How To Defend Against Spiritual Warfare

There are two types of spiritual warfare, as we saw last week: resistible and non-resistible, which require two distinct answers. We'll look at how the devil uses three different spiritual warfare strategies against Christians this week. In both resistible and non-resistible spiritual combat, he may employ any of these strategies.

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  • Dirty Tricks: The enemy use bad conditions to deceive and defeat us. They may involve difficult circumstances that we aren't even aware are satanic in nature.

For example, we see Job's life being destroyed in the first chapter of Job. He had fantastic money, a large family, and excellent health one day. Then, seemingly overnight, he lost everything.

Job had no way of knowing why the disasters had befallen him at the time. They'd all come up with a natural answer. All of the incidents, however, were the consequence of spiritual battle, according to the Bible.

  • Mind Games: The enemy utilizes “Mind Games” to confuse Christians as another spiritual warfare method.

Satan is the great deceiver, great illusionist, great con artist, and great liar. “Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies,” Jesus stated of the devil in John 8:44.

We can be better equipped to combat Satan's mind games if we are aware of them.

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We must always be aware of the dangers of diabolical trickery, as if we were going through a minefield.

  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: The enemy occasionally emerges from behind his Dirty Tricks and Mind Games to face God's people in direct Hand-to-Hand Combat.

This entails wicked spirits directly opposing God's will and God's people. When Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness, we find an example of this when Satan talked directly to Jesus and tried to fool and seduce Him into sin (Matthew 4).

Many times in the Bible, we see direct confrontation with wicked spirits (for example, Luke 8:26-30; Acts 19:14-16), and as the light of the gospel dims in our world, such occurrences are becoming more common. Of course, missionaries, frequently from very primitive cultures, are one of the most common sources of such claims, telling instances of direct demonic battles.

In conclusion, we may not be sure when something is spiritual warfare or when it can be explained by truly natural conditions, especially when it comes to Dirty Tricks and Mind Games.

However, spiritual warfare is implicated in a number of life issues in the Bible:

This is not an exhaustive list, but rather a collection of biblical illustrations of how the enemy causes chaos in people's life.

First and foremost, we must be aware of its truth. We are susceptible if we aren't. “Peter stated,” “Keep a level head and be on the lookout. The devil, your adversary, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to eat” (1 Peter 5:8). In spiritual battle, being clueless is a huge disadvantage — ignorance is not bliss!

The second step is to put on spiritual armor, which is a metaphor for spiritual preparation. Ephesians 6:14–17 contains the armor:

Stand steady, then, with the belt of truth around your waist, the armor of righteousness on your shoulders, and your feet fitted with the peace gospel's readiness. In addition, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all of the bad one's blazing darts. Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and the helmet of salvation. (NIV)

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Truth's Belt: “I believe the Bible to be true and will faithfully follow it.”

Righteousness breastplate: “I will not hide my sin, and I will endeavor to be like Jesus.”

Peaceful shoes: “I trust God's promises and expect them to come true for me.”

Faith's shield: “I will reject such ideas and sentiments whenever I feel like doubting, sinning, or quitting, and tell myself the truth.”

Helmet of Salvation (Helmet of Salvation): “I put my faith on the future and live in this world in accordance with future values.”

Spirit of the Lord: “I'll use Scripture to fend against the enemy's attacks and advance the cause of Christ.”

Third, the Bible makes it clear that if we are aware to spiritual attack and have our armor on, we can fight the spiritual onslaught, as we saw last week. We are commanded to resist the enemy in three separate places of Scripture.

“As a result, put on the entire armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day and, when you have done everything, stand firm.”

6:13 (Ephesians)

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“‘God opposes the haughty, but grants grace to the humble,' says the Bible. As a result, submit to God. The devil will fly from you if you resist him. God will get near to you if you draw near to Him.” 6–8 (James 4:6–8)

“Keep a level head and be on the lookout. The devil, your adversary, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to eat. But stand firm in your faith and resist him.” 5:8–9 1 Peter 5:8–9

In these verses, the Bible does not define what it means to resist. But there are some valid conclusions to be drawn regarding How to Resist:

  • Maintain a clear conscience: Ephesians 4:26-27 warns us not to let the sun set on our wrath because it provides the devil an opening. This appears to apply to any sin of a similar nature. We must swiftly repent/confess. Otherwise, the enemy gains an advantage in our life.
  • Resist temptation: 1 John 2:15-17 tells us to resist the world's, flesh's, and devil's allure.
  • Regulate your wicked thoughts: The weapons of our warfare, according to 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, are not of the flesh, but divinely strong, and we are to destroy theories and every lofty thing built up against the knowledge of God, as well as to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
  • Quote Scripture: In Luke 4 and Matthew 4, we witness Jesus defying the devil's temptations by quoting Scripture.
  • Pray: While praying in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest, Jesus advised His disciples to “pray that you may not come into temptation” (Matthew 26:41).

We will be victorious in our spiritual fights if we are aware of the devil's tactics in our life – Dirty Tricks, Mind Games, and Hand to Hand Combat – and employ the three biblical defenses against the enemy — Be Alert, Put on the Armor, and Resist.

And by “victorious,” I mean that if we are in “resistible warfare,” the devil will flee from us, or if we are in “non-resistible warfare,” these defenses will allow us to remain faithful to the Lord throughout the spiritual conflict.

How do you pray to protect against your enemies?

As I begin this day, I pray for Your protection. You are my safe haven, and I can always find sanctuary under Your wings. Keep me safe from harm wherever I go, and keep evil at bay. I shall look to You as my Protector, the one who battles for me every day, no matter where I am.

Your love and constancy, as well as Your goodness and mercy, surround me on a daily basis, so I will not be afraid of anything. God, I put my trust in You and thank You for Your kindness and protection.

How can you constantly defend and nourish your faith?

How to Maintain Your Faith in the Face of Adversity

  • Pray. For the strength to love to your greatest potential, pray to God, the universe, or whatever higher force you believe in.

What is warfare prayer?

The finest techniques for combating spiritual warfare are battle scriptures and prayers. Nothing can compare to the force of God's word and the ability to invoke Jesus' authority via prayer. The most effective strategy to combat spiritual warfare is to use God's word and pray.

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Warfare prayer acknowledges the spiritual battle raging around you and prays for victory over the enemy through the power of Jesus Christ.

Whether you are conscious of it or not, spiritual warfare is all around you. Keep in mind what the Bible says about the adversary. There is a real adversary of God who will stop at nothing to prevent you from growing in your faith and being closer to Him. The objective of the thief, according to John 10:10, is to steal, murder, and destroy.

When you understand the enemy's goal against you, you may fully appreciate the value of warfare prayers and scriptures. Warfare prayer points and verses are in handy in this situation.

What is Psalm 109 used for?

This psalm is one of the Imprecatory Psalms against deceitful enemy, according to the New Oxford Annotated Bible, and is titled “Prayer for rescue from enemies.” It begins with the psalmist's plea in verses 1–5, then moves on to a lengthy imprecation (verses 6–19, concluding or summarizing in verse 20). The resumed pleading in verse 21 includes appeals to Yahweh's steadfast love, specifics of the psalmist's own misery, and a prayer for revenge against the adversaries, but the lament concludes with the promise to praise (verses 30–31), which is so typical in this style of psalm. The psalmist's curse ‘extends through three generations' in verses 8–14: on the person (verse 8), the person's children (verses 9–13), and the person's parents (verse 14). Psalm 55 reflects the shift from many foes (verses 2–5) to a single individual (verses 6–19).

In verse 4, evil is provided ‘in exchange for my affection.' The curses in this chapter are in line with Proverbs 17.13, which states that “if evil is given for good, evil will not depart from their house.” Returning evil for good is also found in other Psalms, such as 41, 69, and here in 109, as portending Judas as a ‘anti-friend' character who returns evil for good or even friendship.

In contrast to the introduction of Psalm 110, when God calls a man to sit at his right hand, made eternally like the priest king Melchizedek, the end of Psalm 109 shows God at the right hand of the impoverished man.

How do you put faith into action?

Putting one's faith into practice isn't as difficult as it may appear. We're all asked to be pure and to live lives of grace, but how can we put our faith in Jesus Christ into practice every day? Here are some suggestions to get you started:

1. Take part in the sacraments. As Catholics, we are really fortunate to have some avenues for receiving grace. The sacraments give us this gift. Attend Mass and make an appointment to see a priest. These deeds not only bring grace, but they also tend to lessen any weight you might be bearing.

2. Reduce the amount of time you spend watching television. Avoid watching television that portrays marriage–or any relationship–in a negative manner. When you think about it, most sitcoms, dramas, and reality television shows portray immorality as normal, even preferable to leading a holy life. Consider this: Does viewing this TV show glorify God? If it doesn't, you might want to give it up.

3. Intercede for a person who has harmed you. Also, please forgive them. It doesn't matter if they're sorry for what they've done to you or even realize they've wounded you. Every minute of our life, God provides compassion to us, and it is our responsibility to pray for and forgive others.

4. Don't gossip and defend someone you care about. When a conversation with your pals devolves into slamming others, revealing juicy details of someone else's problems, or something similar, either intervene by standing up for the person or simply walk away. I'm aware that some of my friends talk and refuse to listen even when I try to defend them, so walking away from the conversation is sometimes the best option.

5. Give used clothes, toys, kitchen supplies, canned food, or anything else to charity with a love for Christ. We live in a world where there is always more than enough. I know I have a constant need to de-clutter, and if I don't keep “things” in check, they can take over. The Ladies of Charity and the Salvation Army in our community are always in need of donations. Check to see if your church has a food pantry or can make a donation recommendation. If you don't have any extra items to contribute, perhaps you can serve God by volunteering at a church or a charity.

What do you pray in difficult times?

Father in Heaven, I'm lonely and battered, tears well up in my eyes, and I toss and turn at night.

I need to know that you care, that you love me, that you will be my sanctuary from agony, that you will replace my distress with calm, and that you will be my strength when I am weak and unable to continue.

Help me not to be afraid of the future, but to trust that you are in charge when my emotions overwhelm me and I am in despair. Help me to “Be quiet, and know that you are God” when I can't speak or don't know what to say.

How do you grow spiritually?

1. Begin by humbling yourself and praying.

It's all too easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget how fortunate we are. You may maintain these positives in your mind by taking time in the morning (and again before you go to sleep at night).

Request that God continue to bless and protect you and your loved ones. This is also a good moment to ask Him for assistance in keeping your mind on His plan for your life. When we ask Him a question, we may find that we immediately see opportunities in front of us.

2. Study and Read the Bible

Consider your Bible to be a manual. The pages contain more information about how to live your life than you may realize. Proverbs and the letters to the churches (such as Ephesians and Philippians) instruct you on how to live a Christian life. Life lessons abound in the Bible.

The teachings of Jesus can be found throughout Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and then the teachings of the disciples may be found throughout the rest of the New Testament. The Old Testament tells you about Jesus' ancestors as well as stories of people who had strong faith. The more you grow in God's Word, the less external influences will cause you to stumble.

If you have the opportunity, try to delve thoroughly into a particular book, either in a group Bible study session or online, in order to gather some truth nuggets. This will also help you understand how this fact affects your life.

3. Find a group of believers who share your beliefs.

Depending on where you live, you might be able to find Christian groups that meet for a variety of reasons. Christian book clubs, Christian counseling groups, and faith-based exercise courses are examples of this.

There's a cliché that says you become like the five people you spend the most time with. Choose persons who have a deep relationship with God and can assist you in your spiritual development as a Christian.

4. Help Others

“Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them,” Jesus stated in Matthew 7:12, “because this is the Law and the Prophets” (New King James Version).

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We've all heard the command, but how many of us actually do it? And what does it mean to serve others in order to get closer to God?

While on Earth, Jesus demonstrated how God wants us to live by caring for and serving others. Will people betray and injure us? Yes. They also harmed and betrayed Jesus. He continued to reach out to people and point them to God. We are feeding Jesus' chosen by feeding and clothing the destitute. “Feed my sheep,” Jesus stated to Peter after three times asking if he loved Him.

Please feed my sheep. It is our duty to look after others and to serve as the Lord's hands and feet. The key to a closer connection with God is obedience. “If you love me, observe my commands,” Jesus stated. (New International Version, John 14:15).

This does not, however, imply that if you are a victim of abuse, you must keep your arms in the fire. You can forgive others while maintaining a healthy distance from harmful connections. If you need assistance, talk to a Christian Counselor who can guide you toward a Christian lifestyle with healthy relationships.

5. Find out what spiritual gifts you have.

Each Christian has been given spiritual gifts, according to the Bible. Did you know that this can imply more than bodily healing and the ability to speak in tongues? Those are two of the most important biblical gifts.

You've also been given discernment, wisdom, faith, knowledge, and the fruits of the Spirit, which include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. Some of the gifts are related to your mission. You can improve these abilities by engaging in particular activities. You can focus on aligning your spiritual gifts with your purpose and serving others as a means of deepening your relationship with God if you are aware of the spiritual gifts that God has given you.

These are your innate abilities and characteristics. Do you enjoy assisting others, whether it's through home visits or meal preparation? Do you have a natural aptitude for teaching? Do you regularly share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others?

Other spiritual gifts that you may discover in yourself or others include:

  • Are you the person that everyone looks to in a crisis? Are you more of a take-charge leader than a follower?
  • Administration – Do you enjoy leading a church function when no one else is available? Are you prone to delegating duties and organizing groups and events?
  • Does it concern you when someone reads Scripture out of context when you're teaching? Do you ever have the feeling that you could teach others about a particular subject?
  • Evangelism – Do you often share the good news of Jesus Christ with others? Do you coach others on how to do the same?
  • Shepherding – Can you educate or lead while caring for and serving others? Do you feel a sense of responsibility for the persons God has entrusted to your care?
  • Prophecy – Do you believe the Holy Spirit gives you special insight into a person or a group of people? Are you confident in your ability to express Biblical truths?
  • Do you prioritize serving the needs of others in your church and community when you serve? Do you enjoy working on projects that require you to be hands-on?
  • Mercy– Do you sympathize with those who are in pain and looking for solace? Is it possible for you to provide a safe haven for a friend who is grieving or in pain?
  • Exhortation — Do you offer practical, Bible-based advice to people? Can you see the bigger picture and propose answers to a problem?
  • Giving – Do you go beyond tithes and offerings to find methods to financially help ministries? Do you spend your time and money anonymously in order to build God's kingdom rather than to “show off”?

Consider visiting with a Spiritual Development Counselor who can assist you in developing a strategy to further each of your gifts. You may focus on serving others while also achieving your purpose if you discover the top three gifts God has given you for ministry.

Everything will begin to seem aligned when you are experiencing a spiritual awakening of these gifts. Your relationship with God will improve as you continue to work on these. Find folks who share your passions and can serve as mentors. A person with the spiritual gift of teaching who also enjoys writing, for example, could collaborate with a Bible study author to create content for their church ministry.

Make a daily commitment to incorporate each of these into your spiritual development plan. Nothing matters more than your spiritual awakening and your relationship with God. We hope that as you grow in your spiritual life, you will be able to carry that confidence out into the world.