How To Access Spiritual Power

Are you ready to tap into your inner strength? Raise your spirits and give back to the world. Simply follow the five steps outlined in my book Miracles Now.

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Step 1: Be more real

Your actual truth is the source of your true power. This exercise helps you become more aware of how it feels to be in alignment with your truth versus how it feels to be out of alignment.

Take a pen and paper and write out the distinctions between how it feels to be in your truth and how it feels to be in your ego. What are some ways you can behave, talk, think, and even breathe differently?

Pay special attention to how you feel differently. Then, whenever you sense yourself drifting away from your truth, repeat the affirmation: Nothing is more powerful than my real truth.

Step 2: Judge no more

Healing the habit of judgment is the second stage towards discovering your secret power.

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Your strength is weakened by judgment. This was recently confirmed for me when I caught myself casually trash-talking. I wasn't saying anything particularly nasty or incorrect, but it was still trash-talking. After that, I felt terrible. My energy levels were low, and I was frail.

I determined to change my ways after seeing how my words had diminished my authority. At that point, I began to keep track of how many days I had gone without judgment. It's been seven days, and I'm feeling more energized, connected to people, and strong than ever!

The reason for this is simple: Judgment separates people. “The ego cannot survive without judgment,” states A Course in Miracles. The ego wants to separate and divide. Spirit strives to bring people together and cure them.” Despite the fact that judgment is our default setting, oneness is our truth. Unity is restored the instant we let go of our judgment.

Step 3: Remember your presence is your power

As I prepare for my upcoming book launch, I'm currently in the middle of a 40-day ego eradicator exercise. This meditation is assisting me in breaking through any blocks in my energy and reconnecting with my actual source.

This meditation is something I do right before I go on stage to give a talk, or before a crucial phone conversation, or whenever I want to bring my highest presence to the table.

Step 4: Access your power in the service of others

“I'll tell you how to find your strength: Use your power for someone who has none,” Marianne Williamson said recently in a presentation.

She got it right! There's no better way to uncover your latent power than to serve someone who doesn't have any. Find a means to serve right now if you're feeling powerless. Volunteer at a homeless shelter or tutor a youngster – anything that will help you uncover your power and put it to good use.

This bold move will immediately remind you of your immense power and reinforce the crucial understanding that your strength is better used to help others and serve the greater good.

Step 5: Shine!

The majority of us have been taught to reduce our power output. Playing small is no longer an option. More miracle-minded people awakening to their inherent power and purpose are desperately needed in the world. It is your obligation to shine brightly. When you shine, you illuminate the entire world.

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Make it a habit to turn on your inner light on a daily basis. Be more real, stop judging, meditate, and serve others by using these skills throughout the day. Your life will begin to flow as you live in your power on a moment-by-moment basis. You'll have a stronger sense of connection to your mission. You'll be able to live in the light.

How do you develop spiritual power?

Seven Ways to Boost Your Spiritual Well-Being

  • Examine your spiritual foundation. You are merely asking yourself questions about who you are and what you mean when you explore your spiritual essence.

Daily, morning meditation

Start your day off well by meditating. Meditation can help you calm down your thoughts over time if you practice it. And as your racing thoughts calm down, your intuition becomes more evident.

Take altruistic action within the community

Kindness and compassion are two ways to increase spiritual energy. And there's no better way to do it than by assisting people in your neighborhood. Building a community might also aid in the search for your tribe. It's not easy to cultivate your spiritual side on your own! Making genuine connections with others is beneficial to your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Get a daily dose of nature

Spending time in outdoors promotes holistic balance and personal development. Being in nature can help you relax, feel more energized, and connect with a power greater than yourself. Nature is awe-inspiring in its vastness, strength, and beauty. You, on the other hand, are not separate from it. You are a part of nature, just as nature is a part of you, as the world's rivers and air flow through your body. So, take a time to see how connected you are.

Surround yourself in music

Because music impacts your ideas, emotions, subconscious, and physical well-being, it may speak to you and heal you in ways that no one else can. Music can assist you in connecting with your spirituality by allowing you to connect with your essence and reach the deepest part of your soul. Listening to music that moves you, taking a sound bath, or chanting can all help you connect with your spirituality.

Listen to your gut

What is your heart's true message? What are your true feelings? And what truly resonates with you may go against your spiritual “rules.” Don't be scared to pay attention to that inner voice and even start acting in ways that support it. Allow yourself the opportunity to try new things and find your own path.

Support your mind and body

Your mind, body, and soul are all intertwined. Taking care of your spiritual side also entails taking care of your mind and body. Drumming, dancing, singing, or athletics are all ways to express oneself with your body. Follow your curiosity to feed your mind; reading, writing, and creating are all excellent ways to allow your mind to freely express itself.

Appreciate what you have

Having thankfulness and appreciation for what you have, the people in your life, and the achievements you have made. Appreciation is not simply a trait that is internal, such as being pleased with what you have rather than continually looking for the next big thing, but it is also a quality that is external. A simple grin or hello to your neighbors expresses gratitude and concern for others. Small actions add up when multiplied by a large number of people!

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Accept others

Each of us is a one-of-a-kind individual. And we're all on our own trip. It's nearly difficult to determine what influences the priorities, behaviors, and words of others. You may either evaluate someone based on your own ideals and preconceptions, or you can allow them to be themselves. This does not imply that you agree with everything someone says or that you avoid being a guiding voice when necessary. It's about not being abrasive, harsh, or judgmental.

What are the 3 elements of spirituality?

In their eternal wisdom, all shamans, healers, sages, and wisdom keepers of all centuries, continents, and peoples claim that human spirituality is made up of three aspects: connections, values, and life purpose. These three components are so strongly linked that it may be difficult to tell them apart. Take a minute to ponder on each facet of human spirituality to determine the state of your spiritual well-being if this is possible. This will be a three-part monthly series, starting with relationships.

Internal (your domestic policy)—how you deal with yourself, how you nurture the relationship with yourself and your higher self—and external (your foreign policy)—how you relate, support, and interact with those people (and all living entities) in your environment—are the two categories of relationships.

What criteria would you use to assess your internal relationship, and what steps could you take to improve it?

How would you assess your external relationships, shifting from the perspective of domestic policy to international policy?

How do you know if you are spiritually awakening?

As Kaiser argues, this is the start of your spiritual journey, as you begin to doubt everything you previously believed. You begin to purge certain aspects of your life (habits, relationships, and outdated belief systems) in order to make room for new, more meaningful experiences. You may sense that something is lacking, but you aren't sure what it is. It's common to feel disoriented, confused, and down during this time.

How do you awaken inner power?

Every ounce of squandered energy depletes your inner power. Why waste time and effort doing things inefficiently and redundantly? Control what you can so you may concentrate your energies and mental energy on the things you can't. Take a notepad with you. Divide your everyday duties into two categories: repetitive and thinking. Then, for the repetitious jobs, build processes and routines. You'll be ecstatic with the extra time and mental space you've gained.

How do I reconnect with my soul?

Do you realize you have remarkable abilities that come from your creative, intuitive, and spiritual nature? Your mind is as beautiful as a lush forest, rich with neuro-networks that connect beneath the surface, much like the roots of trees. When storm clouds form ahead of rain, scientists have seen increased chemical exchanges between these tree roots.

Our unconscious minds do the same thing, especially during times of stress, when the ego is imbued with dread, storylines and scripts from the past, which arise without warning, obscure our minds. Other woodland routes lead to charred and dead trees, while others go to tranquil meadows and stunning waterfalls. We can't see what's beneath the surface of our thinking, just as we can't see what's beneath the surface of trees and plants reaching for the sun.

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This is a method for returning to one's roots and reconnecting with one's soul. To engage in this form of mindfulness, all you have to do is agree that you are not your thoughts.

Living Artfully in Five Steps

Begin by becoming a loving observer of oneself. Recognize that sensations and thoughts are neither “true” nor “false.” Allow the need to be right to fade away, and instead focus on the underlying emotions, such as fear or grief. Accept that you will be thinking and feeling a lot of different things at the same time.

Interference and commentary about your thoughts, pulling up old scars and scripts from the past, deceives you into merging with your ideas, leaving you befuddled. In other words, your thoughts had been “conned” into becoming “fused”! To avoid being “conned,” it's a good idea to “diss” (dis-identify) your thoughts.

When you've discovered your inner voice, how will you know? You'll figure it out. When you connect with your higher wisdom, it feels extremely different inside of you. And don't be surprised if you have spontaneous feelings of forgiveness or compassion when your soul offers you the direction you need.

Originally published on Holstee's Mindful Matter, the ideal place to learn about how to live life completely.

How do I start my spiritual awakening journey?

The spiritual journey—and the resulting “spiritual awakening” we seek—always appears to take place in some exotic location or following a spectacular incident.

Perhaps you believe you need to travel to Peru to drink ayahuasca or leave your spouse to get the spiritual awakening you seek?

From the comfort of your own home, you may connect with your spirituality and awaken to the lessons that are meant for you over and over again throughout your life.

How do you practice spirituality?

I'm a mother and a wife. I'm a carpool driver. I cook, and there's a 50/50 chance that my family will eat what I create. I set a goal of exercising six days a week, but I've only been able to do it three times recently. I'm also starting a meditation teaching business. I enjoy socializing with my friends, but I don't get to do it as much as I used to. But, no matter what, I still manage to make time to be spiritual every day.

This isn't to suggest that I'm more spiritual or unique than you. I just incorporate my faith into everything I do, giving even the most boring chores significance and assisting me in my personal development. I'm always learning new things, working on forgiving myself and others, and trying to be more attentive.

Certain days are unquestionably better than others. Even my worst days might feel like a wonderful gift when I have a firmly entrenched spiritual perspective.

Here are six techniques that you can adopt into your daily life to help you live a more spiritual existence:

1. Mindfulness

Even if it's only for a minute, try to start each day with meditation. You'll be able to start your day feeling more centered and grounded as a result of this. Meditation has helped me feel less stressed, have more patience, get better sleep, have a stronger connection to my inner guidance system, and have improved compassion for myself and others.

I started my practice two years ago with eight minutes per day and gradually increased it by a minute or two every few weeks. I now meditate for 20-30 minutes every morning, but consistency is more important than time. It is preferable to meditate for five minutes every day rather than twice a week for 20 minutes. However, it is preferable to meditate twice a week than not at all.

2. Spiritual Consultation

Reading spiritual books has become an important part of my daily meditation routine. Reading novels like Robert Holden's Holy Shift! and Marianne Williamson's A Year of Miracles inspires me every day. These books are constructed with the intention of allowing the reader to read one page per day in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed by commitment. It's incredible how motivated you may feel after reading just one page of truly profound literature.

3. Develop a sense of gratitude

Increasing your thankfulness is a major changer in your life. I am convinced that the more thankfulness you express, the more things you will have to be grateful for from the Universe.