How To Discern Your Spiritual Gifts

Learning about our spiritual gift(s) is a fascinating subject because it allows us to learn something new about ourselves.

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A spiritual gift is something God has chosen for you personally so that you can serve and use your distinctive aptitude to assist the church on earth advance.

God has chosen people to carry out his mission. For reasons only he knows and understands, he chose this course of action. From a human standpoint, we may question if this was the wisest move. After all, the sky is the limit when it comes to what God could have accomplished. He had the option of speaking to lost people through angels. He surely utilized them on a number of major instances in the Bible. Alternatively, God could have produced a particular breed of messengers who would never let him down—a breed of messengers who would never fail him “He needed a “sin-proof” instrument to faithfully broadcast his Word. God, for that matter, could have just stuck his head through the sky and shouted, “Hello, universe! You're not God, and I'm God!” God, on the other hand, has chosen men and women to carry out his mission among humanity.

We must make advantage of everything that Jesus Christ has made available to us as we seek to follow and be utilized by him. The gifts of the Spirit are one of Jesus' greatest gifts to his church and to us as individuals. Why has he lavished these blessings on us? The Bible says this about the crucial role they play in believers' lives:

Spiritual Gifts Help Us to Grow in Christ's Knowledge. Some people get infatuated with spiritual abilities rather than Jesus as a result of being sidetracked by them. Instead of signs and marvels following believers, Christians began to follow signs and wonders. This is an indication of immaturity spiritually. A. B. Simpson, a Christian author and pastor, wrote these wise words:

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Spiritual gifts aren't the goal; they're the means to get there. They aren't toys to be enjoyed; they are tools to be used in construction and weapons to be used in combat. When we use them for God's glory rather than our own, we will be more effective.

Spiritual Gifts Should Be Employed. It is possible to squander a gift. However, by doing so, you defy God and deprive the church of a blessing. As a result, we must make use of the gifts he has bestowed upon us. Indeed, it must be an affront to God for us to dismiss a gift that the Holy Spirit has bestowed upon us by claiming that it isn't vital enough to use.

In the Body of Christ, each Spiritual Gift has a unique role to play. Every gift that God has given to the church, the body of Christ, is significant. Some gifts, like preaching, teaching, and prophecy, may appear to be more vital than others, like hospitality and service. All of these gifts, however, have been given by God to build up his church. None of these gifts should be dismissed or taken for granted.

So, what spiritual gifts has God bestowed upon his people? Here's a rundown:

ADMINISTRATION: The capacity to use planning, organization, and supervisory skills to guide a church or ministry toward the successful achievement of God-given goals.

APOSTLE: A person who is sent to spread the gospel to new places. You may have heard of missionaries who go to different places to help spread the gospel; these individuals are known as apostles. An apostle can also serve as a leader for other churches or ministries, as well as provide spiritual guidance.

DISCERNMENT: The ability to distinguish truth from falsehood by determining if a behavior or teaching comes from God or from an unholy source.

EVANGELISM: The ability to effectively preach the gospel message, particularly to nonbelievers.

EXHORTATION: The ability to provide encouragement, comfort, and support in order to assist someone in becoming all that God intends them to be.

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FAITH: People who have this gift have such faith in God's power and promises that they can maintain their faith no matter what is thrown at them. They can also defend and advance their beliefs by standing up for the church and their faith.

GIVING: Those who have this gift are especially willing and able to share whatever resources they have without expecting anything in return.

HEALING: God's ability to repair others' bodily, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

HELPS: This gift allows someone to support or assist members of the body of Christ so that they can focus on ministering to others.

HOSPITALITY: The ability to make anyone, even strangers, feel at ease in one's own house or church as a way of discipleship or service.

KNOWLEDGE: This is a gift given by someone who actively seeks to understand the Bible. This individual might also appreciate examining scriptural facts.

LEADERSHIP: This ability identifies a person who can stand in front of a congregation, direct the congregation with care and attention, and motivate them to achieve the church's objectives.

MERCY: This is the defining characteristic of someone who is sensitive to the plight of others. It shows up in the form of compassion and encouragement, as well as a desire to help someone who is in need.

PROPHECY: The ability to communicate God's message to others. This can occasionally include foresight or visions of the future. This ability should only be used to encourage or warn others.

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SERVING:A gift for identifying tasks that the body of Christ requires and utilizing existing resources to complete them.

SPEAKING IN TONGUES: The miraculous ability to communicate in a language other than one's own (one that has not been learned).

TEACHING: The ability to successfully teach from the Bible and transmit it to others for their spiritual growth and knowledge.

WISDOM: The ability to sort through facts and data in order to figure out what has to be done for the church.

It's worth noting that not every Christian believes God still bestows all of these spiritual abilities. Some believe that certain talents, such as speaking in tongues, were passed down just at a time in biblical history when they were needed and are no longer needed now.

  • Did any of the above descriptions strike a chord with you as you read them? It's possible that's the gift or gifts you've received.
  • You can ask your Christian friends to tell you about the gifts they see in you—they can frequently see what you can't and can tell you about the skills God has given you.
  • You can pray about it; if we ask God to guide us toward whatever gifts He has given us, he will do so.
  • Some churches provide classes to help you find your spiritual gifts. Check with a church leader to see whether this is something they provide.
  • You can also take an online spiritual gifts exam, which you can locate by searching online. But a word of caution: these tests aren't always accurate, so take the results with a grain of salt and keep praying for the answer.

While we're pursuing our spiritual gifts, it's easy to lose sight of Jesus. They can easily become idols to us, therefore don't let this distract you from the only person who matters.

Furthermore, once we identify the gift or gifts we possess, we may become pigeonholed within them. You don't have to be a pastor just because you have a gift for teaching! Each gift has various applications, and your mentors, friends, and church leaders may assist you in determining how to effectively apply those remarkable God-given abilities.

You may also discover that your gifts evolve over time. For example, you can discover that you gain the gift of faith as you grow in your religion. This just indicates that your faith in Jesus is growing stronger, and you're getting more secure in sharing your beliefs. However, as we grow older, gain insight, have new experiences, and continue our walk with the Lord, our spiritual abilities will alter as well. Consider it as a software update from God!

Start using your gift(s) to praise God once you've determined which one(s) you have. You are furthering the Kingdom of God by volunteering in a ministry or around your church with your spiritual gifts. That is true regardless of how minor the task appears to be.

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You'll be shocked at how fortunate your time will be if you find a location to serve (volunteering is frequently referred to as “serving”) that utilizes at least one of your abilities. You may have seen how simple it is for you; God has given you a heavenly gift that you are naturally gifted at, and it just comes effortlessly to you! You might be shocked by how much you appreciate exercising your new gift muscle as well.

Ask a leader at your church where volunteers are needed and explore what would be a good fit for your skill set. If you have the gift of mercy, for example, a hospital or jail ministry would be a good fit for you. Alternatively, if you have a natural sense of hospitality, greeting new people or setting up for events can be the greatest fit. You might be an excellent complement to a prayer ministry if you have the gift of exhortation.

Remember that your gifts can be used in a variety of ways, so don't feel obligated to do something just because it appears to be appropriate for your gifts on the surface. If an assignment isn't bringing you delight, look for anything else to accomplish. Joy is a good indicator of what your gift is; if an activity makes you happy, you've discovered your expertise and fit.

Now go find out what gifts God has given you and put them to good use in the Kingdom!

The New Believer's Bible is specifically created to aid new Christians in reading, studying, and comprehending the Bible. It has characteristics that aid Christians in growing and deepening their faith while also laying the groundwork for their new life in Christ.

Where to Put Your Spiritual Gifts to Work: Practical Advice on Finding Your Ministry Niche

What are the 11 spiritual gifts?

A spiritual gift, also known as a charism (plural: charisms or charismata; Greek singular: charisma, plural: charismata), is a supernatural ability bestowed by the Holy Spirit. Followers think that these are supernatural graces that individual Christians require (and that were required in the days of the Apostles) in order to fulfill the Church's mission. In the strictest sense, it is a theological word for the special graces bestowed on individual Christians for the benefit of others, as opposed to personal sanctification graces such as the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

The word of knowledge, enhanced faith, healing gifts, miraculous gifts, prophecy, spirit discernment, various kinds of tongues, and tongue interpretation are examples of these skills, which are often referred to as “charismatic gifts.” The gifts of apostles, prophets, teachers, aids (associated with service to the destitute and sick), and governments (or leadership abilities) are also associated with various Church ministries. Individuals are given these gifts by the Holy Spirit, but their mission is to build up the entire Church. They're mentioned in the New Testament, namely in 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4. Spiritual gifts are also mentioned in 1 Peter 4.

The gifts are tied to both “natural” and “miraculous” abilities, both of which are empowered by the Holy Spirit. The two primary theological viewpoints on their nature are that they have long since ceased or that they continue (Cessationism versus Continuationism).

How do you practice discernment?

The difficulty is that we sometimes wait until there's a major issue at stake before engaging in discernment – and then we're completely unfamiliar with the process when everything seems to be on the line. It's not a pleasant environment to be in.

Thankfully, God can work with us in any location, at any time, and in any manner. But, by making discernment a strong habit in our life, we can better equip ourselves to address the major questions.

Imagine attempting to interpret a gourmet soufflé recipe when we've never learnt to fry an egg. It'll be a lot more challenging this time!

Learning to discern entails developing the practice of using discernment in our daily lives, in both big and small matters.

Practice talking to God about the simple things in your life. Practice listening – He might not speak to you the same way he speaks to others. If you've never listened before, don't expect to be able to hear right away.

Get to know yourself — your inclinations, your tendencies, and your regular approaches to circumstances. You can modify properly if you know yourself.

Practice observing — observing your own reactions to opportunities, challenges, and other people's reactions. How can you learn if you don't pay attention?

Keep a journal, meet with a friend or mentor on a regular basis, and find a way to observe the trail you're leaving behind. We learn more about ourselves over time than we can see in the present.

Making discernment a habit relieves stress when presented with a major decision, such as who to marry, where to live, or what to do. Instead of being a novice, you'll be well-versed in the art of discernment.

However, there is one caveat: don't expect to become an expert in discernment overnight. It takes several years! And, for the sake of the great questions, don't even make it your objective to be adept at discernment.

Even if we believe we have made all of our major life decisions, discernment is a lifelong process that never ends. Learning to appreciate the process is key to making it a habit.

What are the 7 gifts from God?

Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. While some Christians regard them as a comprehensive list of precise characteristics, others see them as illustrations of the Holy Spirit's work through the faithful.

What are the 5 gifts from God?

This Light is God's Word, Truth. It appeared to the Old Testament prophets in many forms. It arrived in the form of the Ten Commandments for Moses, for example. It appeared as a babe in a manger on the first Christmas in Bethlehem. When the baby grew up, he became known as Christ Jesus, who declared himself to be the Light and the Truth. All mankind was healed and saved as a result of the manifestation of the Light. It also made it possible for humanity to embrace the other four gifts. Finally, after Jesus' ascension, the Light manifested itself in various forms. The Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Counselor, Comforter, Helper, Spirit of Truth, and the Science of Christ have all been used to describe it.

“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness,” God said. ‘Genesis 1:26,' says the Bible.

God is Life, Truth, and Love, according to the Bible. Christ Jesus, according to the Bible, is an illustration of God's holy image. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught humanity how to be that image. To experience that picture and immortality, he stated we must be humble, meek, comforting, merciful, seeking righteousness, peacemakers, forgiving, nonjudgmental, unconcerned about material things, and willing to love our adversaries.

Parting the waters, getting water out of stone, healing, raising the dead, walking through fire, and spending time with ravenous lions were all ways the prophets demonstrated this. Turning water into wine, healing sin and suffering, raising the dead, walking on water, and his own resurrection from death are all examples of Jesus proving his point. God's prerequisites for receiving this gift are “thou shall not dread” and “thou shall not want” throughout the Bible. Christ's teaching and example made this even clearer. We can accept that gift if we follow these commands and examples.

God's Life, Truth, and Love are blessings to us. His Word is a blessing to us. He will continue to shower us with His Grace indefinitely.

5. “And God saw all he had made, and it was very good,” says the Bible. 1:31 (Genesis)

If we are willing to accept it, the last gift is that God created everything and it is extremely good. Sin, pain, and death are all manifestations of our ignorance of God. When we recognize that God is good all of the time and that His purpose is always good, we will begin to appreciate this gift more and more, and evil, suffering, and death will fade away, as described in the 21st Chapter of Revelation.