Which Way Do The Chakras Spin?

When it comes to our natural energy system, the spinning vortexes of our bodies are known as chakras, which is a word from the Sanskrit language that means “wheel.” Humans are born with seven chakras, which are invisible to the naked eye and depicted as cones pointing toward the body. An ever-expanding spiral is the path energy takes as it leaves a chakra.

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Many major and minor chakras are well-known to humans, but the seven most commonly discussed chakras are the most widely accepted. During our ascent into the center chamber or spine where the chakras are “placed,” we experience a wide range of chakra energies. The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, while the Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and is the most subtle and refined energy. Chakras that are rotating clockwise and at a medium speed are considered to be in balance, and this is the ideal state for them.

The individual's mental, spiritual, and physical energies should neither be overly stimulated, nor should they be under- or over-exercised. However, this isn't achievable for all chakras at all times. Chakra imbalances are common, but they're not always obvious. That's especially true when the person is experiencing unpleasant emotions such as worry or angry tantrums.

Otherwise, most chakras are in harmony when the body and mind are operating in a highly mindful manner. As a result, we must understand the significance of maintaining a calm exterior as a result of maintaining a self-aware inner self.

As the chakras travel in a clockwise direction, they disperse energy from our bodies into the surrounding area, while the chakras in a counterclockwise direction draw energy from our surroundings. The direction of our energy flow is determined by the frequency of our chakric vibrations, which either pull energy into or release it from our body. On a daily level, our lives are affected by the state of the Chakric System.

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The chakras must be kept as healthy as possible, which means that they must be in a state of equilibrium. Due to the nature of this being a vortex, it is sensitive to pulling in more negativity than is healthy and then exhibiting disease when it is not spinning at its finest. This suggests that they are either traveling too slowly, too quickly, or turning counterclockwise more frequently than clockwise. The ‘correct' chakra balance is established when a minor change occurs that doesn't disrupt the individual and returns to its location after a brief time. A person can only do this if they are constantly aware of the effects their chakras have on them, as well as the other way around. The challenge is to be aware and take immediate action to fix whatever damage, if any, that may have occurred.

As a Chakra Healer and Balancer for the past sixteen years, I've seen that every experience, no matter how good or bad, has an effect. The Root Chakra will bear the brunt of an individual's long-term hardships in the workplace, financial hardships from childhood, or unstable relationships with little security for the heart or mind. This initial chakra in the system will eventually become slow and block. Because there is no end in sight, causing further havoc in the person's life. These obstructions, if left untreated, can lead to disorders of the knees and legs, the pancreas, and the excretory system. Pain and degradation of the skeletal system, particularly in the lower back, will become a persistent ailment for those with osteoporosis. In order to manifest as disease and discomfort in the physical body, difficulties impacting this chakra have traveled through all of the auric bodies until they obstructed the corresponding chakra (root). Sadly, there are situations when it is already too late. Because our mental, emotional, and spiritual states are all intertwined, this cycle keeps repeating itself throughout all of our chakras.

We can all benefit greatly from gaining a better understanding of how our chakras work. To improve the health of our chakras, we need to be aware of the impact that our thoughts and conditioning have on both our external health and the health of our interior chakras. Due to the fact that energy never stands still and is always in motion, every experience has an impact on all seven chakras. If the primary one is damaged, the energy it contains will be dissipated across the network. There will be damage to various chakras regardless of whether we're aware of this or not, hence the block will occur regardless of whether we're aware of it or not.

It is up to you to get the chakras healed and the chakric state repaired as soon as possible.

If you are always ill or have chronic problems, you may benefit from a chakra cleansing and balancing session if you frequently feel “off” and “off-centered.” A person's physical, mental, and emotional well-being improves when chakras are balanced and repaired after being damaged by a series of traumatic events throughout their lives. In the event that you are receiving medical and clinical treatment for a chakric imbalance-caused sickness, that treatment should not be discontinued. It's a legal requirement that needs to be complied with. When used in conjunction with conventional treatments, complementary and alternative therapies are a boon.

The Chakric Cleansing therapies at Naad Wellness are available on a regular basis.

It is possible to heal and rebalance chakras through hands-on healing using Crystal energy, which I provide in my specialized sessions here. Sessions of Sound Therapy and Spiritual Counseling also help to change energy. The Chakric Healing takes a few sessions to take effect, but once it has, the recipient feels more in control and is able to make better life choices. Eventually, the person will be able to recognize the old patterns and choose not to repeat them, thus breaking the cycle. This results in a more positive outlook on life and the world around you.

Increasing the amount of light in your soul's progress by turning the chakra wheels in the direction of good health.

The author's bio is as follows: To get in touch with profound metaphysical truths, Tashi let leave of her physical body about fifteen years ago. Having a spiritual connection made her see life as a boat, one that can't be propelled if the soul doesn't know its destination. Tashi currently offers guided spirituality as a service to assist others in discovering their life's purpose. Ashtar Tashi is a gifted psychic and spiritual healer who uses Goddess Oracle Cards, Angel Messages, Channeled Affirmations, High Level Energy Healing, Chakra Work, Meditation, Crystal Therapy, Karmic Reading, and Soul Mediumship to help her clients on their journey to spiritual enlightenment. Read more about her Naad Wellness sessions here.

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What does chakra energy feel like?

Don't worry about spending a lot of time or money on chakra-related activities. Meditation is the best way to access chakra energy.

Every day or once a week, you can experience your chakras in a 15-minute chakra meditation. It's as simple as finding a comfortable position in a peaceful location.

In order to get the most out of your meditation, you need to get into the mindset of happiness and focus on deep steady breaths.

Start with the first chakra and work your way up (the root chakra). Consider the color it represents and the energy that flows through it.

It's important to remember that each chakra is activated by taking a breath in and a breath out as you progress through the chakras.

A tingling sensation can be felt all over your body once the chakras have been opened and are functioning properly. It is at this state that all tension is released. A person who is relaxed may feel more relaxed. In the event that you were feeling agitated, you might feel at ease.

Which chakra is related to anxiety?

Disruption or depletion in the body's energy supply can lead to a variety of physical and mental ailments. Stress, issues in life, losses, or traumatic events can cause energy blockages, which can lead to psychological symptoms like anxiety and concern. Anxiety levels can be reduced by balancing your chakras, which helps restore the flow of energy in your body.

A Brief History on Chakras

chakras, which are derived from Sanskrit, are the body's energy centers. “Prana” (life force) flows smoothly through the chakras, which are the locations where major nerves connect. According to Hindu and Buddhist traditions, a blockage in the flow of energy can have detrimental effects on a person's health.

Prana (Indian) and chi (Chinese) both date back to 5,000 B.C. and 3,000 B.C., respectively, when the idea of a universal life energy coursing through our bodies first arose. Many terms are used to describe the quantifiable energy field that surrounds each individual's body. A number of researchers have established that the body's physical functioning is directly linked to its bioenergy field, which is monitored by equipment like the Electrocardiograph (EKG).

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Chakras are energy centers in the body that are linked to specific nerve points called plexuses. The neurological system and endocrine glands are thought to be affected by these seven sites. There are seven colors in the rainbow that correspond to each of the seven chakras. Electromagnetic waves can alter our bioenergy or auric field through color light.

Root Chakra

A person's root chakra is their first chakra. The color red is associated with this chakra, which is located in the tailbone. Linked to the adrenal medulla, which controls the body's fight or flight response (which is what you might feel at the onset of a panic attack). Security, survival and instinct are all controlled by the Root chakra. An imbalance in this chakra can leave us feeling exhausted, despairing, unsettled, and alone. Red may enliven your surroundings and your physical being, which will help to keep this chakra in harmony. Wear a garnet stone or eat some red berries, or decorate your workspace or home with red flowers.

Sacral Chakra

Orange is the color linked with the Sacral chakra, which is located in the pelvis. The adrenal glands and the genitourinary system are linked to it. Emotional and sexual demands, as well as creativity and self-confidence, are controlled by this chakra. When this chakra is out of balance, we may feel emotionally imbalanced, lonely, and may suffer with addictions and dependencies. This chakra Wearing a carnelian stone or incorporating more orange food and apparel into your diet might help you regulate this chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra in the body. Located between the ribs and the diaphragm, this chakra is related with the color yellow. The digestive system and the adrenal glands are both linked to it. This chakra governs our sensations of strength, fear, and intuition. Fears, eating disorders, worry, and a lack of control are all symptoms of an imbalance in this chakra. Adding yellow flowers, wearing a yellow citrine crystal, or adding lemon to your water can help you balance this chakra.

Heart Chakra

The color green represents the Heart Chakra, which is positioned in the center of your chest, close to your heart. The heart, thymus, and endocrine system are all intertwined. In terms of compassion, this chakra is linked to feelings of self-love, as well as feelings of connection and safety. In a state of imbalance this chakra, we feel isolated, forlorn, and rejected. This chakra can be balanced by adding greenery to your environment, wearing a green jade, and eating more leafy greens.

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra, located in the throat region and linked to the color blue, is the chakra's sixth element. It is linked to the thyroid gland, which affects our sense of security, leadership, expression, and fluid communication.. We feel apprehensive, paralyzed, and uneasy when this chakra is out of harmony. Connecting with the ocean is a great way to re-energise this chakra. Eat blueberries or wear a lapis lazuli stone as an experiment.

Third-Eye Chakra

It is the Third-Eye chakra, which is placed between your eyebrows and is related with the color indigo. Internal guidance, including intuition, as well as the thoughts and dreams we have are all controlled by the pineal gland. Having a problem sleeping, feeling imbalanced, and being unable to access our intuition are all signs that this chakra is out of balance. Using lavender essential scents, azurite stones, or the blue night sky can help to balance this chakra.

Crown Chakra

The Crown chakra is placed at the top of your head and is related with the color violet. The pituitary and the central nervous system are intertwined through this structure's placement. It is linked to our spirituality, inner wisdom, and creative imagination. We feel melancholy, despondent, bewildered, and alienated when this chakra is out of balance. Wear amethyst, eat figs, and decorate your home with violets in order to harmonize this chakra.

Identify Imbalances to Correct Your Energy Flow

Brightening your home and eating a healthier diet are easy ways to reduce anxiety. Start with a single chakra and work your way up to the others one at a time Your energy flow system will be given the attention it deserves if you use this method. You can utilize the techniques in this article to re-establish a healthy energy flow and relieve anxiety once you've identified your symptoms and their connection to your chakras.

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What religion believes in chakras?

Some Hindu and Tantric traditions use chakras as esoteric physiological techniques, in which the body's psychic-energy centers are harnessed and channeled.

Are chakras vertical or horizontal?

Chakras are energy centers that run vertically up through the crown of the head, as we've already seen. However, how are they rotating or moving? ” Your Shushumna Nadi, or Shushumna Chakra, is housed in the vertical column of your spine.

How do I know if my chakra is open?

The Root Chakra, also known as the base chakra, is related with the colors black and red, and its major role is to keep you balanced, grounded, and connected to the earth. The Root Chakra To have a better understanding of your root chakra, keep reading!

Root chakra blockage manifests as a persistent state of survival mode and an overwhelming sensation of impending doom, even if there is no immediate danger. Root chakra underactivity might promote daydreaming, which isn't the most productive thing to do if you have many obligations to do.

As a sign of an open root chakra, a person feels naturally satisfied with their own accomplishments, such as accumulating wealth and providing security to individuals in their immediate vicinity. It's easy for you to use your energy to solve difficulties since you have a strong connection to the universe.

Is it bad to open chakras?

Although it is possible to achieve enlightenment via spiritual practice, the chakras are largely inactive in everyday life, according to the yoga philosophy. This is not a disease, but rather a lack of knowledge. Being ignorant of one's true Self is a state of mind in which one focuses on the exterior world rather than on one's own true nature, which is thoughtless awareness. While one's chakras may be closed, one might still be healthy, emotionally balanced and creative in many ways. Rather than enhancing one's abilities in the everyday spheres of human existence, chakra opening aims at facilitating one's journey towards the eternal essence that lies beyond our fleeting existence.

As far as traditional yoga is concerned, the chakras only play a minor role in the functioning of the body.

The spine has come to be known as the sushumna nadi, or core channel, in the modern understanding of chakras as power centers within the physical body. Digestion, respiration, and reproduction are only a few of the bodily functions governed by the chakras, which are linked to distinct spinal centers. Traditional yoga, on the other hand, regards the chakras as having mainly a secondary impact on physical activities.

Chakras are often confused with their physical counterparts because of a lack of awareness of the subtle body's nature and function. Because it is the subtle counterpart to the physical body, the subtle body looks like the physical body. Although it's composed of a finer matter than can be seen with the naked eye, the physical senses are unable to perceive it. To access it, we must enter a different realm of consciousness, which is generally only possible in a dream or after death. In order for the physical body to move, the life force must pass through the subtle body. In spite of the veil of physical conditions, the subtle body is always active within the physical body and is the source of its energy.

The subtle body does not normally function with the chakras. Only in states of spiritual awakening or heightened awareness do they play a substantial role. Awakening or merging with consciousness is symbolized by these symbols. However, it is important to remember that the physical body and the subtle body are not the same thing, and that the spiritually expanded astral or subtle body is a completely different entity.


There must be a greater source of energy for the chakras to function than the physical body can offer. Kundalini, or snake power, rests latent in the subtle body and serves this purpose. No matter how much one tries, it's impossible to control the flow of Kundalini with one's own willpower. Consciousness or attention, in the form of concentrated energy, is what is meant by the term kundalini. Thoughtlessness is not a separate energy, but rather the energy that manifests with consciousness when it is no longer occupied by thoughts In order to activate the kundalini, one must have complete concentration, as only then is one able to move beyond the limitations of cognition.

The sushumna or central channel must be filled with prana or life force before the kundalini may be awakened. When the prana is disengaged from its fixation on the external world, this results in a state of equanimity. As long as we identify our life force with our physical body and its functions, it cannot be drained into the central channel. It's for this reason that we must enter samadhi in order to awaken kundalini and open the chakras, because ordinary consciousness is suspended. It begins with a trance-like state in which we lose awareness of our actual body. At this point, the physical body no longer serves as a true representation of one's identity.

Chakras can be named after the elements they govern, which is a more accurate but still straightforward way to do so.

What chakra is blocked by anger?

Heart, thymus gland (a gland that plays an important function in your endocrine and lymphatic systems), lung, breasts, thymus gland.

Defintion of the term: Fourth (or Anahata) chakra is where the physical and spiritual merge, according to Chopra Center's definition of this chakra Moreover, as its name suggests, it's all about the feelings. According to Olivia, spiritual enlightenment, forgiveness, and service are all part of it. Because love and compassion are flowing freely, it's thought that your heart chakra is properly aligned and balanced. Olivia believes that Olivia's pleasant energies are “practically contagious.”

There are times when it's impossible to use A closed heart chakra can lead to feelings of grief, rage, jealously, fear of betrayal, and hatred toward yourself and others if it is blocked. Over the years, Kavanagh has found that people who aren't active can be emotionally walled off, making it harder for them to forgive and go on. In turn, this could make it more difficult to give and receive love, which could negatively impact our romantic relationships.

We can become overly affectionate if we're too active. That may not sound like a big deal, but Kavanagh points out that it's often a cover for co-dependency. In her words: “This will have an impact on our relationships because we are extremely reliant on each other and have no limits.”

Which chakra is for beauty?

Both meditation and jogging or cardio-style workouts are meant for the crown chakra, which deals with concerns of inner and exterior beauty, bliss and spirituality.

What does the Bible say about energy?

As a result, your inquiry is among the most significant. In the event that we inquire, “The answer to the question, “What is God like?” will have a profound effect on our thoughts and actions, as well as the choices we make in life. Basically, here is what you need to know: No. Christianity is incompatible with the concept of God as energy. While some people believe that God is a force of nature, the Bible tells us that God is much more than that. For those who don't get it, I'll try to explain

It's true that some non-Christians believe in the existence of God “They believe in God's “life force,” or at the very least, they see God that way. In light of this, we might consider the ideologies of pantheism and panentheism, both of which could accept God as energy. There is at least one popular science fiction series that asserts that all living things have a powerful energy force that exists in them; and perhaps this idea was inspired by real-life ideas about God.

However, if we want to know if this thought is compatible with Christianity, we may simply refer to the Bible's descriptions of God. Christians believe that God is all-powerful and that he is present in every place at all times. God is not energy if we look at the biblical accounts of who God is; however, those two ideas alone can match with the idea.

It's important to note, first, in the Bible that God is separate from the rest of the cosmos. Everything in the universe was created by God in Genesis 1:1, the Bible's opening verse. Because of this, God cannot be the same as the universe as a whole, or any part of it. The existence of energy in the created universe means that there can be no God who is energy.

As a second point, the Bible teaches us that God is a living, breathing person. Even if God is not the source of all energy in the cosmos, some may argue that he is still an energy source in some form or another. We know this isn't true because the Bible tells us that God has goals and works toward those purposes (Genesis 12:7); God speaks (Exodus 19:8); God enters into covenant relationships with individuals and groups of people (Genesis 6:18); and God loves people (Romans 5:8). None of these things can be done with energy.

Finally, the Bible makes it clear that Jesus Christ is God's greatest revelation. Throughout John's gospel, it is made clear that Jesus is God, who took on human form and lived among us to teach us about God. The fullness of the Godhead is found in Christ, according to Colossians 2:9. It becomes evident that God cannot be energy when we consider Jesus Christ as the most complete and accurate depiction of God's essence. It's not that he doesn't exist; it's that he does exist and that he loves you and me and wants to have a relationship with us.