a slew of others who act irresponsibly with little regard for the consequences of their actions. I pray that you protect us from the harm that these people create, and that you prevent them from carrying out their terrible intentions. Amen.

You, Lord of all, direct the actions of those who obey You. You provide those who follow You opportunity. Today, I'm looking for your advice. Lord, grant me mental clarity so that I can properly evaluate the opportunity that has been provided to me. Allowing the promise of money gain to distort my judgment and arouse greed in me is not a good idea. Bless me with Your knowledge, so that I can discern between what is suspect and what is trustworthy. Amen.

Greetings, Lord God! We understand that everything we do has an impact on You. Keep us away from argumentative persons who might provoke us to react in an ungodly manner, while we do our best to live in peace with everyone. Lead us away from angry people who might elicit a shameful response from our fleshly side. Help us to deal with inevitable events with gracious and compassionate words of comfort, so that we may honor You and provide witness to our faith. Amen.

Father Almighty, We request Your protection from crooks. Please keep us secure from those who could come after us or break into our home with the intent of stealing from us or threatening us with physical violence. Protect us from these evil people, Lord, and muck up their plans so they can't steal from or damage others. Allow Your guiding hand to comfort us, and allow us to trust in Your ever-present assistance. Amen.

Prayers for Evils Directed at You and Family Members

Merciful Lord, You are our Loving Father, who shields us and directs our actions. I've come before You to seek for your help in keeping my family secure. I pray that You would always protect our bodily, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Allowing the enemy to take a foothold in any element of our lives is not a good idea. Help us to continue to trust You, appreciating Your victory over the devil and the power you give us to resist him. Amen.

Our Father, You have shown us what truly sacrificial love is like, and You want us to share that love with others. As we compassionately care for others, I pray that our selfless acts will not be exploited and that we will not be singled out for our generosity. Please don't let anyone take advantage of our affection and effort in an unjust way. Instead, direct us to those who are compassionate and true in their intentions and behaviors. Amen.

God the Father, Protect my children against bullying by not putting them in situations where they might be inclined to retaliate or get disheartened, unhappy, or desperate. Allow them to surround themselves with the correct support network of excellent friends at church, school, and in their community. Allow them to grow into decent influencers who will be a blessing to people around them and who will honor You with their life rather than becoming bullies themselves. Amen.

You warned us, Father, that we would suffer like You did. That we will be humiliated, persecuted, and unjustly accused of numerous vile actions because of our religion and principles. Keep us from dishonoring Your name by retaliating against such abuses, O Lord. Keep reminding us of how You were subjected to considerably more persecution than we have. Surround us with Your love and strength so that we can respond appropriately. Give us the courage to bless those who persecute us, knowing that You have already benefited us. Amen.

Father, you are merciful. I humbly request your assistance with my children. Encourage them to be on the lookout for subtle influences that could skew their thinking, weaken their convictions, put doubt on their faith, or divert their attention away from You. Keep children away from wicked, untrustworthy friends who try to get them to do bad things. Lead them to Your Word, O Lord, so that their minds will be renewed and their hearts will be changed by a desire to please You and to live according to Your will. Amen.

Lord, you are all-powerful. The devil has been defeated by you. With Your mere word, you have put his might to shame. He can't hurt us because of You. He has no influence over us because of You. May we keep that in mind at all times. Please protect us from his tyrannical tactics that discourage or depress us. Liberate and protect us from bad thoughts that inspire and provoke us to think and act evilly. Clothe us in Your holy armor, O Lord, so that we may be able to withstand his plots and attacks. Amen.

Father, You despise those who mislead others. You despise individuals who lead others astray with false teachings – those who reject the basic realities of Your word in favor of doctrines that suit their corrupt ideologies. Their primary objective is to persuade others to believe their lies rather than the truth. Give us the wisdom to recognize false doctrines so that we can avoid them, I beg. Instill in us the knowledge that we will be able to confront them and warn others about them. Amen.

Greetings, Lord! You told us not to talk about anything unwholesome. You want us to speak in a way that lifts others up for the benefit of everyone listening. Teach us to be conscious of our words at all times and to keep a firm grip on our tongues. When people gossip about us or slander us, direct our words so that we might continue to bless others with our words. Give us the courage to respond with kindness so that our reaction will honor You. Amen.

Prayers for Evils Regarding Temptations and Personal Weaknesses

God Almighty, My heart and mind are surrendered to You for cleaning. I'm sure You want us to adore You completely and willingly. Keep nasty thoughts out of my head. Keep it away from the tyranny of evil imaginations. Help me to submit every thought I have to Your will, so that I may find joy in You. Protect my thoughts with a mental hedge. Assist me in focusing my thoughts on what is good, true, and positive. Amen.

You are the God of Mercy and the God of Justice. You've sworn that revenge is yours. Teach us to control our urge to retaliate, knowing that only You have the authority to exact proper retribution on our wrongdoers. Prevent us from seeking vengeance, for You have commanded us not to return evil for evil. Help us to trust You and put our trust in You. May we find the fortitude to instead demonstrate compassion, so that we might be a witness to Your goodness. Amen.

God, the Lover, You established marriage as a lifelong commitment. You established it as a friendship and camaraderie that would last a lifetime. I pray that You will assist my spouse and me in keeping the promise we made to You for the rest of our lives. Prevent us from falling prey to extramarital affairs. Assist us in keeping our lines of communication open and honest at all times. Help us both to grow our relationship into one that is kind, caring, joyous, and mutually respectful, all in the name of You. Amen.

Even though we are unfaithful, God, my healer, You stay faithful. Even when we repeatedly neglect You, You gently reach out to us. Your unwavering love has inspired me to seek treatment for my addiction, and Your loving presence has given me the confidence to break free from this shackle. I pray that you will strengthen me so that I can continue to reject my bad urges. Fill me with Your Spirit, O Lord, and heal me entirely from the clutches of these bad cravings, so that I may find peace within that will guard my heart. Amen.

You, Lord of my life, want us to be humble. That is why you consistently choose the humble while opposing the proud. Teach us, I hope, to always be rational in our self-evaluation and not to think of ourselves as greater or more important than others. Protect our hearts from pride, because such evil only brings shame and ruin. O Lord, may Your Spirit instill in us a modest spirit that treats people with respect at all times and in all circumstances. Amen.

Father, you are a generous man. You have told us not to place our hope in wealth, because greed is the foundation of all evil. You give us every opportunity to be satisfied in You since You promise to meet our needs. Teach us, I beg, to curb our materialistic appetites. Give us the courage to let go of all greed and covetousness in our hearts. Bless us with the patience and contentment to trust Your promises and rejoice in Your provisions, O Lord. Amen.

Lord, You have warned us that self-centeredness is the source of much confusion and all evil, and that many people will embrace self-love. Make us completely aware of the dangers of self-centeredness and lead us in the direction of avoiding this nasty attitude. Allow us to learn from Your wonderful sacrifice on the cross by teaching us true selflessness. Allow us to recognize the importance of others and how we should protect their interests as well. Assist us in putting the needs of others ahead of our own. Amen.

Can you pray for something bad to happen to someone?

If you wish for something awful to happen to someone because they've wronged you, be aware that it could come back to haunt you in unexpected ways. When conspiring against someone, keep in mind that the Almighty is watching. Never pray for people with a bad intention or a terrible prayer!