How To Activate Your Spiritual Senses

Activate your spiritual senses. You, too, can utilize your spiritual sight to connect to the heavenly plan, just as prophets and visionaries around the world have been able to perceive the divine workings in visions. Using visualizations during meditation and prayer to enhance and expand your ability to store images in your mind is crucial to developing spiritual sight. When you communicate to Christ or angels in prayer, practice envisioning them and imagine what paradise looks like. Soon, you'll have dreams and have moments of awake inspiration.

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God's voice can be heard. God is constantly communicating to us, but we are not listening, and part of the reason for this is that our spiritual sense of hearing has not grown. Learning to calm the noise in your mind is essential for hearing spiritual messages. Try to keep extraneous thoughts to a minimal during meditation or prayer, and instead focus on God's love and beauty. When something comes up that bothers you, pray for a remedy from God. If you have a clear mind, you will hear His voice clearly speaking to you, as it always does.

God's Word is to be tasted. The living God's Word is believed to fill the hearts of hungry mankind. While in meditation or prayer, practice improving your ability to truly taste these words. Observe how your mind and body are hungry for a variety of things in the world. Now consider how focusing on God's love is more satisfying and eliminates the need for many of these things. Feel the sweetness of His words and how they fill the soul. Keep a few treasured Bible passages with you at all times so that the words of God are always available to quench your spiritual thirst.

The Lord's presence is palpable. As we go about our everyday jobs and chores, many of us feel alone. Concentrate on the notion that God is around you at all times to enhance your spiritual feeling ability, and focus on this during prayer or meditation. Soon, you'll be able to sense his soothing presence all around you.

Take a whiff of the garden that awaits you. Smell has the ability to elicit strong emotions, memories, and mental states. Practice smelling the flowers that bloom in the earthly paradise that awaits humanity while in prayer or meditation. Take note of how clear of pollution and man-made dirt the air is. Allow the scents to transfer you to a different frame of mind that will stay all day.

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How can I develop my sixth sense?

We've all become so preoccupied with our work schedules that taking time to appreciate the beauty of nature has become increasingly impossible. Simply being in nature, going through a garden and admiring lovely flowers while listening to birds sing, can help us reconnect with ourselves.

Write Down What You Dream

There are days when you have an interesting dream and choose to disregard it. These dreams, on the other hand, could be omens of something that is about to happen in your life. When you sleep, dreams play in your subconscious mind and can be linked to your daily life. The next morning, write down what you dreamed; this will assist you grasp what's going on in your head and will also strengthen your intuition.

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Another practice that can help you awaken your sixth sense is pranayam. When you do pranayama, the air reaches the brain, which aids in the development of your sixth sense.

What makes you a spiritual person?

Being spiritual entails prioritizing self- and other-love as a top priority. Spiritual individuals are concerned about people, animals, and the environment. Many people who are incredibly spiritual are not religious, do not meditate, pray, or belong to any group.

What is spiritual sense?

The Spiritual Sense explores what Scripture means in terms of reality and happenings. The Allegorical Sense examines how individuals, events, and things in the literal sense alludes to Christ's mystery. Moral Sensibility.

What is your spiritual vision?

Some claim to have seen the Holy Spirit. This is something you've also claimed. How is that possible?

A: My statements about the Holy Ghost have gotten a lot of attention throughout the years. It never ceases to amaze me how much I like writing about him!

I was suspicious when I first met someone who claimed to see the Holy Spirit. I asked a lot of questions and got a lot of unsatisfactory answers. Then I became hesitant, felt inadequate, and dropped the subject. I persisted in my study of the Bible, God's presence, and the supernatural. “A few people have the ability to glimpse God. “I suppose I'm not one of them,” I explained. Despite the fact that I had frequent dreams from the Lord, frequently heard his voice, and even witnessed miracles and healings at pivotal times in my life, it seemed unjust that I couldn't see what others saw in terms of the Holy Spirit.

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But then, one day, during a particularly trying period in my life, I began praying to God for mercy and guidance in understanding the Holy Spirit. I was in severe need of the Comforter's comfort. I started a personal Bible study on the Godhead's third person. I looked at every scripture that mentioned him. With questions and prayers about the Holy Spirit, I pursued the Lord. “Then Moses prayed, ‘Please show me Your splendor!' “I Myself will make all My kindness pass before you, and I will declare the name of the Lord before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will show compassion on whom I will show compassion,” He added. (NASB) Exodus 33:18, 19.

Exodus 33 brought the scriptures of Moses to life. Jeremiah also promises that when we seek God, we will find him (Jeremiah 29:13), and this has shown to be true. The Bible doesn't say which aspects of God we should seek in particular; it just says that if we do, we shall find spiritual wealth. He arrived in the fullness of time. As the Lord had promised, his goodness came to me as a result of his gracious compassion. God knew I needed him now more than ever. He appeared to me as a caregiver and concerned friend, clothed in 1950s white physician's scrubs with a large smile and a warm, compassionate touch. “Is it you?” I inquired through tears when he arrived that day. He didn't say anything, but he came over and sat next to me the entire night. Since that day, he has frequently returned to me when I call out, “Come, Holy Spirit.”

You must understand, too, that I spent decades honing both my spiritual eye and my faith in God. For Christians, faith is more than just a set of beliefs. It's also a decision to accept the kind of faith that God wants us to have, one that is free of religious restrictions and taboo subjects. Because God is miraculous, he will seek to manifest himself outside of our theological framework. You will limit the Holy Spirit's activity if you desire your faith to be devoid of certain Holy Spirit gifts that make you uncomfortable (such as speaking in tongues, prophesy, immediate healing, and so on), since unbelief ruins the delicate doorway into spiritual sight.

Natural and spiritual eyes are the two types of eyes that humans have. Our spiritual eyes are commonly referred to as “my mind's eye” or “eyes of my heart.” Spiritual sight is similar to peripheral vision in that it is a form of visual twilight. It's not our imagination, wishful thinking, or psychic imagery that's causing the problem. Moses' burning bush exemplifies seeing with spiritual eyes: “The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed” (Exodus 3:2). With his normal eyes, Moses noticed a burning plant. His spiritual sight, on the other hand, peered deeper and saw that the bush was not burning at all. Spiritual sight is the ability to see but not see; or to perceive two things at once, both equally real but in distinct realms; both here and there (in a spiritual dimension.) It's as clear as mud, I know.

I wish you well in your search for the Holy Spirit. You'll find him and realize what's going on.